Violet (color)

Violet (color)
Color icon violet v2.svg
 — Spectral coordinates —
Wavelength 380450 nm
Frequency 800715 THz
About these coordinates

Color coordinates

Source [Unsourced]

As the name of a color, violet (named after the flower violet) is synonymous with a bluish purple, when the word "purple" is used in the common English language sense of any color between blue and red, not including either blue or red. Since Isaac Newton listed violet as his name for the color of the short-wavelength end of the visible spectrum (approximately 380450 nm),[1] when both of the names purple and violet are used within the same system, violet represents colors nearer to blue, while purple is used for colors more nearly between violet and red on what is called in color theory the line of purples. Objects reflecting only light wavelengths in the aforementionedviolet rangewould appear very dark, because human vision is relatively insensitive to those wavelengths, but the color of a monochromatic light source emitting only those wavelengths can be roughly approximated by the color shown below as electric violet. A pale tint of violet is lavender.

The first recorded use of violet as a color name in English was in 1370.[2]


Computer web color violets

Violet (web color)
About these coordinates

Color coordinates

Hex triplet #EE82EE
RGBB (r, g, b) (238, 130, 238)
HSV (h, s, v) (300°, 45%, 93[3]%)
Source X11[4]
X11 color names[5]
B: Normalized to [0255] (byte)

Web color "violet"

The so-called web color "violet" is in actuality not really a tint of violet, a spectral color,[citation needed] but is a non-spectral color. The web color violet is actually a rather pale tint of magenta because it has equal amounts of red and blue (the definition of magenta for computer display), and some of the green primary mixed in, unlike most other variants of violet that are closer to blue. This same color appears as "violet" in the X11 color names.[citation needed]

Dark Violet
About these coordinates

Color coordinates

Hex triplet #9400D3
RGBB (r, g, b) (148, 0, 211)
HSV (h, s, v) (282°, 100%, 83[6]%)
Source X11
B: Normalized to [0255] (byte)

Pigment violet (web color dark violet)

The color box at right displays the web color dark violet which is equivalent to pigment violet, i.e., the color violet as it would typically be reproduced by artist's paints, colored pencils, or crayons as opposed to the brighter "electric" violet above that it is possible to reproduce on a computer screen.[citation needed]

Compare the subtractive colors to the additive colors in the two primary color charts in the article on primary colors to see the distinction between electric colors as reproducible from light on a computer screen (additive colors) and the pigment colors reproducible with pigments (subtractive colors); the additive colors are a lot brighter because they are produced from light instead of pigment.[citation needed]

Pigment violet (web color dark violet) represents the way the color violet was always reproduced in pigments, paints, or colored pencils in the 1950s. By the 1970s, because of the advent of psychedelic art, artists became used to brighter pigments, and pigments called "Violet" that are the pigment equivalent of the electric violet reproduced in the section above became available in artists pigments and colored pencils.[citation needed] (When approximating electric violet in artists pigments, a bit of white pigment is added to pigment violet.[citation needed])

Violet in human culture

The Violet flower


Comic Books

  • In Green Lantern (comic book), the seven colors of the rainbow each represent their own emotion. Violet light represents love, and the lantern corp that draws power from it are the Star Sapphire. However, the light they use is closer to the web color violet rather than true violet.


  • In the United Kingdom it is traditional to package chocolate in violet colored packaging because of the association of the color royal purple with luxury.[8]

New Age

  • The "New Age Prophetess", Alice Bailey, in her system called the Seven Rays which classifies humans into seven different metaphysical psychological types, the "seventh ray" of "Ceremonial Order" is represented by the color violet. People who have this metaphysical psychological type are said to be "on the Violet Ray".[9]




See also

Various tones of violet pigment


  1. ^ J. W. G. Hunt (1980). Measuring Color. Ellis Horwood Ltd. ISBN 0-7458-0125-0. 
  2. ^ Maerz and Paul A Dictionary of Color New York: 1930 McGraw-Hill Page 207
  3. ^ Color Conversion Tool set to hex code #EE82EE (Web color "violet"):
  4. ^ W3C TR CSS3 Color Module, SVG color keywords. W3C. (May 2003). Retrieved on 30 January 2008.
  5. ^ "X11 rgb.txt".*checkout*/xc/programs/rgb/rgb.txt?rev=1.1. 
  6. ^ Color Conversion Tool set to color #9400D3 (Dark Violet):
  7. ^ Varichon, Anne Colors:What They Mean and How to Make Them New York:2006 Abrams Page 138
  8. ^ Varley, Helen, editor Color London:1980Marshall Editions, Ltd. ISBN 0-89535-037-8 Page 222
  9. ^ Bailey, Alice A. (1995). The Seven Rays of Life. New York: Lucis Publishing Company. ISBN 0853301425. 
  10. ^ Bonewits, P.E.I. Real Magic New York:1971 Berkley Medallion Page 141
  11. ^ Oslie, Pamalie Life Colors: What the Colors in Your Aura Reveal Novato, California:2000New World Library Violet Auras: Pages 130-144
  12. ^ Stevens, Samantha. The Seven Rays: a Universal Guide to the Archangels. City: Insomniac Press, 2004. ISBN 1-894663-49-7 pg. 24
  13. ^ Stained glass window in the Cathedral of the Angels in Los Angeles, California depicting God the Father wearing a violet robe:
  14. ^ a b "St. Germain" (dictated through Elizabeth Clare Prophet) Studies in Alchemy: the Science of Self-Transformation 1974:Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA Summit Lighthouse Pages 80-90 [Occult] Biographical sketch of St. Germain
  15. ^ Flag of 2nd Spanish Republic:

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