- Indonesia Raya
This article is about the national anthem. For other uses, see Indonesia Raya (disambiguation).
Indonesia Raya English: Great Indonesia
One of the two original publications of what is now known as "Indonesia Raya" in the 10 November 1928 edition of the Sin Po Chinese weekly.
National anthem of
Also known as Indonesia Raja → (old spelling)
English: Great IndonesiaLyrics Wage Rudolf Supratman, 1924 Music Wage Rudolf Supratman, 1924 Adopted 17 August 1945 Music sample '"Indonesia Raya"'
(Symphonic rendition by Jozef Cleber)"Indonesia Raya" is the national anthem of the Republic of Indonesia. The song was introduced by its composer, Wage Rudolf Supratman, on 28 October 1928 during the Second Indonesian Youth Congress in Batavia. The song marked the birth of the all-archipelago nationalist movement in Indonesia that supported the idea of one single "Indonesia" as successor to the Dutch East Indies, rather than split into several colonies.
The first stanza of "Indonesia Raya" was chosen as the national anthem when Indonesia proclaimed its independence at 17 August 1945.
"Indonesia Raya" is played in flag raising ceremonies. The flag is raised in a solemn and timed motion so that it reaches the top of the flagpole as the anthem ends. The main flag raising ceremony is held annually on 17 August to commemorate Independence day. The ceremony is led by the President of Indonesia.
Indonesian Youth Congress
Main article: Indonesian Youth CongressIn 1928, youths from across Indonesia held the first Indonesian Youth Congress, an official meeting to push for the independence of the nation. Upon hearing about the efforts, young reporter Wage Rudolf Supratman contacted the organizers of Congress with the intention of reporting the story, but they requested that he not publish the story from fear of Dutch colonial authorities. The organizers wanted to avoid suspicion so that the Dutch would not ban the event. Supratman promised them this, and the organizers allowed him free access to the event. Supratman, who was also a musician and also a teacher, was inspired by the meetings and intended to write a song for the conference. After receiving encouragement from the conference leader Sugondo Djojopuspito, Supratman played on the violin the song Indonesia with the hope that it would someday become a national anthem. He kept the script to himself because he felt that it was not the appropriate time to announce it.[1]
Supratman first performed Indonesia on the violin on 28 October 1928 during the Second Indonesian Youth Congress.[2]
Following the Second Youth Congress, the text of Indonesia was distributed by many political and student organizations. The press also played a key role in the publication of the song. On 7 November 1928, the Soeloeh Ra'jat Indonesia daily published the text to the song. This was followed by the Sin Po Chinese weekly on 10 November.[3] In 1929, Wage Rudolf Supratman changed the title of his song to "Indonesia Raya" and appended the phrase National Anthem of Indonesia below it, but the text of the song did not change. Supratman personally printed and distributed copies of the song with its new title through pamphlets. All one thousand copies of the manuscript were sold within a short amount of time to his friends and family.[4]
A businessman friend of his, Yo Kim Tjan, also expressed interest in recording "Indonesia Raya". With Supratman's consent, Yo created a copy of the song on a gramophone record overseas in order to obtain the best sound quality with the intention of bringing the copy back to Indonesia. However, before Yo was able to do so, Dutch colonial authorities had imposed a ban on the song. Yo was unable to bring the original back but was able to bring home a copy. According to Yo, Supratman had also given him the rights to sell record copies of "Indonesia Raya" through his store Toko Populair.[5]
Orchestral rendition
Jozef Cleber a Dutch musician that arrived with a patron of 46 persons of Philharmonic Orchestra under direction of Yvon Baarspul was sent by the Netherlands Government to help the Indonesian Government for music development in Jakarta. "Jos" Cleber (34 years old), in his hometown was an experienced arranger for popular songs, and also successfully for Indonesian pop song arrangements, like Di Bawah Sinar Bulan Purnama and Rangkaian Melati, was asked to make a new arrangement the "Indonesia Raya" anthem by President Soekarno in 1950. Until then, there was no orchestral rendition of the anthem. President Soekarno made an appeal to Cleber to compose a symphonic rendition of "Indonesia Raya". The final rendition is in common use today.
The arrangements starts with a Tutti of strings and trumpets (in Verse A) that represents a brave and an elegant sound, and in the middle of the song (in Verse B) is played smoothly by strings, and finally (in Verse C) comes another Tutti of strings and trumpets with beautiful contrapuntal background of cornos, and together with timpanis and cymbals make it a brave sound for a national anthem that respected by the people.
The original recording was recorded by the Cosmopolitan Orchestra under the direction of Jos Cleber, and it was recorded on Phillips tape in 1951 by the Radio of Jakarta. Then it was digital re-recorded in 1997 in Australia based on Jos Cleber partiturs that stored in Jakarta, and it was played again by the Victorian Philharmonic under direction of Addie MS.
In 1951, ownership of the copyright to "Indonesia Raya" came into question. President Sukarno ordered a search for the rightful heir to Supratman.[6] By law, Supratman was the copyright holder of "Indonesia Raya" as its composer. After Supratman's death in 1938, ownership of the rights to his works fell upon the designated heirs, his four surviving sisters. However, because "Indonesia Raya" was officially adopted as the national anthem of Indonesia on 17 August 1945, the work became the property of the state. In addition, the name of "Wage Rudolf Supratman" must be listed as its creator.[7]
As a national anthem, copies of "Indonesia Raya" cannot be circulated as merchandise to be sold. Consequently, the government had the obligation to obtain all the rights to distribute the song, including the original recording, from Yo Kim Tjan. In 1958, the government obtained the sole right to "Indonesia Raya" from Supratman's family.[8] The following year, Yo handed the original record of the song to the Indonesian government. With the recommendation of the Department of Education, the government also rewarded Supratman's sisters with 250,000 Indonesian rupiah each on 31 May 1960.[9]
Original lyrics (1928)
INDONESIA RAJA[10] Wage Rudolf Supratman I Indonesia, tanah airkoe,
Tanah toempah darahkoe,
Disanalah akoe berdiri,
Mendjaga Pandoe Iboekoe.- Indonesia kebangsaankoe,
- Kebangsaan tanah airkoe,
- Marilah kita berseroe:
- "Indonesia Bersatoe".
Hidoeplah tanahkoe,
Hidoeplah neg'rikoe,
Bangsakoe, djiwakoe, semoea,
Bangoenlah rajatnja,
Bangoenlah badannja,
Oentoek Indonesia Raja.- Refrain :
- Indones', Indones',
- Moelia, Moelia,
- Tanahkoe, neg'rikoe jang koetjinta.
- Indones', Indones',
- Moelia, Moelia,
- Hidoeplah Indonesia Raja.
II Indonesia, tanah jang moelia,
Tanah kita jang kaja,
Disanalah akoe hidoep,
Oentoek s'lama-lamanja.- Indonesia, tanah poesaka,
- Poesaka kita semoeanja,
- Marilah kita berseroe:
- "Indonesia Bersatoe".
Soeboerlah tanahnja,
Soeboerlah djiwanja,
Bangsanja, rajatnja, semoea,
Sedarlah hatinja,
Sedarlah boedinja,
Oentoek Indonesia Raja.- Refrain
III Indonesia, tanah jang soetji,
Bagi kita disini,
Disanalah kita berdiri,
Mendjaga Iboe sedjati.- Indonesia, tanah berseri,
- Tanah jang terkoetjintai,
- Marilah kita berdjandji:
- "Indonesia Bersatoe"
S'lamatlah rajatnja,
S'lamatlah poet'ranja,
Poelaoenja, laoetnja, semoea,
Madjoelah neg'rinja,
Madjoelah Pandoenja,
Oentoek Indonesia Raja.- Refrain
Revised lyrics (1958)
INDONESIA RAJA[11] (Republic Spelling) I Indonesia tanah airku,
Tanah tumpah darahku,
Disanalah aku berdiri,
Djadi pandu ibuku.- Indonesia kebangsaanku,
- Bangsa dan tanah airku,
- Marilah kita berseru,
- Indonesia bersatu.
Hiduplah tanahku,
Hiduplah neg'riku,
Bangsaku, Rajatku, sem'wanja,
Bangunlah djiwanja,
Bangunlah badannja,
Untuk Indonesia Raja.- Refrain :
- Indonesia Raja,
- Merdeka, merdeka,
- Tanahku, neg'riku jang kutjinta!
- Indonesia Raja,
- Merdeka, merdeka,
- Hiduplah Indonesia Raja.
II Indonesia, tanah jang mulia,
Tanah kita jang kaja,
Disanalah aku berdiri,
Untuk s'lama-lamanja.- Indonesia, tanah pusaka,
- P'saka kita semuanja,
- Marilah kita mendoa,
- Indonesia bahagia.
Suburlah tanahnja,
Suburlah djiwanja,
Bangsanja, Rajatnja, sem'wanja,
Sadarlah hatinja,
Sadarlah budinja,
Untuk Indonesia Raja.- Refrain
III Indonesia, tanah jang sutji,
Tanah kita jang sakti,
Disanalah aku berdiri,
Ndjaga ibu sejati.- Indonesia, tanah berseri,
- Tanah jang aku sajangi,
- Marilah kita berdjandji,
- Indonesia abadi.
S'lamatlah rakjatnja,
S'lamatlah putranja,
Pulaunja, lautnja, sem'wanja,
Madjulah Neg'rinja,
Madjulah pandunja,
Untuk Indonesia Raja.- Refrain
Current lyrics
INDONESIA RAYA[12] (Perfected Spelling) I Indonesia tanah airku,
Tanah tumpah darahku,
Di sanalah aku berdiri,
Jadi pandu ibuku.- Indonesia kebangsaanku,
- Bangsa dan tanah airku,
- Marilah kita berseru,
- Indonesia bersatu.
Hiduplah tanahku,
Hiduplah neg'riku,
Bangsaku, Rakyatku, semuanya,
Bangunlah jiwanya,
Bangunlah badannya,
Untuk Indonesia Raya.- Refrain :
- Indonesia Raya,
- Merdeka, merdeka,
- Tanahku, neg'riku yang kucinta!
- Indonesia Raya,
- Merdeka, merdeka,
- Hiduplah Indonesia Raya.
II Indonesia, tanah yang mulia,
Tanah kita yang kaya,
Di sanalah aku berdiri,
Untuk s'lama-lamanya.- Indonesia, tanah pusaka,
- P'saka kita semuanya,
- Marilah kita mendoa,
- Indonesia bahagia.
Suburlah tanahnya,
Suburlah jiwanya,
Bangsanya, Rakyatnya, semuanya,
Sadarlah hatinya,
Sadarlah budinya,
Untuk Indonesia Raya.- Refrain
III Indonesia, tanah yang suci,
Tanah kita yang sakti,
Di sanalah aku berdiri,
N'jaga ibu sejati.- Indonesia, tanah berseri,
- Tanah yang aku sayangi,
- Marilah kita berjanji,
- Indonesia abadi.
S'lamatlah rakyatnya,
S'lamatlah putranya,
Pulaunya, lautnya, semuanya,
Majulah Neg'rinya,
Majulah pandunya,
Untuk Indonesia Raya.- Refrain
National anthem
"Indonesia Raya", as stated in the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia (Undang-Undang Dasar Republik Indonesia tahun 1945 <UUD 1945>) is the national anthem of Republic of Indonesia.[13] This is stipulated in the Chapter XV, Article 36B of the constitution.[14]
Furthermore, based on Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 44 Tahun 1958[15] (PP No.44/1958 - Government Regulation Number 44 Year 1958), the first stanza of "Indonesia Raya" is used as the official lyrics of the national anthem of Indonesia.
Official Lyrics of the National Anthem[16]
based on PP No.44 Th.1958
- Indonesia, tanah airku
- Tanah tumpah darahku
- Di sanalah aku berdiri
- Jadi pandu ibuku
- Indonesia, kebangsaanku
- Bangsa dan tanah airku
- Marilah kita berseru
- "Indonesia bersatu!"
- Hiduplah tanahku, hiduplah negeriku
- Bangsaku, rakyatku, semuanya
- Bangunlah jiwanya, bangunlah badannya
- Untuk Indonesia Raya
- Refrain :
- Indonesia Raya, merdeka, merdeka!
- Tanahku, negeriku, yang kucinta
- Indonesia Raya, merdeka, merdeka!
- Hiduplah Indonesia Raya
- Refrain :
- Indonesia Raya, merdeka, merdeka!
- Tanahku, negeriku, yang kucinta
- Indonesia Raya, merdeka, merdeka!
- Hiduplah Indonesia Raya
There is no official translation of "Indonesia Raya" into other languages. On 28 October 1953, on the twenty-fifth anniversary of the anthem, the Harian Umum daily published their own English, German, and Dutch translations of the song. A bulletin released by the Ministry of Information used these translations.[17] However, in the modern days, the translations are not publicized anymore, since they are not officially recognized by the government.
The following is an approximate translation of "Indonesia Raya" in English. The translation does not comply to those published by Harian Umum in 1953.
Indonesia Raya Indonesian lyrics Approximate translation First stanza
(National Anthem of Indonesia)Indonesia, tanah airku
Tanah tumpah darahku
Di sanalah aku berdiri
Jadi pandu ibuku- Indonesia, kebangsaanku
- Bangsa dan tanah airku
- Marilah kita berseru
- "Indonesia bersatu!"
Hiduplah tanahku, hiduplah negeriku
Bangsaku, rakyatku, semuanya
Bangunlah jiwanya, bangunlah badannya
Untuk Indonesia Raya- <REFRAIN > :
- Indonesia Raya, merdeka, merdeka!
- Tanahku, negeriku yang kucinta
- Indonesia Raya, merdeka, merdeka!
- Hiduplah Indonesia Raya!
- Indonesia Raya, merdeka, merdeka!
- Tanahku, negeriku yang kucinta
- Indonesia Raya, merdeka, merdeka!
- Hiduplah Indonesia Raya!
Indonesia, my homeland
The land where I shed my blood
Right there, I stand
To be a scout of my motherland- Indonesia, my nationality
- My nation and my homeland
- Let us exclaim
- "Indonesia unites!"
Long live my land, long live my state
My nation, my people, entirely
Let us build its soul, let us build its body
For the Great Indonesia- <REFRAIN > :
- Great Indonesia, independent & sovereign!
- My land, my country which I love
- Great Indonesia, independent & sovereign!
- Long live Great Indonesia!
- Great Indonesia, independent & sovereign!
- My land, my country which I love
- Great Indonesia, independent & sovereign!
- Long live Great Indonesia!
Second stanza Indonesia, tanah yang mulia
Tanah kita yang kaya
Di sanalah aku berdiri
Untuk s'lama-lamanya- Indonesia, tanah pusaka
- P'saka kita semuanya
- Marilah kita mendoa
- "Indonesia bahagia!"
Suburlah tanahnya, suburlah jiwanya
Bangsanya, rakyatnya, semuanya
Sadarlah hatinya, sadarlah budinya
Untuk Indonesia Raya- → <REFRAIN >
Indonesia, a noble land
Our wealthy land
Right there, I stand
Forever and ever- Indonesia, a hereditary land
- A heritage of ours
- Let us pray
- "To Indonesians' happiness!"
Fertile may its soil, flourish may its soul
Its nation, its people, entirely
Aware may its heart, aware may its mind
For the Great Indonesia- → <REFRAIN >
Third stanza Indonesia, tanah yang suci
Tanah kita yang sakti
Di sanalah aku berdiri
N'jaga ibu sejati- Indonesia, tanah berseri
- Tanah yang aku sayangi
- Marilah kita berjanji
- "Indonesia abadi!"
S'lamatlah rakyatnya, s'lamatlah putranya
Pulaunya, lautnya, semuanya
Majulah Neg'rinya, majulah pandunya
Untuk Indonesia Raya- → <REFRAIN >
Indonesia, a sacred land
Our victorious land
Right there, I stand
To guard the pure motherland- Indonesia, a radiant land
- A land which I adore
- Let us pledge
- "Indonesia is eternal!"
Safe may its people, safe may its children
Its islands, its seas, entirely
The state progresses, its scouts advance
For the Great Indonesia- → <REFRAIN >
The national anthem is played by TVRI, RCTI, SCTV, Metro TV, MNCTV, ANTV, Indosiar, Trans TV, Trans 7, tvOne, Global TV, TV Edukasi, TV Anak Spacetoon, BeritaSatu TV, DAAI TV, SINDOtv, Bali TV, Kompas TV and all statewide or localwide terrestrial television stations at the beginning of its transmission for the day. Most stations that do not broadcast 24 hours long, sign off by playing other patriotic songs instead of the national anthem.
- ^ Sularto 1982, pp. 11–13
- ^ Sularto 1982, p. 20
- ^ Panitia Penyusun Naskah Brosur Lagu Kebangsaan Indonesia Raya 1972, p. 37
- ^ Sularto 1982, p. 28
- ^ Panitia Penyusun Naskah Brosur Lagu Kebangsaan Indonesia Raya 1972, p. 38
- ^ Winarno 2003, p. 63
- ^ Panitia Penyusun Naskah Brosur Lagu Kebangsaan Indonesia Raya 1972, p. 61
- ^ Panitia Penyusun Naskah Brosur Lagu Kebangsaan Indonesia Raya 1972, p. 62
- ^ Panitia Penyusun Naskah Brosur Lagu Kebangsaan Indonesia Raya 1972, p. 64
- ^ Panitia Penyusun Naskah Brosur Lagu Kebangsaan Indonesia Raya 1972, pp. 28–30
- ^ Panitia Penyusun Naskah Brosur Lagu Kebangsaan Indonesia Raya 1972, pp. 54–55
- ^ Sularto 1982, pp. 44–46
- ^ http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Constitution_of_the_Republic_of_Indonesia#Section_XV_.2A.2A_:_The_State.27s_Flag.2C_Language.2C_and_Coat_of_Arms.2C_and_The_National_Anthem
- ^ s:Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia#Section XV .2A.2A : The State's Flag, Language, and Coat of Arms, and The National Anthem
- ^ http://www.hukumonline.com/detail.asp?id=22256&cl=Berita (a news article stating the regulation regulating the symbol and instrument of the country)
- ^ the lyrics written here uses the modern spelling
- ^ Panitia Penyusun Naskah Brosur Lagu Kebangsaan Indonesia Raya 1972, p. 59
- Panitia Penyusun Naskah Brosur Lagu Kebangsaan Indonesia Raya (1972) (in Indonesian), Brosur Lagu Kebangsaan Indonesia Raya, Jakarta: Proyek Pengembangan Media Kebudayaan, OCLC 2391302.
- Sularto, Bambang (1982) (in Indonesian), Sejarah Lagu Kebangsaan Indonesia Raya (1st ed.), Jakarta: Balai Pustaka, OCLC 10894709.
- Winarno, Bondan (2003) (in Indonesian), Lagu Kebangsaan Indonesia Raya, Jakarta: TSA Komunika, ISBN 9799710510.
External links
- Music Video - A professional video version of the First Verse of the Anthem, hosted on YouTube
- Indonesia Raya 1945 - A World War II era reel that shows the full length song, also hosted on YouTube
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