
نشيد البحرين الوطني
English: Our Bahrain

National anthem of

Lyrics Mohamed Sudqi Ayyash
Music Unknown composer, rearranged by Ahmed Al-Jumairi
Adopted 1971
Music sample
Bahrainona (Instrumental)

Bahrainona (Arabic: نشيد البحرين الوطني, literally: Our Bahrain), is the national anthem of Bahrain. Two different versions were made with the same melody but with different words. The first one anthem was used from the independence of Bahrain in 1971 until 2002. The second version was used since the country's ruler Hamad ibn Isa Al Khalifah declared himself as a king, and his country a kingdom, until the present. The original words were written by Mohamed Sudqi Ayyash (born 1925). The composer of the melody is unknown, but it was later rearranged by the singer and composer Ahmed Al-Jumairi, where it became the current widely used anthem.

Arabic Transliteration Translation
بحريننا Baḥrainunā Our Bahrain
مليكنا Malīkunā Our King
رمز الوئام Ramz al-wi'ām A symbol of harmony
دستورها عالي المكانة والمقام Dustūruhā 'alī al-makanah wal-maqām Its constitution is high in the place and the position
ميثاقها نهج الشريعة والعروبة والقيم Mīthāquhā nahj ash-shari'ah wal-'urūbah wal-qiyam Its charter is the way of (method of) sharia, Arabism and the values
عاشت مملكة البحرين Ashat mamlakah al-Baḥrain Long live the Kingdom of Bahrain
بلد الكرام Balad al-kirām Country of nobles
مهد السلام Mahd as-salām Cradle of peace
دستورها عالي المكانة والمقام Dustūruhā 'alī al-makanah wal-maqām Its constitution is high in the place and the position
ميثاقها نهج الشريعة والعروبة والقيم Mīthāquhā nahj ash-shari'ah wal-'urūbah wal-qiyam Its charter is the way of (method of) sharia, Arabism and the values
عاشت مملكة البحرين Ashat mamlakah al-Baḥrain Long live the kingdom of Bahrain

External links

  • Himnuszok - A vocal version of the Anthem, featured in the Himnuszok website.

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