

The word regime (occasionally spelled "régime", particularly in older texts) refers to a set of conditions, most often of a political nature. However, it may also be used synonymously with "", for example in the phrases "exercise regime" or "medical regime". [ [ Non-Errors ] ]


In politics, a regime is the form of government: the set of rules, cultural or social norms, etc. that regulate the operation of government and its interactions with society. For instance, the United States has one of the oldest regimes still active in the world, dating to the ratification of its Constitution in 1789.


In scientific discussions, a regime is a class of physical conditions, usually parameterised by some specific measures, where a particular physical phenomenon or boundary condition is significant. Very often a regime corresponds to a limiting condition. The region of measurable parameter space that corresponds to a regime is very often loosely defined. Examples include "the superfluid regime", "the steady state regime" or "the femtosecond regime".Fact|date=January 2008

In geography and hydrography, "regime" refers to the changing conditions of river beds and other features, such as systems of sandbars.

Other uses

Political use of "regime" concerns international regulatory agencies (see International regime), which lie outside of the control of national governments. These have more power over a greater range than postal or telecommunications agreements, for example, and constrain national governments.Fact|date=February 2008

ee also

* International regime
* Regime change
* Regime theory
* Ancien Régime
* River regime
* Regime shift
* Exchange rate regime
* Carbon audit regime


"Essentials of Comparative Government", Patrick O'Neil.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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  • regime — Regime. s. m. Ordre, regle qu on tient, qu on observe dans la maniere de vivre par rapport à la santé. Cet homme vit de regime. il observe un regime bien incommode. peu de personnes s accommoderoient de cette sorte de regime. Il signifie aussi en …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

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  • regime — /re dʒime/, non com. / rɛdʒime/ s.m. [dal lat. regĭmen regimĭnis governo, amministrazione , der. di regĕre reggere ]. 1. (polit.) a. [assetto istituzionale di uno stato: r. democratico, parlamentare, presidenziale ] ▶◀ governo, ordinamento… …   Enciclopedia Italiana

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