
Tomato ketchup
Salt, sugar, and ground black pepper corns are commonly placed on Western restaurant tables.

A condiment is an edible substance, such as sauce or seasoning, added to food to impart a particular flavor, enhance its flavor[1], or in some cultures, to complement the dish. Many condiments are available packaged in single-serving sachets (packets), like mustard or ketchup, particularly when supplied with take-out or fast-food meals. Condiments are usually applied by the diner. Condiments are sometimes added prior to serving, for example a sandwich made with ketchup or mustard. Some condiments are used during cooking to add flavor or texture to the food; barbecue sauce, teriyaki sauce, soy sauce, marmite are examples.




See also


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  • condiment — [ kɔ̃dimɑ̃ ] n. m. • XIIIe; lat. condimentum ♦ Substance de saveur forte destinée à relever le goût des aliments. ⇒ aromate, assaisonnement, épice. Condiments de légumes et de fruits. ⇒ achards, chutney, pickles, rougail. Spécialt Moutarde douce …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • condiment — CONDIMÉNT, condimente, s.n. Nume dat unor substanţe (picante) de origine minerală, vegetală, animală sau de sinteză care, adăugate unor produse alimentare, le conferă un gust sau o aromă specifică, plăcută; ingredient, mirodenie, băcănie. – Din… …   Dicționar Român

  • condiment — (n.) early 15c., from O.Fr. condiment (13c.), from L. condimentum spice, seasoning, sauce, from condire to preserve, pickle, season, variant of condere to put away, store, from com together (see COM (Cf. com )) + dere comb. form meaning to put,… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Condiment — Con di*ment, n. [L. condimentum, fr. condire. See {Condite}.] Something used to give relish to food, and to gratify the taste; a pungment and appetizing substance, as pepper or mustard; seasoning. [1913 Webster] As for radish and the like, they… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • condiment — [n] flavoring catsup, dressing, gravy, horseradish, ketchup, mustard, pepper, relish, salsa, salt, sauce, seasoning, spice, zest; concepts 457,461 …   New thesaurus

  • condiment — ► NOUN ▪ a seasoning or relish for food, such as salt or mustard. ORIGIN Latin condimentum, from condire to pickle …   English terms dictionary

  • condiment — [kän′də mənt] n. [ME & OFr < L condimentum < condire, to pickle, var. of condere, to put together < com , together + dere, to put, DO1] a seasoning or relish for food, as pepper, mustard, sauces, etc …   English World dictionary

  • Condiment — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Condiment >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 condiment condiment seasoning sauce spice relish appetizer GRP: N 2 Sgm: N 2 salt salt Sgm: N 2 mustard mustard pepper …   English dictionary for students

  • condiment — (kon di man) s. m. Terme d hygiène et de cuisine. Substance d une saveur prononcée que l on mêle aux aliments. Les condiments sont un ingrédient nécessaire de l alimentation. SYNONYME    ASSAISONNEMENT, CONDIMENT. Assaisonnement est plus général …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • Condiment — Un condiment est une substance destinée à assaisonner, c est à dire à relever le goût des aliments ou des préparations culinaires, notamment les sauces. C est le plus souvent une substance d origine végétale, mais elle peut être aussi d origine… …   Wikipédia en Français

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