List of culinary herbs and spices

List of culinary herbs and spices

This is a list of culinary herbs and spices. Specifically these are food or drink additives of mostly botanical origin used in nutritionally insignificant quantities for flavoring or coloring. As such, this list does not contain salt, which is a mineral, herbs or spices that are purely medicinal such as valerian, fictional plants such as aglaophotis, or recreational drugs such as marijuana. For medicinal herbs see list of medicinal herbs.

See the list of spice mixtures below for common spice blends.



* Ajwain ("Trachyspermum ammi")
* Alkanet ("Anchusa arvensis"), mostly used as a natural coloring
* Allspice ("Pimenta dioica")
* Almond
* Alpinia galanga
* Amchur - mango powder ("Mangifera")
* Angelica ("Angelica archangelica")
* Anise ("Pimpinella anisum")
* Aniseed myrtle ("Syzygium anisatum")
* Annatto ("Bixa orellana L.")
* Apple mint ("Mentha suaveolens")
* Mugwort ("Artemisia vulgaris")
* Asafoetida ("Ferula assafoetida")


* Berberis
* Banana
* Basil ("Ocimum basilicum")
* Bay leaves
* Black cardamom
* Black cumin
* Blackcurrant
* Black lime, lime fruit boiled in salt and dried
* Bladder wrack ("Fucus vesiculosus")
* Blue-leaved mallee ("Eucalyptus polybractea")
* Bog Labrador tea ("Rhododendron groenlandicum")
* Boldo ("Peumus boldus")
* Bolivian Coriander ("Porophyllum ruderale")
* Borage ("Borago officinalis")


* Calendula
* Calumba ("Jateorhiza calumba")
* Y _yl. Cananga Also known as 'Kenanga' in Malaysia.
* Chamomile
* Candle nut
* Caper ("Capparis spinosa")
* Caraway
* Cardamom
* Carob Pod
* Cassia
* Casuarina
* Catnip
* Cat's Claw
* Catsear
* Cayenne pepper
* "Celastrus paniculatus" (peng)
* Celery salt
* Celery seed
* Centaury
* Chervil ("Anthriscus cerefolium")
* Chickweed
* Chicory ("Cichorium
* Chilli pepper
* Chipotle
* Chives ("Allium schoenoprasum")
* Cicely ("Myrrhis odorata")
* Cilantro (see Coriander) ("Coriandrum sativum")
* Cinchona ("Cinchona")
* Cinnamon (and Cassia)
* Cinnamon Myrtle ("Backhousia myrtifolia")
* Clary (Salvia sclarea)
* Cleavers
* Clover
* Cloves
* Coffee
* Comfrey
* Common Rue
* Condurango
* Coptis
* Coriander
* Costmary ("Tanacetum balsamita")
* Couchgrass
* Cow Parsley ("Anthriscus sylvestris")
* Cowslip ("Primula veris")
* Cramp Bark ("Viburnum opulus")
* Cress
* Cuban Oregano ("Plectranthus amboinicus")
* Cubeb pepper ("Piper cubeba")
* Cudweed
* Culantro ("Eryngium foetidum")
* Cumin
* Curry leaf ("Murraya koenigii")


* Damiana ("Turnera aphrodisiaca", "T. diffusa")
* Dandelion ("Taraxacum officinale")
* Demulcent
* Devil's claw ("Harpagophytum procumbens")
* Dill seed
* Dill ("Anethum graveolens")
* Dorrigo Pepper ("Tasmannia stipitata")


* Echinacea -
* "Echinopanax elatum"
* Edelweiss
* Elderberry
* Elderflower
* Elecampane
* "Eleutherococcus senticosus"
* Emmenagogue
* Epazote ("Chenopodium ambrosioides")
* Ephedra -
* "Eryngium foetidum"
* Eucalyptus
* Eyebright


* Fennel ("Foeniculum vulgare")
* Fenugreek
* Feverfew
* Figwort
* Filé powder
* Fingerroot ("Boesenbergia rotunda")
* Fo-ti-tieng
* French sorrel ("Rumex scutatus")
* Fumitory


* Galangal
* Galingale
* Garden cress
* Garlic chives
* Garlic
* Ginger ("Zingiber officinale")
* Ginkgo biloba
* Ginseng
* Ginseng, Siberian ("Eleutherococcus senticosus")
* Goat's rue ("Galega officinalis")
* Goada masala
* Gotu Kola
* Grains of paradise ("Aframomum melegueta")
* Grains of Selim ("Xylopia aethiopica")
* Grape seed extract
* Green tea
* Ground ivy ("Glechoma hederacea")
* Guaco
* Gypsywort ("Lycopus europaeus")


* Hawthorn ("Crataegus")
* Herbes de Provence
* Hibiscus
* Holly ("Ilex")
* Holy Thistle
* Hops, the female flower cones of hop ("Humulus lupulus")
* Horehound
* Horseradish
* Horsetail ("Equisetum telmateia")
* Hyssop ("Hyssopus officinalis")


* Imli (Tamarind)


* Jalap
* Jasmine
* Jiaogulan ("Gynostemma pentaphyllum")
* Joe Pye weed (Gravelroot)
* John the Conqueror
* Juniper


* Kaffir Lime Leaves ("Citrus hystrix", "C. papedia")
* Kaala masala
* Knotweed ("Polygonum")
* Kokam


* Labrador tea
* Lady's Bedstraw ("Galium verum")
* Lady's Mantle ("Alchemilla")
* Land cress
* Lavender ("Lavandula spp.")
* Ledum
* Lemon Balm ("Melissa officinalis")
* Lemon basil
* Lemongrass ("Cymbopogon citratus", "C. flexuosus", and other species)
* Lemon Ironbark ("Eucalyptus staigeriana")
* Lemon mint
* Lemon Myrtle ("Backhousia citriodora")
* Lemon Thyme
* Lemon verbena ("Lippia citriodora")
* Licorice - adaptogen
* Lime Flower
* "Limnophila aromatica"
* Lingzhi
* Linseed
* Liquorice
* Long pepper
* Lovage ("Levisticum officinale")
* Luohanguo


* Mace
* Mahlab
* Malabathrum
* Manchurian Thorn Tree ("Aralia manchurica")]
* Marjoram ("Origanum majorana")
* "Marrubium vulgare" (white horehound)
* Marsh Labrador Tea
* Marshmallow
* Mastic
* Meadowsweet ("Filipendula vulgaris")
* Mei Yen
* Melegueta pepper ( "Aframomum melegueta")
* Mexican pepperleaf ("Piper auritum")
* Mint ("Mentha spp.")
* Milk thistle ("Silybum")
* Bergamot ("Monarda didyma")
* Motherwort
* Mountain Skullcap
* Mullein ("Verbascum thapsus")
* Mustard
* Mustard seed


* "Nashia inaguensis"
* Neem
* "Nepeta" (catmint)
* Nettle ("Urtica")
* "Nigella sativa" (Kalonji, Black caraway)
* Noni
* Nutmeg (and Mace)


* Oenothera ("Oenothera biennis" et al)
* Oilseed
* Olida ("Eucalyptus olida")
* Oregano ("Origanum vulgare, O. heracleoticum", and other species)
* Orris root
* "Osmorhiza"
* Olive Leaf (used in tea and as herbal supplement)


* Pandan leaf
* Paprika
* Paracress
* Parsley ("Petroselinum crispum")
* Passion Flower ("Passiflora")
* Patchouli
* Pennyroyal ("Mentha pulegoides")
* Pepper (black, white, and green)
* Peng ("Celastrus paniculatus")
* Peppermint ("Mentha piperata")
* Peppermint Gum ("Eucalyptus dives")
* Perilla
* Plantain
* Pomegranate
* Ponch phoran
* Poppy seed
* Primrose ("Primula vulgaris")
* Psyllium
* Purslane


* Quassia


* Ramsons (wood garlic, "Allium ursinum")
* Ras el-hanout
* Raspberry (leaves)
* Reishi
* Restharrow ("Ononis")
* "Rhodiola rosea"
* Riberry ("Syzygium luehmannii")
* Rocket/Arugula
* Roman chamomile
* Rooibos
* Rosehips
* Rosemary ("Rosmarinus officinalis")
* Rowan berries ("Sorbus aucuparia")
* Rue ("Ruta")

* Safflower
* Saffron
* Sage ("Salvia officinalis")
* Saigon Cinnamon
* St John's Wort ("Hypericum")
* Salad Burnet ("Sanguisorba minor")
* "Salvia" (clary and sage)
* Sassafras
* Savory (Summer savory, "Satureja hortensis", and winter savory, "S. montana")
* "Schisandra chinensis"
* "Scutellaria costaricana" (skullcap)
* Senna (herb)
* "Senna obtusifolia"
* Sesame seed
* Sheep's sorrel ("Rumex acetosella")
* Shepherd's Purse
* Sialagogue
* Siberian Chaga
* Siberian ginseng ("Eleutherococcus senticosus")
* Sichuan pepper ("Xanthoxylum piperitum")
* "Siraitia grosvenorii" (luohanguo)]
* Skullcap ("Scutellaria")
* Sloe berries ("Prunus spinosus")
* Smudge Stick
* "Sonchus" (sow-thistle)
* Sorrel ("Rumex acetosa", "R. acetosella", "R. scutatus")
* Southernwood
* Spearmint
* Speedwell
* Squill ("Scilla")
* Star anise
* Stevia
* Strawberry leaves ("Fragaria")
* Suma (Pfaffia paniculata)
* Sumac
* Summer savory ("Satureja hortensis")
* Sutherlandia frutescens
* Sweet grass
* Sweet cicely ("Myrrhis odorata")
* Sweet woodruff


* Tacamahac
* Tamarind
* Tandoori masala
* Tansy
* Tarragon ("Artemisia dracunculus")
* Tea ("Camellia sinensis")
* "Teucrium polium"
* Thai basil
* Thistle
* Thyme
* Toor Dall
* Tormentil ("Potentilla erecta")
* "Tribulus terrestris"
* Tulsi ("Ocimum tenuiflorum")
* Turmeric ("Curcuma longa")
* Twinleaf onion


* "Uva ursi" (bearberry)


* Vanilla ("Vanilla planifolia")
* Vasaka
* Vervain
* Vetiver
* Vietnamese Coriander ("Persicaria odorata")


* Wasabi ("Wasabia japonica")
* Watercress ("Rorippa nasturtium-aquatica")
* Wattleseed
* Wild ginger
* Wild Lettuce
* Wild thyme
* Winter savory ("Satureja montana")
* Witch Hazel ("Hamamelis")
* Wolfberry
* Wood Avens
* Wood Betony
* Woodruff
* Wormwood


* Yarrow, ("Alchemilla millefolium")
* Yerba Buena
* Yohimbe
* Yomogi


* Zedoary root

pice mixtures

* Berbere
* Curry powder
* Five-spice powder or Chinese five-spice
* Garam masala
* Herbes de Provence
* Khmeli Suneli
* Quatre épices, a blend of ground pepper, cloves, nutmeg and ginger
* Ras el hanout, a Moroccan spice blend that includes cinnamon and cumin among other spices
* Tandoori masala
* Za'atar

ee also

*List of medicinal herbs

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