- List of culinary fruits
This list of culinary fruits contains the names of some fruits that are considered edible in some
cuisine s. The definition of fruit for these lists is a culinary fruit, i.e. "Any sweet, edible part of a plant that resembles fruit, even if it does not develop from a floral ovary; also used in a technically imprecise sense for some sweet or sweetishvegetable s, some of which may resemble a true fruit or are used in cookery as if they were a , for examplerhubarb ."Note that many items that are "true fruits" botanically speaking, are not considered culinary fruits. They are classified as
vegetable s in the culinary sense, (for example: thetomato ,cucumber ,zucchini , and so on), and hence they do not appear in this list. There also exist many fruits which are edible and palatable but for various reasons have not become popular.For inedible fruits, please see
list of inedible fruits .Temperate fruits
Fruit s oftemperate climates are almost always borne ontree s orwoody shrub s orliana s. They will not grow adequately in thetropics , as they need a period of cold (a chilling requirement) each year before they will flower. The apple,pear ,cherry , andplum are the most widely grown and eaten, owing to their adaptability. Many other fruits are important regionally but do not figure prominently in commerce. Many sorts of small fruit on this list are gathered from the wild, just as they were inNeolithic times.Rosaceae family
The Family
Rosaceae dominates the temperate fruits, both in numbers and in importance. The pome fruits, stone fruits and brambles are fruits of plants in Rosaceae.The
pome fruits:
*Apple and crabapple ("Malus ")
*Chokeberry ("Aronia ")
* Hawthorn ("Crataegus " and "Rhaphiolepis ")
*Loquat ("Eryobotrya japonica")
*Medlar ("Mespilus germanica")
*Pear , European and Asian species ("Pyrus")
*Quince ("Cydonia oblonga" and "Chaenomeles ")
*Rose hip , the fruitlike base of roses ("Rosa"); used mostly forjam s andherbal tea
*Rowan ("Sorbus")
* Service tree ("Sorbus domestica"), bears a fruit known as a sorb or sorb apple
* Serviceberry or Saskatoon ("Amelanchier")
*Shipova ("× Sorbopyrus auricularis")The stone fruits,
drupe s ofgenus "Prunus ":
*Apricot ("Prunus armeniaca" or "Armeniaca vulgaris")
*Cherry , sweet, black, sour, and wild species ("Prunus avium", "Prunus serotina", "P. cerasus", and others)
*Chokecherry ("Prunus virginiana")
*Greengage , a cultivar of the plum
* Hybrids of the preceding species, such as thepluot ,aprium andpeacotum
*Peach (of the normal and white variety) and its variant thenectarine ("Prunus persica")
*Plum , of which there are several domestic and wild species; dried plums are called prunesBerries
In non-technical usage,
berry means any small fruit that can be eaten whole and lacks objectionable seeds. The bramble fruits,compound fruit s ofgenus "Rubus " (blackberries), are some of the most popular pseudo-berries:
*Blackberry , of which there are many species and hybrids, such asdewberry ,boysenberry ,olallieberry , andtayberry (genus "Rubus")
*Cloudberry ("Rubus chamaemorus")
*Loganberry ("Rubus loganobaccus")
*Raspberry , several species (genus "Rubus")
*Salmonberry ("Rubus spectabilis")
*Thimbleberry ("Rubus parviflorus")
* Wineberry ("Rubus phoenicolasius")The true berries are dominated by the family
Ericaceae , many of which are hardy in thesubarctic :
*Bearberry ("Arctostaphylos" spp.)
*Bilberry or whortleberry ("Vaccinium" spp.)
*Blueberry ("Vaccinium" spp.)
*Crowberry ("Empetrum" spp.)
*Cranberry ("Vaccinium" spp.)
* Huckleberry ("Vaccinium" spp.)
*Lingonberry ("Vaccinium vitis-idaea")
*Strawberry Tree ("Arbutus unedo"), not to be confused with theStrawberry ("Fragaria")Other berries not in the Rosaceae or Ericaceae:
*Açaí ("Euterpe"), a palm fruit native to the Amazon region
*Barberry ("Berberis";Berberidaceae )
* Currant ("Ribes" spp.;Grossulariaceae ), red, black, and white types
*Eggplant ("Solanum melongena"Solanaceae ), purple berry thought to be a vegetable
*Elderberry ("Sambucus";Caprifoliaceae )
*Gooseberry ("Ribes" spp.;Grossulariaceae )
*Hackberry ("Celtis" spp.;Cannabaceae )
*Honeysuckle : the berries of "some" species (called honeyberries) are edible, others are poisonous ("Lonicera" spp.;Caprifoliaceae )
*Mulberry ("Morus" spp.;Moraceae ) including:
**Red Mulberry ("Morus rubra")
**White Mulberry ("Morus alba")
* Mayapple ("Podophyllum" spp.;Berberidaceae )
*Nannyberry or sheepberry ("Viburnum" spp.;Caprifoliaceae )
*Oregon grape ("Mahonia aquifolium";Berberidaceae )
*Sea-buckthorn ("Hippophae rhamnoides";Elaeagnaceae )
*Sea Grape ("Coccoloba uvifera";Polygonaceae )
*Tomato ("Solanum lycopersicum"Solanaceae ), a red juicy berry thought to be a vegetable as served in salads.
*Wolfberry ("Lycium barbarum", "Lycium" spp.;Solanaceae )Fruits of Asian origin
Some fruits native to
Asia or of Asian Origin.
* Arhat ("Siraitia grosvenorii";Cucurbitaceae ) Also called longevity fruit
*Coconut ("Cocos" spp.;Arecaceae )
* Che ("Cudrania tricuspidata";Moraceae ) Also called Cudrania,Chinese Mulberry ,Cudrang ,Mandarin Melon Berry ,Silkworm Thorn ,zhe
*Durian ("Duria";Malvaceae )
*Goumi ("Elaeagnus multiflora ovata";Elaeagnaceae family)
*Hardy Kiwi ("Actinidia arguta";Actinidiaceae family)
*Kiwifruit or Chinese gooseberry ("Actinidia" spp.;Actinidiaceae )
*Mock Strawberry or Indian Strawberry ("Potentilla indica";Rosaceae )
* Lapsi ("Choerospondias axillaris Roxb."Anacardiaceae )
*Mangosteen ("Garcinia mangostana";Clusiaceae family)
* Nungu ("Borassus flabellifer";Arecaceae )
*Persimmon (aka Sharon Fruit) ("Diospyros kaki";Ebenaceae )
*Rhubarb ("Rheum rhaponticum";Polygonaceae )
* Sageretia ("Sageretia theezans";Rhamnaceae ) Also called Mock BuckthornFruits of North American origin
(Includes Canada and the United States and all other countries that produce these fruits)Some other fruits native to
North America that are eaten in a small way:
* Americangrape : North American species (e.g., "Vitis labrusca";Vitaceae ) and American-European hybrids are grown where grape ("Vitis vinifera") is not hardy and are used asrootstock s
*American Mayapple ("Podophyllum peltatum";Berberidaceae )
*American persimmon ("Diospyros virginiana";Ebenaceae )
*Beach Plum ("Prunus maritima";Rosaceae )
*Blueberry ("Vaccinium, sect. Cyanococcus";Ericaceae )
*Buffaloberry ("Shepherdia argenta";Elaeagnaceae ), which grows wild in the prairies ofCanada
*Chokecherry ("Prunus virginiana";Rosaceae )
* Cocoplum ("Chrysobalanus icaco";Chrysobalanaceae )
*Cranberry ("Vaccinium oxycoccus";Ericaceae )
*False-mastic ("Mastichodendron foetidissimum";Sapotaceae )
*Ground Plum ("Astragalus caryocarpus";Fabaceae ), also calledGround-plum milk-vetch
*Pawpaw ("Asimina triloba";Annonaceae , not to be confused withPapaya ("Carica papaya";Caricaceae ), which is called pawpaw in some English dialects)
*Persimmon ("Diospyros virginiana";Ebenaceae ), also called native persimmon, American persimmon, or common persimmon
*Pigeon plum ("Coccoloba diversifolia";Polygonaceae )
* Salal berry ("Gaultheria shallon";Ericaceae )
*Salmonberry ("Rubus spectabilis";Rosaceae )
*Saw Palmetto ("Serenoa repens";Ericaceae )
* Texaspersimmon ("Diospyros texana";Ebenaceae )
*Thimbleberry ("Rubus parviflorus";Rosaceae )
*Toyon ("Heteromeles arbutifolia";Rosaceae )Fruits of Australian origin
Although the fruits of
Australia were eaten for thousands of years asbushfood by Aboriginal people, they have only been recently recognized for their culinary qualities by non-indigenous people. Many are regarded for their piquancy and spice-like qualities for use in cooking andpreserves . Some Australian fruits also have exceptional nutritional qualities, including high vitamin C and otherantioxidants .* Atherton Raspberry ("Rubus probus";
Rosaceae )
* Black Apple ("Planchonella australis";Sapotaceae )
* Blue tongue ("Melastoma affine";Melastomataceae )
* Bolwarra ("Eupomatia laurina";Eupomatiaceae )
* Burdekin Plum ("Pleiogynium timorense";Anacardiaceae )
* Broad-leaf Bramble ("Rubus hillii";Rosaceae )
* Cedar Bay cherry ("Eugenia carissoides";Myrtaceae )
* Cluster fig ("Ficus racemosa";Moraceae )
* Common apple-berry ("Billardiera scandens";Pittosporaceae )
* Conkerberry ("Carissa lanceolata";Apocynaceae )
* Davidson's plum ("Davidsonia" spp.;Cunoniaceae )
* Desert fig ("Ficus platypoda";Moraceae )
* Desert lime ("Citrus glauca";Rutaceae )
* Doubah ("Marsdenia australis";Apocynaceae )
* Emu Apple ("Owenia acidula";Meliaceae )
* Fibrous Satinash ("Syzygium fibrosum";Myrtaceae )
*Finger Lime ("Citrus australasica";Rutaceae )
* Illawarra Plum ("Podocarpus elatus";Podocarpaceae )
* Little gooseberry tree ("Buachanania arborescens";Anacardiaceae )
* Kakadu lime ("Citrus gracilis";Rutaceae )
* Kutjera ("Solanum centrale";Solanaceae )
* Kakadu plum ("Terminalia ferdinandiana";Combretaceae )
* Karkalla ("Carpobrotus rossii";Aizoaceae )
* Lady apple ("Syzygium suborbiculare";Myrtaceae )
* Lemon aspen ("Acronychia acidula";Rutaceae )
* Midyim ("Austromyrtus dulcis";Myrtaceae )
* Mountain pepper ("Tasmannia" spp.;Winteraceae )
* Muntries ("Kunzea pomifera";Myrtaceae )
* Native Cherry ("Exocarpus cupressiformis";Santalaceae )
* Native currant ("Acrotriche depressa";Ericaceae )
* Native gooseberry ("Physalis minima";Solanaceae )
* Pigface ("Carpobrotus glaucescens";Aizoaceae )
* Pink-flowered Native Raspberry ("Rubus parvifolius";Rosaceae )
* Purple apple-berry ("Billarderia longiflora";Pittosporaceae )
*Quandong ("Santalum acuminatum";Elaeocarpaceae )
*Riberry ("Syzygium luehmannii";Myrtaceae )
* Rose-leaf Bramble ("Rubus rosifolius";Rosaceae )
* Rose myrtle ("Archirhodomyrtus beckleri";Myrtaceae )
* Sandpaper Fig ("Ficus coronata";Moraceae )
* Small-leaf tamarind ("Diploglottis campbellii";Sapindaceae )
* Snow berry ("Gaultheria hispida";Ericaceae )
* Sweet apple-berry ("Billarderia cymosa";Pittosporaceae )
* Tanjong ("Mimusops elengi";Sapindaceae )
* White aspen ("Acronychia oblongifolia";Rutaceae )
* Wild orange ("Capparis mitchellii";Capparaceae )
* Wongi ("Manilkara kaukii";Sapotaceae )
* Yellow plum ("Ximenia americana";Olacaceae )
* Zig Zag Vine ("Melodurum leichhardtii";Annonaceae )Cacti and other succulents
Several cacti yield edible fruits, which are important traditional foods for some Native American peoples:
* Cardón ("Pachycereus pringlei";
Cactaceae )
* Dragonfruit ("Hylocereus undatus";Cactaceae ), also calledpitaya
*Prickly pear ("Opuntia" spp.;Cactaceae )
*Saguaro ("Carnegiea gigantea";Cactaceae )
* numerous other species of cactiPodocarps
Podocarps are conifers in the family
Podocarpaceae . The seed cones are highly modified and, in some, the seed is surrounded by fleshy scale tissue, resembling a drupe. These berry-like cone scales are eaten by birds which then disperse the seeds in their droppings and the cones can be eaten in many species. Podocarps are either half-hardy or frost tender, depending on species. Many genera are similar in that they have edible "fruits" and often don't have a common name.
*Kahikatea ("Dacrycarpus dacrydioides")
*Manoao ("Manoao colensoi")
*Nageia ("Nageia" spp.)
*Podocarpus ("Podocarpus" spp.)
*Prumnopitys ("Prumnopitys" spp.)
*Rimu ("Dacrydium cupressinum")Herbaceous annuals fruits
Melons and other members of Cucurbitaceae or Solanaceae family
Some exceptions to the statement that temperate fruits grow on woody perennials are:
*Gourds , (usually regarded as vegetables in cuisine) including, but not limited to:
**Butternut squash ("Cucurbita moschata")
**Cushaw squash ("Cucurbita mixta")
**Hubbard squash ,Buttercup squash ("Cucurbita maxima")
**Pumpkin ,Acorn squash ,Zucchini ,Summer squash ("Cucurbita pepo"varieties)
*Horned melon ("Cucumis metuliferus")
*Melon ("Cucumis melo"):cantaloupe , galia, and othermuskmelon s, honeydewAccessory fruits
accessory fruit s, seed organs which are not botanically berries at all::
*Raisin tree ("Hovenia dulcis",Rhamnaceae ) Also calledJapanese Raisin Tree
*Strawberry ("Fragaria" spp.;Rosaceae )Mediterranean and subtropical fruits
Fruits in this category are not hardy to extreme cold, as the preceding temperate fruits are, yet tolerate some frost and may have a modest chilling requirement. Notable among these are natives of the
Mediterranean :
* Black mulberry ("Morus nigra";Moraceae )
*Cornelian cherry ("Cornus mas";Cornaceae )
* Date palm ("Phoenix dactylifera";Arecaceae )
*Fig ("Ficus" spp.Moraceae )
*Grape , calledraisin , sultana, or currant when it is dried. ("Vitis" spp.; Vitaceae)
*Jujube ("Ziziphus zizyphus";Rhamnaceae )
*Olive ("Olea europea";Oleaceae )
*Pomegranate ("Punica granatum";Punicaceae )
*Sycamore fig ("Ficus" sycomorus.Moraceae ) also calledold world sycomore or justsycomore .In the important genus "
Citrus " (Rutaceae ), some members are tropical, tolerating no frost. All common species of commerce are somewhat hardy:
*Blood Orange
*Citron ("Citrus medica")
*Clementine ("Citrus reticulata" var. Clementine),
*Grapefruit ("Citrus paradisi")
* Hybrids of the preceding species, such as theOrangelo ,Tangelo ,Rangpur (fruit) andUgli fruit
*Kumquat ("Fortunella")
*Lemon ("Citrus limon")
* Limes
**Key Lime ("Citrus aurantifolia")
**Persian lime Also known as tahiti lime.
**Kaffir lime ("Citrus hystix")
* Mandarin ("Citrus reticulata"),
* Orange, of which there are sweet ("Citrus sinensis") and sour ("Citrus aurantium") species
*Pomelo (also known as the shaddock) ("Citrus maxima")
* Sweet Lemon ("Citrus limetta")
*Tangerine , and similar:"See also:" List of "Citrus" fruits
Other subtropical fruits:
*Avocado ("Persea americana";Lauraceae )
*Carob ("Ceratonia siliqua";Fabaceae )
*Feijoa ("Feijoa sellowiana";Myrtaceae )
*Guava ("Psidium guajava";Myrtaceae )
*Kumquat ("Fortunella" spp.;Rutaceae )
*Longan ("Euphoria longan";Sapindaceae )
*Lúcuma ("Pouteria lucuma";Sapotaceae )
*Lychee ("Litchi chinensis";Sapindaceae )
*Passion fruit orGrenadilla ("Passiflora edulis" and other "Passiflora" spp.;Passifloraceae ) Galendar in some part of east India (Darjeeling)
*Peanut ("Arachis hypogaea";Fabaceae )
*Pond-apple ("Annona glabra";Annonaceae ) Also calledAlligator-apple andMonkey-apple
*Strawberry guava ("Psidium litorale";Myrtaceae )
*Tamarillo orTree Tomato ("Cyphomandra betacea";Solanaceae )
*Ugni ("Ugni molinae";Myrtaceae )
* Yangmei ("Myrica rubra";Myricaceae ) Also calledYumberry ,Yamamomo ,Chinese Bayberry ,Japanese Bayberry ,Red Bayberry , orChinese strawberry tree Tropical fruits
Tropical fruit grow on plants of all habitats. The only characteristic that they share is an intolerance of frost.
Acerola ("Malpighia glabra";Malpighiaceae ), also calledWest Indian Cherry orBarbados Cherry
*Ackee ("Blighia sapida" or "Cupania sapida";Sapindaceae )
*African cherry orange ("Citropsis schweinfurthii";Rutaceae )
*Amazon Grape ("Pourouma cecropiaefolia";Moraceae )
*Açaí ("Euterpe oleracea";Arecaceae ), or assai
*Babaco ("Carica pentagona";Caricaceae )
*Bael ("Aegle marmelos";Rutaceae )
*Banana ("Musacea" spp.;Musaceae ); its starchy variant is theplantain
*Barbadine (granadilla; maracujá-açu in Portuguese)
*Barbados Cherry ("Malpighia glabra L.";Malpighiaceae ), also calledAcerola ,West Indian Cherry
*Betel Nut
*Bilimbi ("Averrhoa bilimbi";Oxalidaceae ) Also calledcucumber tree ortree sorrel *
Bitter gourd
*Black sapote
*Bottle gourd also known asCalabash ("Lagenaria siceraria";Cucurbitaceae )
*Brazil nut
*Breadfruit ("Artocarpus altilis";Moraceae )
*Burmese grape , or Latka ("Baccaurea sapida";Phyllanthaceae )
*CamuCamu ("Myrciaria dubia";Myrtaceae )
*Cape gooseberry
*Carambola ("Averrhoa carambola";Oxalidaceae ), also calledstar fruit or "five fingers"
*Cempedak or Champedak ("Artocarpus champeden";Moraceae )
*Ceylon gooseberry
*Chenet (guinep or ackee; pitomba-das-Guinas in Portuguese), also known as Spanish Lime or mamoncillo
*Cherimoya ("Annona cherimola";Annonaceae )
*Chili pepper
*Caimito (caimite; related to the yellowabiu - egg fruit)
*Custard apple ("Annona reticulata";Annonaceae ), also called "Bullock's Heart"
*Damson plum ("Chrysophyllum oliviforme";Sapotaceae ), also called "Satin Leaf"
*Date-plum ("Diospyros lotus";Ebenaceae )
*Dragonfruit ("Hylocereus" spp.;Cactaceae ), also calledpitaya
*Durian ("Durio spp.";Bombacaceae )
*Eggfruit ("Pouteria campechiana";Sapotaceae ), also calledcanistel oryellow sapote
*Elephant apple ("Dillenia indica";Dilleniaceae )
*Giant granadilla
*Golden Apple
*Guarana ("Paullinia cupana";Sapindaceae )
*Guavaberry orRumberry ; ("Myrciaria floribunda";Myrtaceae )
*Hog plum (taperebá in Portuguese)
*Horned melon ("Cucumis metuliferus";Cucurbitaceae )
*Huito ("Genipa americana ";Rubiaceae ); also called "jagua", "genipap ",jenipapo
*Indian almond
*Indian fig
*Indian jujube
*Indian Prune ("Flacourtia rukan ";Flacourtiaceae )
*Jaboticaba ("Myrciaria cauliflora";Myrtaceae ), also calledBrazilian Grape Tree
*Jackfruit ("Artocarpus heterophyllus"Moraceae ), also called "nangka"
*Jambul ("Syzygium cumini";Myrtaceae )
*Jatobá ("Hymenae coubaril";Leguminosae )Caesalpinioideae )
*Jocote , also called Jamaica Plum
*Kandis ("Garcinia forbesii ";Clusiaceae )
*Keppel fruit ("Stelechocarpus burakol ";Annonaceae )
*Kundong ("Garcinia sp.";Clusiaceae )
*Langsat ("Lansium domesticum"), also calledlongkong orduku
*Lansones ("Lansium domesticum" spp.;Meliaceae )
*Mabolo ("Diospyros discolor";Ebenaceae ) also known as avelvet persimmon
*Macadamia , also known as aQueensland nut
*Mamey sapote ("Pouteria sapota";Sapotaceae ); also known as "mamee apple"; abricó in Portuguese
*Mamoncillo ("Melicoccus bijugatus";Sapindaceae ), also known asquenepa ,genip or Fijian Longan
*Manila tamarind (or Monkeypod, "Pithecellobium dulce")
*Mango ("Mangifera indica";Anacardiaceae )
*Mangosteen ("Garcinia mangostana";Clusiaceae )
*Marang ("Artocarpus odoratissima";Moraceae ), abreadfruit relative
*Melon pear
*Monstera ("Monstera deliciosa";Araceae ) also calledSwiss Cheese Plant ,Split-leaf Philodendron
*Mountain soursop
*Mung bean
*Naranjilla ,Lulo ("Solanum quitoense";Solanaceae )
*Oil Palm
*Papaya ("Carica papaya";Caricaceae )
*Peach palm
*Peanut butter fruit ("Bunchosia argentea";Malpighiaceae )
*Pequi or Souari Nut ("Caryocar brasiliense";Caryocaraceae )
*Pewa (peach palm ;pupunha in Portuguese)
*Pigeon pea
*Pili nut
*Pineapple ("Ananas comosus" or "Ananas sativas";Bromeliaceae )
*Pitomba ("Eugenia luschnathiana " or "Talisia esculenta ")
*Poha orCape Gooseberry ("Physalis peruviana";Solanaceae )
*Pois doux ("Inga edulis ", "ice-cream bean ", or "inga-cipó " in Portuguese)
*Poisonleaf ("Dichapetalum cymosum ") (?)
*Pommecythère or pomcité ("Spondias cytherea "); also known asgolden apple ,June plum orJew plum andambarella , and ascajamanga in Portuguese
*Pommerac ("Eugenia malaccensis "); also known asOtaheite apple ; Malay apple; jambo in Portuguese
*Pupunha or peach-palm ("Bactris gasipaes";Palmae ); also known as "pewa"
*Rambutan ("Nephelium lappaceum";Sapindaceae )
*Red Mombin ("Spondias purpurea";Anacardiaceae )
*Riberry ("Syzygium luehmannii";Myrtaceae ), also calledLilly Pilly ,Lillipilli ,Chinese Apple
*Ridged gourd
*Salak ("Salacca edulis"), also calledsnakefruit
*Santol ("Sandoricum koetjape";Meliaceae )
*Sapodilla ("Achras/Manilkara zapota";Sapotaceae ), also calledchiku ,mespel ,naseberry ,sapadilla ,snake fruit ,sawo
*Sea grape
*Soncoya ("Annona diversifolia")
*Soursop ("Annona muricata";Annonaceae ), also calledguanabana
*Star apple ("Chrysophyllum cainito"), also called caimito or "caimite"
*Strawberry guava
*Strawberry pear
*Sugar apple ("Annona squamosa";Annonaceae ); ata in Portuguese
*Summer squash
*Surinam Cherry ("Eugenia uniflora";Myrtaceae ) also calledBrazilian Cherry ,Cayenne Cherry ,Pitanga
*Sweet granadilla
*Sweet orange
*Sweet pepper
*Rose apple ("Syzygium jambos";Myrtaceae ), also called Malay apple
*Tamarind ("Tamarindus indica";Caesalpiniaceae )
*Water apple
*Wax apple ("Syzygium samarangense")
*Wax gourd
*White sapote
*Winged bean Unsorted
Chocolate vine ("Akebia quinata")
*Elaeagnus angustifolia ("Russian olive")
*Garden Peach Tomato
*Ice Plant ("Carpobrotus edulis";Aizoaceae )
*Sythus Fagus ("Sythe")
*Taxus baccata ("Yew") sweet red fruit with a highly toxic seed.ee also
*Tropical agriculture
*Fruit tree propagation
*List of edible seeds
*List of culinary herbs and spices
*List of culinary nuts
*List of culinary vegetables External links
* [http://www.hort.purdue.edu/newcrop/Indices/index_ab.html Center for New Crops of the Purdue University]
* [http://www.marthastewart.com/portal/site/mslo/menuitem.5a5f106ae77dcfe19de3fc3a3373a0a0/?vgnextoid=5a79cf380e1dd010VgnVCM1000005b09a00aRCRD&vgnextchannel=5a79cf380e1dd010VgnVCM1000005b09a00aRCRD&rsc=navigationglobal_Homepage_Homepage&lastnavigatedchannel=c479cf380e1dd010VgnVCM1000005b09a00aRCRD Recipes - Martha Stewart]
* [http://www.fruitsbook.com Fruits book]
* [http://www.museums.org.za/bio/plants/rutaceae/citrus.htm Citrus (Orange, Lemon, Lime, Grapefruit, Naartjie genus)]
* [http://www.hort.purdue.edu/newcrop/morton/index.html Fruits of Warm Climates]
* [http://www.brevardrarefruit.org List of fruits]
* [http://www.crfg.org Rare Fruit Growers of California] with [http://www.crfg.org/pubs/fl/commonAC.html Common fruit names]
* [http://plantstreesflowers.sihanoukville-cambodia.com/fruits/fruits.html Tropical fruits of Cambodia]
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