Pleiogynium timorense

Pleiogynium timorense

name = "Pleiogynium timorense"
regnum = Plantae
unranked_divisio = Angiosperms
unranked_classis = Eudicots
unranked_ordo = Rosids
ordo = Sapindales
familia = Anacardiaceae
genus = "Pleiogynium"
species = "P. timorense"
binomial = "Pleiogynium timorense"
binomial_authority = (DC.) Leenh.|

"Pleiogynium timorense", commonly known as the Burdekin Plum, is a medium-sized fruit-bearing tree native to Australia.

This semi-deciduous tree can naturally reach up to 20 m high but in cultivation generally grows to approximately 12 m. It has a dense canopy with glossy dark green leaves and rough dark bark. The tree has yellowish-green flowers which flower between January and March and later grow into a fruit. The fruit's flesh is generally plum coloured however, white varieties have been reported. The fruit is edible when ripe. Fruit must be removed from tree to ripen for several days in a dark, damp place. Native aboriginals are known to have buried the fruit underground to ripen. Fruit can be cooked, eaten raw or used in jellies, jams and preserves. [ [ Pleiogynium timorense ] ] [ [ SGAP(Qld) - Bush Tucker - Burdekin Plum ] ] [ [ Pleiogynium timorense ] ]


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