Citrus limetta

Citrus limetta
sweet lime
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Eudicots
(unranked): Rosids
Order: Sapindales
Family: Rutaceae
Genus: Citrus
Species: C. limetta
Binomial name
Citrus limetta

Citrus limetta is a species of citrus. Common names for varieties of this species include sweet limetta, Mediterranean sweet lemon, sweet lemon, and sweet lime. In Iran it is called Limu Shirin لیمو شیرین (in Persian: Limu = Lemon and Shirin = Sweet). In India, it is commonly called sathukudi, (in Tamil)mousambi, mosambi, or musambi.[1](in Hindi/Urdu) and Bathaya Kaayalu (in Telugu). The Tamil name derived from the name of a village "sattukkudi' (சாத்துக்குடி) where this fruit was cultivated first in Tamil Nadu.



Sweet lime along with other types of lemons.

It is a small tree which may reach 8 m in height. The sweet lemon has irregular branches, and relatively smooth, brownish-grey bark. It possesses numerous thorns which may grow to anywhere from 1.5 to 7.5 cm long. The petioles of the sweet lemon are narrowly but distinctly winged, and are 8 to 29 mm long. It has leaflets rather than leaves, which are obovate and 5.5 to 17 cm long, 2.8 to 8 cm wide. The apex of the leaflet is acuminate, and the base of the leaflet is rounded. Flowers are white in bud and in bloom, ranging from 2 to 3 cm wide. The petals soon fall away, leaving the fruit to grow. The skin of the fruit is light yellow at maturity; the rind is white and about 5 mm thick. The pulp is greenish and the juice is sweet rather than acidic.[2]


Sweet lime juice and pomegranate juice.

It is native to South Asia and South East Asia and is cultivated in the Mediterranean region.[3] It has been introduced to other regions of the world by humans. It is propagated by seed.


The fruit of the sweet lemon is edible, and contains essential oils. The tree is used for ornamental purposes or for graft stock.[3] In Iran, it is particularly used to treat flu and cold. The fruit has high levels of ascorbic acid (Vitamin C). The juice is used by all, especially those who are sick.


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