

name = Anise

image_width = 240px
regnum = Plantae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis = Magnoliopsida
ordo = Apiales
familia = Apiaceae
genus = "Pimpinella"
species = "P. anisum"
binomial = "Pimpinella anisum"
binomial_authority = L.

[ Anise] or Aniseed, less commonly anís (stressed on the second syllable) ("Pimpinella anisum"), is a flowering plant in the family Apiaceae, native to the eastern Mediterranean region and southwest Asia. It is an herbaceous annual plant growing to 3 ft (1 m) tall. The leaves at the base of the plant are simple, 0.5 in - 2 in (2 - 5 cm) long and shallowly lobed, while leaves higher on the stems are feathery pinnate, divided into numerous leafs. The flowers are white, approximately 3 mm diameter, produced in dense umbels. The fruit is an oblong dry schizocarp, 3 - 5 mm long. It is these seedpods that are referred to as aniseed rather than what the name suggests. []

"Pimpinella" species are used as food by the larvae of some Lepidoptera species (butterflies and moths), including the lime-speck mug and wormwood mug.


* Refer to the monograph of the 4th edition of the European Pharmacopoeia [1153] .


Best growth is in light, fertile, well drained soil. Start plants from seeds as soon as the ground warms up in spring. Because plants have a tap root they do not transplant well after established, so start them where they are to grow, or transplant while seedlings are still small. [ [ How to Grow Anise] ]



Containing liquorice-like components [, [ Spice Pages: Anise Seeds (Pimpinella anisum) ] ] anise is sweet and very aromatic. It is used to make the following confectioneries: Aniseed balls (Britain), Humbugs (Australia), Aniseed wheels (New Zealand), pizzelles (Italy), pfeffernusse (Germany), and knotts (Norway). Aniseed is also used to make the Mexican drink "atole de anís" or champurrado which is similar to hot chocolate, the Turkish drink Raki (alcoholic beverage),the Greek Ouzo, the Italian Sambuca, the spirit absinthe, the favourite for Arabic Arak, some root beer such as Virgil's Root Beer in the United States and as a digestive after meals in India.It also is used to make the dough, when preparing the famous Peruvian dessert "Picarones."In Colombia, it is also used to add to the national drink aguardiente, in which, depending on the region, more or less anise gives the typical drink its distinctive flavor.


* Anise, like fennel, contains anethole, and is known to be a phytoestrogen. [Fennel and anise as estrogenic agents PMID 6999244]
* Anise is a mild antiparasitic and its leaves can be used to treat digestive problems, relieve toothache, and its essential oil to treat lice and scabies.


* In aromatherapy, aniseed essential oil is used to treat colds and flu.
* According to Pliny the Elder, anise was used as a cure for sleeplessness, chewed with alexanders and a little honey in the morning to freshen the breath, and when mixed with wine as a remedy for scorpion stings (N.H. 20.72).
* In the Mediterranean, aniseed is used in producing alcoholic beverages, such as arak (Lebanon), ouzo (Greece) and Raki in Turkey.
* In Indian cuisine, no distinction is made between anise and fennel. Therefore, the same name (saunf) is usually given to both of them. Some use the term patli (thin) saunf or velayati (foreign) saunf to distinguish anise from fennel.
* In Thailand it is used to flavor tea.
* In Pakistan boiling water is poured over about a tablespoon of aniseed in a teacup to make a hot tea.
* Builders of steam locomotives in Britain incorporated capsules of aniseed oil into white metal bearings, so that the distinctive smell would give warning in case of overheating.
* Aniseed is the flavour of the sweetened gum Blackjack and Nigeria's "Tom Tom" candy.

Anise can be made into a liquid scent and is used for both hunting and fishing. Anise smells similar to liquorice and is put on fishing lures to attract fish. Anethole, the principal component of anise oil, is a precursor that can eventually produce 2,5-dimethoxybenzaldehyde which is used in the clandestine synthesis of psychedelic drugs such as 2C-B, 2C-I and DOB. [cite journal
coauthors = Dieter Waumans, Noël Bruneel, Jan Tytgat
title = Anise Oil as a Precursor for 2-Alkoxy-5-methoxybenzaldehydes
journal = DEA Microgram Journal
volume = 2
issue = 1
url =
accessdate = 2006-12-09
] Anise is also the main flavor of absinthe as well as being used as a flavoring for pastis, ouzo, pernod, sambuca, rakı, Becherovka, anice tutone, Chartreuse and other liqueurs. Anise has a particular effect on some dogs that parallels the effect of catnip on house cats. Some cats as well seem attracted to anise. Anise is perfectly safe for cats and dogs alike to ingest.

International naming

Ѓумбир; Исиот (Gjumbir; Isiot) in Macedonian; Anis or Erva-doce in Portuguese


External links

* [ Anise medicinal uses, active ingredients, and additional details]

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