Missionaries of the Poor

Missionaries of the Poor

The Missionaries of the Poor (MOP) is an international Roman Catholic monastic order of Brothers dedicated to "Joyful Service with Christ on the Cross" to serve the poorest of the poor. The order was started in 1981 by Father Richard Ho Lung in Kingston, Jamaica and has now grown to over 550 brothers from 13 countries.

Their headquarters is in Kingston, where they presently maintain five large homes for destitute persons, including abandoned sick, disabled, or dying men, women, infants, and children. The Brothers also perform charitable work in India, the Philippines, Haiti and Uganda.

MOP's headquarter is in Kingston, Jamaica, where it maintains six mission homes for destitute persons, including abandoned sick, disabled, or dying men, women, infants, and children. The Order also operates in India (Andhra Pradesh & Orissa), the Philippines (Naga City & Cebu), Haiti (Cap-Haïtien), Uganda (Kampala), Kenya (Nairobi) and the United States (Monroe, North Carolina). A mission is being established in Indonesia. One of the most striking characteristics of the life and works of MOP is the award-winning, Caribbean-styled, Christian music that the order produces. Most songs are written by Father Ho Lung and performed by Father Ho Lung & Friends. The music generates revenue for the mission.

The brothers, who gave away all personal belongings, take vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. Everything is done in community including eating, sleeping, and traveling. All of their daily activities revolves around prayer, service and worship. More than just giving aid with food, clothing and shelter, the Missionaries of the Poor are dedicated to building up the Church and spreading the Faith. Dedicated to the Holy Rosary, they wear the beads on their sash, and, providentially, the order was approved by the Vatican on the feast of the Holy Rosary in 1997[1]


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