List of mathematicians (B)

List of mathematicians (B)



* Babai, László (Hungary, 1950 - )
* Babbage, Charles (England, 1791 - 1871)
* Babuška, Ivo (Czech Republic, ? - )
* Bacaloglu, Emanoil (Romania, 1830 - 1891)
* Bach, Eric (?, ? - )
* Bachelier, Louis Jean-Baptiste Alphonse (France, 1870 - 1946)
* Bachet de Méziriac, Claude Gaspard (France, 1581 - 1638)
* Bachmann, Paul Gustav Heinrich (Germany, 1837 - 1920)
* Back, Adam (?, ? - )
* Bäcklund, Albert Victor (Sweden, 1845 - 1922)
* Backus, John (USA, 1924 - 2007)
* Baer, Nicolai Reymers (Germany, ? - )
* Baer, Reinhold (Germany, 1902 - 1979)
* Baer, Steve (USA, 1938 - )
* Baez, John C. (USA, 1961 - )
* al-Baghdadi, Ibn Tahir (Arabia, ? - )
* Bahadur, Raghu Raj (India/USA, 1924 - 1997)
* Bailey, David H. (?, ? - )
* Bailey, Wilfrid Norman (Britain, 1893 - 1961)
* Baire, René-Louis (France, 1874 - 1932)
* Bairstow, Leonard (England, 1880 - 1963)
* Baker, Alan (England, 1939 - )
* Baker, Henry F. (Britain, 1866 - 1956)
* Balaji, Vikraman (India, ? - )
* Balakrishnan, A.V. (USA, ? - )
* Balazard, Michel (France, ? - )
* Balcar, Bohuslav (Czech Republic, 1943 - )
* Baldi, Bernardino (Italy, 1533 - 1617)
* Balding, David (Britain/Australia, ? - )
* Baldor, Aurelio (?, ? - )
* Balk, Gregory (Ireland, ? - )
* Ball, C. Olin (USA, 1893 - 1982)
* Ball, John M. (Britain, ? - )
* Ball, Lawrence (England, ? - )
* Balmer, Johann Jakob (Switzerland, 1825 - 1898)
* Balogh, Zoltán Tibor (Hungary, 1953 - 2002)


* Banach, Stefan (Poland, 1892 - 1945)
* Banachiewicz, Tadeusz (Poland, 1882 - 1954)
* Banchoff, Thomas (USA, ? - )
* Banerjee, Amiya Charan (India, 1891 - 1968)
* Banerjee, Kali S. (?, 1914 - 2002)
* Bankoff, Leon (USA, 1908 - 1997)
* ibn al-Banna, al-Marrakushi (Morocco, 1256 - 1321)
* Banyaga, Augustin (USA, 1947 - )
* Bar-Hillel, Yehoshua (mathematical, 1915 - 1975)
* Bar-Natan, Dror (Israel, 1966 - )
* Baranauskas, Antanas (Lithuania, 1835 - 1902)
* Barański, Feliks (Poland, ? - )
* Barbu, Ion (Romania, 1895 - 1961)
* Barden, Dennis (Britain, ? - )
* Barenblatt, Grigory (Russia, 1927 - )
* Barendregt, Henk (mathematical, 1947 - )
* Bargmann, Valentine (Germany, ? - )
* Bari, Nina (Russia/Soviet Union, 1901 - 1961)
* Bari, Ruth Aaronson (?, 1917 - 2005)
* Barlow, Peter (England, 1776 - 1862)
* Barnard, George Alfred (England, 1915 - 2002)
* Barndorff-Nielsen, Ole Eiler (Denmark, 1935 - present)
* Barnes, Ernest William (England, 1874 - 1953)
* Barnsley, Michael (USA, ? - )
* Baronet, Sir Edward Bromhead, 2nd (England, 1789 - 1855)
* Baronet, Sir George Shuckburgh-Evelyn, 6th (England, 1751 - 1804)
* Baronet, Sir John Sinclair, 1st (Scotland, 1754 - 1835)
* Barozzi, Francesco (Italy, 1537 - 1604)
* Barr, Mark (USA, ? - )
* Barr, Michael (Canada, ? - )
* Barrett, John W. (England, 1950s - )
* Barricelli, Nils Aall (?, 1912 - 1993)
* Barrow, Isaac (England, 1630 - 1677)
* Bartel, Kazimierz (Poland, 1882 - 1941)
* Bartels, Johann Christian Martin (Germany, 1769 - 1836)
* Bartels, Julius (Germany, 1899 - 1964)
* Barth, Wolf (?, ? - )
* Bartholin, Thomas (Denmark, 1616 - 1680)
* Bartle, Robert G. (?, 1927 - 2003)
* Bartlett, M. S. (England, 1910 - 2002)
* Bartnik, Robert (Australia, ? - )
* Barton, Reid W. (USA, ? - )
* Bartoszyński, Tomek (USA/Poland, 1957 - )
* Barwise, Jon (USA, 1942 - 2000)


* Bascand, Geoff (New Zealand, ? - )
* Bass, Hyman (USA, 1932 - )
* Basu, Debabrata (India, 1924 - 2001)
* Batagelj, Vladimir (Slovenia, 1948 - )
* Batchelor, George (Britain/Australia, 1920 - 2000)
* Bateman, Harry (England, 1882 - 1946)
* Bates, David
* Baudhayana (Ancient India, circa 800 BC - )
* Bauer, Friedrich L. (Germany, 1924 - )
* Baumgartner, James Earl (USA, ? - )
* Baumslag, Gilbert (USA, ? - )
* Baxter, Agnes Sime (Canada, 1870 - 1917)
* Baxter, Laurence (England/Britain, 1954 - 1996)
* Baxter, Michael (England/Britain, 1956 - )
* Bayer, Dave (USA, ? - )
* Bayes, Thomas (England, 1702 - 1761)
* Bayma, Joseph (Italy, 1816 - 1892)
* Bazhanov, Valentin A. (Russia, 1953 - )
* Beale, Martin (?, 1928 - 1985)
* de Beaugrand, Jean (France, 1584 - 1640)
* de Beaune, Florimond (France, ? - )
* de Beauregard Robinson, Gilbert (Canada, 1906 - 1992)
* Beck, József (?, ? - )
* Bedwell, William (England, 1561 - 1632)
* Beeger, N. G. W. H. (Netherlands, 1884 - 1965)
* Beer, August (?, 1825 - 1863)
* Beg, Ulugh (Turkey, 1390s - 1449)
* Behmann, Heinrich (Germany, 1891 - 1970)
* Beilinson, Alexander (USA/Russia, ? - )
* Belaga, Edward (Russia, 1939 - )
* Bélanger, Jean-Baptiste-Charles-Joseph (France, 1789 - 1874)
* Belavkin, Viacheslav (Britain, ? - )
* Belbruno, Edward (USA, ? - )
* de Bélidor, Bernard Forest (France, 1698 - 1761)
* Bell, Eric Temple (USA/Scotland, 1883 - 1960)
* Bellman, Richard E. (USA, 1920 - 1984)
* Bellow, Alexandra (Romania, 1935 - )
* Beltrami, Eugenio (Italy, 1835 - 1899)


* Benacerraf, Paul (USA, ? - )
* Bendixson, Ivar Otto (Sweden, 1861 - 1935)
* Benedetti, Giambattista (Italy, 1530 - 1590)
* Benedetto, John (USA, 1939 - )
* Benes, Vaclav E. (USA, 1930 - )
* Benesh, Rudolf (Britain, 1916 - 1975)
* Benjamin, Arthur T. (USA, ? - )
* Benjamin, Bernard (Britain, 1910 - 2002)
* Benjamin, T. Brooke (England, 1929 - 1995)
* van Benthem, Johan (?, 1949 - )
* Benz, Walter (Germany, 1931 - )
* Berezin, Felix (Russia/Soviet Union, 1931 - 1980)
* Berezovsky, Boris (Russia, 1946 - )
* Berge, Claude (France, 1926 - 2002)
* Berger, James (USA, ? - )
* Berger, Marcel (?, 1927 - )
* Berger, Robert (?, ? - )
* Berger, Robert W. (Germany, ? - )
* Bergman, Stefan (Poland/USA, 1895 - 1977)
* Berkson, Joseph (USA, 1899 - 1982)
* Berlekamp, Elwyn (USA, 1940 - )
* Berlinski, David (USA, 1942 - )
* Bernardo, José-Miguel (?, ? - )
* Bernays, Paul (Switzerland, 1888 - 1977)
* Berndt, Bruce C. (USA, 1939 - )
* Berners-Lee, Conway (England/Britain, 1921 - )
* Bernoulli, Daniel (Netherlands/Switzerland, 1700 - 1782)
* Bernoulli, Jacob (Switzerland, 1654 - 1705)
* Bernoulli, Johann (Switzerland, 1667 - 1748)
* Bernoulli, Nicolaus I (Switzerland, 1687 - 1759)
* Bernoulli, Nicolaus II (Switzerland, 1695 - 1726)
* Bernstein, Daniel Julius (USA, 1971 - )
* Bernstein, Dorothy Lewis (?, 1914 - 1988)
* Bernstein, Felix (Germany, 1878 - 1956)
* Bernstein, Joseph (Israel, 1945 - )
* Bernstein, Michael (?, ? - )
* Bernstein, Sergei Natanovich (Ukraine/Soviet Union, 1880 - 1968)
* Berry, Don (USA, ? - )
* Bers, Lipman (USA/Latvia, 1914 - 1993)
* Berthelot, Pierre (France, ? - )
* Berti, Gasparo (Italy, ? - 1643)
* Bertillon, Jacques (France, 1851 - 1922)
* Bertillon, Louis (France, 1812 - 1883)
* Bertrand, Joseph Louis François (France, 1822 - 1900)


* Besicovitch, Abram Samoilovitch (Britain/Russia/Ukraine, 1891 - 1970)
* Bessel, Friedrich (Germany, 1784 - 1846)
* de Bessy, Bernard Frénicle (France, 1600s - 1675)
* Beth, Evert Willem (mathematical, 1908 - 1964)
* Betti, Enrico (Italy, 1823 - 1892)
* Bettinus, Mario (Italy, 1582 - 1657)
* Betts, Joseph (Britain, ? - )
* Beurling, Arne (Sweden, 1905 - 1986)
* Beutelspacher, Albrecht (?, 1950 - )
* Béziau, Jean-Yves (mathematical, 1965 - )
* Bézout, Étienne (France, 1730 - 1783)
* Bhargava, Manjul (India, 1974 - )
* Bhaskara, Rao Siddani (?, ? - )
* Bhat, U. Narayan (India/USA, ? - )
* Bhatnagar, Prabhu Lal (India, 1912 - 1976)
* Bhattathiri, Melpathur Narayana (?, 1559 - 1632)
* Białynicki-Birula, Andrzej (Poland, 1935 - )
* Biancani, Giuseppe (Italy, 1566 - 1624)
* Bianchi, Luigi (Italy, 1856 - 1928)
* Bieberbach, Ludwig (Germany, 1886 - 1982)
* Bienaymé, Irénée-Jules (?, 1796 - 1878)
* Biham, Eli (Israel, ? - )
* de Billy, Jacques (France, 1602 - 1679)
* Binet, Jacques Philippe Marie (France, 1786 - 1856)
* Bing, RH (USA, 1914 - 1986)
* Bingham, Christopher (USA, ? - )
* Bion of Abdera (Ancient Greece, ? - )
* Biot, Jean-Baptiste (France, 1774 - 1862)
* Birch, Bryan John (Britain, ? - )
* Al-Birjandi (Persia, ? - 1528)
* Birkhoff, Garrett (USA, 1911 - 1996)
* Birkhoff, George David (USA, 1884 - 1944)
* Birman, Joan (USA, 1927 - )
* Birnbaum, Allan (USA, 1923 - 1976)
* Bīrūnī, Abū Rayhān (Persia, 973 - 1048)
* Biržiška, Viktoras (Lithuania, ? - )


* Bishop, Errett (USA, 1928 - 1983)
* Bismut, Jean-Michel (?, ? - )
* Biss, Daniel (USA, ? - )
* Bjerknes, Carl Anton (Norway, 1825 - 1903)
* Black, Arthur (England, ? - )
* Black, Max (?, 1909 - 1988)
* Blackwell, David (USA, 1919 - )
* Blagrave, John (Britain, 1560s - 1611)
* Blanch, Gertrude (Poland, 1897 - 1996)
* Blank, Brian (?, ? - )
* Blanuša, Danilo (Croatia, 1903 - 1987)
* Blaschke, Wilhelm (Austria, 1885 - 1962)
* Blass, Andreas (?, ? - )
* Blass, Piotr (Poland, 1948 - )
* Bledsoe, Woody (USA, 1921 - 1995)
* Bliss, Chester Ittner (USA, ? - )
* Bliss, Gilbert Ames (USA, 1876 - 1951)
* Bliss, Nathaniel (England, 1700 - 1764)
* Bloch, André (France, 1893 - 1948)
* Block, Maurice (Germany/France, 1816 - 1901)
* Block, Richard Earl (USA, ? - )
* Blum, Lenore (USA, 1942 - )
* Blumenthal, Leonard (USA, 1901 - 1984)
* Blumenthal, Otto (Germany, 1876 - 1944)
* Boaga, Giovanni (Italy, 1902 - 1961)
* Boardman, Michael (USA/Britain, ? - )
* Boas, Harold P. (USA, 1954 - )
* Boas, Jr, Ralph P. (USA, 1912 - 1992)
* Bobillier, Étienne (France, 1798 - 1840)
* Bôcher, Maxime (USA, 1867 - 1918)
* Bochner, Salomon (USA/Austria, 1899 - 1982)
* Bock, Hans Georg (Germany, 1948 - )


* Bode, Hendrik Wade (USA, 1905 - 1982)
* Bodmer, Walter (Britain, 1936 - )
* Boedihardjo, March Tian (?, ? - )
* Bogdanov, R. I. (Russia, 1950 - )
* Bogdanov, Vladimir (Russia, 1951 - )
* Bogolyubov, Nikolay (Russia/Soviet Union, 1909 - 1992)
* Bogomolov, Fedor (Russia/Soviet Union, ? - )
* Bohl, Piers (Latvia, ? - )
* von Bohnenberger, Johann Gottlieb Friedrich (Germany, 1765 - 1831)
* Bohr, Harald (Denmark, 1887 - 1951)
* du Bois-Reymond, Paul David Gustav (Germany, 1831 - 1889)
* de Boislaurent, François Budan (France, 1761 - 1840)
* Bollobás, Béla (Hungary, 1943 - )
* Boltzmann, Ludwig (?, 1844 - 1906)
* Bolyai, Farkas (Hungary, 1775 - 1856)
* Bolyai, János (Hungary, 1802 - 1860)
* Bolza, Oskar (Germany, 1857 - 1942)
* Bolzano, Bernard (Czech Republic, 1781 - 1848)
* Bombelli, Rafael (Italy, 1526 - 1572)
* Bombieri, Enrico (Italy, 1940 - )
* Boncompagni, Baldassarre (Italy, ? - )
* Bonev, Georgi (Bulgaria, ? - )
* Bonferroni, Carlo Emilio (Italy, 1892 - 1960)
* Bonnet, Pierre Ossian (France, 1819 - 1892)
* Book, Ronald V. (USA, 1937 - 1997)
* Boole, George (Ireland/Britain, 1815 - 1864)
* Boole, Mary Everest (?, 1832 - 1916)
* Boolos, George (USA, 1940 - 1996)
* de Boor, Carl R. (USA, 1937 - )
* Booth, Keith (?, ? - )
* Booth, Taylor (?, ? - )


* Borchardt, Carl Wilhelm (Germany, 1817 - 1880)
* Borcherds, Richard (Britain, 1959 - )
* de Borda, Jean-Charles (France, 1733 - 1799)
* Boreham, John (Britain, 1925 - 1994)
* Borel, Armand (Switzerland, 1923 - 2003)
* Borel, Félix Édouard Justin Émile (France, 1871 - 1956)
* Borelli, Giovanni Alfonso (Italy, 1608 - 1679)
* Borodin, Allan (?, ? - )
* Borok, Valentina (Ukraine, 1931 - 2004)
* Borsuk, Karol (Poland, 1905 - 1982)
* Bortkiewicz, Ladislaus (Russia, 1868 - 1931)
* Borůvka, Otakar (Czech Republic, 1899 - 1995)
* Borwein, David (Canada, 1924 - )
* Borwein, Jonathan (Canada/Scotland, 1951 - )
* Borwein, Peter (Canada, 1953 - )
* Boscovich, Roger Joseph (Croatia/Italy/Serbia, 1711 - 1787)
* Bose, Jagdish Chandra (?, 1858 - 1937)
* Bose, Raj Chandra (India, 1901 - 1987)
* Bose, Satyendra Nath (India, 1894 - 1974)
* Bossut, Charles (France, 1730 - 1814)
* Bott, Raoul (USA/Hungary, 1923 - 2005)
* Bouguer, Pierre (France, 1698 - 1758)
* Bourbaki, Nicolas (France)
* Bourgain, Jean (Belgium, 1954 - )
* Bourguignon, Jean-Pierre (France, 1947 - )
* Bourne, William (?, 1530s - 1582)
* Boussinesq, Joseph Valentin (France, 1842 - 1929)
* Boutroux, Pierre (?, 1880 - 1922)
* de Bovelles, Charles (France, ? - )
* Bowditch, Brian (?, 1961 - )
* Bowditch, Nathaniel (USA, 1773 - 1838)
* Bowley, Arthur Lyon (England, 1869 - 1957)


* Box, George E. P. (England, 1919 - )
* Boxma, Onno J. (Netherlands, 1952 - )
* Boy, Werner (?, ? - )
* Boyer, Carl Benjamin (USA, 1906 - 1976)
* Boyer, Robert S. (?, ? - )
* de la Brad, Ion Ionescu (?, 1818 - 1891)
* Bradwardine, Thomas (England, 1290 - 1349)
* Brady, AJ (Australia, 1981 - )
* de Bragança Pereira, Basilio (Brazil, 1945 - )
* Brahmadeva (Ancient India, 1060 - 1130)
* Brahmagupta (Ancient India, 598 - 668)
* Brams, Steven (USA, 1940 - )
* Brandreth, Thomas Shaw (England, 1788 - 1873)
* Brandt, Achi (Israel, 1938 - )
* Brandt, Heinrich (Germany, 1886 - 1954)
* de Branges de Bourcia, Louis (USA, 1932 - )
* Brashman, Nikolai (Czech Republic/Russia, 1796 - 1866)
* Brauer, Richard (USA/Germany, 1901 - 1977)
* Brawley, Joel (USA, 1938 - )
* Breckerfeld, Franc (Slovenia, 1681 - 1744)
* Bredon, Simon (England, ? - )
* Breiman, Leo (USA, 1928 - 2005)
* Bren, Matevž (Slovenia, 1954 - )
* Brent, Richard (Australia, 1946 - )
* Breskvar, Silvo (Slovenia, 1902 - 1969)
* Breslow, Norman (USA, 1941 - )
* Brewster, David (Scotland, 1781 - 1868)
* Brezis, Haïm (France, 1944 - )
* Brianchon, Charles Julien (France, 1783 - 1864)
* Bridge, Bewick (England, 1767 - 1833)
* Briggs, Henry (England, 1561 - 1630)
* Briggs, Keith (?, ? - )
* Brillhart, John (?, ? - )
* Brillouin, Marcel (France, 1854 - 1948)
* Bring, Erland Samuel (Sweden, 1736 - 1798)
* Brink, Chris (South Africa, ? - )
* Brioschi, Francesco (Italy, 1824 - 1897)
* Britton, John (England/Britain, 1927 - 1994)


* Brocard, Henri (France, 1845 - 1922)
* Brodetsky, Selig (Britain, 1888 - 1954)
* Broer, Lambertus Johannes Folkert (Netherlands, 1916 - 1991)
* Bronowski, Jacob (Poland, 1908 - 1974)
* Brooke, Robert (?, 1940 - )
* Brooks, Fred (USA, 1931 - )
* Brooks, Steve (England, ? - )
* brothers, Chudnovsky (USA/Ukraine, ? - )
* Brothers, Harlan J. (USA, ? - )
* Brouncker, William Brouncker, 2nd Viscount (England, 1620 - 1684)
* Brousseau, Alfred (?, 1907 - 1988)
* Brouwer, Luitzen Egbertus Jan (Netherlands, 1881 - 1966)
* Browder, Felix (USA, 1927 - )
* Browder, William (USA, 1934 - )
* Brown, Gavin (Australia, 1942 - )
* Brown, Lawrence D. (USA, 1940 - )
* Brown, Richard G. (USA, ? - )
* Brown, Ronald (?, ? - )
* Browne, Marjorie Lee (?, 1914 - 1979)
* Brożek, Jan (Poland, 1585 - 1652)
* Bruckner, Andrew M. (USA, ? - )
* Brudzewski, Albert (Poland, 1445 - 1497)
* Bruhat, François (France, 1929 - 2007)
* de Bruijn, Nicolaas Govert (Netherlands, 1918 - )
* Brummelen, Glen Van (Canada, ? - )
* de Brún, Pádraig (Ireland, 1889 - 1960)
* Brun, Viggo (Norway, 1885 - 1978)
* Bruss, Franz Thomas (Germany, ? - )
* Bryan, George H. (Wales, ? - )
* Bryant, Sophie (Britain, 1850 - 1922)
* Brylinski, Jean-Luc (France, ? - )
* Bryson of Heraclea (Ancient Greece, ? - )


* Buchberger, Bruno (Austria, 1942 - )
* Büchi, Julius Richard (Switzerland, 1924 - 1984)
* Buchstaber, Viktor (Russia, 1943 - )
* Budd, Christopher (England, ? - )
* Budhayan (?, ? - )
* de Buffon, Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte (France, 1707 - 1788)
* Bugaev, Nikolai (Russia, 1837 - 1903)
* Bukreyev, Boris Yakovych (Ukraine/Russia, 1859 - 1962)
* Bullen, Keith Edward (New Zealand/Australia, 1906 - 1976)
* Bullialdus, Ismaël (France, 1605 - 1694)
* Bullough, Robin (Britain, 1929 - 1929)
* al-Buni, Ahmad (Arabia, ? - 1225)
* Bunimovich, Leonid (USA/Russia, ? - )
* Bunyakovsky, Viktor (Russia, 1804 - 1889)
* Burago, Yuri Dmitrievich (Russia/Soviet Union, ? - )
* Burali-Forti, Cesare (?, 1861 - 1931)
* Burckhardt, Johann Karl (Germany/France, 1773 - 1825)
* Burger, Dionys (Netherlands, 1892 - 1987)
* Burger, Edward (USA, ? - )
* Burgess, Warren Randolph (USA, 1889 - 1978)
* Bürgi, Joost (Switzerland, 1552 - 1632)
* Burks, Arthur (USA, 1915 - 2008)
* Bürmann, Hans Heinrich (?, ? - )
* Burnside, William (Britain, 1852 - 1927)
* Butcher, John C. (?, 1933 - )
* Buzek, Józef (Poland, 1873 - 1936)
* al-Būzjānī, Abū al-Wafā' (Persia, 940 - 990s)
* Buzzard, Kevin (Britain, 1968 - )

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