Johann Bernoulli

Johann Bernoulli

name = Johann Bernoulli

image_width = 200px
caption = Johann Bernoulli
birth_date = birth date|df=yes|1667|7|27
birth_place = Basel, Switzerland
death_date = death date and age|df=yes|1748|1|1|1667|7|27
death_place = Basel, Switzerland
residence = Switzerland
nationality = Swiss
field = Mathematician
work_institution = University of Groningen
University of Basel
alma_mater = University of Basel
doctoral_advisor = Jacob Bernoulli
doctoral_students = Leonhard Euler
Johann Samuel König
Pierre Louis Maupertuis
known_for = Development of calculus
Catenary solution
religion = Calvinist
footnotes= Brother of Jakob Bernoulli, and the father of Daniel Bernoulli.

Johann Bernoulli (Basel, 27 July 1667 - 1 January 1748) was a Swiss mathematician. He was the brother of Jakob Bernoulli, and the father of Daniel Bernoulli (for whom Bernoulli's principle was named) and Nicolaus II Bernoulli. He is also known as Jean or John Bernoulli. He educated the great mathematician Leonhard Euler in his youth.

Early life and education

Johann began studying medicine at Basel University. His father desired that he study business so that he might take over the family spice trade, but Johann Bernoulli disliked business and convinced his father to allow him to study medicine instead. However, Johann Bernoulli did not enjoy medicine either and began studying mathematics with his older brother on the side. [ "A Short History of Mathematics", by V. Sanford, Houghton, Mifflin Company, (1958)] Throughout Johann Bernoullis education at Basel University the Bernoulli brothers worked together spending much of their time studying the newly discovered calculus. They were among the first mathematicians to not only study and understand calculus but to apply it to various problems. [ "The Bernoulli Family", by H. Bernhard, Doubleday, Page & Company, (1938)]

Adult life

After graduating from Basel University Johann Bernoulli moved to Geneva to teach differential equations. Later, in 1694, Johann Bernoulli married Dorothea Falkner and soon after accepted a position as the professor of mathematics at the University of Groningen. At the request of Johann Bernoullis father-in-law, Johann Bernoulli began the voyage back to his home town of Basel in 1705. Just after setting out on the journey he learned of his brothers death to tuberculosis. Johann Bernoulli had planned on becoming the professor of Greek at Basel University upon returning but instead was able to take over as professor of mathematics; his older brothers former position. As a student of Leibnizs calculus, Johann Bernoulli sided with him in 1713 in the Newton-Leibniz debate over who deserved credit for the discovery of calculus. Johann Bernoulli defended Leibniz by showing that he had solved certain problems with his methods that Newton had failed to solve. However, due to his opposition to Newton and the study that he had done under the followers of Descartes, Johann Bernoulli also promoted Descartesvortex theory over Newtons theory of gravitation which ultimately delayed acceptance of Newtons theory in Europe. [ "Johann and Jacob Bernoulli", by J.O. Fleckenstein, Mathematical Association of America, (1949)]

In 1724 he entered a competition sponsored by the French Académie Royale des Sciences, which posed the question:

:What are the laws according to which a perfectly hard body, put into motion, moves another body of the same nature either at rest or in motion, and which it encounters either in a vacuum or in a plenum?

In defending a view previously espoused by Leibniz he found himself postulating an infinite external force required to make the body elastic by overcoming the infinite internal force making the body hard. In consequence he was disqualified for the prize, which was won by Maclaurin. However, Bernoulli's paper was subsequently accepted in 1726 when the Académie considered papers regarding elastic bodies, for which the prize was awarded to Mazière. Bernoulli received an honourable mention in both competitions.

Family rivalries

Although Jakob and Johann worked together before Johann graduated from Basel University, shortly after this the two developed a jealous and competitive relationship. Johann was jealous of Jakob's position and the two often attempted to outdo each other. After Jakob's death Johann's jealousy shifted toward his own talented son, Daniel. In 1738 the father-son duo nearly simultaneously published separate works on hydrodynamics. Johann Bernoulli attempted to take precedence over his son by purposely predating his work two years prior his sons.

Contributions to mathematics

In 1691 Johann Bernoulli again fueled the tensions between himself and his brother when he solved the problem of the catenary presented by Jakob. In 1696 Johann Bernoulli proposed the problem of the brachistochrone, despite already having solved the problem himself. Within two years he received five answers, one of which was from his older brother, Jakob. Bernoulli also proposed a fluid energy perpetual motion machine.

L'Hôpital controversy

Bernoulli was hired by Guillaume François Antoine de L'Hôpital to tutor him in mathematics. Bernoulli and L'Hôpital signed a contract which gave L'Hôpital the right to use Bernoullis discoveries as he pleased. L'Hôpital authored the first textbook on calculus, which mainly consisted of the work of Bernoulli, including what is now known as L'Hôpital's rule. ["The Story of a Number", by Eli Maor, Princeton University Press, Princeton, (1998) p. 116, ISBN 0-691-05854-7] ["The Mathematics of Great Amateurs", by Julian Lowell Coolidge, Dover, New York, (1963), pp. 154-163] ["A Source Book in Mathematics, 1200-1800", ed. D. J. Struck, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, (1969), pp.312-316]

ee also

Sophomore's dream


External links

* [ Entry] at the Mathematics Genealogy Project
* Golba, Paul, " [ Bernoulli, Johan] '"
* " [ Johann Bernoulli] "
* C. Truesdell [ The New Bernoulli Edition] Isis, Vol. 49, No. 1. (Mar., 1958), pp. 54-62, discusses the strange agreement between Bernoulli and de l'Hôpital on pages 59-62.----

NAME= Bernoulli, Johann
DATE OF BIRTH= 27 July 1667
PLACE OF BIRTH= Basel, Switzerland
DATE OF DEATH= 1 January 1748
PLACE OF DEATH= Basel, Switzerland

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