Social network — For other uses, see Social network (disambiguation). Sociology … Wikipedia
Social network analysis software — is used to identify, represent, analyze, visualize or simulate nodes (e.g. agents, organizations, or knowledge) and edges (relationships) from various types of input data (relational and non relational), including mathematical models of social… … Wikipedia
Erdős number — The Erdős number (IPA2|ɛrdøːʃ), honoring the late Hungarian mathematician Paul Erdős, is a way of describing the collaborative distance between a person and Erdős, as measured by authorship of mathematical papers.It was created by friends as a… … Wikipedia
Tomaž Pisanski — Tomaž (Tomo) Pisanski (b. May 24, 1949 in Ljubljana, Slovenia) is a Slovenian mathematician working mainly in graph theory.In 1980 he calculated the genus of the Cartesian product of any pair of connected, bipartite, d valent graphs using a… … Wikipedia
List of Slovenian mathematicians — This is a list of Slovenian mathematicians. NOTOC A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A * Anton Ambschel (1749 1821) B * Vladimir Batagelj (1948 ) * Andrej Bauer (1971 ) * Andrej Blejec (1953 ) * Marijan Blejec (1919 1992) * Marko … Wikipedia
List of Slovenian computer scientists — This is a list of the most famous Slovenian computer scientists. NOTOC A B C Č D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S Š T U V Z Ž B * Vladimir Batagelj (1948 ) * Andrej Bauer (1971 ) * Zvonimir Bohte (1935 ) * Janez Brank * Ivan Bratko (1946 ) * Andrej… … Wikipedia
Republic of Ragusa — Ragusan redirects here. For the city in Italy, see Ragusa, Sicily. For other uses, see Ragusa. Republic of Ragusa¹ Respublica Ragusina (la) Dubrovačka Republika (hr) Repubblica di Ragusa (it) … Wikipedia
Collaboration graph — In mathematics and social science, a collaboration graph[1][2] is a graph modeling some social network where the vertices represent participants of that network (usually individual people) and where two distinct participants are joined by an edge … Wikipedia
Soziales Netzwerk (Betriebswirtschaftslehre) — Ein Soziales Netzwerk in der Betriebswirtschaftslehre ist eine gezielte, gewollt lose Form der Organisiertheit in Form von zielbezogenen Organisationen, informellen Zusammenschlüssen und Verbänden oder einzelner Menschen, die durch das Netzwerk… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Soziales Netzwerk (Soziologie) — Soziale Netzwerke sind in der Soziologie Netzwerke, mit denen gegebene Interaktionsgeflechte, beispielsweise Bekanntschaftsnetzwerke, abgebildet werden. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Begriff 2 Umfang und Dichte des Netzwerks 3 Ziele und Funktion des… … Deutsch Wikipedia