- List of crude oil products
In the international petroleum industry, crude oil products are traded on various oil bourses based on established chemical profiles, delivery locations, and financial terms. The chemical profiles, or crude oil assays, specify important properties such as the oil's API gravity. The delivery locations are usually sea ports close to the oil fields from which the crude was obtained (and new fields are constantly being explored), and the pricing is usually quoted based on F.O.B. (free on board, without consideration of final delivery costs).
Main article: Benchmark (crude oil)The three most quoted oil products are North America's West Texas Intermediate crude (WTI), North Sea Brent Crude, and the UAE Dubai Crude, and their pricing is used as a barometer for the entire petroleum industry, although, in total, there are 46 key oil exporting countries. Brent Crude is typically priced at about $2 dollars over the WTI Spot price, which is typically priced $5 to $6 dollars above the EIA's Imported Refiner Acquisition Cost (IRAC) and OPEC Basket prices. WTI and Brent are quoted F.O.B specific locations, not F.O.B. the oilfields. For WTI, the delivery point is Cushing, OK; for Brent, it is Sullom Voe, an island north of Scotland.
Although crude oil assays evaluate various chemical properties of the oil, the two most important properties determining a crude's value are its density (measured as API specific gravity) and its sulphur content (measured per mass). Crude oil is considered "heavy" if it is high in wax content, or "light" if low in wax content: an API gravity of 34 or higher is "light", between 31-33 is "medium", and 30 or below is "heavy". Crude is considered "sweet" if it is low in sulphur content (< 0.5%/weight), or "sour" if high (> 1.0%/weight). Generally, the higher the API gravity (the "lighter" it is), the more valuable the crude.
List of crude oil products
Product name API gravity Sulphur content (as % of mass) Operating company Location of field Port of sale Abu Bukhoosh 31.6° 2.0% Abu Dhabi Abu al-Bukhoosh Agbami 47.2° 0.044% Chevron Nigeria offshore Aktobe 41.6° 0.73 Kazakhstan Novorossiysk Al Shaheen 26.51° 2.49% Qatar Al Shaheen Platform Al-Jurf 30.0° 1.90% Libya Farwah FPSO Alaska North Slope 31.9° 0.93% United States Alaska Marine Terminal Alba (Equatorial Guinea) 53.0° 0.02% Equatorial Guinea Punta Europa Alba (U.K.) 19.4° 1.24% Chevron United Kingdom offshore Albian Heavy (Athabasca) 19.6° 2.10% Canada Algerian Condensate 68.7° 0.001 In Amenas Joint Venture: Sonatrach, BP and Statoil Algeria Bejaia Amenam Blend 38.2° 0.12% Nigeria Amenam/Mars Blend 33.5° 0.94% Nigeria Ameriven-Hamaca 26° 1.55% Venezuela Puerto José Amna 36° 0.17% Libya Anasuria Shell United Kingdom FPSO Anasuria[1] Antan Blend 26.4° 0.27% Nigeria Knock Taggart FPSO/Antan Terminal Arab Extra Light 39.4 1.09% Saudi Arabia Arab Heavy 27.7 2.87% Saudi Arabia Arab Light 32.8 1.97% Saudi Arabia Arab Light / Seg 17 Blend 32.1 2.19% United States Arab Medium 30.2 2.59% Saudi Arabia Arab Super Light Arab Super Light Ardjuna Arun Condensate Åsgard Blend 50.5° 0.07% Statoil Norway offshore Attaka Azadegan Azeri BTC 36.1° 0.14% BP Azerbaijan Ceyhan, Turkey Azeri Light 34.8° 0.15% BP Azerbaijan Supsa Terminal, Georgia BCF-17 16.5° 2.53% Venezuela La Salina Bạch Hổ 33.8° 0.08% Vietnam Bachaquero 17 17° Venezuela Bachaquero 24 24° Venezuela Balder 30.1° 0.48% Norway Balder FPSO Baobab 23° 0.39-0.46% Ivory Coast Baobab FPSO Basrah Blend Basrah Light 30.5° 2.90% Iraq Basrah Light/Mesa 30 Blend (35/65) 30.5° 1.63% Iraq/USAIraq/USA Bayou Choctaw Sour 32.2° 1.43% United States Bayou Choctaw Sweet 36.0° 0.36% United States Bayu Undan 55.9° 0.07% Australia/East Timor Liberdade FSO Belanak 47.8° 0.02% Indonesia Belanak FPSO Belayim Blend 27.5 2.40% Egypt Wadi Feiran Belida Benchamas Beryl 37.5 0.42% United Kingdom Beryl Bintulu Condensate 69.3 0.03% Malaysia Bintulu Bonga 29.1 0.26% Nigeria Bonga FPSO Bonito Sour 35.5° 0.99% United States Bonny Light 33.4° 0.16% Nigeria Bontang Condensate Boscan 10.1° 5.70% Venezuela Bajo Grande Bouri 26.3° 1.91% Libya Bouri Bow River 24.7 2.10% Canada Brass River 0.14% Nigeria Brega 39.8° 0.20% Libya Brega Brent Blend 38.3° 0.37% United Kingdom Brunei Light CPC Blend Cabinda 32.4° 0.13% Angola Canadian Par 40° Canada Canadon Seco Cano Limon 29.2° 0.50% Colombia Covenas Captain 19.2° 0.70% United Kingdom Captain FPSO Ceiba 29.9° 0.57% Equatorial Guinea Sendje Ceiba FPSO Cepu 32° 0.15% Indonesia Cepu FSO Cerro Negro 16° 3.34% Venezuela Puerto José Champion 28.7° 0.13% Brunei Seria Chinguetti 28.3° 0.49% Mauritania Berge Helene FPSO Cinta 31.1° 0.09% Indonesia Cinta Clair 23.7° 0.44% United Kingdom Sullom Voe Cold Lake 21.2° 3.70% Canada Westridge Terminal Cossack 47.7° 0.05% Australia Cossack Pioneer FPSO Cusiana 43.1° 0.14% Colombia DUC 33.6° 0.26% Denmark Fredericia Dalia 23.6° 0.51% Total S.A. Angola offshore Daqing 32.2° 0.11% China Dairen (Dalian) Dar Blend 26.42° 0.12% Sudan Al-Khayr Djeno 27.0° 0.47% Congo Djeno Doba 21.1° 0.10% Chad Kome Kribi 1 FSO Doroud 34° 2.5% Iran Kharg Island Draugen 39.9° 0.15% Shell Oil Company Norway offshore Dubai 31° 2.0% Dukhan 41.1° 1.22% Qatar Umm Said Dulang 37.6° 0.05% Malaysia Dulang FSO Duri 20.8° 0.20% Indonesia Dumai EA Crude 35.1° 0.08% Nigeria East MS Mix 30.9 2.10% United States Ekofisk Blend (Norway) 37.2° 0.23% Norway Ekofisk Blend 37.5° 0.23% ConocoPhillips United Kingdom Teesside El Sharara 43.1° 0.07% Libya Zawia terminal Enfield 21.7° 0.13% Australia Nganhurra FPSO Erha 31.8° 0.21% Nigeria Erha FPSO Es Sider 37° WAHA OIL COMPANY Libya Es-Sidra port Escalante 24.1° 0.19% Argentina Comodoro Rivadavia Escravos 34.2° 0.17% Nigeria ESPO blend 34.8° 0.62% Russia Kozmino Eugene Island 34.3° 1.18% United States Fateh 30.4° 2.13% Dubai Fateh Fife United States Flotta 35.4° 1.22% United Kingdom Flotta Foinaven 26.6° 0.40% United Kingdom Forcados (to Europe) 30.8° 0.16% Nigeria Foroozan Blend 29.7° 2.34% Iran Kharg Island Forties Blend 40.3° 0.56% BP United Kingdom Hound Point Fulmar Shell United Kingdom[2] Furrial 30.0° 1.06% Venezuela Galeota Mix 37.8° 0.19% Trinidad Gippsland 42° Australia Girassol 29.9° 0.32% Total S.A. Angola offshore Glitne 32.9° 0.50% Statoil Norway offshore Grane 18.7° 0.83% Statoil Norway Sture terminal Gryphon Gullfaks Blend 37.5° 0.22% Statoil Norway offshore Handil Mix 43.9° 0.05% Indonesia Senipah Hanze Veba Oil Netherlands[3] Harding 20.7° 0.59% United Kingdom Cromarty Firth Heavy Hardisty 22° Canada Heavy Louisiana Sweet 32.9° 0.35% United States Heidrun 25.0° 0.52% Statoil Norway Mongstad terminal Hibernia 34.4° 0.41% Canada Hungo Blend 29.1° 0.61% ExxonMobil Angola Kizomba A FPSO offshore Iran Heavy 30.2° 1.77% Iran Kharg Island Iran Light 33.1° 1.50% Iran Kharg Island Isthmus 33.4° 1.25% Mexico Dos Bocas, Salina Cruz Jasmine Jotun Karachaganak Condensate 44.7° 0.81% Kazakhstan Novorossiysk, Odessa Kashagan 42-48° 0.80% Kazakhstan Ceyhan Khafji 28.5° 2.85% Saudi Arabian Neutral Zone Ras al-Khafji Kikeh 34.9° 0.11% Malaysia Kikeh FPSO Kirkuk (Netback Price at U.S. Gulf) 33.9° 2.26% Iraq Kissanje Blend 29.8° 0.38% ExxonMobil Angola Kizomba B FPSO offshore Kitina 36.4° 0.11% Congo Kittiwake Kole 32.1° 0.33% Cameroon Kole Kuito 19.0° 0.68% Angola Kuito FPSO Kumkol 41.2° 0.11% Kazakhstan Yuzhnaya Ozereevka, Batumi Kutubu Blend 46.6° 0.04% Papua New Guinea Kumul Kuwait Blend 30.2° 2.72% Kuwait Labuan 32.0° 0.09% Malaysia Labuan Laguna 10.9° 5.4% Petróleos de Venezuela S.A. Venezuela Puerto Miranda[2] Laminaria LA Mississippi Sweet 40.7° 0.34% United States Lavan Blend 34.2 1.93% Iran Lavan Island Light Louisiana Sweet 35.6° 0.37% United States Lion Crude 39.6° 0.18% Ivory Coast Liuhua Liverpool Bay° 45 0.21% United Kingdom Liverpool Bay Platform Lloyd Blend 22° Canada Lower Zakum 39.8 1.02% BP Abu Dhabi Das Island Lufeng 33.3° 0.06% Statoil China offshore MacCulloch Mandji 30° Gabon Marib Light (Alif) 48.9° 0.07% BP Yemen[4] Marlim 19.6 0.67% Brazil Marlim FPSO Mars Blend 30.3° 1.91% United States Mars/Mesa Blend (40/60) 30.1° 1.65% Loop Mars/Urals Blend (50/50) 31.1° 1.57% United States Masila 31.4° 0.54% Yemen Ash Shihr Maureen Maya 21.8° 3.33% Mexico Cayo Arcas, Salina Cruz Medanito 34.9° 0.48% Argentina Puerto Rosales Mediterranean Sidi Kerir (Heavy) 30° Iran Mediterranean Sidi Kerir (Light) 34° Iran Mesa 30 29.4° 1.12% Venezuela Minas 35.3° 0.09% Indonesia Dumai Miri 32.3° 0.08% Malaysia Miri Mixed Blend Sweet Mondo 28.8° 0.44% ExxonMobil Angola Mondo FPSO offshore Murban 40.2° 0.79% BP Abu Dhabi Jebel Dhanna Naptha Koch 57.8° 0.11% United States N'kossa 41.0° 0.04% Congo N'Kossa NFC II 57.95° 0.23% Qatar Ras Laffan Northwest Shelf Condensate 61.2° 0.01% Australia Withnell Bay Nang Nuang Nanhai Light 40.1° 0.06% China Nan Hai Fa Xian FPSO Napo 19° 2% Ecuador Esmeraldas Nemba 40.9° 0.18% Angola New Zafiro Blend 29.5° 0.26% Equatorial Guinea Serpentina FPSO Nile Blend 33.9° 0.06% Sudan Port Sudan Njord 46.6° 0.05% Statoil Norway offshore Norne 30.8° 0.22% Statoil Norway offshore Nowruz/Soroush 18-19° 3.4-3.5% Iran Kharg Island Odudu 30.5° 0.15% Nigeria Oguendjo 27.3 1.50% Gabon Okono 41.9° 0.06% Nigeria Olmeca 37.3° 0.84% Mexico Oman Blend 34° 2.00% Oman Oriente 24.1° 1.51% Ecuador Ormen Lange condensate 52.3° 0.007% Statoil Norway Nyhamna Oseberg Blend 37.8° 0.27% Statoil Norway Sture terminal Ösgard Blend Oso Condensate 45.7° 0.06% Nigeria Palanca/Soyo Blend 37.8° 0.16% Angola Panyu 28-32° <0.25% China Panyu FPSO Peng Lai 21.8° 0.29% China Peng Lai FPSO Pennington 35° 0.08% Nigeria Pennington Terminal Petrozuata Heavy 19.5° 2.69%[3] PDVSA, Conoco[4] Venezuela Pierce Plutonio 32.6º 0.39%[5] BP Angola Port Hudson 45.0° 0.05% United States Poseidon Streams 29.6° 1.97% BP United States Houma[6] Premium Albian 35.5° 0.04% Canada Qatar Marine 35.8° 1.47% Qatar Halul Island Qua Iboe 36.3° 0.14% Nigeria Rabi Light 37.7° 0.15% Gabon Rang Dong 37.7° 0.05% Vietnam Rang Dong FPSO Rincon 35.8° 0.39% Argentina San Vincente, Chile Rio Grande do Norte 29.5° 0.33% Brazil Ross Saharan Blend 45° 0.09% Algeria Santa Barbara 39.5° 0.49% Venezuela Sarir 37.6° 0.16% Libya Marsa El Hariga Saudi Arabia Heavy 27° Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Light 34° Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Medium 31° Saudi Arabia Saxi Batuque Blend 32.8° 0.32% ExxonMobil Angola Saxi Batuque FPSO offshore Schiehallion Blend 25.5° 0.47% BP United Kingdom Sullom Voe Senipah 51.9° 0.03% Indonesia Senipah Seria Light 36.2° 0.08% Brunei Seria Light Export Shah Deniz Condensate 47° 0.03% Azerbaijan Ceyhan Shengli 24.2° 0.84% China Qingdao Siberian Light 35.1° 0.57% Russia Tuapse Sincor 30-32° 0.13% Venezuela Puerto José Siri 38.1° 0.22% Denmark Siri[disambiguation needed ]
Sirri 33.4° 1.81% Iran Sirri Island Sirtica 42.2° 0.40% Libya Brega Sleipner Condensate 62.0° 0.02% Statoil Norway Kårstø Snorre Snøhvit Condensate 60.1° 0.019% Statoil Norway Melkøya Sokol (Sakhalin I) 37.9° 0.23% Russia DeKastri Souedieh 24.1° 3.90% Syria Banias, Tartous South Arne 37.71° 0.21% Denmark Southern Green Canyon 30.4° 2.24% United States Port Arthur, Texas and Texas City, Texas South Louisiana Sweet 35.9° 0.33% United States Statfjord 39.1° 0.22% Statoil Norway offshore Su Tu Den (Black Lion) 36° 0.04% ConocoPhillips[7] Vietnam Su Tu Den Terminal Suez Blend 30.8° 1.49% Egypt Ras Shukheir Syncrude Sweet Blend 30.5-33.6° 0.07-0.13% Canada Syrian Light 37.7° 0.74% Syria Banias, Tartous Tapis Blend 45.2° 0.03% Malaysia Tapis Tempa Rossa Tengiz Terra Nova 33.2 0.48% Canada Whiffen Head Thamama Condensate 58.4° 0.11% Abu Dhabi Jebel Dhanna Tia Juana Heavy 11° 2.66% Venezuela Punta Cardon Tia Juana Light 31.9° 1.18% Venezuela La Salina Triton 37.5° 0.32% United Kingdom Triton FPSO Troll Blend 31.1° 0.21% Statoil Norway Mongstad terminal Turkmen Blend 33.0° 0.15-0.29% Turkmenistan Aladzha, Okarem Ukpokiti 41.7° 0.08% Nigeria Umm Shaif 36.5° 1.39 Abu Dhabi Das Island Upper Zakum 32.9° 1.78% Abu Dhabi Das Island Urals (to Mediterannean) 31.7° 1.35% Russia / C.I.S. Urucu 42.1° Brazil Varg 37.9° 0.23% Talisman Norway offshore Vasconia 24.5° 1.01% Colombia Vityaz (Sakhalin II) 34.6° 0.22% Russia Molikpaq-Prigorodnoye Volve 27.9° 1.8% Statoil Norway offshore Wafra 24.5° 3.80% Saudi Arabian Neutral Zone Mina Saud West Seno 38° 0.12% Indonesia Santan[disambiguation needed ]
West Texas Intermediate 39.6° 0.24% United States Cushing, Oklahoma West Texas Sour 31.7° 1.28% United States Midland, Texas Western Canada Select 20.3° 3.43% Canada Hardisty White Rose 29.8° 0.32% Canada SeaRose FPSO Widuri 33.2° 0.07% Indonesia Widuri Williams Sugarland Blend 40.9° 0.20% United States Wytch Farm BP United Kingdom Hamble Xikomba 34.7° 0.39% ExxonMobil Angola offshore Yoho Crude 39.3° 0.08% Nigeria Zakum 40.2° 1.01% Abu Dhabi[5] Das Island Zarzaitine 42.8° 0.06% Algeria[6] La Skhirra, Tunisia Puerto José 32° 0.13% Total S.A. Venezuela[7] Jose terminal Zueitina 41.5° 0.31% Libyan Arab Jamahiriya[8][9] Zueitina, Libya Sources
- U.S. Energy Information Administration: World Crude Oil Prices
- BP Crude Grades
- Intertek: Crude Oil Grades and Types
- MeGlobalOil: Carriage of Heavy Grade Oil
- Statoil.com: Crude oil assays
- EnergyIntel.com: The Crude Oils and their Key Characteristics
- Capline system crude oil properties and quality indicators
- ^ "Anasuria - FPSO Vessel". ship-technology.com. http://www.ship-technology.com/projects/anasuria/anasuria5.html. Retrieved 2008-09-11.
- ^ from Genesis Capital Management Group, Ltd. at [1]
- ^ "Tariff classification of Petrozuata Heavy synthetic crude oil from Venezuela". United States International Trade Commission Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule. 2005-04-11. http://www.faqs.org/rulings/rulings2005NYL83625.html. Retrieved 2008-09-11.
- ^ "Petrozuata Pipeline and Upgrader Plant, Venezuela". hydrocarbons-technology.com. http://www.hydrocarbons-technology.com/projects/petrozuata. Retrieved 2008-09-11.
- ^ "Plutonio". bp.com. http://www.bp.com/sectiongenericarticle.do?categoryId=9018172&contentId=7032776. Retrieved 2008-09-11.
- ^ "Poseidon Streams". bp.com. http://www.bp.com/extendedsectiongenericarticle.do?categoryId=16002780&contentId=7020199. Retrieved 2008-09-11.
- ^ "Vietnam sees 60,000 bpd new Su Tu Den crude by 2009". Reuters. 2007-10-09. http://www.reuters.com/article/companyNewsAndPR/idUSHAN8444420071010. Retrieved 2008-09-11.
Categories:- Petroleum products
- Petroleum economics and industry
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