Millennia Institute

Millennia Institute

Coordinates: 1°21′2.6″N 103°44′26.5″E / 1.350722°N 103.740694°E / 1.350722; 103.740694

Millennia Institute
Institut Millennia
60 Bukit Batok West Avenue 8, Singapore 658965,
Type Government
Motto Nurturing talents to achieve success
Established 2004
Session Single
School code 0908
Principal Mr Tan Chor Pang
Enrolment approx. 1300
Colour(s) Blue and Red

Millennia Institute (Abbreviation: MI; Chinese: 励仁高级中学; pinyin: Lìrén Gāojí Zhōngxué; Abbreviated 励仁高中; Malay: Institut Millennia) is the only Centralised Institute (CI) in Singapore.

Multi-purpose hall

MI was established on 3 January 2004, to conglomerate the sparsely organised three-year pre-university institutes into a single entity. The institute moved into their new Bukit Batok campus, covering an area of approximately 16 hectares and built at a cost of around S$34,800,000. MI had its official opening in May 2009 where Dr Ng Eng Hen, Minister for Education, was the guest of honour.

MI is the only centralised institute in Singapore offering a three-year curriculum leading to the Singapore Cambridge (UCLES) General Certificate of Education Advanced Level examination. Junior colleges offer a two year A level curriculum. MI is also the exclusive pre-university institute that offers Commerce subjects (Principles of Accounting and Management of Business) other than the common A level Art and Sciencesubjects.

MI has competed well against other JCs and academic institutes in areas such as sport and art since founding, remaining among the top 10 list in those categories since 2004, being awarded the best performing school under the MINDEF physical fitness test consecutively since 2000, while most recently, the institute clinched the prestigious Think Award from the world-acclaimed FIRST Vex Challenge World Championship held at Georgia, USA. The institute is also instrumental in environmental protection - MI became the first government school in Singapore to become a supporter for the "Bring Your Own Bag Day" on 18 April 2007, sending students to multiple locations to promote the rationale of the event.



MI is the fifth centralised institute to be established in Singapore, from the merger of Outram Institute and Jurong Institute in 2004, to popularise the pre-university route after a consecutive decline in pre-university students reported since early 2000, due to more secondary school graduates moving onto the polytechnic route in recent years. From 2004 to 2006, the institute operated at two campuses in Toh Tuck Terrace (Toh Tuck Campus, formerly Jurong Institute) and Bartley Road (Bartley Campus, formerly Outram Institute) until 12 December 2006.

Outram Institute (OI) was the first centralised institute open in 1987, and the oldest before her annexation into MI. OI occupied the former premises of the Chung Hwa Girls' High School and led by her first principal, Mrs Lim Han Soon. In 1991, Mrs Lam-Kan Kim Swee was appointed principal. Through the course of Outram's history, students have gained not only 'A' level & LCCI certificates, but the intangible benefits of an education in character formation and citizenship.

Jurong Institute was the third centralised institute when it was established in 1989 and was initially located at Jurong West Street 91. JI moved to 2 Toh Tuck Terrace on 18 November 1994, which was known as the Big Move. On that day, the student councillors, carrying the institute flag, set off on a symbolic relay run, carrying a torch to signify that the JI spirit would continue to burn at the new premises. Lion dancers, awaiting staff and students, welcomed the school to its new site and ushered them into their new campus.


Canteen (the old canteen photo)

Prior to 12 December 2006, Millennia Institute operated at 2 separated campuses, at Toh Tuck Road (Toh Tuck Campus) and Bartley Road (Bartley Campus). Both campuses carried the name of "Millennia Institute", however, and were differentiated by their respective titles. This naming convention resulted in a deeply embedded feeling of isolation and alienation among students from either campus, as were prevalent during joint campus activities such as Track and Field meets, joint CCA events and non-curricular activities such as Post-Promotional Examinations field trips. On 12 December 2006, Millennia Institute's operation at Toh Tuck and Bartley Campuses were moved to the new campus at Bukit Batok West Avenue 8, and the Toh Tuck Road campus was to be converted into the temporary premises of Bukit Batok Secondary School in June 2007, while the Bartley Road campus is due for demolition. Millennia Institute embarked on programmes to integrate the students from the two different campuses in Toh Tuck and Bartley, to facilitate operations in the new unified campus at Bukit Batok, where students from both campuses began their 2007 academic year in the new campus.

Library Patron System

Toh Tuck campus offered the Science, Arts and Commerce streams. The Science stream constituted nearly 50% of the entire campus in the 2006 JAE batch, while Bartley campus provides only the Arts and Commerce stream, which do not provide Science subjects due to the lack of facilities and teaching staff. However, the JAE 2006 batch was eventually promoted to PU2 (Pre-University 2), and began their second year in the new Bukit Batok campus after the two campuses are consolidated into one. Millennia Institute provides all Science, Arts and Commerce subjects, including Biology, which was absent from 2004 to 2006 due to the lack of facilities at Toh Tuck Campus.

The new campus at Bukit Batok is a fully functional, purpose-built pre-university centre complete with facilities including the sports complex with running track and astro-turf hockey pitch; 2 lecture theatres that are designed to accommodate the entire enrolment.

Tutorial rooms are built into a single block, streamlined to connect the tutorial rooms conveniently to the lecture rooms, canteen, laboratories and other facilities, such as a fully air conditioned multi-purpose hall, 2 lecture rooms, IT hubs and library, known as 'MindSpace', sports complex and field and other sports facilities such as the 2 tennis, 2 basketball, badminton and volleyball courts, and other arts-related or welfare-related facilities.

Subjects offered


H1 subjects offered in MI are: General Paper, Art & Design, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Chinese, Malay, Tamil, Economics, Literature, History and Geography.

H2 subjects offered in MI are: Art & Design, Economics, Literature, History, Georaphy, Chinese 'A', Malay 'A', Tamil 'A', Management Of Business, Principles Of Accounting, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology.

MI provides the new A level curriculum to its new batch of students admitted under the Joint Admissions Exercise (JAE) in March 2007, or the Provisional Admission Exercise (PAE) in January 2007. The new curriculum requires that students to take up three H2 subjects, subjects that students will have to master at an in-depth level; three H1 subjects, of which one is a contrasting content elective subject, while the other two compulsory subjects are General Paper (GP) and Mother Tongue (MT). The Commerce stream has become the Business stream under the new curriculum, while Art and Science stream students are required to choose a cross stream subject, e.g. a Science stream student is required to take up an Arts or Business stream subject at the H1 level, at a simplified level of understanding and study compared to the component subjects at the H2 level. MI students who joined the institute before the academic year of 2006 are not affected by the changes, and will continue to sit for the A level examination under the old curriculum at the end of their pre-university education.

H2 subjects offered are similar to H1, while mother tongue subjects are offered as Mother tongue and Literature (MTL) together with the relevant H2 subjects. Mother tongue syllabus "B" is offered as well to students with acute difficulties coping with H1 Mother Tongue.

Biology was not offered in MI between 2004 and 2006 due to the lack of facilities. Since 2007, MI offers the subject on H1 and H2 level when the institute operates at the new campus with necessary facilities. China Studies in English (CSE) is offered at H1 level from 2009.


As the official interpretation of the MI logo outlined in every student's handbook, MI's logo reinterprets the four vertical lines of the letters 'M' and 'I' which represent 'Millennia' and 'Institute' respectively, and translates them into four arcs. The blue arc acts as the firm foundation for the other three arcs to pivot or propel themselves forward. It also signifies the strong values of integrity & resilience, respect & responsibility that are cultivated within each individual in Millennia Institute.

The largest red arc sheltering the smallest red arc on the right captures the close relationship between teachers and students, in which the teachers act as mentors, supporters and motivators. The red arc on the left signifies the management and support staff playing an auxiliary albeit significant role in the Institute. As a holistic entity, the logo is a 3-dimensional sculpture, each arc is individualistic and unique in design but in synergy, they form a dynamic force, both confident and optimistic.


Facade of main block with staff room on the second floor

MI aims to nurture talents in students to achieve success. This is done by providing a variety of programmes and opportunities which are grounded on strong core values, in partnership with MI's stakeholders, on the core values of integrity, resilience, respect and responsibility.

MI provide a broad-based learning experience and space for students to pursue their passion. A wide range of subject combinations and CCAs are offered to cater to their interest and needs, to develop a forward-looking community of passionate learners, reflective thinkers, confident leaders and cultured individuals.

The institute adopts strategic thrusts to align and focus their programmes and plans within the Institute of: visionary leadership – building an Institute that is responsive to changing educational needs; innovative & rigorous programmes – fostering intellectual curiosity, spirit of initiative, willingness to try and develop strength of character in students; excellence in teaching & learning – maximally developing and harnessing talents and abilities of students; warm & nurturing school environment - catering to all-round development and well-being of students, built on a firm foundation of holistic education and strong values; and supportive and satisfied stakeholders – establishing strategic alliances with the wider community for mutual benefits.

The strategic thrusts and approaches based on the abovementioned framework of VIEWS: Visionary Leadership [V], Innovative & Rigorous Programmes [I], Excellence in Teaching & Learning [E], Warm & Nurturing School Environment [W], Supportive & Satisfied Stakeholders [S] are outlined to create a sense of ownership among staff and students towards the mission, vision, directions and desired outcomes of the Institute. Build capacity and professionalism of staff who can stay responsive and relevant to the changing needs, and to continually deliver quality education.

Innovative and rigorous programmes to foster intellectual curiosity, a spirit of initiative and willingness to try, as well as develop strength of character in students. Design sound and creative instructional programmes to foster a thinking/learning culture and achieve academic excellence. Provide comprehensive co-curricular and student leadership programmes to develop character, self-discipline, risk-taking and motivation, and encourage entrepreneurship ventures among students, focusing on innovation and research.

Teaching and learning to maximally develop and harness the talents and abilities of students. Enhance teaching-learning processes to cater to different learning abilities/modalities of students, by providing learning support and enrichment programmes to meet the diverse students’ needs, value-add with accreditation and certification programmes in niche talent areas.

MI caters to all-round development and well-being of students, built on a firm foundation of holistic education and strong values, by providing sound and comprehensive lifeskills, pastoral care and career guidance programmes. Establish effective national education and values education programmes, promoting healthy lifestyle, physical fitness and provide good exposure to the creative arts.

Stakeholders establishes strategic alliances with the wider community for mutual benefits by building strong relationships with key partners, including IAC, alumni, parents, industry and community agencies, and publicise Institute’s programmes/accomplishments to build a positive image in the community and attract students who can benefit the programmes.

Curriculum hours

Curriculum hours vary in MI for individual levels. The first lesson in MI commences at 8.45 a.m., and the last lesson ends at 5:25 p.m. The duration of each lesson is 40 minutes. Students are provided with a break(s) or recess(es), and certain classes may have up to 120 minutes of breaks simultaneously in certain days. Classes are given a second recess in the afternoon prior to marathon lessons such as lectures and lengthy tutorials. Wednesdays are usually scheduled to end at 1.25 p.m. prior to CCA.

Naming conventions

MI, along with many other junior colleges, and as well, the former JI and OI, regulates the naming conventions over several aspects related to the institution. Classes are ordered by the year of founding, curriculum stream, and then class number, e.g. the first class in the Arts stream founded in 2006 was 06A1; "06" denoting the year, while "A" for Arts, and "1" being the class number. Classes in the science stream are categorised by the "S" in the class name, while commerce/business stream classes are categorised by the "B" in the class name.

Prior to the unification of MI in the 2007 academic year, MI classes in Toh Tuck Campus were categorised by "A" for art stream classes, "S" for science stream classes, and "C" for commerce stream classes, although cross-stream students may be present in classes, such as an art stream student in a "C" class or a commerce stream student in an "A" class, depending on their subject combinations, Management of Business and Principles of Accounts being the only 2 commerce stream subjects offered in MI.

MI classes in Bartley Campus are categorised by "B" for Bartley, which houses art and commerce stream students. The "C" classes were axed in favour of the "B" classes in the 2007 academic year, having students in the former "C" classes in Pre-U 1 and 2 in 2006 to become students of "B" classes in 2007.

A sports house is one of the student unions that a student will be attached to during their course of study in MI, and its designation is similar for both campuses. The four Houses that currently exist are Zircon, Onyx, Garnet and Sapphire, which are named after precious stones. Students compete under the flag of their respective Houses during the annual MI Track & Field Meet, scheduled between April to June. Students are prohibited from switching houses, and are not allowed to appeal for changes.


All students take part in an orientation programme organised by the Students Council (SC) after the JAE intake in January. At the end of the orientation, OGs will be subjected to an inter-OG competition to vie for the Best Performing OG.

Students are randomly placed into OGs which are led by an OG Leader (OGL) and supervised by two OG Tutors (OGTs). In the course of the first four days in school, fresh students will participate in games and scholastic activities. There are also talks conducted by teachers, subject heads or Heads of Departments (HODs) to brief the students on the process of selecting their subject combination, to prepare the students to choose subjects that are most suited to their interests and future career prospects (e.g. Mapping MI Future). There is a Skills Foundation and Bridging Programme that help students to slowly transit from the O Level to the A Level course of study.

MI Dance

MI has, over the years, revised a dance that is unique and exclusive to its students. All students are required to learn the dance during the orientation, and can expect to perform it during the Promotional Night upon graduating from MI. The dance is devised and choreographed to simplify certain tough steps of a formal dance, and incorporates several modern and post-modern steps to enhance the overall feel. The MI dance is of cultural significance to the institution, and is easy to learn.


The pastoral care programme in MI work within a 3-fold strategy of development, intervention and collaboration. MI provides life skills, sexuality education, enrichment programmes and mentoring programmes to meet the emotional and social needs of all students. To provide a holistic education, and for purpose of career & education guidance, and planning, the institute provides career talks, work experience through internship programmes, assistance in preparation for a career portfolio, entrepreneurship programmes by providing starting-up funding, and talks that aid in self-presentation and public speaking, while the stringent rules and code of conduct cultivate self-discipline.

Intervention for students faced with problems or at risk include counselling services, financial assistance schemes etc. Parent-teacher conferences are too held annually to promote the involvement of parents in their child's education path and to garner trust, and alternative views in resolving issues.

Collaboration between school, home and community involves the parents and students. Industrial and commercial organisations are invited to the institute for talks regarding career options and further education. Regular conferences between students and law enforcement authorities are organised, which allow for positive discussions and debates, and to warn the students of the possible repercussions of negative behaviour and anti-social acts.


Wednesday is the universal day for CCA, across all levels, while some CCA may operate on other days such as Friday within the school's five day week. Lessons across all levels on Wednesdays end at 1.25 p.m. MI offers a rich variety of CCA. CCA available within the Sports category are: Rugby, Football, Volleyball, Bowling, Netball, Hockey, Floorball, Track & Field, Badminton, Basketball, Tennis and Sepak Takraw; Culture and Arts category are: Cultural Dances (Chinese, Malay, Indian), Modern Dance, Angklung Kulintang Ensemble, Symphonic Band and Cultural Societies (Chinese, Malay, Indian); Societies category are: New Media Club, Interact Club, Entrepreneur Club, Young Innovator's Club, Speech & Drama Society and Library Club. All students must have at least one CCA.

CCA are no longer considered as a pre-requisite for admission into local universities, however, certain faculties may choose to include CCA records as a benchmark for further analysis.

Institute Song

In our journey
Our Institute gives us strength
To believe in ourselves
And thus, venture forth
To realise dreams
To achieve our vision
Our spirit will never falter
With Diligence, we strive
With Heart, we serve
Our spirit will never falter
We bring glory to Millennia
With Resilience
We brave all challenges
With Knowledge and Passion
Let us scale greater heights
And in one voice
We bring glory to Millennia
Our spirit will never falter
With Diligence, we strive
With Heart, we serve
Our spirit will never falter
We bring glory to Millennia

See also

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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