- Tampines Junior College
Infobox Singapore School
name = Tampines Junior College
Maktab Rendah Tampines
motto = Aim and Achieve
established = 1986
type = Government
session = Full
principal = Ms Helen Choo Chieh Chen
city/town =Tampines
school code = 0709
enrollment = Approx. 1800
colours = Green
homepage = [http://www.tampinesjc.net www.tampinesjc.net]
border_color =
uniform_color = GreenTampines Junior College (
Abbreviation : TPJC)is a leading junior college located inTampines in the Eastern region ofSingapore , offering a two-year course for pre-university students leading up to the GCE 'A' Level examinations. TPJC was founded in 1986, and is the country's 13th junior college to be set up. Currently, TPJC has around 150 staff members and a student population of 1,800. [ [http://www.tampinesjc.net/about.htm About Us: Tampines JC's official website] ] The college's students reflect the melting pot of cultures that Singapore is known for (the student population represent the ethnic composition of the nation)- and is one of the few colleges that offers her students a diverse ethnic and cultural school experience.To this end, the college is only one of two colleges [ [http://www.moe.gov.sg/education/scholarships/moe-preu/malay/ Ministry of Education, Singapore] ] that offers the prestigious Malay Language Elective Programme. Under this programme, students study the Malay language, literature and culture at greater depth; going on trips to the Middle East, Malaysia and Indonesia as part of their experiential learning.
The Principal is Ms Helen Choo Chieh Chen (2007 - present).
The Birth Of Tampines Junior College
[http://tampinesjc.net/// Tampines Junior College] , located in Tampines New Town, commenced functioning as a centre of Pre-university education on 11 April 1986.
In March 1986, nine teachers met at Tampines Primary School to lay down the foundations for a junior college to be opened in April. There was barely time to plan a coherent policy, procedure or to map the shape that the College would take before the first registration of students was carried out two weeks later. As the construction of the college premises was not completed, its pioneering batch of 698 students and 33 staff members were received at the building that is now Tampines Secondary School.
On 20 December 1986, the Handing Over Ceremony marked the completion of Tampines Junior College. In late December, the College moved to its present home at No. 2, Avenue 9. Sitting on 6 hectares of land and costing about $18.2 million, Tampines Junior College was the 13th college to be built. The brainchild of P&T Architects, [ [http://www.p-t-group.com/html/projects_edu.php?projecttype=59&keyword=&projectname=&country=&projectyear=&action=go&page=1 List of projects: P&T Group] ] Tampines Junior College received the best-designed college building award in 1988.
It was also on 1 July 1988 that the College celebrated its Official Opening Ceremony. It was declared open by Mr Phua Bah Lee, Senior Parliamentary Secretary (Defence) and Member of Parliament for Tampines. In his speech, Mr Phua said that the College's opening marked another milestone in the development of Tampines, which had transformed from a wholly rural district into a new modern town. The College also served as a symbol and focus of hope for the continuing education for the children of his constituency.
Close collaboration and synergy between pioneer students, staff and College management laid the foundation of the TPJCian identity. Everyone, at every level, took pride in contributing to the formation and development of the fledgling college. The College uniform design was the product of the combined efforts of students and staff, the College Crest was designed by a pioneer student and the lyrics of the College anthem were composed by a pioneer teacher, Miss Lilian Chia, to music by Antony Albuquerque. [Vasnani, Bhavna Ramesh; and Ding Jie, Ng. (2008). "Crossing Borders". The TPJC Link. April-June 2008.]
TPJC celebrated its 20th Anniversary in 2006. In 2007, the college introduced Theatre studies and Drama into the curriculum and is one of the four colleges [ [http://www3.moe.edu.sg/cpdd/alevel2006/experience/special.htm Ministry of Education, Singapore] ] so far (the other 3 being
VJC ,ACJC andRJC respectively) to offer this subject.College Identity
To inspire excellence of achievement, driven by a passion for learning and a zest for life
Every student in university
Core Values
We are committed to one another and to the mission of the college.Teamwork
We work together toward our shared vision.Social responsibility
We care for our community in thought and in deed.Integrity
We are honest in all of our relationships.Perseverance
We work hard and persevere in solving problems.Innovation
We innovate in learning and teaching techniques.Independent Learning
Together we can learn to be independent, lifelong learners.College Motto
The College motto is "Aim and Achieve".
College Crest
The name of the College, "Tampines" is prominently displayed on the crest. The two large stylised letters, JC, which are the initials for Junior College, form a triangle with a wide base and an apex.
The broad, strong base signifies the principle of focusing on the all-round development of the students, upon which the College is founded, while the apex reflects the College motto: "Aim and Achieve," by suggesting the upward thrust (Aim) of continuously working, in all areas of activity, to excel (Achieve).
Gold stands for that quality of excellence which is inherent in all attainments whilst the colour red reflects steadfastness in the determination of the students to achieve this excellence.
College Anthem
Proud are we to be a part of Tampines Junior College
Together we'll press on to higher ground
Together we'll scale the utmost height
We will strive, we will seek
Never will we yield
Guided by this our motto 'Aim and Achieve'
To bring success in all our learning
Proud are we to be a part of Tampines Junior College
Our years here we'll persevere
Our learning forever treasure
So when we leave your hallowed portals
We will go with courage
Ready are we to face life's challenges
To bring thee glory alma mater
"Lyrics by Lillian Chia | Music by Anthony Albuquerque"
Past Principals
*Mr Yahya Aljaru, 1986-1992
*Mr Lee Kah Chuen, 1992-1997
*Mrs Susan Chan Yoke Kate, 1997-2002
*Mrs Goh Hwee Choo, 2002-2006
*Ms Helen Choo Chieh Chen, 2007-PresentAcademics
ubjects Offered at TPJC
TPJC is among the few colleges in Singapore that offers the full range of subjects under the new GCE 'A' Level syllabus introduced in 2006. [ [http://app.sis.moe.gov.sg/schinfo/SIS_SearchDtls.asp?strCode=0709 School Information Service] ] Under this system, students take 3 H2 content-based subjects and 3 H1 subjects comprising Mother Tongue, Project Work and one contrasting subject. Students who wish to challenge themselves academically may take up to 4 H2 content-based subjects.
The college believes in many peaks of excellence, and does not expressly prohibit students from taking a particular GCE 'A' Level subject, even if they have less than stellar grades for the subject at the GCE 'O' Level. Instead, with the exception of Physics( which requires extensive prior knowledge at the GCE 'O' Level ), students are allowed to pursue subjects they have not previously offered in secondary school, if they pass strict qualifying tests. [ [http://tampinesjc.net/Academic/index.htm Tampines Junior College, subject requirements] ]
Students who wish to take Knowledge and Inquiry and Theatre Studies and Drama have to sit for rigorous aptitude tests and undergo interviews. [ [http://tampinesjc.net/Academic/index.htm Tampines Junior College, subject requirements] ] The college has a small cohort of 11 KI students and 29 TSD students sitting for the A Level examinations in 2008.
Higher 3 LevelArt, Biology, Chemistry,Economics, English Literature, Geography, History, Mathematics, Physics, Essentials of Modern Physics, Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Higher 2 LevelArt, Biology, Chemistry, China Studies in English, China Studies in Chinese,Chinese Language and Literature, Computing, Economics, English Literature, Geography, History, Knowledge & Inquiry, Malay Language and Literature, Mathematics, Physics, Tamil Language and Literature, Theatre Studies and Drama.
Higher 1 Level Art, Biology, Chinese, Chemistry, Economics, English Literature, General Paper, Geography, History, Mathematics, Malay, Physics, Project Work, Tamil.
pecial Programmes
The college believes in giving every student opportunities to grow and develop into articulate, passionate, socially responsible, discerning and mature students who have a sense of duty and patriotism to the nation. As such, the college has an expansive list of specially designed programmes that aim to stretch students.
The college offers the following programmes:
*China Immersion Programme
*High Achievers at TPJC (HAT) Programme The High Achievers at TPJC Programme, also known as the HAT Programme, is a prestigious programme open only to selected students. This talent management programme is designed to provide more opportunities for the top students of the college to come under the guidance of mentors, attend scholarship talks, participate in high-level seminars and organise college activities. While these activities aim to develop the social and intellectual capacities of the students, the programme also instils the belief that they have a social responsibility and the privilege to use their capablities for the betterment of society.
*GEMS Programme
*Malay Language Elective Programme (MLEP)
*Knowledge and Inquiry Programme
*Overseas Community Involvement Programme
*Scholarships Programme
*Science Enrichment Programme
*Science and Mathematics Olympiads
*Theatre Studies and Drama ProgrammeCollege Facilities
TPJC has a sprawling college campus. Together with Hwa Chong Institution, Raffles Junior College, and Temasek Junior College, the college grounds are among the largest in the country. With class room blocks that are three stories high, the college affords its students the luxury to study and take part in co-curricular activities in unimpeded comfort.
The college library is open from 7:40am to 6:30pm on weekdays and has a wide variety of fiction and non-fiction books, multimedia, magazines, newspapers and study materials. The library's newspapers are given free by the Singapore Press Holdings Foundation daily, and students are free to take a copy home from the library's reading corner. [ [http://www.sphfoundation.org.sg/press/press_070502.html Singapore Press Holdings Foundation- Press Release] ]
The library also has extensive facilities ranging from study desks to free-use computers. Teachers are able to use specific rooms in the library to hold open-concept lessons, because they are equipped with moveable matrix tables and chairs.
Study Benches
Numerous study benches are located all around the college compound to facilitate self-revision and to serve as places for individual consultations with subject tutors.
Photocopying Shop
The Photocopying Shop is located in the B Block. Lecture notes, tutorials and past-year GCE A Level exam papers from other JCs can be purchased from the shop. The shop also provides photocopying services to students as well as the sale of stored value cards for the use of printing services in the college library.
Book Shop
The bookshop is located in the D Block. Managed by Pacific Bookstores, the bookshop sells the essentials that many students may need, such as stationery, textbooks, notebooks, school uniform, as well as the college T-shirt and shorts.
All classrooms within the college are well-equipped to seat classes of about 20 and have resources such as a personal computer, visualiser and over-head projectors. Almost all classrooms within the college are located within the E, B and D blocks.
Seminar Rooms
Aside from classrooms, the college has a number of seminar rooms (all of which are located in the J block). All seminar rooms, aside from having a personal computer and visual projectors, are fully air-conditioned and also incorporate movable and foldable tables to allow for quick reorganization of the room to accommodate any form of seminar, workshop, or tutorial held within the rooms.
Lecture Theatres
The college initially had 5 Lecture Theatres (or LTs). However, this changed at the end of 2006, when LT 5 was refitted into the Black Box (see below). Currently, there are 4 LTs in the college, and LT 1, which is located in the J block, is the largest LT. LTs 2, 3 and 4 are in the C block, directly above the Canteen. All lecture theatres are fully air-conditioned and are equipped with state-of-the-art sound and projector systems.
Black Box
Formerly known as Lecture Theatre 5, the LT is now known as the Black Box (or the Drama Studio). This change was implemented near the end of 2006 in order to accommodate a shift in curriculum for TPJC. TPJC now offers Theatre Studies and Drama as an H2 Subject and TSD Practical sessions are now held there. The Black Box is fitted with a state-of-the-art lighting and sound system.
The Auditorium
When a single LT is not big enough to accommodate a large group of participants, students then head to the School Auditorium for their lectures.
The canteen is tendered out to a private corporation,and is presently under the management of John's Cafe. It was expanded in the first half of 2007, and is open on all school days (weekdays) from 7am to 4.30pm. There are twelve stalls offering a range of food, including Japanese cuisine, western food and Indian food.
Vending Machines
There are vending machines situated in the canteen and they provide light snacks, canned and packet drinks to students throughout the day.
Good News Cafe
Opened in mid-2007, Good News Cafe boasts a menu of sandwiches, pastries, and assorted drinks for students to enjoy whilst studying in the nearby study area. The cafe is airy, spacious and bright; offering students a conducive location to study, eat and meet with friends.
The cafe also has a magazine rack providing more than a dozen current issues of magazines such as Times, Newsweek and the Economist.
Other Facilities
Multi-Purpose Hall
The multi-purpose hall is situated behind the School Hall, and is linked directly to the Gymnasium and the Squash Courts. The multi-purpose hall is a large indoor area open for the use of students, teachers and CCA groups to conduct their activities.
ports Facilities
College Field
The College Field is a popular venue for many students, who are allowed free rein of the field at any time of the day. The collge adopts an open policy of allowing all students to use the field for any activity they wish, as long as they are attired in the college's PE attire, and the field is not booked for official soccer and softball matches. The school field is also used during Physical Education sessions for a variety of activities and sports such as soccer and rugby.
In early 2008, the school field underwent a S$2 million retrofitting. It is now part of a select group of junior colleges that boasts a synthetic pitch. [ [http://www.moe.gov.sg/media/press/2006/pr20061229.htm Ministry of Education, Singapore: Press Release] ]
Besides the School Field, TPJC also has many other facilities dedicated to sports. TPJC has three basketball courts, two tennis courts, two squash courts, a volleyball court, a netball court, a bouldering wall and a rock-climbing wall. The college also has a few fitness stations located around the campus. These stations are equipped with pull-up bars, monkey bars, inclined pull-up bars and sit-up benches for students to exercise at.
Information technology facilities
The college portal for staff and students, [http://www.tpjc.net/ Tpjc.net] , is famous among online communities locally and is among one of the most comprehensive student and staff portals of a Singaporean educational institution. All students are given a username and password and are able to access the site from the first day they are enrolled as students. The website, created in 1999, offers all members of the college, including administrative and technical support staff, the ability to:
*send messages to other members of the college;
*post on forums;
*share photos on the photosharing application, Photoshare;
*publish articles on the publishing platform, The Tpjcian Times;
*upload videos and media files on the media-sharing function, Podcast/Vodcast;
*ask questions from the college community by way of the Ask A Question utility;
*watch TV from international television stations through the Live Channel applet;
*read ebooks through the E-book link;
*conduct and participate in surveys and polls;
*schedule consultations with tutors;
*view the timetables of every member of the college- including those of Head of Departments;
*create and host their own webpages
*access study resources, such as quizzes and exam papers from other JCsThe portal is used so frequently that the site was ranked 17th in visitor traffic rankings in Singapore from July to August 2007, surpassing popular websites such as the National University of Singapore portal, the eBay website, and Amazon.com. [ [http://www.alexa.com/site/ds/top_sites?cc=SG&ts_mode=country&lang=none Singapore- Alexa Top 100 Sites] ] Also, the site is so popular that the word "tpjc.net" has passed into the college's vernacular and is used variously as a noun, adjective and verb by students of the college. All ex-students and staff of the college are given lifetime access to the site, and a large number of them log in to the site on a frequent basis, regularly posting photos on the Photoshare application and participating in the academic and lifestyle forums.
Mr. Lee Hoong Yoong, the creator of the website and a physics teacher at the college, maintains and upkeeps the site.
The Student Council
The [http://cca.tpjcian.net/student_council/// Tampines Junior College Student Council] , set up in 1986, has a long history of serving the student population and upholding the college's values.
The TPJC Council acts as a link between the College Administration and the student body in order to establish interactions, greater understanding and a more effective working relationship.
The Student Council is not just another co-curricular activity. It is the student representation of the highest standing, subject to the authority of the Principal. The highest office a student can hold in College is that of President of the Student Council, and his/her services are acknowledged by the College. [cite book |first=Tampines Junior College|last=English Department |chapter=The Student Council |title=Student Handbook 2008: Tampines Junior College |editor=Toh-Leong Sook Hing (ed.) |location=Singapore |publisher=Refine Printing |date=2008 |page15]
The Student Council has heavy responsibilities that extend beyond planning, organising and executing projects for the college It is also involved in close discussion with the college administration on general school feedback, with the result that the college now has its own official polo T-shirts that can be worn on Fridays; running day-to-day events such as the morning assembly and flag raising; taking the initiative in leading the school to rally together for a common cause, such as the fundraising done for the Indonesian Tsunami victims in 2006; and organising ad hoc activities as and when new ideas surface, such as the Good News Cafe beside the G Block, which was the result of intense campaigning by the 21st Council (2006-2007).
The College believes in moulding its student leaders to the best of their ability. As such, the college gives priority to the Student Councillors when it comes to talks, seminars, symposiums and conventions. Every year, two councillors from the college represent the school at the Prime Minister’s National Day Rally Speech, the Budget speech, and other events of national importance, such as PM Lee Hsien Loong’s inauguration at the Istana in 2004. In addition, councillors receive luminaries and other distinguished guests to the College, together with the principal. For instance, councillors were chairpersons for a dialogue that was held with the Minister of State for Education, RAdm Lui Tuck Yew,in 2007; as ushers and guests for another dialogue involving five members of parliament to the school in 2007; as well as ushers and general helpers at the launch of the European Union’s programme for schools in Singapore, with more than 10 ambassadors representing their respective European countries coming down to the college to celebrate this highly anticipated event. [ [http://europe.org.sg/en/newsroom/HSN%20Schools%20Speech%20FINAL.PDF The European Commission's Delegation to Singapore] ]
The TPJC Student Council affords its members the opportunity to gain real-life experiences in managing large-scale events. TPJC councillors learn how to deal with a myriad of people from a diverse range of backgrounds, understand the value of time management skills, have the privilege of interacting with a large proportion of the student body and develop critical thinking skills in managing unexpected situations and unforeseen circumstances.
The College places a high level of trust on its Councillors, and the Student Council itself expects the highest level of professional conduct and integrity on the part of its members. Student Councillors are role models for the rest of the student population, and are champions of the students’ concerns, hopes and aspirations.
Students interested in entering the Council have to undergo elections, either at class or college level. This is a necessary rite of passage and baptism of fire that tests their resolve and commitment to this calling. Many councillors have commented that they are grateful for this experience; because it helps them understand the heavy expectations the college has of them, as well as help develop them into stronger and more resilient individuals. [Ding Jie, Ng. (2007). "College Students say goodbye". Tplink. October-December 2007.]
The 22nd executive committee in 2007 was led by:
*Daniel Lim Wei Liang, President
*Sean Ang Hong Da, Vice President
*Ng Ding Jie, Secretary
*James Sim Kin Chung, Treasurer
*Afiqah Liyana,Head of Student Affairs
*Tan Wey Jiang, Head of OperationsIn 2008, the 23rd executive committee assumed leadership, comprising:
*Nathan Daniel Sekhar, President
*Dickson Ch'ng, Vice President
*Priya, Secretary
*Wendy Lim Wee Hian, Treasurer
*Siti Safiyah, Head of Student Affairs
*Abigail Abraham, Head of OperationsHouse System
The current house system was instituted in 2006; replacing the common practice that was common among colleges then, by assigning students to houses based on their stream of study. Each cohort of J1 students are divided into 6 houses, each named after a bird and assigned a unique colour to each house, namely:
* Eagle (Red)
* Falcon (Orange)
* Hawk (Yellow)
* Heron (Purple)
* Phoenix (Blue)
* Seagull (Grey)Each house is led by a house captain and vice-captain. The house captains also head committees that comprise of student representatives drawn from each class under the house.
A track and field meet is held every year at the TPJC stadium where students represent their respective houses to compete in various events. Besides track and field events, students also get themselves involved in the winning of points for their houses via cheerleading, mascot and flag design competitions.
College Media
The TPJC Link
The TPJC Link, originally known as Tplink, is the college's quarterly magazine. Written and managed by a team of student writers, the magazine is distributed to all staff and students for a nominal fee, deducted under annually under a general miscellany fee. Since the January-March 2008 issue, the magazine has extended its coverage of college events from a 12 to 16 page spread.
Tpjcian Magazine
[http://www.tpjcian.blogspot.com// Tpjcian Magazine] was established in March 2008 by a second year student, Md Azhar B Aziz. Its student-driven content and innovative use of videos, podcasts and online discussions provide students of the college a viable avenue to glean the latest news of campus life and stimulate them intellectually with 'its provocative articles, insightful reviews and rich volume of study resources'.
The online magazine publishes new content twice or more a week, with editorials on current affairs, essays on General Paper topics, reviews of college's performances and concerts and views on college life. The magazine's editorial policy allows all students to submit their articles for consideration.
Since its inception, the magazine has established a dedicated following among online users of the college, breaking ground in June 2008 by being the first website related/linked with a local educational institution to conduct an onsite, real-time discussion on current affairs, open to public users.
Co-Curricular Activities
Students may choose to take part in a variety of co-curricular activities during their schooling life in Tampines Junior College.
TPJC is strong in the area of the Performing Arts with niche CCA groups including the Symphonic Band, Choir, Guitar Ensemble, the Chinese Language Debating and Drama Society, Chinese Orchestra, Indian Dance, Modern Dance, Malay Dance, English Drama Club, and more, all of which have gotten awards at the
Singapore Youth Festival .tudent Leadership
*Student Council
*House CommitteesPerforming Arts
*ChoirThe [http://cca.tpjcian.net/choir/// TPJC Choir] is one of Singapore's most well-known choirs, after the famous Victoria Junior College Choir. The Choir has achieved a Gold Award at every singleSingapore Youth Festival since its first appearance in 1993, ending this continuous streak only in 2007. [ [http://singaporeyouthfestival.sg/Results/tabid/396/Default.aspx Singapore Youth Festival results over the years] ]The Choir holds a sold-out annual public concert, Plaisir De Chanson, or the Joy of Song, and was headed by Nelson Kwei, a well-regarded local choral director and conductor until April 2008.
*Chinese Orchestra
*Guitar ClubThe [http://cca.tpjcian.net/guitar_club/index.html/// TPJC Guitar Club] won a Gold with Honours Award at theSingapore Youth Festival for the 2nd consecutive time in 2007 [ [http://singaporeyouthfestival.sg/Portals/0/SYF%20Results/SYF2007_INSTRUMENTAL%20ENSEMBLES_SECJCCI_CJResults.pdf Singapore Youth Festival 2007 Guitar Ensemble results] ] , belying its origins as a club which had difficulty attracting members initially. The club performs at community functions regularly, and last performed at theVictoria Theatre and Concert Hall in a joint concert with the Band in May 2008.
*Indian Cultural Society
*Modern Dance ClubThe [http://cca.tpjcian.net/danceclub/// TPJC Modern Dance Club] became one of Singapore's leading dance clubs in a tertiary institution, after it attained a Gold with Honours award at the 2007Singapore Youth Festival . [ [http://singaporeyouthfestival.sg/Portals/0/SYF%20Results/SYF%202007_INTERNATIONAL%20DANCE_JC_CJ%20Results.pdf Singapore Youth Festival 2007 International Dance results] ]Clubs & Societies
*Art & Craft Society
*Chess Club
*Chinese Calligraphy Society
*Chinese Pugilistic Society
*Gavel ClubThe [http://cca.tpjcian.net/gavelclub//// Tampines Junior College Gavel Club] was the first gavel club to be set up in Singapore. [ [http://www.district80.org/websites/20052006/gallery/Gavel%20Submit/Programme%20Booklet.pdf Toastmasters International, District 80 Summit] ] The club was opened on 5th August 2000, paving the way for other clubs to be established, such as the Raffles Junior College and the NUS High School Of Maths and Science Gavel Clubs. The club, linked to the Toastmasters Club of Singapore, organises regular oratorical competitions for secondary school and junior college students; and their speakers regularly take on emceeing roles in college events.
*Drama Club
*Debating SocietyThe [http://cca.tpjcian.net/debating//// Tampines Junior College's Debating Society] is the "de facto" leading intellectual co-curricular activity in the college. Performing commendably in the MIDCs ( Ministry of Education Debating Championships) in recent years, the team also beat colleges such as St Andrew's Junior College, Serangoon Junior College, Meridian Junior College and Catholic Junior College in friendly matches and other competitions on the local debate calendar.
*First Aid Society
*Film and Photography Society
*Health & Fitness Club
*Interact Club The [http://cca.tpjcian.net/interactclub/index.html/// Tampines Junior College's Interact Club] is a social service club that contributes to the community by organising activities that benefit society. Part of the international Interact Club network, the TPJC club is one of 10,700 clubs in 109 countries and geographical areas. [ [http://www.rotary.org/en/studentsandyouth/youthprograms/interact/pages/ridefault.aspx Rotary International] ] The College's club is also linked to the Rotary Club of Singapore, a well-regarded group of businessmen who are involved in philanthropy and volunteer work.
*Infocommunications Technology and Audio-visual Club
*Library Society
*Mathematics Society
*Outdoor Activities Club
*Science & Environment Clubports & Games
*Badminton The [http://cca.tpjcian.net/badminton/// Tampines Junior College Badminton Team ] has won awards at the local level, consistently attracting talented players annually. This feeder system is due in part to the popularity of the sport in Singapore, and the entrenched Badminton- playing culture in Secondary schools. The team receives guidance from Chew Heng Seng, a physical education teacher at the college, with more than three decades of badminton playing and coaching under his belt. Chew officiates at international Badminton meets, such as the Malaysian Open, the Japan Open, and the Singapore Open. [ [http://www.badmintonasia.org/downloadables/Master%20Data%20of%20ASIA%20TOs%202008.pdf Badminton Asia's list of Asian BWF and BAC Technical Officials 2008] ] In August 2008, Chew will be among a select group of Singaporeans refereeing at the 2008 Beijing Olympics.
*HockeyThe [http://sg.geocities.com/tpjc.hockey/// TPJC Hockey Team] is overseen by Abdul Samad, a former national Hockey player and a physical education teacher at the college. The team has not advanced to the knock-out rounds of the annual Inter-college National Hockey Competition in recent years, but Samad has indicated that the future team has a good chance of fulfilling this aim. To this end, the team considered joining the local Hockey League in 2007/2008, and plays regular friendly matches against adult professional teams.
*Netball*Rock ClimbingThe [http://cca.tpjcian.net/rockclimbing/// Rock Climbing Team] was formed in 2003, after the construction of one of Singapore's tallest rock walls. [ [http://www.indoorclimbing.com/singapore.html Indoor Climbing.com; Singapore] ] In its young history, the team has clinched numerous awards in the individual categories of local rock-climbing competitions. To simulate climbing in natural settings, the team also makes annual climbing trips to Malaysia.
*ShootingThe [http://cca.tpjcian.net/air_rifle/// College's Shooting Team ] hit a historic high in 2007, clinching the girls Challenge Trophy at the 2007 11th National Shooting Championship, setting a new Nationals Team record in the process. [ [http://www.tampinesjc.net/achievements07.htm Tpjc Achievements 2007] ] This was a repeat of the same triumph in 1995, where the team also won the same honours.In July 2008, the team went on the podium again. Sean Ang Hong Da and Neo Cai Xiang, senior members of the squad, clinched 2nd and 3rd positions nationwide in the Air Pistol Boys and Air Rifle Girls categories respectively. The Boys and Girls teams were ranked first in the East Zone, and among the top four nationally. [B Aziz, Md Azhar (2008). [http://tpjcian.blogspot.com/2008/07/tpjc-shooters-bring-home-10-gold-medals.html TPJC Shooters Bring Home 10 Gold Medals In 'A' Division Tournament ] . Tpjcian Magazine,
July 14 2008 .]*Soccer
*Squash The [http://cca.tpjcian.net/squash/index.html/// TPJC Squash Team] has gone through a series of trials since its founding in 1986. Despite being disallowed the use of the College's squash courts due to indefinite repairs since 2006, the team continues to train at a nearby public Squash facility. The team is not known for winning any honours at local tournaments, but its mostly amateur players continue to foster an easy camaraderie honed from twice-weekly training sessions.
*Table Tennis
*Tennis The [http://cca.tpjcian.net/tennis/// TPJC Tennis Club] was amongst the top 3 teams nationally in the National Schools "A" Division Tennis Tournament from 2000-2002. [ [http://cca.tpjcian.net/tennis/new_page_4.htm TPJC Tennis Club's Achievements] ] The team continues to perform credibly by advancing to the quarter-finals of the National Schools "A" Division Tennis Tournament annually. [ [http://cca.tpjcian.net/tennis/new_page_4.htm TPJC Tennis Club's Achievements] ]
*Track and FieldThe [http://cca.tpjcian.net/track_and_field/// TPJC Track and Field Team] was first established in 1986, the same year the college was founded. After a heady start in the 1980s, where the team led by Winston Goh( Class of 1986) swept a medal in almost all the categories, the team gradually slipped out of the national sporting consciousness. It was only in 2006 that the team surged back to their former glory. Since then, the team has placed in the top 4 in at least one category annually at the annual National Inter School Track & Field Championships. In July 2008, seven TPJC sprinters made waves at the National Inter School Track & Field Championships heats. Shawn Wee, Poh Chee Sheng, Steffi Tan, Eadelin Toh, Muhd Alsyaari, Teo Zhan Teng, and Peh Peng Chuan broke the stranglehold that traditional sporting schools such as Raffles Junior College and Hwa Chong Institution held, by making it into the top ten rankings of their individual categories. [ [http://www.results.schoolsports.sg/sectrack/ss_home.php?mypage=results/school-tpjc.inc National Inter School Track & Field Championships] ] In particular, Shawn Wee( 07S28) took 2nd place in the finals of the 110m A Boys Hurdles. [ [http://www.results.schoolsports.sg/sectrack/ss_home.php?mypage=results/school-tpjc.inc National Inter School Track & Field Championships] ]
*VolleyballRecent Developments
Installation of turnstiles
On 23rd June 2008, the college installed two turnstiles at the side gate and the gate at the art gallery, to improve the security situation at the college. The turnstiles restricted entry into the college, only allowing for exit. As a result, traffic flow was reduced severely after major tests by students queuing to exit the college.
These turnstiles soon become a lightning rod for controversy on their very first day of operation, generating intense discussion on the Tpjc.net student forums and students'
blogs . [ [http://www.google.com.sg/search?hl=en&q=tpjc+turnstiles&meta= Google- Tpjc Turnstiles] ]Acting on feedback from students, the college modified its policy accordingly three days later. To ease the flow of human traffic, all gates are now opened fully by the college attendants after the end of major tests.
'Watercolours 2008': College Open House
On 12th July 2008, TPJC held its first open house in two years. [ [http://www.tpjcian.blogspot.com Tpjcian Magazine] ] Modelled after the theme Watercolours, the college simultaneously celebrated its commitment to leading water conservation efforts in the eastern region.
All CCAs took part in an exhibition, and the various departments in the college also designed activities for visitors, including setting up a planetarium, organising a current affairs quiz, and holding a podcast recording session. In particular, the Band, Choir and other performing arts groups held several simultaneous performances around the college grounds throughout the course of the event.
Preparations for the event started in January 2008, and all publicity materials were done by students. A year 2 student, Chew Wan Jing, designed and conceptualised the information booklet for the event.
Attendance to the open house did not meet expectations, but students and teachers who participated were stoic. An after-action-review was carried out immediately in the ensuing week, and staff and students' opinions were canvassed.
Notable Students and Alumni
*Dr Winston Ang , Assistant Professor of Arts, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological UniversityCivil Service
*Winston Goh , Diplomat and Assistant Director at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
*Mohd Yusri B Abu Bakar ,Singapore's first Malay RSAF pilotEntrepreneurs and Business Leaders
*Ban Yinh Jeow , Founder and Chairman,Stikfas Film, Theatre, and Television
*daniel k ,performance artist and professional dancer
*Jade Seah ,Mediacorp Artiste
*Kim Wakerman ,Kids Central host and actress
*Kimberly Wang , Teen actress
*Suhaimi Yusoff ,Mediacorp Artiste
*Jonathan Lim , Playwright and director of STAGES
*Germaine Chow Jia Min , female champion ofChannel U 's U Are The One talent competition(2008)
*Faraliza Tan , Miss Singapore World 2008Law and Politics
*Bernard Chen ,Workers' Party of Singapore Youth Wing Executive Committee memberNews
*Cheryl Fox , NewscasterSee also
* [http://moe.edu.sg/ MOE: Website of the education ministry; education news, information and related links]
External links
* [http://tampinesjc.net/ Official Site:Tampinesjc.net]
* [http://tpjc.net/ Staff and Students Portal: Tpjc.net]
* [http://tpjcian.blogspot.com/ Tpjcian Magazine]References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.