- 2006
Year 2006 (MMVI) was a
common year starting on Sunday of theGregorian calendar .2006 was designated as:
*International Year of Deserts and Desertification . [ [http://portal.unesco.org/en/ev.php-URL_ID=7589&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html International Years proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly | UNESCO.ORG ] ]
* International Asperger's Year.
* Year of Mozart, marking the 250th anniversary of the birth ofWolfgang Amadeus Mozart .Events
January 1 -Sydney ,Australia , has its warmest day on record, when the city reaches 45°C (113°F).
*January 1 -Russia cutsnatural gas toUkraine over a price dispute.
*January 2 - The Bad Reichenhall ice rink roof inGermany collapses after heavysnowfall in theBavarian Alps , killing 15.
*January 3 - Twelve dead coal miners and one survivor are discovered in the Sago Mine Disaster nearBuckhannon, West Virginia , U.S.
*January 4 - Powers are transferred from Israeli Prime MinisterAriel Sharon to his deputy, Vice Prime MinisterEhud Olmert , after Sharon suffers a massivehemorrhagic stroke .
*January 5 - A hotel inMecca ,Saudi Arabia collapses, killing 76 pilgrims visiting to performhajj .
*January 6 - The record-breaking2005 Atlantic hurricane season officially draws to a close asTropical Storm Zeta dissipates.
*January 7 - Embroiled in multiple scandals, former U.S.House Majority Leader Tom DeLay announces he will not seek to reassume his former post.
*January 7 - UK Liberal Democratic leaderCharles Kennedy resigns after revelations that he has a drinking problem.
*January 8 - A magnitude 6.9earthquake centered off the coast of theGreek island ofKythera shakes much ofGreece and is felt throughout the easternMediterranean basin.
*January 9 - TheDow Jones Industrial Average closes above 11,000 (11,011.90) for the first time sinceJune 7 ,2001 .
*January 11 - TheAugustine Volcano inAlaska erupts twice, marking its first major eruption since1986 .
*January 12 - A stampede during theStoning of the devil ritual on the last day at theHajj inMina, Saudi Arabia , kills 362pilgrim s.
*January 14 - Anatural gas explosion in a coal mine kills eight inRomania .
*January 15 -NASA 's Stardust mission successfully ends, the first to return dust from acomet .
*January 19 - A suicide bomber inTel Aviv , Israel injures 20, one of them seriously.
*January 23 -Stephen Harper wins the federal election inCanada , forming a minority government.
*January 25 -Hamas wins the majority of seats in thePalestinian Legislative Council elections.
*January 25 -Deus Caritas Est , the firstencyclical ofPope Benedict XVI , is promulgated.
*January 27 - Celebrations are held inSalzburg and around the world for the 250th anniversary of the birth ofWolfgang Amadeus Mozart .
*January 28 - A trade hall roof collapses inKatowice ,Poland , killing 65 people.
*January 31 -Samuel Alito is sworn in as an associate justice of theSupreme Court of the United States .February
*February 1 -UAL Corporation ,United Airlines ' parent company, emerges from bankruptcy after being in that position since December 9, 2002, the longest such filing in history.
*February 3 - An agingEgypt ian passenger ferry carrying more than 1,400 people sinks in theRed Sea off the Saudi coast.
*February 4 - TheWowowee stampede at the PhilSports Arena inPasig City ,Philippines kills 71.
*February 5 - ThePittsburgh Steelers winSuper Bowl XL , defeating theSeattle Seahawks 21-10.
*February 8 -2006 East Timor crisis : 404 soldiers desert their barracks inEast Timor .
*February 10 - The2006 Winter Olympics open inTurin ,Italy . The closing ceremony occurred onFebruary 26 .
*February 16 -Kobe Airport , a controversial offshore airport in Kobe,Japan , opens for airline service.
*February 17 - A massive mudslide occurs inSouthern Leyte ,Philippines ; the official death toll is set at 1,126.
*February 19 -Pasta de Conchos mine disaster : Sixty-five miners become trapped underground after an explosion inNueva Rosita ,Mexico ; all 65 die.
*February 22 - A bomb heavily damages theAl Askari Mosque , aShiite holy site inSamarra ,Iraq .
*February 22 - Over £53.1 million is stolen during theSecuritas depot robbery , the largest ever cash robbery in theUnited Kingdom .
*February 23 - A roof collapses on aMoscow market, killing 56 people.
*February 24 - A state of emergency is declared in thePhilippines , after an allegedcoup d'état against PresidentGloria Macapagal Arroyo is foiled.
*February 25 - Police officers and protesters in Dublin, Ireland are injured when a protest prior to theLove Ulster parade turns into a major riot.
*February 25 -Uganda 's PresidentYoweri Museveni wins his second re-election, sparking riots inKampala by opposition supporters.March
March 4 - The final contact attempt withPioneer 10 receives no response.
*March 4 -Prince Sverre Magnus of Norway was christened by BishopOle Christian Kvarme at the chapel inside The Royal Palace inOslo .
*March 5 - The78th Academy Awards , hosted byJon Stewart are held at theKodak Theatre inHollywood, California , with "Crash" winningBest Picture .
*March 7 - Fifteen people die and many others are injured in three blasts throughoutVaranasi ,India .
*March 9 -NASA 'sCassini-Huygens spacecraft discoversgeysers of a liquid substance shooting fromSaturn 's moon Enceladus, signaling a possible presence of water.
*March 10 - NASA'sMars Reconnaissance Orbiter enters Mars orbit.
*March 11 -Michelle Bachelet is sworn in as the first femalePresident of Chile .
*March 11 -Slobodan Milošević is found dead in his cell in the UN war crimes tribunal's detention centre, located in theScheveningen section of TheHague .
*March 12 - Records are broken at Johannesburg, as first Australia, then South Africa set world record totals in one-day internationals. South Africa's total of 438 for 9 sees them win by one wicket, taking the one-day international series 3–2. This was considered as the greatest One Day International ever, it was the highest run chase.
*March 15 -March 26 - The2006 Commonwealth Games take place inMelbourne ,Australia .
*March 17 - TheUnited States strikes its two remaining "Iowa"-classbattleship s from theNaval Vessel Register , ending the age of the battleship.
*March 20 -Tropical Cyclone Larry makes landfall inQueensland, Australia .
*March 21 - Swedish Minister for Foreign AffairsLaila Freivalds resigns after over a year of criticism.
*March 22 -ETA declares a permanentceasefire in their campaign for Basque independence fromSpain .
*March 22 - TheFederal Reserve stops the publishing ofM3 money supply data.
*March 25 - An estimated 500,000 people take to the streets in downtownLos Angeles to protest a proposed federal crackdown onillegal immigration .
*March 25 - Ascramjet jet engine ,Hyshot III , designed to fly at seven times the speed of sound, is successfully tested atWoomera, South Australia .
*March 25 - Seven die in theCapitol Hill Massacre inSeattle ,Washington .
*March 26 - The ban on smoking in public places such as bars andrestaurants comes into effect inScotland .
*March 30 - The firstBrazil ianastronaut ,Marcos Pontes , goes to space in aRussia nSoyuz spacecraft , "Soyuz TMA-8 ", at 2:29:00 CET.
*March 30 - The "al-Dana" capsizes off the coast ofBahrain , killing at least 48 people.
*March 30 - The firstWorld Baseball Classic ends inSan Diego ,California withJapan beatingCuba in the Championship.April
April 5 - A swan withAvian Flu is discovered inCellardyke inFife ,Scotland (the first case in theUnited Kingdom ).
*April 6 - NZSL (New Zealand Sign Language) was made an official language ofNew Zealand
*April 8 - The bodies of 8 murdered men are found inShedden, Elgin County, Ontario .
*April 8 -Bristol ,United Kingdom celebrates the 200th birthday ofIsambard Kingdom Brunel (actually April 9) by relighting theClifton Suspension Bridge .
*April 8 -Numbersixvalverde , ridden byNiall Madden , wins theGrand National at Aintree.
*April 8 -Bloc 8406 publishes theirManifesto on Freedom and Democracy for Viet Nam inViet Nam ; their name comes from this date.
*April 9 -Israeli Prime MinisterAriel Sharon is removed from office after four months in acoma .
*April 9 -Hungarian parliamentary election, 2006
*April 10 -Romano Prodi narrowly defeatsSilvio Berlusconi in the Italian parliamentary elections.
*April 10 - Brand India Fair at Meerut Victoria Park fire atMeerut ,Uttar Pradesh ,India , killing 100.
*April 11 - TheEuropean Space Agency 'sVenus Express spaceprobe entersVenus ' orbit.
*April 11 -President of Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad confirms that Iran has successfully produced a few grams of low-gradeenriched uranium .
*April 16 -Albert II, Prince of Monaco , reaches theNorth Pole , becoming the first reigning monarch ever to do so.
*April 16 - Ireland commemorates the 90th anniversary of the1916 Rising for the first time since1971 .
*April 17 - Asuicide bombing byIslamic Jihad inTel Aviv kills nine people and injures dozens.
*April 18 - Festivities and memorials across theBay Area mark the 100th anniversary of the Great San Francisco Earthquake and Fire.
*April 19 -Han Myeong Sook becomes the first femalePrime Minister of South Korea .
*April 20 -Iran announces a uranium enrichment deal withRussia , involving a jointuranium enrichment firm on Russian soil; nine days later Iran announces that it will not move all activity to Russia, thus leading to a de-facto termination of the deal.
*April 22 - FourCanadian soldiers are killed 75 kilometers north ofKandahar ,Afghanistan by a roadside bomb – the worst one-day combat loss for the Canadian army since theKorean War .
*April 22 -Jalal Talabani re-elected for a second term as President ofIraq .
*April 24 - Three explosions in a tourist section ofDahab ,Egypt kill 30 and injure over 115.
*April 25 - TheBeaconsfield mine collapse occurs inTasmania ,Australia .
*April 29 - Massive anti-war demonstrations and a march down Broadway inNew York City mark the third year of war in Iraq.
*April 29 - TheGlobal Night Commute takes place in over 130 cities around the world to promote the visibility of theInvisible Children inUganda .May
May 1 -Bolivia n PresidentEvo Morales nationalizes his nation's gas fields.
*May 1 - TheGreat American Boycott takes place across theUnited States as marchers protest for immigration rights.
*May 4 - A newcoalition government takes office inIsrael ; its four political parties hold 67 of the 120 seats in theKnesset .
*May 5 -Fiat chairmanSergio Marchionne announces that theAlfa Romeo automobile brand will return to the United States in2008 , after a 13-year hiatus.
*May 9 -Beaconsfield mine collapse : After 14 days trapped underground, miners Todd Russell and Brant Webb are rescued inBeaconsfield ,Tasmania ,Australia .
*May 13 -Liverpool FC defeatedWest Ham United FC in theFA Cup Final, 3-2 on penalties after a 3-3 draw aet.
*May 20 -Finland 'sLordi wins the2006 Eurovision Song Contest held inAthens .
*May 24 -East Timor 's Foreign Minister Ramos-Horta officially requests military assistance from the governments of Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia and Portugal.
*May 27 - A 6.3 magnitude earthquake strikes central Java inIndonesia , killing more than 6,000, injuring at least 36,000 and leaving some 1.5 million people homeless.
*May 27 - The first demonstration forgay rights inMoscow is broken up by the police.
*May 28 - PresidentAlvaro Uribe Velez is re-elected inColombia for a second term. He becomes the first president in over a century to serve consecutive terms.June
June 3 -Montenegro declares independence after aMay 21 referendum. The state union ofSerbia and Montenegro is dissolved onJune 5 leavingSerbia as the successor state.
*June 3 - Seventeen men are arrested in theGreater Toronto Area for alleged ties to a terrorist plot to blow up targets in the region.
*June 6 - TheUnion of Islamic Courts gains control ofSomalia 's capitalMogadishu , ending warlord rule of the city.
*June 7 -Al-Qaeda in Iraq leaderAbu Musab al-Zarqawi and seven of his aides are killed in a U.S. air raid just north of the town ofBaqouba ,Iraq .
*June 9 - An explosion kills eight Palestinian civilians on aGaza beach.Israel denies responsibility for the blast.
*June 9 -Thailand begins celebrations of the60th anniversary of the accession of Bhumibol Adulyadej to the throne.
*June 9 - The2006 FIFA World Cup begins inGermany .
*June 10 - PresidentMahmoud Abbas setsJuly 26 as the date for a nationalreferendum in thePalestinian National Authority .
*June 18 - The first Kazakh spacesatellite "KazSat " is launched.
*June 19 - TheCarolina Hurricanes defeat theEdmonton Oilers , winning the series 4 games to 3; to win theStanley Cup and Carolina's first major professional championship.
*June 20 - TheMiami Heat win theNBA Finals over theDallas Mavericks , 4-2.
*June 22 - TheMagen David Adom andPalestine Red Crescent Society are officially recognized by theInternational Committee of the Red Cross .
*June 23 - InMiami , theFederal Bureau of Investigation arrests seven men, accusing them of planning to bomb theSears Tower and other attacks in Miami.
*June 25 -Warren Buffett donates over US$30 billion to theBill & Melinda Gates Foundation .
*June 28 -Israel launchesOperation Summer Rains , an offensive against militants inGaza .
*June 29 - The Dutchcabinet Balkenende II resigns after the political party of D'66 drops its support.
*June 29 - Women vote for the first time in elections for theNational Assembly of Kuwait .July
July 1 - TheQinghai-Tibet Railway launches a trial operation, connectingChina proper andTibet for the first time.
*July 2 - A presidential election is held inMexico .Felipe Calderón is confirmed as the winner onSeptember 5 .
*July 4 - Space Shuttle MissionSTS-121 : Discovery is launched to theInternational Space Station . It returns safely onJuly 17 . It was the second "return to flight " mission after theSpace Shuttle Columbia disaster .
*July 5 -North Korea test fires missiles, timed with the liftoff of Discovery, preceding the fireworks celebrations that night in America. The long rangeTaepodong-2 reportedly fails shortly after takeoff.
*July 6 - TheNathula Pass betweenIndia and China, sealed during theSino-Indian War , re-opens for trade after 44 years.
*July 9 -S7 Airlines Flight 778 crashes into a concrete barrier shortly after landing, killing at least 122 people and leaving many injured.
*July 9 - Italy wins the2006 FIFA World Cup by beating France 5-3 on penalties. The score afterextra time is 1-1.
*July 10 -Pakistan International Airlines Flight 688 crashes inMultan ,Pakistan shortly after takeoff.
*July 11 - A series of coordinated bomb attacks strikes several commuter trains inMumbai ,India during the evening rush hour.
*July 12 -2006 Lebanon War :Israel i troops invadeLebanon in response toHezbollah kidnapping two Israeli soldiers and killing 3. Hezbollah declares open war againstIsrael 2 days later.
*July 17 -Space Shuttle Discovery returns toEarth from theInternational Space Station , thirteen days after its launch.
*July 18 - The SS Nomadic, the last floating link to "Titanic", returns home to a large reception in Belfast.
*July 19 -U.S. President George W. Bush usesveto power for the first time in his presidency.
*July 21 -St Louis is hit by two majorderecho s (violent windstorms) in a span of three days.
*July 22 -Canada defeatsUSA 15-11 in the2006 World Lacrosse Championship . This marked only the second time the USA had not won the gold medal, and only the second time Canada had won the gold.Geoff Snider was announced as MVP.
*July 23 -Phonak team rider, American cyclistFloyd Landis , wins theTour de France .
*July 28 -Alejandro Toledo concludes his term asPresident of Peru , andAlan Garcia becomes president.
*July 28 - ActorMel Gibson is arrested for drunk driving in California and launches an anti-semitic tirade.
*July 30 - The world's longest running music show, "Top of the Pops ", broadcasts for the last time onBBC Two .
*July 31 - Cuban presidentFidel Castro temporarily relinquishes power to his brother Raúl before surgery.August
August 10 - London Metropolitan Police make 21 arrests in connection to an apparent terrorist plot that involved aircraft traveling from theUnited Kingdom to theUnited States . Liquids and gels are banned from checked and carryon baggage.
*August 11 - A resolution to end the2006 Lebanon War is unanimously accepted by theUnited Nations Security Council .
*August 14 - A UN cease fire takes effect in the2006 Lebanon War .
*August 22 -Pulkovo Airlines Flight 612 crashes near the Russian border inUkraine , killing 171 people, including 45 children.
*August 22 - The ICM awardsGrigori Perelman theFields Medal for proving thePoincare conjecture , one of sevenMillennium Prize Problems . Perelman refuses the medal.
*August 23 - InAustria Natascha Kampusch manages to escape after being kidnapped eight years ago byWolfgang Priklopil who locked her up in his cellar. Priklopil commits suicide by throwing himself in front of a train.
*August 24 - TheInternational Astronomical Union defines 'planet ' at its 26th General Assembly, demotingPluto to the status of 'dwarf planet ' more than 70 years after its discovery.
*August 27 -Comair Flight 5191 , carrying 50 people, crashes shortly after take off fromBlue Grass Airport inLexington, Kentucky .
*August 28 - AGreyhound Lines bus fromNew York City toMontreal , carrying 52 people, crashes at mile 115 onInterstate 87 near Elizabethtown killing 5 people including the driver and several are seriously injured.
*August 31 -Edvard Munch paintings "The Scream " and "Madonna" are recovered in a police raid inOslo, Norway .September
September 1 - A fire kills 29 of 148 aboard anIran Air Tours Tu-154 M aircraft after the plane lands inMashhad ,Iran .
*September 2 - A Nimrod MR2 based atRAF Kinloss ,Scotland , crashes in the Southern Province of Kandahar,Afghanistan , due to a technical fault. All 14 crew onboard are killed.
*September 3 -Spain wins the2006 FIBA World Championship .
*September 9 - Space Shuttle MissionSTS-115 : Space Shuttle "Atlantis " is launched on a mission to build up theInternational Space Station . It returns onSeptember 21 .
*September 10 - Seven timeFormula 1 World championMichael Schumacher announces his retirement.
*September 12 - A stampede at a rally inYemen leaves 41 dead.
*September 12 - PopeBenedict XVI gives a lecture inGermany ; he quotes a criticism of theIslamic faith, sparking mass protest.
*September 13 - TheDawson College Shooting occurs inMontreal ,Quebec ,Canada , leaving one student dead and 19 others injured.
*September 13 - Thesolar system 's largestdwarf planet , designated until now as 2003 UB313, is officially named "Eris"; its satellite is now known as "Dysnomia".
*September 15 - Spinach contaminated with E. coli kills one and poisons over 100 others in 20 states of the United States.
*September 16 - Five churches are attacked in Palestinian areas following the Pope's comments on Islam.
*September 17 - TheAlliance for Sweden wins theSwedish general election, 2006 after ousting the Social Democratic government which have ruled Sweden since 1994 .
*September 17 - Protests start near theHungarian Parliament .
*September 19 - Prime MinisterThaksin Shinawatra ofThailand declares astate of emergency inBangkok as members of the Royal Thai Army stage a coup d'état. The army announces the removal of Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra from power.
*September 22 - ATransrapid Maglev train crashes into a maintenance vehicle on a test track inGermany , killing 23 and injuring 10; it is the first recorded fatal accident involving a Maglev.
*September 23 -Toomas Hendrik Ilves is electedPresident of Estonia .
*September 24 -Europe wins theRyder Cup inIreland .
*September 24 -Communist Party of China Central Political Bureau committee member,Shanghai Municipal Party Committee SecretaryChen Liangyu is dismissed for alleged corruption charges.
*September 25 - TheLouisiana Superdome in New Orleans re-opens 13 months afterHurricane Katrina with extensive repairs, including the largest re-roofing project in the United States.
*September 26 -Diet of Japan electsShinzo Abe as newPrime Minister of Japan succeedingJunichiro Koizumi .
*September 27 - An armed suspect holds six female students as hostages in Platte Canyon High School located inBailey, Colorado . One hostage is killed as the gunman kills himself.
*September 28 - After 40 years of development,Suvarnabhumi Airport , opens inBangkok ,Thailand replacingDon Mueang International Airport as Bangkok's primary airport for commercial flights.
*September 29 -Gol Flight 1907 , aBoeing 737-800 , collides with a business jet over theAmazon Rainforest , killing all 154 onboard.October
October 1 -Vodafone Japan , owned bySoftBank , officially changes its name to Softbank Mobile Corporation.
*October 1 - TheBrisbane Broncos become theNational Rugby League premiers after defeating theMelbourne Storm 15 - 8 in the grand final.
*October 2 -Charles Carl Roberts IV , a 32-yr-old milk-truck driver, kills five girls at anAmish schoolhouse in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania before shooting himself.
*October 2 -Per Westerberg takes office asSpeaker of the Riksdag inSweden .
*October 4 - The Dow Industrial Average closes above 11,800 for the first time rising 123.27 points, or 1.05%, finishing at 11,850.61.
*October 6 - Hazardous waste plant nearApex, North Carolina explodes releasing chlorine gas, resulting in the evacuation of thousands and the hospitalization of over 100 residents.
*October 9 -North Korea claims to have conducted its first-ever nuclear test.
*October 10 -Google buysYouTube forUSD $1.65 billion.
*October 11 -New York Yankees pitcherCory Lidle is killed, along with his flight instructor, when his plane crashes into a building in New York City'sUpper East Side .
*October 13 -South Korea nBan Ki-moon is elected as the new Secretary-General of the United Nations.
*October 15 - The UN agrees to sanctionNorth Korea over nuclear testing claims.
*October 15 -Chief Justice of Japan Akira Machida retires.
*October 15 - Declaration of the establishment of theIslamic State of Iraq .
*October 16 - The last MASH was decommissioned.
*October 17 - TheUnited States population reaches 300 million based on aUnited States Census Bureau projection.
*October 18 -Microsoft publicly releases WindowsInternet Explorer 7 .
*October 19 - On the 19th anniversary of the 1987 stock market crash, theDow Jones Industrial Average closes above 12,000 for the first time gaining 19.05 points, or 0.16%, to 12,011.73.
*October 23 -Jeffrey Skilling is sentenced to 24 years and 4 months in federal prison on charges relating to the financial collapse ofEnron .
*October 24 -NASA 'sMESSENGER spacecraft makes its first flyby of Venus (will be captured into Mercury's orbit onMarch 18 2011 ).
*October 25 - While denying the right to marry, theNew Jersey Supreme Court otherwise grants equal social and financial benefits to same-sex couples. [ [http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/2006/10/26/MNGO5M02DV1.DTL The battle over same-sex marriage / Mixed decision for gay couples in New Jersey / State's top court says they deserve same rights as heterosexuals - but splits on including marriage ] ]
*October 27 - LastFord Taurus rolls offAtlanta Assembly line.
*October 27 - TheSt. Louis Cardinals win the2006 World Series .
*October 29 -Aviation Development Company Flight 53 crashes shortly after take off inNigeria .
*October 29 -Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva is re-electedPresident of Brazil .
*October 30 - FormerPresident of Chile Augusto Pinochet is placed under house arrest for crimes committed at theVilla Grimaldi detention centre.
*October 30 - An airstrike on amadrasah inBajaur kills dozens of suspectedal-Qaeda andTaliban militants.
*October 30 - TheEsperanza Fire burns over convert|61|sqmi|km2 ofCabazon, California mountain territory.November
November 1 - TheStardust Resort & Casino closes after 48 years of business in Las Vegas.
*November 3 -Iran successfully test-fires 3 new models of sea missiles in a show of force to assert its military capacities in the Gulf.
*November 3 -Ted Haggard resigns as president of theNational Association of Evangelicals , after allegations of methamphetamine use and sexual relations with a male prostitute.
*November 5 - FormerIraq i PresidentSaddam Hussein and two of his senior allies are sentenced to death by hanging after an Iraqi court finds them guilty of crimes against humanity.
*November 7 - U.S. Midterm elections: Democrats win control of both houses of Congress for the first time since 1994.
*November 7 - In the U.S. congressional elections, Minnesota Democrat Keith Ellison becomes the first Muslim elected to the House of Representatives.
*November 7 - TheJapan ese town ofSaroma, Hokkaido is struck by a tornado, killing nine. It is the deadliest tornado in Japan since 1941.
*November 8 - U.S. Defense SecretaryDonald Rumsfeld resigns; President Bush nominatesRobert Gates , a formerCentral Intelligence Agency director, as his replacement. Gates is then confirmed by theU.S. Senate and sworn in onDecember 18 .
*November 8 -Margaret Chan is elected as the Director-General of theWorld Health Organization .
*November 8 - Atransit of Mercury occurs.
*November 11 -Edinburgh Place Ferry Pier ,Hong Kong , completed the last journey of its 49-year operation.
*November 12 -Gerald Ford surpassesRonald Reagan as the longest-livedPresident of the United States .
*November 12 - The former Soviet republic ofSouth Ossetia holds a referendum on independence from Georgia.
*November 15 -Al Jazeera launches its English language news channel,Al Jazeera English .
*November 15 - Start of the "Sales and Use Tax" inPuerto Rico ; a response to the Puerto Rico budget crisis of May 2006.
*November 15 - The U.S. state ofHawaii bans smoking in all enclosed public places.
*November 16 - Rioting in NukuOkinaalofa, the capital ofTonga , destroys approx. 80% of the CBD; 8 bodies found and foreign forces requested.
*November 20 -Iran andSyria recognize the government ofIraq , restorediplomatic relations , and call for apeace conference .
*November 21 -Pierre Amine Gemayel ,Lebanon 's Minister of Industry, is assassinated inBeirut .
*November 21 -Israel 's Supreme Court finds that Israel must recognize and registersame-sex marriage s celebrated in other countries.
*November 21 - A gas explosion in the coal mine "Halemba" inRuda Slaska ,Poland , kills 23 miners approximately 1,000 meters below ground.
*November 22 -Dutch general election, 2006 : TheChristian Democratic Appeal wins a plurality of seats inThe Netherlands .
*November 22 - AGeneral Election is held for theHouse of Keys in theIsle of Man .
*November 22 - Ten people are trapped and killed in theKolkata leather factory fire inIndia .
*November 23 - A series of car bombs and mortar attacks inSadr City ,Baghdad , kill at least 215 people and injure 257 others.
*November 24 - Michael Stone is arrested for breaking into the parliament buildings at Stormont while armed.Bertie Ahern andTony Blair 's deadline onNorthern Ireland power-sharing.
*November 26 - US Judge James Robertson orders the US Treasury to change the dollar bill.
*November 30 -South Africa becomes the fifth nation to legalizegay marriage .
*November 30 - Typhoon Durian triggers a massive mudslide and kills at least 720 people inAlbay province on the island ofLuzon in thePhilippines .
*November 30 -Windows Vista , the newest version of operating system fromMicrosoft , released for volume license customers.December
December 1 -Felipe Calderón takes office asPresident of Mexico .
*December 1 - The 15th Asian Games start inDoha ,Qatar ; the closing ceremony takes place onDecember 15 .
*December 2 - InRome , about two million people, led by opposition leaderSilvio Berlusconi , demonstrate againstRomano Prodi 's government.
*December 2 -Stéphane Dion is elected the new Leader of theLiberal Party of Canada , on the fourth ballot.
*December 3 -Ed Stelmach is elected the new Leader of the Progressive Conservatives,Alberta , after the second ballot results, and second choice votes for Ted Morton have been added up. Ed becomes the Premier-designate of Alberta.
*December 3 -Hugo Chávez is re-electedPresident of Venezuela .
*December 3 - Explosive demolition ofGermany 's tallest chimney at former Westerholt Power Station.
*December 5 - The military seizes power inFiji by means of a coup d'état led by Commodore Josaia Voreqe "Frank" Bainimarama.
*December 7 - Smoking is banned in allOhio bars, restaurants, workplaces, and other public places.
*December 9 - A fire at a hospital inMoscow kills 45 people.
*December 10 - Space Shuttle MissionSTS-116 :Space Shuttle Discovery lifts off from theKennedy Space Center on the first night launch since the 2003 loss of "Columbia".
*December 10 -Christer Fuglesang becomes the first Swede in space.
*December 11 - TheHolocaust conference is opened inTehran ,Iran byMahmoud Ahmadinejad .
*December 12 -Peugeot produce their last car at the Ryton Plant signalling the end of mass car production in a city that was once a major centre of theBritish motor industry ;Coventry .
*December 13 - TheChinese River Dolphin or Baiji becomes extinct.
*December 13 - U.S. Senator Tim Johnson (D-SD) suffers a stroke during a radio interview.
*December 14 - U.S. Spy Satellite USA 193, also known as NRO Launch 21 (NROL-21 or simply L-21) is launched and malfunctions soon after.
*December 15 -Lockheed Martin 'sF-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter successfully flies for the first time.
*December 15 - An alleged assassination attempt on Palestinian prime ministerIsmail Haniyeh sparks inter-Palestinian clashes.
*December 15 -Jigme Singye Wangchuck , the King ofBhutan , abdicates in favour of his sonJigme Khesar Namgyal Wangchuck a year earlier than expected.
*December 15 - TheJapan ese government passes a bill to upgrade theJapan Defense Agency to a Ministry.
*December 19 - Murder investigation when the bodies of five murdered prostitutes were discovered at different locations near Ipswich in Suffolk, England.
*December 19 - ALibya n court sentences fiveBulgaria n nurses and aPalestinian doctor to death for knowingly infecting hundreds of Libyan children withHIV .
*December 20 -Somalia :Islamic Courts Union fighters begin attacking the government-held town ofBaidoa .
*December 21 -Saparmurat Niyazov , the dictator ofTurkmenistan dies unexpectedly, sparking world concern over a possible power vacuum and instability in this energy-rich country.
*December 22 - TheSpace Shuttle Discovery lands at the Kennedy Space Center, concluding a two-week mission to theInternational Space Station .
*December 24 -Ethiopia admits its troops have intervened in Somalia.
*December 26 - An oil pipeline explodes inNigeria 's commercial capital,Lagos , killing at least 200 people.
*December 26 - The Hengchun earthquake in Taiwan kills two people, damaged about 15 historical buildings and severalundersea cable s, disrupting Internet and IDD telecommunication services in Asia.
*December 29 - War in Somalia: Ethiopian and Transitional government troops capture Mogadishu without resistance.
*December 30 -Saddam Hussein , formerIraq president, is executed inBaghdad .
*December 30 - The "M/V Senopati Nusantara " sinks inIndonesia , causing several hundred casualties.
*December 30 - TheFree State Project completes its "First 1,000" pledge.
*December 30 - The Spanish terrorist groupETA set off a bomb in Madrid Barajas International Airport, killing twoEcuador ians.
*December 31 - At least eleven bombs go off inBangkok hours before the new year.
*December 31 - TheMet Office announces that England has experienced its warmest year since records began in1659 , with an average temperature of convert|10.82|°C|°F.Major religious holidays
January 6 - Feast of Epiphany or Día de los Reyes Magos (Day of theMagi Kings) or La Fête des Rois (Feast of the Kings).
*January 7 -Christmas in the Russian Orthodox,Serbian Orthodox ,Coptic Orthodox ,Ukrainian Catholic and other Eastern Christian church calendars.
*January 10 -Islam ic festival ofEid ul-Adha begins (ends onJanuary 12 ).
*January 11 - VaikuntaEkadashi is observed byHindu s.
*January 14 -Mahayana Buddhist New Year.
*January 14 -Pongal Harvest Festival inTamil Nadu .
*January 15 - Maatu Pongal, Festival ofCows inTamil Nadu .
*January 16 - Uzhavar Tirunaal,Farmer 's Day inTamil Nadu .
*January 29 -Year of the Dog , 4703, begins. Chinese/Asian New Year.
*January 31 -Muslim New Year .
*February 1 -Imbolc Cross-quarter day (Celebrated onFebruary 2 in some places).
*February 9 - Day ofAshurah .
*February 13 -Tu Bishvat .
*February 28 -Mardi Gras .
*March 13 - Jewish holiday ofPurim begins at sunset.
*March 14 -Sikh New Year.
*March 21 - Iranian New Year's Day (Norouz ).
*March 30 -Hindu New Year.
*April 5 -Qingming Festival .
*April 11 - Birth anniversary ofMuhammad .
*April 12 -Pesach orPassover begins at sunset, continues for a week.
*April 13 - Theravada Buddhist New Year.
*April 13 - Punjabi New Year.
*April 14 -Good Friday in the Western Church Calendar,Sikh Holiday ofVaisakhi .
*April 14 - Puththaandu Tamil New Year in the Tamil Calendar, observed by people inTamil Nadu .
*April 16 -Easter in the Western Church Calendar.
*April 21 -Good Friday in the Eastern Church Calendar.
*April 23 -Easter in the Eastern Church Calendar.
*May 1 -Beltane Cross-quarter day .
*June 1 - Jewish holiday ofShavuot begins at sunset.
*August 1 -Lammas Cross-quarter day .
*August 2 - Jewish fast ofTisha B'Av begins at sundown; it extends until the night ofAugust 3 .
*September 22 - Jewish holiday ofRosh Hashanah begins at sundown. Continues until nightfall of the 24th.
*September 23 - First day ofRamadan .
*October 1 - Jewish holiday ofYom Kippur begins at sundown. Ends at nightfall of the 2nd.
*October 21 - Hindu festival ofDiwali .
*October 23 - Islamic festival ofEid ul-Fitr .
*October 31 -Samhain Cross-quarter day .
*December 15 -Hannukah .
*December 21 -Wiccans celebrate the festival ofYule .
*December 25 -Christmas in the Western Church Calendar.
*December 31 - Islamic festival ofEid ul-Adha begins (ends onJanuary 2 ,2007 ).Ongoing
War in Iraq .Births
*June 3 -Countess Leonore of Orange-Nassau, Jonkvrouwe van Amsberg , daughter ofPrincess Laurentien of the Netherlands andPrince Constantijn of the Netherlands .
*June 18 -Countess Zaria of Orange-Nassau, Jonkvrouwe van Amsberg , daughter ofPrincess Mabel of Orange-Nassau andPrince Friso of Orange-Nassau .
*September 6 -Prince Hisahito of Akishino , son ofPrincess Akishino andPrince Akishino , the prince is third in line to the throne ofJapan .
*October 24 - World's youngest premature baby (22 weeks in the womb) [cite news | title = Most-premature baby allowed home | url = http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/6384621.stm | publisher = BBC NEWS | date = 2007-02-21]
*October 25 -Krista and Tatiana Hogan , notable conjoined twins.Deaths
*January 1 -Charles Steen , American geologist, The "Uranium King" (b.1919 )
*January 2 -John Woodnutt , British actor (b.1924 )
*January 2 -Cecilia Muñoz-Palma , first female Philippine Supreme Court Justice (b.1913 )
*January 3 - Steve Rogers, Australian rugby player (b.1954 )
*January 3 -Bill Skate ,Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea (b.1954 )
*January 4 - SheikhMaktoum bin Rashid Al Maktoum ,Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates (b.1946 )
*January 4 -Robert Howard White , Mayor ofPapatoetoe ,New Zealand (b.1914 )
*January 6 -Lou Rawls , American singer (b.1933 )
*January 8 -Tony Banks, Baron Stratford , British politician (b.1943 )
*January 9 -Andy Caldecott , Australianmotorcycle racer (b.1964 )
*January 14 -Jim Gary , American sculptor (b.1939 )
*January 14 -Shelley Winters , American actress (b.1920 )
*January 15 -Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah ,Emir of Kuwait (b.1926 )
*January 19 -Wilson Pickett , American singer (b.1941 )
*January 19 -Geoff Rabone , New Zealand cricket player (b.1921 )
*January 21 -Ibrahim Rugova , firstPresident of Kosovo (b.1944 )
*January 21 -Bedanand Jha , Nepalese politician
*January 24 -Chris Penn , American actor (b.1965 )
*January 25 -Anna Malle , American pornographic actress (b.1967 )
*January 27 -Johannes Rau ,President of Germany (b.1931 )
*January 28 -Yitzchak Kadouri , Iraqi-born rabbi (b.1900 )
*January 30 -Coretta Scott King , American civil rights activist and wife ofMartin Luther King, Jr. (b.1927 )February
February 1 -Dick Brooks , American auto racer (b.1942 )
*February 1 -Bryce Harland , New Zealand diplomat (b.1931 )
*February 3 - Al Lewis, American actor (b.1923 )
*February 4 -Betty Friedan , American feminist, activist, and writer (b.1921 )
*February 8 -Ron Greenwood , English football manager (b.1921 )
*February 8 -Akira Ifukube , Japanese classical music/film composer (b.1914 )
*February 9 - SirFreddie Laker , British airline entrepreneur (b.1922 )
*February 10 -J Dilla , American music producer (b.1974 )
*February 12 -Ken Hart , American composer, journalist, and playwright (b.1917 )
*February 13 -Andreas Katsulas , Greek-American actor (b.1946 )
*February 13 -P. F. Strawson , English philosopher (b.1919 )
*February 14 -Shoshana Damari , Israeli singer and actress (b.1923 )
*February 15 -Sun Yun-suan ,Premier of the Republic of China (b.1913 )
*February 16 -Ernie Stautner , German-born American football player (b.1925 )
*February 20 -Lucjan Wolanowski , Polish journalist, writer and traveler (b.1920 )
*February 22 -Anthony Burger , American musician and singer (b.1961 )
*February 22 -Sinnathamby Rajaratnam , Singapore politician (b.1925 )
*February 23 -Mauri Favén , Finnish painter (b.1920 )
*February 23 -Zarra , Spanish footballer (b.1921 )
*February 24 -Don Knotts , American actor (b.1924 )
*February 24 -Dennis Weaver , American actor (b.1924 )
*February 25 -Darren McGavin , American actor (b.1922 )
*February 25 -Florian ZaBach , American musician and TV personality (b.1931 )
*February 27 - Linda Smith, English comedian (b.1958 )
*February 28 -Ron Cyrus , American politician, father ofBilly Ray Cyrus (b.1935 )March
March 1 -Harry Browne , American Libertarian Presidential candidate (b.1933 )
*March 1 -Peter Osgood , English footballer (b.1947 )
*March 1 - Peter Snow, New Zealand doctor
*March 2 -Jack Wild , English actor (b.1952 )
*March 3 -William Herskovic , Hungarian Holocaust hero and philanthropist (b.1914 )
*March 4 -Dave Rose , American artist (b.1910 )
*March 4 -Edgar Valter , Estonian illustrator and cartoonist (b.1929 )
*March 4 -John Reynolds Gardiner , American author and engineer (b.1944 )
*March 6 -Dana Reeve , American actress, wife ofChristopher Reeve (b.1961 )
*March 6 -Kirby Puckett , U.S. baseball player (b.1960 )
*March 6 -King Floyd , American singer (b.1945 )
*March 8 -Brian Barratt-Boyes , New Zealand heart surgeon (b.1924 )
*March 9 -Hanka Bielicka , Polish actress (b.1915 )
*March 9 -John Profumo , British politician (b.1915 )
*March 11 -Bernie Geoffrion , Canadian hockey player (b.1931 )
*March 11 -Slobodan Milošević ,President of Serbia (b.1941 )
*March 13 -Maureen Stapleton , American actress (b.1925 )
*March 13 -Peter Tomarken , American game show host (b.1942 )
*March 14 -Lennart Meri ,President of Estonia (b.1929 )
*March 15 -George Mackey , American mathematician (b.1916 )
*March 23 -Cindy Walker , American songwriter (b.1918 )
*March 24 -Lynne Perrie , English actress (b.1931 )
*March 25 -Rocio Durcal , Spanish singer and actress (b.1944 )
*March 25 -Buck Owens , American musician (b.1929 )
*March 26 -Paul Dana , American race car driver (b.1975 )
*March 27 -Stanislaw Lem , Polish writer (b.1921 )
*March 28 -Caspar Weinberger ,United States Secretary of Defense (b.1917 )April
*April 2 - Nina Schenk von Stauffenberg, German wife of soldierClaus Schenk von Stauffenberg (b.1913 )
*April 4 -Denis Donaldson , Irish Republican informer (b.1950 )
*April 5 -Gene Pitney , American singer (b.1941 )
*April 6 -Francis L. Kellogg , U.S. diplomat and prominent socialite (b.1917 )
*April 8 -Gerard Reve , Dutch author (b.1923 )
*April 11 - Proof, American rapper (D12 ) (b.1973 )
*April 11 -Les Foote , Australian footballer (b.1924 )
*April 11 -June Pointer , American singer (b.1953 )
*April 12 -Rajkumar , Indian actor (b.1929 )
*April 12 -William Sloane Coffin , American university chaplain and activist (b.1924 )
*April 13 -Muriel Spark , Scottish novelist (b.1918 )
*April 15 -Louise Smith , American race car driver (b.1916 )
*April 17 -Calum Kennedy , Scottish singer (b.1928 )
*April 18 -John Lyall , British football player and manager (b.1940 )
*April 19 -Scott Crossfield , American pilot (b.1921 )
*April 20 -Anna Svidersky , American murder victim (b.1988 )
*April 21 -Telê Santana , Brazilian footballer and coach (b.1931 )
*April 23 -Alida Valli , Italian actress (b.1921 )
*April 23 -Johnny Checketts , New Zealand flying ace (b.1912 )
*April 24 -Nasreen Huq , Bangladeshi social worker and human rights activist (b.1958 )
*April 24 -Brian Labone , English footballer (b.1940 )
*April 24 -Steve Stavro , Canadian businessman and sports team owner (b.1927 )
*April 24 -Moshe Teitelbaum , Hungarian-born Hassidic rabbi (b.1914 )
*April 25 -Jane Jacobs , American-born writer and activist (b.1916 )
*April 25 -Peter Law , British politician (b.1948 )
*April 29 -John Kenneth Galbraith , Canadian economist (b.1908 )May
May 2 -Louis Rukeyser , American television host (b.1933 )
*May 3 -Karel Appel , Dutch painter (b.1921 )
*May 3 -Pramod Mahajan ,India nBharatiya Janata Party politician and strategist (b.1949 )
*May 3 -Earl Woods , American athlete and father ofTiger Woods (b.1932 )
*May 6 -Lillian Asplund , last American survivor of the Titanic disaster (b.1906 )
*May 6 -Shigeru Kayano , Japanese activist (b.1926 )
*May 7 -Richard Carleton , Australian journalist (b.1943 )
*May 7 -Steve Bender , German musician (Dschinghis Khan ) (b.1946 )
*May 8 -Iain Macmillan , British photographer (b.1938 )
*May 10 -Val Guest , British film director (b.1911 )
*May 10 - Soraya, Colombian-born singer and musician (b.1969 )
*May 11 -Yossi Banai , Israeli singer and actor (b.1932 )
*May 11 -Floyd Patterson , American boxer (b.1935 )
*May 13 -Jaroslav Pelikan , American historian (b.1923 )
*May 13 -Johnnie Wilder, Jr. , American R&B singer (b.1949 )
*May 16 -Jorge Porcel , Argentine actor (b.1936 )
*May 19 -Freddie Garrity , English singer (Freddie and the Dreamers ) (b.1940 )
*May 21 -Katherine Dunham , American dancer, choreographer, and songwriter (b.1909 )
*May 22 -Lee Jong-wook , Korean Director-General of the World Health Organisation (b.1945 )
*May 23 -Lloyd Bentsen , American politician (b.1921 )
*May 24 -Anderson Mazoka , Zambian politician (b.1943 )
*May 24 -Michał Życzkowski , Polish technician (b.1930 )
*May 25 -Desmond Dekker , Jamaican singer and songwriter (b.1941 )
*May 25 -Tobías Lasser , Venezuelan botanist (b.1911 )
*May 25 -Kari S. Tikka , Finnish professor (b.1944 )
*May 26 - Édouard Michelin, French businessman (b.1963 )
*May 27 -Alex Toth , American comic book artist and cartoonist (b.1928 )
*May 29 -Masumi Okada , Japanese actor (b.1935 )
*May 30 -Shohei Imamura , Japanese film director (b.1926 )
*May 30 - David Lloyd, New Zealand biologist (b.1938 )June
June 1 -Rocio Jurado , Spanish singer and actress (b.1944 )
*June 6 -Arnold Newman , American photographer (b.1918 )
*June 6 -Billy Preston , American artist and musician (b.1946 )
*June 6 -Hilton Ruiz , Puerto Rican jazz pianist (b.1952 )
*June 7 -Abu Musab al-Zarqawi , Jordanian militant (b.1966 )
*June 7 -John Tenta , Canadian professional wrestler (b.1963 )
*June 11 -Neroli Fairhall , New Zealand archer (b.1944 )
*June 12 -Chakufwa Chihana , Malawi politician (b.1939 )
*June 12 -György Ligeti , Hungarian composer (b.1923 )
*June 12 - Kenneth Thomson, Canadian businessman and art collector (b.1923 )
*June 13 -Charles Haughey ,Prime Minister of Ireland (b.1925 )
*June 13 -Hiroyuki Iwaki , Japanese conductor and percussionist (b.1932 )
*June 14 -Jean Roba , Belgian comics author (b.1930 )
*June 15 -Raymond Devos , French humorist (b.1922 )
*June 17 -Bussunda , Brazilian comedian (b.1962 )
*June 18 -Gica Petrescu , Romanian musician (b.1915 )
*June 18 -Chris and Cru Kahui , infant twin brothers murdered inNew Zealand (b. 2006)
*June 23 -Aaron Spelling , American television producer (b.1923 )
*June 24 -Patsy Ramsey , Mother of slain 6-year-old JonBenet (b.1956 )
*June 25 -Arif Mardin , Turkish-born music producer (b.1932 )
*June 25 -Jaap Penraat , Dutch architect and resistance fighter (b.1918 )
*June 30 - Mohamed Haneef, Maldivian Politician and former Vice-President of Islamic Democratic Party of Maldives (b.1946 )
*June 30 -Robert Gernhardt , German satirist (b.1937 )July
*July 1 -Ryutaro Hashimoto , 53rdPrime Minister of Japan (b.1937 )
*July 1 -Fred Trueman , English cricketer (b.1931 )
*July 3 -Joseph Goguen , American computer scientist (b.1941 )
*July 5 -Gert Fredriksson , Swedish kayaker (b.1919 )
*July 5 -Kenneth Lay , American businessman (b.1942 )
*July 6 -Kasey Rogers , American actress, author, and biker (b.1925 )
*July 7 -Tom Weir , Scottish climber, author, and broadcaster (b.1914 )
*July 7 -Rudi Carrell , Dutch entertainer (b.1934 )
*July 7 -Syd Barrett , English singer, songwriter, and guitarist (b.1946 )
*July 7 -John Money , Sexologist (b.1921 )
*July 8 -June Allyson , American actress (b.1917 )
*July 8 -Catherine Leroy , French photographer (b.1945 )
*July 10 -Shamil Basayev , Chechen rebel (b.1965 )
*July 11 -Ross M. Lence , American political scientist (b.1943 )
*July 11 - John Spencer, British snooker player (b.1935 )
*July 13 -Red Buttons , American actor and comedian (b.1919 )
*July 16 -Bob Orton , American wrestler (b.1929 )
*July 17 -Mickey Spillane , American writer (b.1918 )
*July 18 -Raul Cortez , Brazilian actor (b.1931 )
*July 19 -Jack Warden , American actor (b.1920 )
*July 20 -Lim Kim San , Singapore politician (b.1916 )
*July 20 -Ted Grant , British politician (b.1913 )
*July 21 -Ta Mok , Cambodian military leader (b.1926 )
*July 21 - Mako Iwamatsu, Japanese-born actor (b.1933 )
*July 22 -José Antonio Delgado , Venezuelan mountain climber (b.1965 )
*July 22 -Gianfrancesco Guarnieri , Italian-born Brazilian actor and playwright (b.1934 )
*July 25 -Hani Mohsin , Malaysian actor (b.1965 )
*July 28 -David Gemmell , British author (b.1948 )
*July 30 -Murray Bookchin , American libertarian socialist (b.1921 )August
Alfredo Stroessner ]
*August 2 -Luisel Ramos , Uruguayan model (b.1984 )
*August 3 -Elisabeth Schwarzkopf , German-born soprano (b.1915 )
*August 3 - Arthur Lee, American musician (b.1945 )
*August 6 -Hirotaka Suzuoki , Japanese Seiyu (b.1950 )
*August 9 -James van Allen , American physicist (b.1914 )
*August 11 -Mike Douglas , American entertainer (b.1925 )
*August 13 -Tony Jay , English-born actor (b.1933 )
*August 13 -Payao Poontarat , Thai boxer (b.1957 )
*August 15 -Te Atairangi Kaahu , Maori queen (b.1931 )
*August 15 -Faas Wilkes , former Dutch football player(b.1923 )
*August 16 -Alfredo Stroessner ,President of Paraguay (b.1912 )
*August 20 -Joe Rosenthal , American photographer (b.1911 )
*August 20 - CplBryan Budd VC, British soldier (Afghanistan). (b.1977 )
*August 21 -Bismillah Khan , Indian musician (b.1916 )
*August 21 -S. Yizhar , Israeli writer (b.1916 )
*August 23 -Maynard Ferguson , Canadian musician and bandleader (b.1928 )
*August 23 -Wolfgang Priklopil , Austrian kidnapper ofNatascha Kampusch (b.1962 )
*August 26 -Rainer Barzel , German politician (b.1924 )
*August 26 -Clyde Walcott , Barbadian cricketer (b.1926 )
*August 27 -Hrishikesh Mukherjee , Indian filmmaker (b.1922 )
*August 30 -Glenn Ford , Canadian actor (b.1916 )
*August 30 -Naguib Mahfouz , Egyptian writer, Nobel Prize laureate (b.1911 )
*August 30 -Robin Cooke, Baron Cooke of Thorndon , New Zealand jurist and member of the British House of Lords (b.1926 )September
September 1 -György Faludy , Hungarian poet (b.1910 )
*September 2 - Charlie Williams, British comedian (b.1927 )
*September 2 -Bob Mathias , American athlete (b.1930 )
*September 2 -Willi Ninja , American dancer and choreographer (b.1961 )
*September 4 -Steve Irwin (a.k.a "TheCrocodile Hunter ," Australian environmentalist and television personality (killed bystingray ) (b.1962 )
*September 4 -Giacinto Facchetti , Italian footballer (b.1942 )
*September 4 -Colin Thiele , Australian author and educator (b.1920 )
*September 7 -Robert Earl Jones , American stage and film actor (b. (1910 )
*September 8 -Hilda Bernstein , English-born author, artist, and activist (b.1915 )
*September 8 -Peter Brock , Australian race car driver (b.1945 )
*September 9 -Richard Burmer , American composer and musician (b.1955 )
*September 9 -William B. Ziff, Jr. , American publishing executive (b.1930 )
*September 10 -Taufa'ahau Tupou IV ,King of Tonga (b.1918 )
*September 11 -Joachim Fest , German historian and journalist (b.1926 )
*September 11 -Johannes Bob van Benthem , Dutch lawyer (b.1921 )
*September 13 -Ann Richards , American politician (b.1933 )
*September 14 -Elizabeth Choy , Singaporean World War II hero (b.1910 )
*September 14 -Mickey Hargitay , Hungarian-born actor and bodybuilder (b.1926 )
*September 15 -Oriana Fallaci , Italian journalist (b.1929 )
*September 15 -Abe Saffron , Australian nightclub owner and property developer (b.1920 )
*September 16 -Rob Levin , American computer programmer (b.1955 )
*September 17 -Patricia Kennedy Lawford , American socialite, sister ofJohn F. Kennedy (b.1924 )
*September 17 -Dorothy C. Stratton , Director of theUnited States Coast Guard Women's Reserve (b.1899 )
*September 19 -Roy Schuiten , Dutch cyclist (b.1950 )
*September 19 -Hugh Kawharu , New Zealand academic and Māori chief (b.1927 )
*September 20 -Armin Jordan , Swiss conductor (b.1932 )
*September 20 -John W. Peterson , American composer (b.1921 )
*September 23 -Malcolm Arnold , English composer (b.1921 )
*September 23 -Aladár Pege , Hungarian musician (b.1939 )
*September 24 -Tetsuro Tamba , Japanese actor (b.1922 )
*September 26 -Byron Nelson , American golfer (b.1912 )
*September 26 -Iva Toguri D'Aquino , American propagandist for Japan in World War II (b.1916 )
*September 29 -Michael A. Monsoor , aUnited States Navy SEAL killed inIraq and posthumously awarded theMedal of Honor .
*September 29 -Walter Hadlee , New Zealand cricketer (b.1915 )
*September 29 -Jan Werner Danielsen , Norwegian musician (b.1976 )October
*October 6 -Buck O'Neil , American baseball player (b.1911 )
*October 6 -Wilson Tucker , American writer (b.1914 )
*October 7 -Anna Politkovskaya , American-born Russian journalist (b.1958 )
*October 8 - Mark Porter, New Zealand race car driver (b.1975 )
*October 9 -Paul Hunter , British snooker player (b.1978 )
*October 10 -Michael John Rogers , English ornithologist (b.1932 )
*October 11 -Cory Lidle , American baseball player (b.1972 )
*October 14 -Nancy Lynn , American aviator (b.1956 )
*October 14 -Freddy Fender , American singer (b.1937 )
*October 16 -Lister Sinclair , Canadian broadcaster and playwright (b.1921 )
*October 16 -Valentín Paniagua ,President of Peru (b.1936 )
*October 18 -Anna Russell , British-born comedian and music satirist (b.1911 )
*October 20 -Jane Wyatt , American actress (b.1910 )
*October 21 -Sandy West , American musician (b.1959 )
*October 24 -Enolia McMillan , American first female president of theNAACP (b.1904 )
*October 25 -Danny Rolling , American murderer (b.1954 ) (executed)
*October 28 -Red Auerbach , American basketball coach and official (b.1917 )
*October 28 -Trevor Berbick , Jamaican boxer (b.1955 )
*October 30 -Clifford Geertz , American anthropologist (b.1926 )
*October 31 -Pieter Willem Botha , formerState President of South Africa (b.1916 )November
November 1 -Adrienne Shelly , American actress & director (b.1966 )
*November 1 -William Styron , American writer (b.1925 )
*November 2 -Adrien Douady , French mathematician (b.1935 )
*November 2 -Wally Foreman , Australian sports commentator (b.1948 )
*November 3 -Paul Mauriat , French musician (b.1925 )
*November 4 -Frank Arthur Calder , Canadian politician (b.1915 )
*November 4 -Sergi López Segú , Spanish footballer (b.1967 )
*November 5 -Mustafa Bülent Ecevit , Turkish politician, poet, writer and journalist (b.1925 )
*November 5 -Samuel Bowers , American Ku Klux Klansman and convicted killer (b.1924 )
*November 7 -Bryan Pata , American college football player (b.1984 )
*November 8 -Basil Poledouris , American composer (b.1945 )
*November 9 -Ed Bradley , American journalist (b.1941 )
*November 10 -Gerald Levert , American singer (b.1966 )
*November 10 -Jack Palance , American actor (b.1919 )
*November 11 -Belinda Emmett , Australian actress and singer (b.1974 )
*November 15 -Ana Carolina Reston , Brazilian fashion model (b.1985 )
*November 16 -Milton Friedman , American economist, Nobel Prize laureate (b.1912 )
*November 17 -Ferenc Puskás , Hungarian footballer (b.1927 )
*November 17 -Bo Schembechler , American football coach (b.1929 )
*November 17 -Ruth Brown , American singer (b.1928 )
*November 20 -Robert Altman , American film director (b.1925 )
*November 20 -Andre Waters , American football player (b.1962 )
*November 21 -Pierre Amine Gemayel , Lebanese politician (b.1972 )
*November 22 -John Allan Cameron , Canadian musician (b.1938 )
*November 23 -Alexander Litvinenko , Russian-born spy (b.1962 )
*November 23 -Philippe Noiret , French actor (b.1930 )
*November 23 -Anita O'Day , American singer (b.1919 )
*November 23 -Willie Pep , American boxer (b.1922 )
*November 24 -Walter Booker , American jazz bassist (b.1933 )
*November 24 -Juice Leskinen , Finnish singer and songwriter (b.1950 )
*November 25 -Leo Chiosso , Italian poet (b.1920 )
*November 25 -Valentin Elizalde , Mexican singer (b.1979 )
*November 25 - Phyllis Fraser Cerf Wagner, American actress, journalist and publisher (b.1916 )
*November 26 -Dave Cockrum , American comic book artist (b.1943 )
*November 27 -Alan Freeman , Australian-born broadcaster and disc jockey (b.1927 )
*November 28 -Bernard Orchard , British biblical scholar (b.1912 )December
December 3 -James Kim , American television personality (b.1971 )
*December 3 -Logan Whitehurst , American comedy singer (b.1977 )
*December 3 -Craig Hinton , British novelist (b.1964 )
*December 4 -Ross A. McGinnis , American soldier, posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor (b.1987 )
*December 5 -David Bronstein , Soviet Union chess grandmaster (b.1924 )
*December 6 -John Feeney , New Zealand documentary film-director (b.1922 )
*December 7 -Jeane Kirkpatrick , American political theorist and U.N. ambassador (b.1926 )
*December 7 -J. B. Hunt , American trucking magnate (b.1927 )
*December 8 -Jose Uribe , DominicanMajor League Baseball player (b.1959 )
*December 10 -Augusto Pinochet , Chilean dictator (b.1915 )
*December 12 -Paul Arizin , American basketball player (b.1928 )
*December 12 -Peter Boyle , American actor (b.1935 )
*December 12 -Raymond P. Shafer , American politician (b.1917 )
*December 13 -Lamar Hunt , American sports executive (b.1932 )
*December 13 - "Homesick" James Williamson, Americanblues musician (b.1910 )
*December 13 -Federico Crescentini , Sanmarinese football player (b.1982 )
*December 14 -Ahmet Ertegün , Turkish record executive (b.1923 )
*December 14 - Mike Evans, American actor (b.1949 )
*December 15 -Clay Regazzoni , Swiss race car driver (b.1939 )
*December 16 -Don Jardine , Canadian professional wrestler (b.1940 )
*December 18 -Joseph Barbera , American animator (b.1911 )
*December 20 -Yukio Aoshima , Japanese politician, novelist and TV-actor (b.1932 )
*December 20 -Ma Ji , Chinese actor (b.1934 )
*December 21 -Saparmurat Niyazov ,President of Turkmenistan (b.1940 )
*December 22 -Elena Mukhina , Russian gymnast (b.1960 )
*December 23 -Robert Stafford , American politician (b.1913 )
*December 23 -Dutch Mason , Canadian blues musician (b.1938 )
*December 23 -Marilyn Waltz , American actress, model, andPlayboy playmate (b.1931 )
*December 24 - Braguinha, Brazilian songwriter (b.1907 )
*December 24 -Charlie Drake , English comedian (b.1925 )
*December 24 -Frank Stanton , American television executive (b.1908 )
*December 24 -Kenneth Sivertsen , Norwegian musician, composer, poet and comedian (b.1961 )
*December 25 -James Brown , American singer (b.1933 )
*December 26 - Gerald R. Ford, 38thPresident of the United States (b.1913 )
*December 26 - Chris Brown, U.S. baseball player (b.1961 )
*December 30 -Saddam Hussein , 5thPresident of Iraq (b.1937 )
*December 30 - Antony Lambton, Viscount Lambton, British politician (b.1922 )Nobel Prizes
* Chemistry -
Roger D. Kornberg .
* Economics -Edmund Phelps .
* Literature -Orhan Pamuk .
* Peace -Muhammad Yunus and theGrameen Bank .
* Physics -John C. Mather ,George F. Smoot .
* Physiology or Medicine -Andrew Z. Fire ,Craig C. Mello .See also
21st century .References
External links
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