Missouri's 8th congressional district

Missouri's 8th congressional district
Missouri's 8th congressional district
Current Representative Jo Ann Emerson (RCape Girardeau)
Distribution 39.65urban, 60.35rural
Population (2000) 621,690
Median income $27,865
Ethnicity 93.1White, 4.4Black, 0.4Asian, 1.0Hispanic, 0.6Native American, 1.5other
Occupation 36.3blue collar, 48.0white collar, 15.7gray collar
Cook PVI R+15

Missouri's 8th Congressional District is one of 435 congressional districts in the United States and one of nine congressional districts in the state of Missouri. The district encompasses rural Southeast Missouri and South Central Missouri as well as some counties in Southwest Missouri. The district stretches from as far south as the Bootheel north to the St. Louis exurbs of Farmington and surrounding areas in the Lead Belt and as far east as the counties along the Mississippi River to as far west along the Ozark Plateau near Branson.

The district is anchored in Cape Girardeau.

A predominantly rural district, MO-08 is heavily Republican at the federal level. In 2004, President George W. Bush received 63% of the vote in the district over U.S. Senator John Kerry (D-Massachusetts) who clinched 36%; four years later in 2008, U.S. Senator John McCain (R-Arizona) carried the district with 61.92% over U.S. Senator Barack Obama (D-Illinois) who received 36.42%.

The district is currently represented by U.S. Representative Jo Ann Emerson, a Republican from Cape Girardeau. Emerson was first elected to the seat in a special election in 1996 following the death of her husband Bill Emerson, a Republican who had held the seat until his death. No Democrat has held the seat in Congress in nearly 30 years. In 2010, however, Emerson faced her best-funded Democratic challenger to date in Tommy Sowers, a political science professor at the Missouri University of Science & Technology in Rolla. CQPolitics.com rated the seat as "Safe Republican," meaning that the incumbent was all but sure to retain the seat. On November 2, 2010, Emerson defeated Sowers by 66% to 29%.



Missouri's 8th is a relatively diverse congressional district. Although it is fairly conservative and Republican-leaning at the federal level, Democrats often perform well here in local and state elections. Bill Clinton, a Democrat from neighboring Arkansas, managed to carry the 8th District both times in 1992 and 1996 by strong margins, but since then, the district solidly supported Republicans George W. Bush and John McCain in the past three presidential elections. The district did, however, back former Attorney General and now Governor Jay Nixon (D) over Republican Kenny Hulshof in Missouri's gubernatorial election in 2008.

At the local level, Democrats control a majority of elected offices in Southeast Missouri. Republicans control more local offices in the more extreme-western portions of the district namely in Southwest Missouri. In presidential elections, Democratic candidates often run best in the Bootheel, which is the most impoverished region in the district (and the state, for that matter) and contains a significant number of African Americans, as well as the Lead Belt region which contains a core constituency of labor unions and mining.

The district takes in a large swath of the Bible Belt with evangelical Protestantism being the dominant religion in most counties in the district which influences many conservative voters especially on hot-button social issues like abortion, gay rights and gun control, as hunting is all but a way of life and rite of passage for many people in the district. Ethnically, it is one of the whitest districts in the state (and the nation, for that matter) and maintains a rural character where agriculture and farming are the backbone of the economy and are very important to voters in the district. Outside the Bootheel, all counties in the district are at least 90% white. Socioeconomically, it is the poorest district in Missouri and the 11th poorest congressional district in the country.

List of representatives

Representative Party Years District home Notes
District created March 4, 1863
William A. Hall Unionist March 4, 1863 - March 3, 1865 Redistricted from the 3rd district
John F. Benjamin Republican March 4, 1865 - March 3, 1871
James G. Blair Liberal Republican March 4, 1871 - March 3, 1873
Abram Comingo Democratic March 4, 1873 - March 3, 1875 Redistricted from the 6th district
Benjamin J. Franklin Democratic March 4, 1875 - March 3, 1879
Samuel L. Sawyer Independent Democrat March 4, 1879 - March 3, 1881
Robert T. Van Horn Republican March 4, 1881 - March 3, 1883
John J. O'Neill Democratic March 4, 183 - March 3, 1889
Frederick G. Niedringhaus Republican March 4, 1889 - March 3, 1891
John J. O'Neill Democratic March 4, 1891 - March 3, 1893
Richard P. Bland Democratic March 4, 1893 - March 3, 1895 Redistricted from the 11th district
Joel D. Hubbard Republican March 4, 1895 - March 3, 1897
Richard P. Bland Democratic March 4, 1897 - June 15, 1899 Died
Vacant June 15, 1899 - August 29, 1899
Dorsey W. Shackleford Democratic August 29, 1899 - March 3, 1919
William L. Nelson Democratic March 4, 1919 - March 3, 1921
Sidney C. Roach Republican March 4, 1921 - March 3, 1925
William L. Nelson Democratic March 4, 1925 - March 3, 1933
March 4, 1933 - January 3, 1935 District inactive, all representatives elected At-large on a general ticket
Clyde Williams Democratic January 3, 1935 - January 3, 1943 Redistricted from the At-large district
William P. Elmer Republican January 3, 1943 - January 3, 1945
A. S. J. Carnahan Democratic January 3, 1945 - January 3, 1947
Parke M. Banta Republican January 3, 1947 - January 3, 1949
A. S. J. Carnahan Democratic January 3, 1949 - January 3, 1961
Richard H. Ichord II Democratic January 3, 1961 - January 3, 1981
Wendell Bailey Republican January 3, 1981 - January 3, 1983
Bill Emerson Republican January 3, 1983 - June 22, 1996 Redistricted from the 10th district, Died
Vacant June 22, 1996 - January 8, 1997
Jo Ann Emerson Republican January 8, 1997 - Present Incumbent


There is a total of 28 counties included in MO-08.

2008 Presidential Election Results by County

The table below shows how individual counties in MO-08 voted in the 2008 presidential election. U.S. Senator John McCain (R-Arizona) swept the district with 61.92 percent of the vote while U.S. Senator Barack Obama (D-Illinois) received 36.42 percent, a 25.50-percent margin of victory for the GOP.

County John McCain Barack Obama Difference
Stoddard 69.16 29.40 R + 39.76
Bollinger 68.67 29.22 R + 39.45
Wright 67.94 30.03 R + 37.91
Dent 67.78 29.94 R + 37.84
Butler 68.09 30.66 R + 37.43
Taney 68.02 30.85 R + 37.17
Texas 66.49 31.43 R + 35.06
Douglas 65.63 31.88 R + 33.75
Cape Girardeau 66.30 32.68 R + 33.62
Howell 64.49 33.68 R + 30.81
Ripley 63.53 33.47 R + 30.06
Carter 63.49 33.95 R + 29.54
Scott 64.15 34.72 R + 29.43
Perry 63.92 34.75 R + 29.17
Ozark 62.27 35.45 R + 26.82
Wayne 61.49 36.45 R + 25.04
Phelps 60.22 38.04 R + 22.18
Dunklin 59.88 38.59 R + 21.29
Oregon 57.77 39.45 R + 18.32
Madison 57.62 40.61 R + 17.01
New Madrid 56.76 41.65 R + 15.11
Mississippi 56.65 41.95 R + 14.70
Pemiscot 56.11 42.98 R + 13.13
Shannon 54.06 42.65 R + 11.41
Reynolds 54.21 43.14 R + 11.07
St. Francois 51.57 47.01 R + 4.56
Washington 48.95 49.00 D + 0.05
Iron 47.35 50.14 D + 2.79

2008 Missouri Democratic Presidential Primary Election Results by County

The table below shows how individual counties in MO-08 voted in the 2008 Missouri Democratic Presidential Primary. Former U.S. Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-New York) won a decisive victory in MO-08, carrying all 28 counties in the district by significant margins over U.S. Senator Barack Obama (D-Illinois). MO-08 was her strongest showing in the states primary on Super Tuesday, carrying the district with over 63 percent of the vote. She received less than 60 percent in only two counties: Cape Girardeau County, home of Southeast Missouri State University, and Phelps County, home of the University of Missouri-Rolla (UMR).

County Hillary Clinton Barack Obama Difference
Dunklin 78.44 18.31 C + 60.13
Wayne 75.94 18.70 C + 57.24
Carter 75.24 19.05 C + 56.19
Ripley 74.20 19.50 C + 54.70
Washington 74.63 21.32 C + 53.31
Bollinger 74.12 22.35 C + 51.75
Stoddard 72.95 22.43 C + 50.51
Oregon 71.77 24.09 C + 47.68
New Madrid 71.19 24.11 C + 47.08
Iron 70.53 24.27 C + 46.26
Shannon 69.72 24.64 C + 45.08
Pemiscot 70.83 25.99 C + 44.84
St. Francois 70.25 25.84 C + 44.41
Madison 68.72 24.35 C + 44.37
Butler 69.87 26.94 C + 42.93
Wright 69.48 27.48 C + 42.00
Reynolds 66.22 24.75 C + 41.47
Texas 68.03 27.21 C + 40.82
Mississippi 65.43 30.02 C + 35.41
Ozark 65.62 31.62 C + 34.00
Scott 63.43 31.23 C + 32.20
Howell 64.07 32.44 C + 31.63
Dent 62.23 31.89 C + 30.34
Taney 63.69 33.74 C + 29.95
Douglas 62.32 34.21 C + 28.11
Perry 61.24 33.73 C + 27.51
Cape Girardeau 56.55 39.44 C + 17.11
Phelps 53.93 42.34 C + 11.59

2008 Missouri Republican Presidential Primary Election Results by County

The table below shows how individual counties in MO-08 voted in the 2008 Missouri Republican Presidential Primary. Former Governor Mike Huckabee (R-Arkansas) carried 25 out of the 28 total counties in MO-08 over U.S. Senator John McCain (R-Arizona) and former Governor Mitt Romney (R-Massachusetts).

County Mike Huckabee John McCain Mitt Romney Difference
Oregon 58.88 20.47 11.34 H + 38.41
Dunklin 58.52 21.46 17.03 H + 37.06
Wright 59.64 23.69 9.46 H + 35.95
Douglas 55.04 21.15 11.07 H + 33.89
Pemiscot 57.59 23.75 15.19 H + 33.84
Shannon 54.44 23.57 8.77 H + 30.87
Ripley 53.84 23.62 17.09 H + 30.22
Taney 55.89 25.90 14.17 H + 29.99
Howell 52.97 24.76 14.57 H + 28.21
Dent 48.78 22.48 20.91 H + 26.30
Stoddard 50.56 24.85 20.70 H + 25.71
Butler 48.85 24.64 22.21 H + 24.21
Carter 52.39 28.37 15.03 H + 24.02
Texas 50.13 27.69 13.39 H + 22.44
Ozark 48.09 26.87 14.75 H + 21.22
New Madrid 48.74 28.68 18.57 H + 20.06
Wayne 45.20 30.48 19.73 H + 14.72
Reynolds 46.09 32.90 15.15 H + 13.19
Iron 43.17 32.80 16.83 H + 10.37
Mississippi 42.59 33.73 20.43 H + 8.86
Madison 43.96 35.48 14.52 H + 8.48
Bollinger 39.72 31.32 23.22 H + 8.40
Phelps 35.15 29.68 27.26 H + 5.47
Scott 36.79 32.99 25.56 H + 3.80
Washington 38.73 38.36 18.49 H + 0.37
St. Francois 35.90 38.01 20.89 M + 2.11
Perry 25.76 43.59 24.28 M + 17.83
Cape Girardeau 27.63 31.77 35.32 R + 3.55

2008 Gubernatorial Election Results by County

The table below shows how individual counties in MO-08 voted in the 2008 Missouri gubernatorial election. Former Attorney General Jay Nixon (D) carried the district with 52.11 percent of the vote over former U.S. Representative Kenny Hulshof (R).

County Jay Nixon Kenny Hulshof Difference
Washington 67.05 31.08 D + 35.97
Iron 64.14 33.45 D + 30.69
St. Francois 63.49 34.55 D + 28.94
Shannon 60.65 33.67 D + 26.98
Pemiscot 60.50 37.26 D + 23.24
Oregon 59.22 38.07 D + 21.15
Reynolds 58.65 37.74 D + 20.91
Dunklin 56.13 41.65 D + 14.48
Madison 54.29 43.13 D + 11.16
Ozark 53.63 42.47 D + 11.16
Texas 54.14 43.40 D + 10.74
Carter 53.29 43.30 D + 9.99
New Madrid 53.87 44.64 R + 9.23
Phelps 53.28 44.21 D + 9.07
Wayne 53.49 44.62 D + 8.87
Dent 52.44 44.71 D + 7.73
Howell 52.11 45.33 D + 6.78
Douglas 48.95 45.27 D + 3.68
Ripley 49.75 47.09 D + 2.66
Wright 47.53 49.57 R + 2.04
Mississippi 47.70 50.27 R + 2.57
Taney 46.31 51.16 R + 4.85
Perry 46.24 51.85 R + 5.61
Stoddard 45.33 52.85 R + 7.52
Scott 45.55 53.12 R + 7.57
Butler 43.86 54.12 R + 10.26
Bollinger 42.06 56.05 R + 13.99
Cape Girardeau 41.75 56.23 R + 14.48

Largest Cities

The 10 largest cities in MO-08 are as follows.

Rank City County Population (2000) Population (2009)
1 Cape Girardeau Cape Girardeau 34,345 37,657
2 Rolla Phelps 16,367 18,488
3 Sikeston Scott and New Madrid 16,992 17,059
4 Poplar Bluff Butler 16,651 17,045
5 Farmington St. Francois 13,924 16,318
6 Jackson Cape Girardeau 11,947 13,929
7 West Plains Howell 10,866 12,003
8 Kennett Dunklin 11,260 10,547
9 Park Hills St. Francois 7,861 8,878
10 Perryville Perry 7,667 8,192

County Incomes

Median Household Incomes

Rank County Income (2008)
1 Cape Girardeau $45,862
2 Perry $44,264
3 Taney $39,771
4 Scott $39,735
5 St. Francois $39,551
6 Phelps $37,243
7 Bollinger $36,744
8 Butler $34,422
9 Stoddard $33,120
10 Dent $32,991
11 New Madrid $32,758
12 Washington $32,001
13 Howell $31,761
14 Reynolds $31,546
15 Ozark $31,508
16 Douglas $31,335
17 Iron $31,276
18 Madison $31,137
19 Dunklin $30,927
20 Wright $30,685
21 Texas $29,260
22 Wayne $29,166
23 Mississippi $28,837
24 Carter $27,608
25 Ripley $27,285
26 Pemiscot $26,992
27 Oregon $26,119
28 Shannon $24,835

Median Family Incomes

Rank County Income (2008)
1 Cape Girardeau $58,037
2 Perry $53,034
3 Phelps $49,343
4 Scott $48,847
5 St. Francois $47,923
6 Taney $47,664
7 Bollinger $42,948
8 Butler $42,713
9 Stoddard $41,072
10 Dent $40,258
11 New Madrid $39,411
12 Dunklin $38,439
13 Washington $38,193
14 Madison $38,067
15 Howell $38,047
16 Iron $38,037
17 Reynolds $37,891
18 Wright $37,139
19 Douglas $36,648
20 Ozark $36,622
21 Mississippi $35,554
22 Wayne $34,727
23 Texas $34,503
24 Pemiscot $33,945
25 Carter $33,349
26 Ripley $33,101
27 Oregon $31,637
28 Shannon $30,102


Public School Districts

School District Address Phone Number County (P)K-12 Enrollment (2009-2010) School Mascot School Colors
Poplar Bluff R-I School District 1110 N. Westwood Blvd
Poplar Bluff, MO 63901-3336
(573) 785-7751 Butler 4,958 Mules Maroon & White
Jackson R-II School District 614 E. Adams St.
Jackson, MO 63755-2150
(573) 243-9501 Cape Girardeau 4,745 Indians Red & Black
Rolla Public School District No. 31 500a Forum Dr.
Rolla, MO 65401-4602
(573) 458-0100 Phelps 4,004 Bulldogs Maroon & White
Cape Girardeau Public School District No. 63 301 N. Clark St.
Cape Girardeau, MO 63701-5101
(573) 335-1867 Cape Girardeau 3,959 Tigers Orange & Black
Farmington R-VII School District 1022 Ste. Genevieve
Farmington, MO 63640-0570
(573) 701-1300 St. Francois 3,827 Knights Gold & Black
Sikeston R-VI School District 1002 Virginia
Sikeston, MO 63801-3347
(573) 472-2581 Scott 3,606 Bulldogs Red & Black
North St. Francois County R-I School District 300 Berry Road
Bonne Terre, MO 63628-4388
(573) 358-2247 St. Francois 3,207 Raiders Blue & Gold
West Plains R-VII School District 613 W. First St.
West Plains, MO 65775-2617
(417) 256-6150 Howell 2,534 Zizzers Maroon & White
Potosi R-III School District 400 N. Mine
Potosi, MO 63664-1734
(573) 438-5485 Washington 2,437 Trojans Purple & Gold
Perry County School District No. 32 326 College St.
Perryville, MO 63775-2699
(573) 547-7500 Perry 2,342 Pirates Green & White
Dexter R-XI School District 1031 Brown Pilot Lane
Dexter, MO 63841-1803
(573) 614-1000 Stoddard 2,048 Bearcats Red & Black
Kennett Public School District No. 39 510 College Ave.
Kennett, MO 63857-2006
(573) 717-1100 Dunklin 2,039 Indians Yellow & Black
St. Francois County Central R-III School District 200 High St.
Park Hills, MO 63601-2524
(573) 431-2616 St. Francois 2,031 Rebels Red & Blue
Fredericktown R-I School District 704 E. State Highway 72
Fredericktown, MO 63645-7491
(573) 783-2570 Madison 1,932 Black Cats Yellow & Black
St. James R-I School District 122 E. Scioto St.
St. James, MO 65559-1717
(573) 265-3262 Phelps 1,750 Tigers Red & White
New Madrid County Central R-I School District 310 U.S. Highway 61
New Madrid, MO 63869-9753
(573) 688-2161 New Madrid 1,644 Eagles Green & Gold
Doniphan R-I School District 309 Pine St.
Doniphan, MO 63935-1703
(573) 996-3819 Ripley 1,623 Dons Yellow & Black
Mountain Grove R-III School District 207 E. Fifth (P.O. Box 806)
Mountain Grove, MO 65711-0806
(417) 926-3177 Wright 1,611 Panthers Maroon & White
Salem R-80 School District 1409 W. Rolla Road
Salem, MO 65560-9670
(573) 729-6642 Dent 1,534 Tigers Blue & White
Ava R-I School District 507 NE 3rd St. (P.O. Box 338)
Ava, MO 65608-0338
(417) 683-4717 Douglas 1,446 Bears Blue & Gold
Caruthersville Public School District No. 18 1711 Ward St.
Caruthersville, MO 63830-2555
(573) 333-6100 Pemiscot 1,381 Tigers Red & Black
Willow Springs R-IV School District 215 W. Fourth St.
Willow Springs, MO 65793-1118
(417) 469-3260 Howell 1,317 Bears Maroon & White
Mountain View-Birch Tree R-III School District 1 Highway 60 East (P.O. Box 464)
Mountain View, MO 65548-0464
(417) 934-2020 Howell 1,298 Eagles Red & White
Forsyth R-III School District 178 Panther St.
Forsyth, MO 65653-0187
(417) 546-6384 Taney 1,215 Panthers Blue & White
East Prairie R-II School District 304 E. Walnut
East Prairie, MO 63845-1820
(573) 649-3562 Mississippi 1,175 Eagles Red & Black
Malden R-I School District 505 Burkhart St.
Malden, MO 63863-1445
(573) 276-5794 Dunklin 1,104 Green Wave Green & White
Charleston R-I School District 1014 S. Main (P.O. Box 39)
Charleston, MO 63834-0039
(573) 683-3776 Mississippi 1,075 Blue Jays Blue & White
Clearwater R-I School District State Highway 34 (Rte. 4 Box 1004)
Piedmont, MO 63957-9700
(573) 223-7426 Wayne 1,074 Tigers Orange & Black
Arcadia Valley R-II School District 750 Park Dr.
Ironton, MO 63650-1414
(573) 546-7313 Iron 1,050 Tigers Yellow & Black
West St. Francois County R-IV School District 1124 Main
Leadwood, MO 63653-1214
(573) 562-7535 St. Francois 1,050 Bulldogs Purple & White
Houston R-I School District 423 W. Pine
Houston, MO 65483-1147
(417) 967-3024 Texas 1,047 Tigers Red & Black
Twin Rivers R-X School District 9348 State Highway 51 (P.O. Box 146)
Broseley, MO 63932-0146
(573) 328-4321 Butler 1,011 Royals Blue & White
Scott City R-I School District 3000 Main St.
Scott City, MO 63780-1111
(573) 264-2381 Scott 986 Rams Blue & Gold
Scott County R-IV School District 4035 State Highway 77
Benton, MO 63736-9162
(573) 545-3887 Scott 975 Hawks Maroon & Gold
Woodland R-IV School District State Highway 34 (Rte. 5 Box 3210)
Marble Hill, MO 63764-9214
(573) 238-3343 Bollinger 912 Cardinals Red & Black
Puxico R-VIII School District 481 N. Bedford St.
Puxico, MO 63960-9144
(573) 222-3762 Stoddard 911 Indians Orange & Black
Senath-Hornersville C-8 School District 803 S. State (P.O. Box 370)
Senath, MO 63876-0370
(573) 738-2669 Dunklin 848 Lions Red & Black
Hayti R-II School District 500 N. Fourth (P.O. Box 469)
Hayti, MO 63851-0469
(573) 359-6500 Pemiscot 835 Indians Yellow & Black
Licking R-VIII School District 125 College Ave. (P.O. Box 179)
Licking, MO 65542-0179
(573) 674-2911 Texas 830 Wildcats Orange & Black
Kingston K-14 School District 10047 Diamond Road
Cadet, MO 63630-9581
(573) 438-4982 Washington 828 Cougars Green & White
East Carter County R-II School District 24 S. Herren Ave.
Ellsinore, MO 63937-8208
(573) 322-5625 Carter 819 Redwings Red & Black
Portageville School District 904 King Ave.
Portageville, MO 63873-1378
(573) 379-3855 New Madrid 812 Bulldogs Blue & White
Cabool R-IV School District 1025 Rogers St. (P.O. Box 613)
Cabool, MO 65689-0613
(417) 962-3153 Texas 809 Bulldogs Blue & White
Hartville R-II School District 175 N. School Ave. (P.O. Box 460)
Hartville, MO 65667-0460
(417) 741-7676 Wright 792 Eagles Blue & White
Alton R-IV School District Rte. 2 Box 2180
Alton, MO 65606-9677
(417) 778-7216 Oregon 782 Comets Blue & Gold
Greenville R-II School District 127 Walnut (P.O. Box 320)
Greenville, MO 63944-0320
(573) 224-3844 Wayne 755 Bears Red & Black
Bloomfield R-XIV School District 505 Court St.
Bloomfield, MO 63825-0650
(573) 568-4564 Stoddard 748 Wildcats Purple & Gold
South Pemiscot County R-V School District 611 Beasley Road
Steele, MO 63877-1726
(573) 695-4426 Pemiscot 729 Bulldogs Black & Gold
Mansfield R-IV School District 316 W. Ohio Ave.
Mansfield, MO 65704-9301
(417) 924-8458 Wright 709 Lions Maroon & Gold
Thayer R-II School District 401 E. Walnut St.
Thayer, MO 65791-1242
(417) 264-7261 Oregon 689 Bobcats Green & White
Plato R-V School District 10645 Plato Dr.
Plato, MO 65552-0010
(417) 458-3333 Texas 666 Eagless Blue & White
Campbell R-II School District 801 S. State Route 53
Campbell, MO 63933-1399
(573) 246-2133 Dunklin 639 Camels Yellow & Black
Holcomb R-III School District 102 S. Cherry (P.O. Box 190)
Holcomb, MO 63852-0190
(573) 792-3113 Dunklin 633 Hornets Purple & White
Gainesville R-V School District HC03 Box 170
Gainesville, MO 65655-9524
(417) 679-4260 Ozark 629 Bulldogs Red & Black
Neelyville R-IV School District 289 Broadway St. (P.O. Box 8)
Neelyville, MO 63954-0008
(573) 989-3813 Butler 627 Tigers Maroon & Gold
Bismarck R-V School District 101 Dennis Dr.
Bismarck, MO 63624-0257
(573) 734-6111 St. Francois 623 Indians Maroon & Black
Meadow Heights R-II School District State Highway 72 (Rte. 1 Box 2365)
Patton, MO 63662-9742
(573) 866-0060 Bollinger 589 Panthers Red & Black
Bernie R-XIII School District 516 W. Main
Bernie, MO 63822-9575
(573) 293-5333 Stoddard 566 Mules Blue & White
Southern Reynolds County R-II School District 1 School St.
Ellington, MO 63638-9570
(573) 663-3591 Reynolds 558 Whippets Orange & Black
Chaffee R-II School District 517 W. Yoakum St.
Chaffee, MO 63740-1825
(573) 887-3532 Scott 558 Red Devils Red & Black
Winona R-III School District Highway 19 (P.O. Box 248)
Winona, MO 65588-0248
(573) 325-8101 Shannon 527 Wildcats Purple & Gold
Van Buren R-I School District 906 Broadway (P.O. Box 550)
Van Buren, MO 63965-0550
(573) 323-4281 Carter 516 Bulldogs Yellow & Black
Newburg R-II School District 701 Wolf Pride Dr.
Newburg, MO 65550-0503
(573) 762-9653 Phelps 454 Wolves Green & White
Valley R-VI School District 1 Viking Dr.
Caledonia, MO 63631-9535
(573) 779-3446 Washington 454 Vikings Maroon & Gold
Advance R-IV School District 19805 State Highway 91 (P.O. Box 370)
Advance, MO 63730-0370
(573) 722-3581 Stoddard 452 Hornets Orange & Black
Iron County C-4 School District State Highway 49 #35 (P.O. Box 368)
Viburnum, MO 65566-0368
(573) 244-5422 Iron 445 Blue Jays Blue & White
Naylor R-II School District Rte. 2 Box 512
Naylor, MO 63953-9792
(573) 399-2505 Ripley 428 Eagles Yellow & Black
Southland C-9 School District 500 S. Main
Cardwell, MO 63829-7187
(573) 654-3574 Dunklin 402 Rebels Red & White
Summersville R-II School District 400 Rogers St. (P.O. Box 198)
Summersville, MO 65571-0198
(417) 932-4045 Texas 395 Wildcats Gold & Black
Bakersfield R-IV School District 1201 O Highway (P.O. Box 38)
Bakersfield, MO 65609-0038
(417) 284-7333 Ozark 382 Lions Blue & White
Norwood R-I School District 675 N. Hawk Ave.
Norwood, MO 65717-9635
(417) 746-4101 Wright 377 Pirates Blue & White
Oran R-III School District 310 Church St. (P.O. Box 250)
Oran, MO 63771-0250
(573) 262-2330 Scott 366 Eagles Blue & Gold
Scott County Central School District 20794 U.S. Highway 61
Sikeston, MO 63801-7201
(573) 471-2686 Scott 363 Braves Orange & Black
Dora R-III School District Highway 181 South (P.O. Box 14)
Dora, MO 65637-0014
(417) 261-2346 Ozark 354 Falcons Red & White
South Iron County R-I School District 210 School St.
Annapolis, MO 63620-0218
(573) 598-4241 Iron 353 Panthers Maroon & White
Gideon Public School District No. 37 400 Main St. (P.O. Box 227)
Gideon, MO 63848-0227
(573) 448-3911 New Madrid 348 Bulldogs Yellow & Black
Oak Ridge R-VI School District 4198 State Highway E (P.O. Box 10)
Oak Ridge, MO 63769-0010
(573) 266-3218 Cape Girardeau 338 Blue Jays Blue & White
Clarkton C-4 School District State Highway 162 (P.O. Box 637)
Clarkton, MO 63837-0637
(573) 448-3712 Dunklin 338 Reindeer Purple & White
Cooter R-IV School District 1867 State Highway E (P.O. Box 218)
Cooter, MO 63839-0218
(573) 695-3312 Pemiscot 322 Wildcats Blue & White
Eminence R-I School District 1 Redwing Dr. (P.O. Box 730)
Eminence, MO 65466-0730
(573) 226-3251 Shannon 316 Redwings Red & Black
Delta R-V School District 324 Liberty St. (P.O. Box 787)
Delta, MO 63744-0787
(573) 794-2500 Cape Girardeau 312 Bobcats Blue & White
Richland R-I School District 24456 State Highway 114
Essex, MO 63846-6110
(573) 283-5332 Stoddard 305 Rebels Red & Gray
North Pemiscot County R-I School District 102 School Dr. (P.O. Box 38)
Wardell, MO 63879-0038
(573) 628-3471 Pemiscot 302 Mustangs Red & Black
Lesterville R-IV School District State Highway 21 (P.O. Box 120)
Lesterville, MO 63654-0120
(573) 637-2201 Reynolds 286 Bearcats Red & Black
Oregon-Howell R-III School District School Street (P.O. Box 398)
Koshkonong, MO 65692-0398
(417) 867-5601 Oregon 280 Blue Jays Blue & White
Delta C-7 School District 20 Charger Lane (P.O. Box 297)
Deering, MO 63840-0297
(573) 757-6648 Pemiscot 258 Chargers Blue & White
Bunker R-III School District State Highway 72 (P.O. Box 365)
Bunker, MO 63629-0365
(573) 689-2507 Reynolds 258 Eagles Green & White
Bradleyville R-I School District 16474 N. State Highway 125 (P.O. Box 20)
Bradleyville, MO 65614-0020
(417) 796-2288
251 Eagles Blue & White
Zalma R-V School District School Street (HC02 Box 184)
Zalma, MO 63787-9603
(573) 722-5504 Bollinger 244 Bulldogs Green & Gold
Bell City R-II School District 25254 Walnut St.
Bell City, MO 63735-1000
(573) 733-4444 Stoddard 241 Cubs Red & Black
Couch R-II School District Rte. 1 Box 1187
Myrtle, MO 65778-9801
(417) 938-4211 Oregon 235 Indians Red & Black
Lutie R-VI School District HC04 Box 4775
Theodosia, MO 65761-8413
(417) 273-4274 Ozark 218 Indians Red & Black
Leopold R-III School District 100 Main St. (P.O. Box 39)
Leopold, MO 63760-0039
(573) 238-2211 Bollinger 208 Wildcats Blue & White
Marquand-Zion R-VI School District 205 E. Morley St.
Marquand, MO 63655-0086
(573) 783-3388 Madison 178 Tigers Purple & Gold
Risco R-II School District State Highway 62 (P.O. Box 17)
Risco, MO 63874-0017
(573) 396-5568 New Madrid 158 Tigers Yellow & Black

Public Universities

Community Colleges


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