Anthem of the Republic of Adygea

Anthem of the Republic of Adygea
Anthem of the Republic of Adygea
Адыге Республикэм и Гимн

National anthem of
Republic of Adygea

Lyrics Iskhak Shumafovich Mashbash
Music Umar Khatsitsovich Tkhabisimov
Adopted 1992

The Anthem of the Republic of Adygea, a federal subject of Russia is one of that republic's symbols, along with its flag and coat of arms. The lyrics were written by Iskhak Shumafovich Mashbash, and the music composed by Umar Khatsitsovich Tkhabisimov. The anthem was approved by decision of the Supreme Council of Adygea on March 25, 1992. This was one of the first decisions made by the republic's parliament after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

External videos
YouTube-hosted version of the anthem, with lyrics displayed in Adyghe



In Adyghe


Тихэгъэгу кlасэу тигупсэр
Адыгэ чlыгушъ, терэl.
Зы бын-унагъоу лъэпкъыбэр
Щызэгурыlоу щэрэl.

Шlум факlу, лъыкlуат,
Республикэу тиунэ дах.
Егъэхъу, зыlат,
Республикэу тигугъэ лъаг -
Уилъэпкъы хъишъэр фэlуат.

Дунаим ичlыпlэ шlагъор
Нахьыжъмэ тэ къытфыхах,
Ахэмэ ялlыгъэ-шlагъэ
Лlэшlэгъумэ къызэlэпах.


Хьазабмэ уахэмытыжьэу
Уитыгъэ нэфи ушъхьащыт.
Россием зыкlэ ущыщэу
Ащ гукlи ущышъхьафит.


Тэ тыщыlэфэ - егъашlэмъ -
Тичlыгоу тыгур щlэщт.
Тиуашъуи, тыгъи бэгъашlэ
Тфэхъоу тикlасэу тиlэщт.


Russian literal translation


Земля адыгская - милая сердцу страна,
Наша душа - пусть живет, -
Пусть будет согласие всегда
В единой семье народов.

Иди к добру, двигайся дальше,
Республика - наш счастливый дом.
Поднимайся расправляй крылья,
Республика - наша высокая мечта.
Умножай славу народов своих.

Одно из прекрасных мест мира
Нашими предками выбрано для нас
Их мужество, их отвага
Века передают друг другу.


Все тягости у тебя позади,
И солнце твое над тобой.
Ты - частица России славной,
И сердцем в ней ты свободна.


Пока мы живы - вечно
Земля будет в нашем сердце.
И вечны будут для нас
И солнце родное, и небо.


In English


Adygea's earth - dear heart of the country,
Our soul - let it live, -
Let there be agreement always
In the united family of peoples.

Go to the good, move further,
Republic - our happy house.
Rise spread wings,
Republic - our high dream.
Multiply the glory of your people.

One of the fine places of the world
By our ancestors it is chosen for us
Their fortitude, their courage
Of centuries transfer to each other.


All of your burdens are behind,
And your sun is above you.
You - a part of glorious Russia,
And heart in it you are free.


While we are alive - eternally
The earth will be in our heart.
Also will be eternal for us
Both the sun native, and the sky.



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