Land der Berge, Land am Strome

Land der Berge, Land am Strome
Land der Berge, Land am Strome
English: Land of the mountains, land on the river

National anthem of

Lyrics Paula von Preradović
Music Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Adopted 1946
Music sample
Land der Berge, Land am Strome (Instrumental)

Land der Berge, Land am Strome (Land of the mountains, land on the river) is the national anthem of Austria.

Nineteen days before his death on December 5, 1791, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart composed his last complete work, the Freimaurerkantate, K623. In parts of the printed edition of this cantata there appeared the song K623a "Lasst uns mit geschlungnen Händen" (Let us with joined hands). To this melody the Austrian national anthem is sung. Today, Mozart's authorship is regarded as dubious and the song is attributed to Johann Holzer (17531818).[1] The lyrics were written by the Croatian-Austrian writer Paula von Preradović, one of the few women to have written lyrics for a national anthem.[2] On October 22, 1946, it was declared Austria's official national anthem.



External images
Score at aeiou Encyclopedia

Land der Berge, Land am Strome,
Land der Äcker, Land der Dome,
Land der Hämmer, zukunftsreich!
Heimat bist du großer Söhne,
Volk, begnadet für das Schöne,
Vielgerühmtes Österreich,
Vielgerühmtes Österreich!

Land of mountains, land by the stream,
Land of fields, land of cathedrals,
Land of hammers, with a promising future,
You are home to great sons,
A nation highly blessed with beauty,
Much-praised Austria,
Much-praised Austria!

Heiß umfehdet, wild umstritten,
Liegst dem Erdteil du inmitten
Einem starken Herzen gleich.
Hast seit frühen Ahnentagen
Hoher Sendung Last getragen,
Vielgeprüftes Österreich,
Vielgeprüftes Österreich.

Strongly feuded for, fiercely hard-fought for,
You lie in the middle of the continent
Like a strong heart,
Since the early days of the ancestors you have
Borne the burden of a high mission,
Much tried Austria,
Much tried Austria.

Mutig in die neuen Zeiten,
Frei und gläubig sieh uns schreiten,
Arbeitsfroh und hoffnungsreich.
Einig laß in Bruderchören,
Vaterland, dir Treue schwören.
Vielgeliebtes Österreich,
Vielgeliebtes Österreich.

Bravely towards the new ages
See us striding, free, and faithful,
Assiduous and full of hope,
Unified, in fraternal choirs, let us
Pledge allegiance to you, Fatherland
Much beloved Austria,
Much beloved Austria.


It is said that, the same evening after von Preradović learned that her lyrics were chosen for the national anthem, her sons, Otto and Fritz Molden, composed a satirical version of the anthem.

Land der Erbsen, Land der Bohnen,
Land der vier Besatzungszonen,
Wir verkaufen dich im Schleich,
Vielgeliebtes Österreich!
Und droben überm Hermannskogel
Flattert froh der Bundesvogel.

Land of the peas, land of the beans,
Land of the four zones of occupation,
we sell you on the black market,
Much beloved Austria!
And up there over the Hermannskogel
gladly the federal bird flutters.

Attempts of gender-neutral language

Since the 1990s, several attempts have been made to modify the lyrics to a more Gender-neutral language. In 2005, Women's Minister Maria Rauch-Kallat from the Austrian People's Party (ÖVP) stated her objection to the words sons, fraternal and Fatherland in the lyrics and proposed changes.[3] Her proposal met strong resistance by Austria's largest newspaper, the Kronen Zeitung, and failed to gain support from the then coalition partner, the Alliance for the Future of Austria (BZÖ).

In January 2010 Austrian pop singer Christina Stürmer presented a pop version of the hymn "Heimat bist du großer Söhne und Töchter" (You are home to great sons and daughters, Bildungshymne on YouTube) as part of a campaign by the Austrian federal ministry of education. She was sued for violation of copyright by the estate of Paula von Preradović but subsequently cleared by the Austrian Supreme Court [4] who called it "a mere modernisation" and allowed the version to stand.

Use in popular culture

  • The Austrian anthem has been elected as a "lorem ipsum"-like input text for the evalbots on the #perl6 channel on Freenode, due to its non-ASCII characters, and the occasional Austria-related in-jokes on the channel.[citation needed]


  1. ^ Werke zweifelhafter EchtheitBand 3 Orchesterwerke und Lieder, vol. X/29/3, pp. xxxiii, xxxiv, Neue Mozart-Ausgabe
  2. ^
  3. ^ "Austrian national anthem 'sexist'". BBC news. 26 September 2005. Retrieved 13 April 2008. 
  4. ^

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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