
La Nuit by William-Adolphe Bouguereau (1883)
La Nuit by William-Adolphe Bouguereau (1883)
Consort Erebus
Parents Chaos
Siblings Erebus, Gaia, Tartarus and Eros[1]
Children see below

In Greek mythology, Nyx (Νύξ, "night", Nox in Roman translation) was the primordial goddess of the night. A shadowy figure, Nyx stood at or near the beginning of creation, and was the mother of personified gods such as Hypnos (sleep) and Thánatos (death). Her appearances in mythology are sparse, but reveal her as a figure of exceptional power and beauty.


Mythology and literature


Greek deities
Titans and Olympians
Aquatic deities
Chthonic deities
Personified concepts
Other deities
Primordial deities

In Hesiod's Theogony, Nyx is born of Chaos; her offspring are many, and telling. With Erebus the deity of shadow and darkness, Nyx gives birth to Aether (atmosphere) and Hemera (day). Later, on her own, Nyx gives birth to Momus (blame), Moros (doom), Thanatos (death), Hypnos (sleep), the Oneiroi (dreams), the Hesperides, the Keres and Moirae (Fates), Nemesis (retribution), Apate (deception), Philotes (friendship), Geras (age), and Eris (strife). In his description of Tartarus, Hesiod says further that Hemera (day), who is Nyx's daughter, left Tartarus just as Nyx entered it; when Hemera returned, Nyx left. This mirrors the portrayal of Ratri (night) in the Rigveda, where she works in close cooperation but also tension with her sister Ushas (dawn).


In Book 14 of Homer's Iliad, there is a quote by Hypnos, the minor god of sleep, in which he reminds Hera of an old favor after she asks him to put Zeus to sleep. He had once before put Zeus to sleep at the bidding of Hera, allowing her to cause Heracles (who was returning by sea from Laomedon's Troy) great misfortune. Zeus was furious and would have smitten Hypnos into the sea if he had not fled to Nyx, his mother, in fear. Hypnos goes on to say that Zeus, fearing to anger Nyx, held his fury at bay, and in this way Hypnos escaped the wrath of Zeus. He disturbed Zeus only a few times after that always fearing Zeus and running back to his mother Nyx, who would have confronted Zeus with a maternal fury.


Nyx took on an even more important role in several fragmentary poems attributed to Orpheus. In them, Nyx, rather than Chaos, is the first principle. Nyx occupies a cave or adyton, in which she gives oracles. Cronuswho is chained within, asleep and drunk on honeydreams and prophesies. Outside the cave, Adrasteia clashes cymbals and beats upon her tympanon, moving the entire universe in an ecstatic dance to the rhythm of Nyx's chanting. Phanesthe strange, monstrous, hermaphrodite Orphic demiurgewas the child or father of Nyx. Nyx is also the first principle in the opening chorus of Aristophanes' The Birds, which may be Orphic in inspiration. Here she is also the mother of Eros.

The theme of Nyx's cave or mansion, beyond the ocean (as in Hesiod) or somewhere at the edge of the cosmos (as in later Orphism) may be echoed in the philosophical poem of Parmenides. The classical scholar Walter Burkert has speculated that the house of the goddess to which the philosopher is transported is the palace of Nyx; this hypothesis, however, must remain tentative.

Nyx in society

Nyx, as represented in the 10th-century Paris Psalter at the side of the Prophet Isaiah.


In Greece, Nyx is only rarely the focus of cults. According to Pausanias, she had an oracle on the acropolis at Megara.[2]

More often, Nyx lurks in the background of other cults. Thus there was a statue called "Nyx" in the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus.[3] The Spartans had a cult of Sleep and Death, conceived of as twins.[4] Cult titles composed of compounds of nyx- are attested for several gods, most notably Dionysus Nyktelios "nocturnal"[5] and Aphrodite Philopannyx "who loves the whole night".[6]


In 1997, the International Astronomical Union approved the name Nyx for a mons (mountain/peak) feature on the planet Venus. Nyx Mons is located at 30° north latitude and 48.5° longitude on the Venusian surface. Its diameter is 875 km. A map of Nyx Mons on Venus can be viewed at Map of Nyx MonsV9 QuadBell Regio (1.1 MB).

On June 21, 2006, the International Astronomical Union renamed one of Pluto's recently discovered moons (S/2005 P 2) to Nix, in honor of Nyx. The name was spelled with an "i" instead of a "y", to avoid conflict with the asteroid 3908 Nyx.


See also


  1. ^ Eros is also mentioned as the son of Aphrodite and Ares.
  2. ^ Pausanias 1.40.1).
  3. ^ Pausanias, 10.38.6, trans. Jones and Ormerod, 1918, from perseus.org.
  4. ^ Pausanias 3.18.1.
  5. ^ Pausanias 1.40.6)
  6. ^ Orphic Hymn 55.
  7. ^ Akhlys: "Nowhere stated, though probable"
  8. ^ In varying accounts, Phanes is the father, brother, husband, or son of Nyx


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