Oizys — (griechisch Ὀϊζύς, lateinisch Miseria) ist in der griechischen Mythologie die Personifikation von Jammer und Elend. Nach Hesiods Theogonie ist sie die Tochter der Nyx, der Göttin der Nacht, die Oizys ohne Vater gebar, zusammen mit zum… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Oizys — OIZYS, sieh Aerumna … Gründliches mythologisches Lexikon
Nyx — Gemälde der Nyx von William Adolphe Bouguereau (1883) Nyx (griech. Νύξ) ist in der griechischen Mythologie die Göttin und Personifikation der Nacht. Laut Homer fürchtete sich selbst Zeus … Deutsch Wikipedia
Список божеств в древнегреческой мифологии — В список включены различные персонажи, не относящиеся к смертным, и абстрактные понятия. В него могут не входить лица, уже перечисленные в статье Древнегреческая мифология, и следующие группы божеств и существ: Бассариды Вакханки Ветры Гарпии… … Википедия
Theogony — (Greek: Θεογονία, theogonia = the birth of God(s)) is a poem by Hesiod describing the origins and genealogies of the gods of the ancient Greeks, composed circa 700 BC. The title of the work comes from the Greek words for god and seed… … Wikipedia
Apate — was the daughter of Nyx in Greek mythology. She was the personification of deceit, and was one of the evil spirits released from Pandora s box. Her Roman equivalent was Fraus, which is where the word fraud originated. Her siblings were Geras, the … Wikipedia
Keres (Greek mythology) — In Greek mythology, the Ceres (Κῆρες; singular: Cer Κήρ) were female death spirits. The Keres were daughters of Nyx, and as such the sisters of Fate (Moirae), Doom (Moros), Death and Sleep (Thanatos and Hypnos), Strife (Eris), Old Age (Geras),… … Wikipedia
Thanatos — In Greek mythology, Thanatos (in Ancient Greek, θάνατος ndash; Death ) was the Daemon personification of Death and Mortality. He was a minor figure in Greek mythology, often referred to but rarely appearing in person. His name is transliterated… … Wikipedia
Morpheus (mythology) — For other uses, see Morpheus (disambiguation). Morpheus Morpheus and Iris, by Pierre Narcisse Guérin, 1811 God of Dreams Symbol … Wikipedia
MegaZeux — Developer(s) Gregory Janson, Gilead Kutnick, Alistair Strachan and others Stable release 2.83 / January 2, 2010 Written in C, C++ Operating system Cross … Wikipedia