

Tisiphone (Ancient Greek: Τισιφόνη, "avenging murder") is the name of two figures in Greek mythology.

The Erinyes

Tisiphone was one of the Erinyes or Furies, and sister of Alecto and Megaera. She was the one who punished crimes of murder: parricide, fratricide and homicide. A myth recounts how Tisiphone fell in love with Cithaeron, and caused his death by snakebite, specifically, by one of the snakes from her head. In Book VI of Virgil's "Aeneid", Tisiphone is recognized as the furious and cruel guardian of the gates of Tartarus.

Daughter of Alcmaeon

Tisiphone was the daughter of Alcmaeon and Manto. Alcmaeon accidentally left his children, Tisiphone and Amphilochus, with Creon. Creon's wife sold Tisiphone into slavery, envious of her beauty. She didn't realize that Tisiphone's purchaser was acting on behalf of her father. When Alcmaeon returned, he rescued his daughter and recovered his son.

References in modern culture

* 466 Tisiphone is an asteroid.
* [http://www.deh.gov.au/biodiversity/threatened/action/butterfly/species/119.html Tisiphone abeona] is a species of Australian butterfly.
* Between 1790 and 1973 there was a British naval sloop called "Tisiphone": [http://www.dukesofbuckingham.org/people/contemporaries/thomas_masterman_hardy.htm] .
* Fury is a fictional character empowered by Tisiphone.
* "Path of the Fury" is a book by David Weber.
* The Game Boy Advance game, features a weapon named 'Tisiphone Edge'.
* The character Tisiphone was personified in the stage play "Rough Magic", written by Roberto Aguirre Sacasa. Portrayed at the Hangar Theatre, Ithaca, New York, 2005, by John Misselwitz.

ee also

*Family tree of the Greek gods

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  • Tisiphone — (altgr.: Τισιφόνη) steht in der griechischen Mythologie für: Tisiphone, eine der Erinyen Tisiphone (Tochter des Alkmaion), Tochter des Alkmeion und der Eriphyle Tisiphone, Tochter des Antimachos (Troja), Gattin des Meneptolemos Tisiphone steht in …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • TISIPHONE — voce Graeca, ultricem caedis significat. Invidi enim et vindictae cupidi furiis merito agitari dicuntur. Monstrosam huiusce vocis notationem adfert Statii Schol. in l. 1. Theb. Tisiphone, inquit, quasi τούτων φωνὴ, i. e. istarum vox. Horat. l. 1 …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Tisiphone — [ti sif′ə nē΄] n. [Gr Tisiphonē, lit., the avenger of blood < tisis, vengeance + phonos, bloodletting, murder < IE * gwhonos, a beating < base * gwhen , to beat, strike] Gr. & Rom. Myth. one of the three Furies …   English World dictionary

  • Tisiphŏne [1] — Tisiphŏne, 1) eine der Erinyen (s.d.), die Rächerin des Mordes; 2) Tochter des Alkmäon, s.d …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Tisiphŏne [2] — Tisiphŏne (T. Fitzinger), Viperngattung, welche die Arten von Trigonocephalos (s. Eckenkopf) begreift, welche einfache Schwanzschilder u. eben solche Kopfschilder bis hinter die Augen, dabei einen Stachel am Schwanze haben. Art: T. cuprea, aus… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Tisiphŏne — Tisiphŏne, eine der Erinyen (s. d.) …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Tisiphone — Tisiphŏne, eine der Erinnyen (s.d.) …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • Tisiphone — Tisiphone, griech., d.h. die Rächerin des Mordes, s. Eumeniden …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

  • Tisiphone — TISIPHŎNE, es, Gr. Τισιφόνη, ης, (⇒ Tab. I.) eine von den dreyen Furien. Apollod. l. I. c. 1. §. 3. Sie hat den Namen von τίσις, Rache, und φόνος, Mord, und bedeutet also eine Rächerinn der begangenen Todtschläge. Phurnut. de N.D. c. 10. & Voss.… …   Gründliches mythologisches Lexikon

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