

Polyhymnia ("the one of many hymns" /pɒlɪ'hɪmniə/) (Πολυύμνια, Πολύμνια), in Greek mythology, was the Muse of sacred-poetry, sacred hymn and eloquence as well as muse of agriculture and pantomime. She is also known as the Muse of Mime. A very serious woman, pensive and meditative often depicted holding a finger to her mouth, dressed in a long cloak and veil and resting her elbow on a pillar. She brings fame to writers whose works have won them immortal fame. Polyhymnia is also sometimes accredited as being the muse of geometry, mime, meditation, and agriculture.

Literary Appearances

Dante's Divine Comedy: Paradiso. Canto XXIII, line 56.

External links

* [http://www.theoi.com/Ouranios/MousaPolyhymnia.html Primary sources and basic information concerning Polyhymnia]

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