
Cif logo.svg
Type household cleaning
Owner Unilever
Country France
Introduced 1969
Related brands Jif, Vim, Viss, Handy Andy
Markets 51 countries, Global
Website Cif @ Unilever

Cif is a brand of household cleaning products by Unilever, known as Jif in Australia, New Zealand, Middle East and the Nordic countries. Cif is the largest selling abrasive cleaner product in the world.



Launched in France in 1969, it is marketed against scouring powders such as Vim, as a creamy and hence protective but powerful domestic cleaner. Initially focused on cream cleansers for the kitchen and bathroom, it was launched using a now famous "skater" advert, which highlighted how scouring powders could "scratch like skates on ice."

Asia is Cif's fastest-growing market, and India its largest.


The Cif product is sold under the names Jif, Vim, Viss and Handy Andy, depending on which of the 51 countries it is sold in.

In Sweden, Great Britain, and South Africa the products were sold under the name Vim before this was changed to Jif, the launch name in Ireland, the Netherlands and Hong Kong. In 2001 the name in these countries was changed to Cif in order to harmonise marketing and product inventories across the continent. Despite this, many in the UK continue to call the product Jif.

In Belgium, Finland and Portugal, the product was known as Vim for quite some time, after which it became Cif. In Canada and India, it is still called Vim. Recently advertisements for Cif surface grease cleaner have started to appear in India, while Vim name is still used for the kitchen dish cleaning product. In Germany, the cleaner's name is Viss. In Norway the product is still today traded as jif.


  • Cif Bathroom Mousse
  • Cif Stainless Steel Cleaner
  • Cif Bathroom Cleaner
  • Cif Kitchen Cleaner
  • Cif Power Cream

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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