- Olof Palme
Olof Palme Palme, early 1970s Prime Minister of Sweden In office
14 October 1969 – 8 October 1976Monarch Gustaf VI Adolf,
Carl XVI GustafPreceded by Tage Erlander Succeeded by Thorbjörn Fälldin In office
8 October 1982 – 28 February 1986Monarch Carl XVI Gustaf Deputy Ingvar Carlsson Preceded by Thorbjörn Fälldin Succeeded by Ingvar Carlsson Personal details Born 30 January 1927
Stockholm, SwedenDied 28 February 1986 (aged 59)
Stockholm, SwedenPolitical party Swedish Social Democratic Party Spouse(s) Lisbet Palme Alma mater Stockholm University College,
Kenyon CollegeSignature Sven Olof Joachim Palme (
Olof Palme (help·info)) (30 January 1927 – 28 February 1986) was a Swedish politician. A long-time protegé of Prime Minister Tage Erlander, Palme led the Swedish Social Democratic Party from 1969 to his assassination, and was a two-term Prime Minister of Sweden, heading a Privy Council Government from 1969 to 1976 and a cabinet government from 1982 until his death. His electoral defeat in 1976 marked the end of 40 unbroken years of Social Democratic government, and he was forced into opposition. Serving as special mediator of the United Nations in the Iran-Iraq war, he returned to power in the 1982 election.
A pivotal, renowned, and polarizing figure domestically as well as in international politics since the 1960s until his death, Palme held steadfast to traditional Swedish non-alignment juxtaposed to vocal, political, and financial support of third world liberation movements following the process of decolonization, including, most controversially, several Marxist and totalitarian regimes. In 1975, he was the first head of a Western democratic government to visit Cuba after its revolution, holding a speech on Plaza de la Revolución praising Fidel Castro's government.
Frequently a critic of US and Soviet foreign policy, he resorted to vocal and often harsh criticism to pinpoint resistance towards imperialist ambitions and authoritarian regimes, including those of Francisco Franco of Spain, Gustav Husak of Czechoslovakia, and B J Vorster and P W Botha of South Africa. Palme's steadfast opposition to apartheid has made theories of South African involvement in his death some of the most prolific, even a quarter of a century after his assassination. His murder on a street in Stockholm on February 28, 1986 was the first of its kind in modern Swedish history and had a great impact across Scandinavia.[1]
Early life
Palme was born into an upper-class, conservative family in Östermalm, Stockholm, Sweden. His father, a businessman, was of Dutch ancestry and his mother, Freiin von Knieriem, was of Baltic German origin. Palme's father died when he was six years old. Despite his upper class background, his political orientation came to be influenced by Social Democratic attitudes. His travels in the Third World, as well as the United States – where he saw deep economic inequality and racial segregation – helped to develop these views.
A sickly child, Olof Palme received his education from private tutors. Even as a child he gained knowledge of two foreign languages. He studied at the Sigtuna School of Liberal Arts, one of Sweden's few residential high schools, and passed the university entrance examination with high marks at the early age of 17. He did brief military service and enrolled at the University of Stockholm.[2]
On a scholarship, he studied at Kenyon College, Ohio 1947–1948, graduating with a B.A. in less than a year.[3] Inspired by radical debate in the student community, he wrote a critical essay on Friedrich Hayek's The Road to Serfdom. Palme wrote his senior honor thesis on the United Auto Workers union, led at the time by Walter Reuther. After graduation he traveled throughout the country and eventually ended up in Detroit, where his hero Reuther agreed to an interview which lasted several hours. In later years, Palme regularly remarked during his many subsequent American visits, that the United States had made him a socialist, a remark that often has caused confusion. Within the context of his American experience, it was not that Palme was repelled by what he found in America, but rather that he was inspired by it.[4]
After hitchhiking through the USA and Mexico, he returned to Sweden to study law at Stockholm University. In 1949 he became a member of the Swedish Social Democratic Party. During his time at university, Palme became involved in student politics, working with the Swedish National Union of Students. In 1951, he became a member of the social democratic student association in Stockholm, although it is asserted he did not attend their political meetings at the time. The following year he was elected President of the Swedish National Union of Students. As a student politician he concentrated on international affairs and traveled across Europe.[2]
Palme attributed his becoming a socialist to three major influences:
- In 1947, he attended a debate on taxes between the Social Democrat Ernst Wigforss, the conservative Jarl Hjalmarson and the liberal Elon Andersson;
- The time he spent in the United States in the 1940s made him realise how wide the class divide was in America, and the extent of racism against black people; and,
- A trip to Asia, specifically India, Ceylon (Sri Lanka), Burma, Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia, and Japan in 1953 had opened his eyes to the consequences of colonialism and imperialism.
Political career
Social democracy
DevelopmentIdeasRepresentative democracy
Civil liberties
Economic democracy
Labor rights
Mixed economy
Welfare state
Fair trade
Environmental protection
Rhine Capitalism
Social corporatism
Social Market Economy
FolkhemmetPeopleSocial Democrats · Clement Attlee · Eduard Bernstein · Léon Blum · Hjalmar Branting · Ignacy Daszyński · Tommy Douglas · Friedrich Ebert · David Lewis · Michael Joseph Savage · Bülent Ecevit · Jean Jaurès · Karl Kautsky · Ferdinand Lassalle · Jack Layton · Georgi Plekhanov · John Curtin · Gustav Möller · Per Albin Hansson · Willy Brandt ·OrganizationsIn 1953, Palme was recruited by the social democratic prime minister Tage Erlander to work in his secretariat. From 1955 he was a board member of the Swedish Social Democratic Youth League and lectured at the Youth League College Bommersvik. He also was a member of the Worker's Educational Association.
In 1957 he was elected as an Member of Parliament (Swedish: riksdagsledamot)[5] represented Jönköping County in the directly-elected second chamber ("andra kammaren"). In the early 1960s Palme became a member of the Swedish Agency for International Assistance and was in charge of inquiries into assistance to the developing countries and educational aid. In 1963, he became a member of the Cabinet - as Minister without Portfolio in the Cabinet Office, and retained his duties as a close political adviser to Prime Minister Tage Erlander. In 1965, he became Minister of Transport and Communications. One issue of special interest to him was the further development of radio and television, while ensuring their independence from commercial interests.[2] In 1967 he became Minister of Education, and the following year, he was the target of strong criticism from left-wing students protesting against the government's plans for university reform. The protests culminated with the occupation of the Student Union Building in Stockholm; Palme came there and tried to confornt the students, urging them to use democratic methods for the pursuit of their cause.[6] When party leader Tage Erlander stepped down in 1969, Palme was elected as the new leader by the Social Democratic party congress and succeeded Erlander as Prime Minister.
His protégé and political ally, Bernt Carlsson, who was appointed UN Commissioner for Namibia in July 1987, also suffered an untimely death. Carlsson was killed in the Libyan terrorist bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland on December 21, 1988 en route to the UN signing ceremony of the New York Accords the following day.
Palme was said to have had a profound impact on people's emotions; he was very popular among most left-wing sympathizers, although an outspoken anti-communist, but harshly detested by most liberals and conservatives.[7] This was due in part to his international activities, especially those directed against the US foreign policy, and in part to his aggressive and outspoken debating style.[8][9]
As leader of a new generation of Swedish Social Democrats, Olof Palme was often described as a "revolutionary reformist".[10][11] Domestically, his socialist views—especially the Social Democrat drive to expand Labour Union influence over business—engendered a great deal of hostility from more conservatively inclined Swedes.
Olof Palme carried out major reforms in the Swedish constitution such as orchestrating a switch from bicameralism to unicameralism in 1969 and in 1975 replacing the 166-year-old Instrument of Government (at the time the oldest political constitution in the world after that of the United States) with a new one officially establishing parliamentary democracy rather than de jure monarchic autocracy, abolishing the Privy Council of Sweden and stripping King Carl XVI Gustav of most rights held even by ceremonial monarchs in Denmark, Norway and the United Kingdom.
His reforms on labour market included established a law which increased job security. In the Swedish 1973 general election the Socialist-Communist and the Liberal-Conservative blocs got 175 places each in the parliament. The Palme administration continued to govern the country but several times they had to draw lots to decide on some issues, although most important issues were decided through concessional agreement.[12]
Under Olof Palme's government matters concerned with child care centers, social security, protection of the elderly, accident safety, and housing problems received special attention. Under Palme the public health system in Sweden became incredibly efficient, with the infant mortality rate standing at 12 per 1,000 live births.[13] An ambitious redistributive programme was carried out,[14] with the Swedish welfare state significantly expanding from a position already one of the most far-reaching in the world during his time in office,[15] while tax rates rose from being fairly low even by European standards to the highest levels in the free world.[16]
An outspoken supporter of gender equality, Palme sparkled interest for women's' rights issues by attending a World Women's Conference in Mexico. In 1968 Palme was a driving force behind the release of documentary Dom kallar oss mods. The controversial movie, depicting two social outcasts, was scheduled to be released in an edited form but Palme thought the material was too socially important to be cut.[17]
As a forerunner in green politics Olof Palme was a firm believer in nuclear power as a necessary form of energy, at least for a transitional period to curb the influence of fossile fuel.[18] His intervention in Sweden's 1980 referendum on the future of nuclear power is often pinpointed by opponents of nuclear power as saving it. As of 2011, nuclear power remains one of the most important sources of energy in Sweden, much attributed to Palme's actions.
Shortly before his assassination, Palme had been accused of being pro-Soviet and not sufficiently safeguarding Sweden's national interest. Arrangements had therefore been made for him to go to Moscow to discuss a number of contentious bilateral issues, including alleged Soviet submarine incursions into Swedish waters (see U 137).
On the international scene, Palme was a widely recognised political figure because of his:
- harsh and emotional criticism of the United States over the Vietnam War;
- vocal opposition to the crushing of the Prague Spring by the Soviet Union;
- criticism of European Communist regimes, including labeling the Husak regime as "cattle of dictatorship" (Swedish: "Diktaturens kreatur") in 1975;
- campaigning against nuclear weapons proliferation;
- criticism of the Franco Regime in Spain, calling the regime "devilish murderers" (Swedish: "Satans mördare") after its execution of ETA and FRAP nationalists in September 1975;
- opposition to apartheid, branding it as "a particularly gruesome system", and support for economic sanctions against South Africa;
- support – both political and financial – for the African National Congress (ANC) and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO);
- visiting Fidel Castro's Cuba in 1975, during which he denounced Fulgencio Batista's government and praised contemporary Cuban and Cambodian revolutionaries;
- strong criticism of the Pinochet Regime in Chile;
- support – both political and financial – for the FMLN-FDR in El Salvador and the Nicaragua under FSLN; and,
- role as a mediator in the Iran-Iraq War.
All of this ensured that Palme had many opponents (as well as many friends) abroad.[19]
On 21 February 1968, Palme (then Minister of Education) participated in a protest in Stockholm against the U.S. involvement in the war in Vietnam together with the North Vietnamese Ambassador to the Soviet Union Nguyen Tho Chan. The protest was organized by the Swedish Committee for Vietnam and Palme and Nguyen were both invited as speakers. As a result of this, the U.S. recalled its Ambassador from Sweden and Palme was fiercely criticised by the opposition for his participation in the protest.[20]
On 23 December 1972, Palme (then Prime Minister) made a speech in Swedish national radio where he compared the ongoing U.S. bombings of Hanoi to a number of historical atrocities, namely the bombing of Guernica, the massacres of Oradour-sur-Glane, Babi Yar, Katyn, Lidice and Sharpeville, and the extermination of Jews and other groups at Treblinka. The USA government called the comparison a "gross insult" and once again decided to freeze its diplomatic relations with Sweden (this time the freeze lasted for over a year).[20][21]
Despite such associations and contrary to stated Social Democratic Party policy, Sweden had in fact secretly maintained extensive military co-operation with NATO over a long period, and was even under the protection of a US military security guarantee (see Swedish neutrality during the Cold War).
Asked about Palme, former United States Secretary of State Henry Kissinger once answered that he usually disliked the people he agreed with and liked the people he disagreed with, adding dryly: "So Palme, I liked - a lot".[citation needed] In response to Palme's remarks in a meeting with the US ambassador to Sweden ahead of the Socialist International Meeting in Helsingor in January 1976,[22] Kissinger asked the US ambassador to "(...) convey my personal appreciation to Palme for his frank presentation (...).[23]
Security had never been a major issue, and Olof Palme could often be seen without any bodyguard protection. The night of his murder was one such occasion. Walking home from a cinema with his wife Lisbet Palme on the central Stockholm street Sveavägen, close to midnight on February 28, 1986, the couple was attacked by an assassin. Palme was fatally shot in the back at close range. A second shot was fired at Lisbet Palme, the bullet grazing her back. She survived without serious injuries.
Police said that a taxi driver used his mobile radio to raise the alarm. Two young girls sitting in a car close to the scene of the shooting also tried to help the prime minister. He was rushed to hospital but was pronounced dead on arrival at 00:06 CET the next day. Mrs Palme's wound was treated and she recovered. Deputy Prime Minister Ingvar Carlsson immediately assumed the duties as Prime Minister and as new leader of the Social Democratic Party, a post he would retain until 1991 (and then again in 1994-1996).
Two years later, Christer Pettersson (d.2004), a small-time criminal and drug addict, was arrested, tried and convicted for Palme's murder. Pettersson's conviction was later overturned on appeal to the Svea Court of Appeal. As a result the crime remains unsolved and a number of alternative theories as to who carried out the murder have since been proposed.
Palme had strong opinions on both the world powers in the middle of the Cold War. In fact, Swedish–American relations were at a record low due to Palme's rough criticism of the Vietnam War and the placement of nuclear weapons in Europe, which he opposed. Therefore there is a popular conspiracy theory[citation needed] that he was assassinated by either the Soviet KGB or the American CIA. South African assassin Athol Visser also discusses his involvement in the book Devil Incarnate describing it as part of P W Botha's apartheid government's campaign to silence domestic and foreign enemies.
In January 2011 the German magazine Focus cited German interrogation records in connection with another investigation from 2008 as showing that the assassination had been carried out by an operative of the Yugoslavian UDBA who now lives in Zagreb, Croatia.[24][25]
- ^ Nordstrom, Byron (2000). Scandinavia Since 1500. University of Minnesota Press, pg. 347. "The February 1986 murder of Sweden's Prime Minister Olof Palme near Sergelstorget in the middle of Stockholm's downtown shocked the nation and region. Political assassinations were virtually unheard-of in Scandinavia."
- ^ a b c http://www.unostamps.nl/person_palme.htm
- ^ Kenyon College Web page
- ^ Hendrik Hertzberg, “Death of a Patriot”, in: Idem, Politics. Observations and Arguments, 1966-2004 (New York: The Penguin Press, 2004) 263-266, there 264
- ^ Elected as an MP
- ^ Olof Palme - En levande vilja: Tal och intervjuer
- ^ Einhorn, Eric and John Logue (1989). Modern Welfare States: Politics and Policies in Social Democratic Scandinavia. Praeger Publishers, pg 60. ISBN 0275931889 "Olof Palme was perhaps the most 'presidential' Scandinavian leader in recent decades, a fact that may have made him vulnerable to political violence."
- ^ "Han gödslade jorden så att Palmehatet kunde växa", Dagens Nyheter, 25 February 2006
- ^ Olof Palme: the controversy lives on, The Local, 27 February 2006
- ^ Dagens Nyheter 2007-01-23
- ^ "Detta borde vara vårt arv" by Åsa Linderborg, Aftonbladet 2006-02-28
- ^ http://karisable.com/palme.htm
- ^ http://info.lanic.utexas.edu/la/cb/cuba/castro/1975/19750729
- ^ Socialists in the Recession: The Search for Solidarity by Giles Radice and Lisanne Radice
- ^ Taxation, Wage Bargaining and Unemployment by Isabela Mares
- ^ http://web.comhem.se/dier/Swedish%20Prime%20Ministers.htm
- ^ Daniel Ekeroth: SWEDISH SENSATIONSFILMS: A Clandestine History of Sex, Thrillers, and Kicker Cinema, (Bazillion Points, 2011) ISBN 978-09796163-6-5.
- ^ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S8cqbdE0j64
- ^ Holst, Karen. "Palme's political legacy 'put Sweden on the map'". The Local. The Local Europe AB. http://www.thelocal.se/32314/20110228/. Retrieved 23 March 2011.
- ^ a b Andersson, Stellan. "Olof Palme och Vietnamfrågan 1965-1983" (in Swedish). olofpalme.org. http://www.olofpalme.org/ingangar/tema/vietnam/. Retrieved 2008-02-27.
- ^ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvANQqWFsW4 The speech
- ^ "Discusssion with Prime Minister Palme of Socialist Meeting in Denmark - January 18–19". United States Department of State. 1976-01-15. http://aad.archives.gov/aad/createpdf?rid=110438&dt=2082&dl=1345. Retrieved 2010-11-28.
- ^ "Palme's views on socialist international meeting". United States Department of State. 1976-01-16. http://aad.archives.gov/aad/createpdf?rid=110437&dt=2082&dl=1345. Retrieved 2010-11-28.
- ^ (German) Hufelschulte, Josef (2011-01-16). "Heiße Spur im Mordfall Palme". Focus. http://www.focus.de/politik/ausland/focus-recherchen-heisse-spur-im-mordfall-palme_aid_590595.html. Retrieved 2011-01-18. "Blazing a trail for the murder of Palme"
- ^ (Croatian) Despot, Zvonimir (2011-01-16). "Udbini prsti: Ubojica švedskog premijera '86. još živi u Zagrebu". Večernji list. http://www.vecernji.hr/vijesti/udbini-prsti-ubojica-svedskog-premijera-86-jos-zivi-zagrebu-clanak-240701. Retrieved 2011-01-18. "UDBA involvement: Killer of a Swedish Premier '86. still lives in Zagreb"
- Antman, Peter; Schori, Pierre (1996), Olof Palme : den gränslöse reformisten, Stockholm: Tiden, ISBN 91-518-2948-7
- Arvidsson, Claes (2007), Olof Palme : med verkligheten som fiende, Stockholm: Timbro, ISBN 978-91-7566-539-9
- Åsard, Erik (2002), Politikern Olof Palme, Stockholm: Hjalmarson & Högberg, ISBN 91-89080-88-2
- Berggren, Henrik (2010), Underbara dagar framför oss - En biografi över Olof Palme, Stockholm: Norsteds, ISBN 978-91-1-301708-2
- Björk, Gunnela (2006), Olof Palme och medierna, Umeå: Boréa, ISBN 91-89140-45-1
- Ekengren, Ann-Marie (2005), Olof Palme och utrikespolitiken : Europa och Tredje världen, Umeå: Boréa, ISBN 91-89140-41-9
- Elmbrant, Björn (1996), Palme (2nd ed.), Stockholm: Fischer, ISBN 91-7054-797-1
- Fredriksson, Gunnar (1986), Olof Palme, Stockholm: Norstedt, ISBN 91-1-863472-9
- Gummesson, Jonas (2001), Olof Palmes ungdomsår : bland nazister och spioner, Stockholm: Ekerlid, ISBN 91-88595-95-1
- Haste, Hans; Olsson, Lars Erik; Strandberg, Lars; Adler, Arne (1986), Boken om Olof Palme : hans liv, hans gärning, hans död, Stockholm: Tiden, ISBN 91-550-3218-4
- Hermansson, Håkan; Wenander, Lars (1987), Uppdrag: Olof Palme : hatet, jakten, kampanjerna, Stockholm: Tiden, ISBN 91-550-3340-7
- Isaksson, Christer (1995), Palme privat : i skuggan av Erlander, Stockholm: Ekerlid, ISBN 91-88594-36-X
- Kullenberg, Annette (1996), Palme och kvinnorna, Stockholm: Brevskolan, ISBN 91-574-4512-5
- Larsson, Ulf (2003), Olof Palme och utbildningspolitiken, Stockholm: Hjalmarson & Högberg, ISBN 91-89660-24-2
- Malm-Andersson, Ingrid (2001), Olof Palme : en bibliografi, Hedemora: Arbetarrörelsens arkiv och bibliotek, ISBN 91-7844-349-0
- Östberg, Kjell (2008), I takt med tiden : Olof Palme 1927-1969, Stockholm: Leopard, ISBN 978-91-7343-208-5
- Östergren, Bertil (1984), Vem är Olof Palme? : ett politiskt porträtt, Stockholm: Timbro, ISBN 91-7566-037-7
- Palme, Claës (1986), Olof Palme, Helsinki: Kirjayhtymä, ISBN 951-26-2963-1
- Palme, Olof (1984), Sveriges utrikespolitik : anföranden, Stockholm: Tiden, ISBN 91-550-2948-5
- Palme, Olof (1986), Politik är att vilja (3rd ed.), Stockholm: Prisma, ISBN 91-518-2045-5
- Palme, Olof (1986), Att vilja gå vidare (2nd ed.), Stockholm: Tiden, ISBN 91-550-3224-9
- Palme, Olof; Richard, Serge; Åkerman, Nordal (1977), Med egna ord : samtal med Serge Richard och Nordal Åkerman, Uppsala: Bromberg, ISBN 91-85342-32-7
- Palme, Olof; Dahlgren, Hans (1987), En levande vilja, Stockholm: Tiden, ISBN 91-550-3225-7
- Palme, Olof; Hansson, Sven Ove; Dahlgren, Hans (1996), Palme själv : texter i urval, Stockholm: Tiden, ISBN 91-518-2947-9
- Palme, Olof (2006), Solidaritet utan gränser : tal och texter i urval, Stockholm: Atlas, ISBN 91-7389-219-X
- Peterson, Thage G. (2002), Olof Palme som jag minns honom, Stockholm: Bonnier, ISBN 91-0-058042-2
- Strand, Dieter (1977), Palme mot Fälldin : rapporter från vägen till nederlaget, Stockholm: Rabén & Sjögren, ISBN 91-29-50309-4
- Strand, Dieter (1980), Palme igen? : scener ur en partiledares liv, Stockholm: Norstedt, ISBN 91-1-801351-1
- Strand, Dieter (1986), Med Palme : scener ur en partiledares och statsministers liv, Stockholm: Norstedt, ISBN 91-1-861431-0
- Svedgård, Lars B. (1970), Palme : en presentation, Stockholm: Rabén & Sjögren, ISBN 99-0110911-6
- Zachrisson, Birgitta; Alandh, Tom; Henriksson, Björn (1996), Berättelser om Palme, Stockholm: Norstedt, ISBN 91-1-960002-X
John Douglas-Gray in his thriller 'The Novak Legacy' ISBN 978-0-7552-1321-4
Swedish guitarist Yngwie Malmsteen dedicated his 1986 album Trilogy in the memory of Olof Palme.
See also
- List of Olof Palme memorials, for a list of memorials and places named after Olof Palme
- Olof Palme Street, for a list of streets named after of Olof Palme
- Olof Palme International Center
- Olof Palme Prize
- Anna Lindh
- Gustav III of Sweden
- Bernt Carlsson
- Folke Bernadotte
- Dag Hammarskjöld
- Caleb J. Anderson
External links
Political offices Preceded by
Gösta SkoglundMinister for Communications
1965–1967Succeeded by
Svante LundkvistPreceded by
Ragnar EdenmanMinister for Education
1967–1969Succeeded by
Ingvar CarlssonPreceded by
Tage ErlanderPrime Minister of Sweden
1969–1976Succeeded by
Thorbjörn FälldinLeader of the Swedish Social Democratic Party
1969–1986Succeeded by
Ingvar CarlssonPreceded by
Thorbjörn FälldinPrime Minister of Sweden
1982–1986Prime Ministers of Sweden De Geer, Sr. · Posse · Thyselius · Themptander · G. Bildt · Åkerhielm · Boström · von Otter · Boström · Ramstedt · Lundeberg · Staaff · Lindman · Staaff · Hammarskjöld · Swartz · Edén · Branting · De Geer, Jr. · von Sydow · Branting · Trygger · Branting · Sandler · Ekman · Lindman · Ekman · Hamrin · Hansson · Pehrsson-Bramstorp · Hansson · Erlander · Palme · Fälldin · Ullsten · Fälldin · Palme · Carlsson · C. Bildt · Carlsson · Persson · Reinfeldt
Swedish Social Democratic Party Leadership Party secretaryIn government position Branting I (1920) · Branting II (1921-1923) · Branting III (1924-1925) · Sandler (1925-1926) · Hansson I (1932-1936) · Hansson II (1936-1939)1 · Hansson III (1939-1945)2 · Hansson IV (1945-1946) · Erlander I (1946-1951) · Erlander II (1951-1957)1 · Erlander III (1957-1969) · Palme I (1969-1976) · Palme II (1982-1986) · Carlsson I (1986-1990) · Carlsson II (1990-1991) · Carlsson III (1994-1996) · Persson (1996-2006)
Related organisations HBT-socialdemokraterna · Swedish Association of Christian Social Democrats ("Broderskapsrörelsen") · Social Democratic Women in Sweden · S-muslimska kvinnoklubben · Swedish Social Democratic Youth League · Social Democratic Students of Sweden · Handikapprörelsens s-förening · ABF · People's Houses · Swedish Trade Union Confederation (LO) · Verdandi · Olof Palme International Center · Unga Örnar · Feministas · Folksam · Fonus · Hyresgästföreningen · Spero · Kooperativa Förbundet (KF) · Koopi · Swedish National Pensioners’ Organisation · Riksbyggen · A-lotterierna
History and related topics History of the Swedish Social Democratic Party · Folkhemmet · The Red-Greens · Social democracy · Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats1Coalition government with the Farmers' League · 2Grand coalition with the Farmers' League, the People's Party and the National Organization of the Right Categories:- 1927 births
- 1986 deaths
- Prime Ministers of Sweden
- Swedish Ministers for Communications
- Swedish Ministers for Education
- Leaders of the Swedish Social Democratic Party
- Swedish Social Democratic Party politicians
- Members of the parliament of Sweden
- Cold War leaders
- International opponents of apartheid in South Africa
- Stockholm University alumni
- Kenyon College alumni
- People from Stockholm
- Assassinated Swedish politicians
- Deaths by firearm in Sweden
- People murdered in Sweden
- Unsolved murders in Sweden
- Assassinated heads of government
- Swedish Lutherans
- Swedish people of Finnish descent
- People of Baltic German descent
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- Recipients of the Order of the White Lion
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