List of social democratic parties

List of social democratic parties

This is a list of parties in the world that consider themselves to be upholding the principles and values of social democracy. Some are also members of the Socialist International. Note that, in some cases, a party's self-described adherence to social democracy may be disputed by its critics.

Names used by social democratic parties

"Note: Not all parties that use these names are social democratic."

* New Democratic Party (Canada)
* Socialist Party
* Social Democratic Party
* Democratic Socialist Party
* Labour Party
* Social Democratic Union

Alphabetical list

* Afghanistan: Afghan Social Democratic Party
* Argentina : Partido Socialista - Socialist Party Front_for_Victory
* Australia: Australian Labor Party (ALP)
* Austria: Sozialdemokratische Partei Österreichs (SPOe) - Social Democratic Party of Austria
**Dutch language: Socialistische Partij - Anders (SP.a) - Socialist Party - Different (though they refuse to be called social-democrats)
**French language: Parti Socialiste (PS) - Socialist Party
*Bosnia and Herzegovina:
** Socijaldemokratska partija Bosne i Hercegovine (SDP) - Social Democratic Party of Bosnia and Herzegovina
** Stranka nezavisnih socijal demokrata (SNSD) - Alliance of Independent Social Democrats
**Partido da Social Democracia Brasileira (PSDB) - Brazilian Social Democracy Party
**Partido Democrático Trabalhista (PDT) - Democratic Labour Party
**Partido dos Trabalhadores (PT) - Worker's Party
**New Democratic Party (NDP)
**Colombian Liberal Party
*Costa Rica: Partido Liberación Nacional (PLN) - National Liberation Party
*Croatia : Socijaldemokratska partija Hrvatske - Social Democratic Party of Croatia
*Chile: Socialist Party(Partido Socialista) - Party for Democracy (Partido Por la Democracia)
*Czech Republic: Česká strana sociálně demokratická (ČSSD) - Czech Social Democratic Party
*Denmark: Socialdemokraterne - Social Democrats
*Estonia: Sotsiaaldemokraatlik Erakond (SDE) - Social Democratic Party
*Ethiopia : (ESDFP) - Social Democratic Party
*Finland: Social Democratic Party of Finland (SDP)
*France: Parti Socialiste (PS) - Socialist Party
*Germany: Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (SPD) - Social Democratic Party of Germany
*Greece: Πανελλήνιο Σοσιαλίστικο Κινήμα / Panellínio Sosialistíko Kiníma (ΠΑΣΟΚ / PASOK) - Panhellenic Socialist Movement
*Hong Kong:
**League of Social Democrats
*Hungary: Magyar Szocialista Párt (MSZP) - Hungarian Socialist Party
*Iceland: Samfylkingin - Alliance
**Indian National Congress (INC)
**DMK - Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam
**Samajwadi Party - Socialist Party
*Indonesia: Partai Demokrasi Indonesia-Perjuangan (PDI-P) - Indonesian Democratic Party-Struggle
*Iran : Organization of Iranian People's Fedaian (Majority)
*Ireland, Republic of: Páirtí an Lucht Oibre - Labour Party
**העבודה, Ha‘Avoda - Labor
**מרצ-יחד - Meretz-Yachad
**Partito Socialdemocratico (PSDI) Italian Democratic Socialist Party
**Partito Democratico (Pd) Democratic Party
**Partito Socialista (PS) Socialist Party
**民主党, Minshu-tō - Democratic Party of Japan
**社会民主党, Shakai Minshu-tō - Social Democratic Party (SDP)
*Kazakhstan: Zhalpyulttyk Sotsial-Demokratiyalyk Partiya - Nationwide Social Democratic Party
*Kenya: Madaraka Party of Kenya
**Latvijas Sociāldemokrātiskā strādnieku partija (LSDSP) - Latvian Social Democratic Workers' Party
**Socialdemokrātu savienība (SDS) - Social Democratic Union
**Democratic Left Movement (Lebanon)
**Progressive Socialist Party
*Luxembourg: Lëtzebuergesch Sozialistesch Arbechterpartei - Luxembourg Socialist Workers' Party
**Социјалдемократски сојуз на Македонија (СДСМ), Socijaldemokratski sojuz na Makedonija (SDSM) - Social Democratic Union of Macedonia
**Нова социјалдемократска партија (НСДП), Nova socijaldemokratska partija (NSDP) - New Social Democratic Party
* Malaysia: Democratic Action Party
*Malta: Malta Labour Party
**Partido de la Revolución Democrática - Party of the Democratic Revolution
**Partido Alternativa Socialdemócrata y Campesina - Social Democratic and Peasant Alternative Party
*Mongolia: Монгол Ардын Хувьсгалт Нам (MAXH), Mongol Ardyn Khuv'sgatt Nam (MAKN) - Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party (MPRP)
**Partij van de Arbeid (PvdA) - Labour Party
*New Zealand: New Zealand Labour Party
*Norway: Det norske Arbeiderparti(A) - Norwegian Labour Party
** Partido Revolucionario Democratico - Democratic Revolutionary Party
** پاکستان پیپلز پارٹی - Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP)
* Poland:
** RACJA Polskiej Lewicy (RACJA PL) - REASON of Polish Left
** Sojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej (SLD) - Democratic Left Alliance
** Socjaldemokracja Polska (SDPL) - Social Democratic Party of Poland
** Unia Lewicy - Union of the Left
*Portugal: Partido Socialista - Socialist Party (The Partido Social-Democrata is actually not social democratic)
*Puerto Rico:
**"Partido Independentista Pertorriqueño"
***Puerto Rican Independence Party (PIP)
*Romania: Partidul Social Democrat (PSD) - Social Democratic Party
** Демократска странка / Demokratska stranka (ДC - DS) - Democratic Party
** Liga socijaldemokrata Vojvodine (LSV) - League of Social Democrats of Vojvodina
** Socijaldemokratska unija (SDU) - Social Democratic Union
*Singapore: Workers' Party of Singapore,People's Action Party
*Slovakia: Smer--sociálna demokracia - Direction - Social Democracy
*South Africa: African National Congress (ANC)
*South Korea: Democratic Labour Party, New Progressive Party
*Spain: Partido Socialista Obrero Español (PSOE) - Spanish Socialist Workers' Party
*Spain: Eusko Alkartasuna - Basque Socialdemocracy (EA)
*Sweden: Sveriges socialdemokratiska arbetarparti (SAP) - Swedish Social Democratic Party
** Sozialdemokratische Partei der Schweiz (SPS) = Parti socialiste suisse (PSS) = Partito Socialista Svizzero (PSS) = Partida Socialdemocrata de la Svizra (PSS) - Social Democratic Party of Switzerland
**Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi (CHP) - Republican People's Party
**Demokratik Sol Parti (DSP) - Democratic Left Party
**Sosyal Demokrat Halk Partisi (SHP) - Social Democratic People's Party
**Özgürlük ve Dayanışma Partisi (ÖDP) - Freedom and Solidarity Party
*United Kingdom:
**Labour Party
**Social Democratic and Labour Party (SDLP) (Northern Ireland only)
**Progressive Unionist Party (PUP) (Northern Ireland only)
**Scottish National Party (SNP) (Scotland only)
**Plaid Cymru (Wales only)
**Mebyon Kernow (MK) (Cornwall only)
*United States:
** [ Social Democratic Party of America]
**Democratic Socialists of America (DSA)
***DSA refers to themselves as "socialists", rather than "social democrats" in their organization's literature. Therefore, DSA can arguably be called a supporter of democratic socialism instead of social democracy.
**Labor Party

**Some members of the Democratic Party (e.g. Dennis Kucinich) could arguably be considered as social democrats; however, the party line is not socialist and often anti-socialist.
***United States Territories: The Puerto Rican Independence Party (PIP) could arguably be considered a Social Democratic Party within the United States, since Puerto Rico is not sovereign; nevertheless, the Puerto Rican Independence Party is a full-fledged member of the Socialist International (SI).
** Uruguay Assembly

ee also

* Index of political parties to browse parties by name
* List of political parties to browse parties by country
* List of political parties by ideology to browse parties by ideology
* Membership of internationals to browse parties by membership of internationals

External links

* [ Social Democratic Parties]

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