List of time zones

List of time zones

This is a list of time zones, sorted by time offsets from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Countries and regions observing the respective time zones are listed under it. This only gives current offsets. For more detailed and historic information, the zones must be divided. One list that does so is the tz database. See list of tz zones. Also see a helpful (which is not necessarily completely up to date).

Regions marked with asterisks (* or **) observe daylight saving time: add one hour in summer (* for Northern Hemisphere summer; ** for Southern Hemisphere). Note, some locations use GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) instead of UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) in the definition of local time. For the purposes of this summary, the distinction is ignored.

Some zones north-south of each other in the mid Pacific differ by 24 hours in time: they have the same time of day but differ by a full day. The two extreme time zones on Earth (both in the mid Pacific) differ by 26 hours. A particular day starts earlier in countries with a more positive UTC offset. Thus the first occurrence of a date will be in UTC+14 and the last of the same date in UTC−12. This gives the interesting feature that during one hour each day there are three different dates in use on land around the world, e.g. at 10:30 UTC Monday it is already 00:30 Tuesday in the Line Islands (UTC+14) while the time is 23:30 Sunday in Samoa (UTC-11). [cite web |url= |title=The World Clock - Time Zones | |accessdate=2008-02-20]

Time zone abbreviations are almost always customary, not legalthose listed here only exist in English and are somewhat arbitrary. English time zone names below generally only apply to English-speaking areas. The CIA and NAO disagree on the time kept by some Russian oblasts, so both are given belowthis may be due to a recent time zone change.

UTC-12, Y

*Ships at sea within 7.5° east of 180°.
*United States Minor Outlying Islands
**Baker Island
**Howland Island
*:For Kwajalein, Eniwetok, and Bikini atolls, see note at UTC+12, M.

UTC-11, X

*American Samoa
*United States Minor Outlying Islands
**Jarvis Island
**Kingman Reef
**Midway Atoll
**Palmyra Atoll

UTC-10, W

*Cook Islands
*French Polynesia
** Society Archipelago including Tahiti,
** Tuamotu Archipelago, and
** Tubuai Islands
*United States Minor Outlying Islands
**Johnston Atoll
*United States (HTHawaii-Aleutian Time Zone)
** Alaska
*** Aleutian Islands (west of 169°30West)*
** Hawaii (including Kure Atoll, Pearl and Hermes Reef, and the rest of the uninhabited Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, but excluding Midway Atoll)

, V

*French Polynesia
** Marquesas Islands

UTC-9, V

*French Polynesia
** Gambier Islands
*United States (AKTAlaska Time Zone)
** Alaska (most of state)*

UTC-8, U

*Canada (PTPacific Time Zone)
** British Columbia (most of province)*,
** Northwest Territories*, (rest of territory is on Mountain Time)
*** Tungsten, Northwest Territories and the associated Cantung Mine (no DST)
** Yukon*
*Clipperton Island
** Baja California*
*Pitcairn Islands
*United States (PTPacific Time Zone)
** California*
** Idaho*
*** north of the Salmon River (between the Oregon state border and the Idaho County/Lemhi County border), and
*** west of the Idaho County/Lemhi County border (between the Salmon River and the Montana state border)
** Nevada (most of state, except Idaho border towns and West Wendover)*
** Oregon (most of state, except Ontario and the northern 4/5 of Malheur County)*
** Washington*

UTC-7, T

*Canada (MTMountain Time Zone)
** Alberta*,
** British Columbia
*** northeastern ("no" DST)
****Most of Peace River Regional District except Fort Ware, Pink Mountain
*** southeastern*
****Regional District of East Kootenay,
****Regional District of Central Kootenay east of the Kootenay River and parts east of Kootenay Lake that are south of and including Riondel (Creston "doesn't" observe DST), and
****Columbia-Shuswap Regional District east of the Selkirk Mountains,
** Northwest Territories*, except for Tungsten, Northwest Territories and the associated Cantung Mine (no DST)
** Nunavut*, (rest of territory is on Central Time and Eastern Time)
***Most of Kitikmeot Region*
** Saskatchewan
*** Lloydminster and surrounding area* (specifically exempted from the legal prohibition of DST in Saskatchewan)
** Baja California Sur*,
** Chihuahua* (adopted UTC−7 in 1998),
** Nayarit*
** Sinaloa*,
** Sonora
*United States (MTMountain Time Zone)
** Arizona (the Navajo Nation* "does" observe DST, but the Hopi Reservation, an enclave within it, "does not" observe DST),
** Colorado*,
** Idaho*
*** south of the Salmon River (between the Oregon state border and the Idaho County/Lemhi County border), and
*** east of the Idaho County/Lemhi County border (between the Salmon River and the Montana state border),
**::A 1966 legislative error legally placed southern Idaho in the North American Central Time Zone. The 1966 Uniform Time Act added Atlantic standard time as the first zone, renumbering mountain standard time from the third zone to the fourth zone, [ [ Designation of zone standard times 15USC263 notes] ] but the portion of the original 1918 Standard Time Act which placed southern Idaho in the "third zone" [ [ Part of Idaho in third zone 15USC264] ] was not changed in 1966. Nevertheless, southern Idaho is now officially in the Mountain Time Zone according to the Code of Federal Regulations. [ [ Boundary line between mountain and Pacific zones, 49CFR71.9] ]
** Kansas*
*** Greeley County,
*** Hamilton County,
*** Sherman County, and
*** Wallace County,
** Montana*,
** Nebraska (western)*,
** Nevada*
*** Duck Valley Indian Reservation, plus the towns of Mountain City and Owyhee,
*** Jackpot, and
*** West Wendover,
** New Mexico*,
** North Dakota (southwestern)*,
** Oklahoma
*** Kenton*,
** Oregon
*** northern 4/5 of Malheur County*,
** South Dakota (western)*,
** Texas*
*** El Paso County,
*** Hudspeth County, and
*** northwestern Culberson County (Guadalupe Mountains National Park area),
** Utah*,
** Wyoming*

UTC-6, S

*Canada (CTNorth American Central Time Zone)
** Manitoba*,
** Nunavut*, (rest of territory is on Mountain Time and Eastern Time)
*** Kivalliq Region*, (except Southampton Island (Coral Harbour) which is on Eastern Time and does not observe DST)
** Ontario*
*** Northwestern Ontario west of 90° West (except Atikokan area, New Osnaburgh and Pickle Lake area, and Shebandowan and Upsala area), and Big Trout Lake area east of 90° West,
** Saskatchewan (except Lloydminster and surrounding area)
*** Creighton and Denare Beach area "does" observe DST (unofficially, as Saskatchewan has a law prohibiting the use of DST)
** Easter Island**
*Costa Rica
** Galápagos Islands
*El Salvador
*Guatemala* (observed DST in 2006, did not in 2007, but will again in 2008-2009 [cite web |url= |title=Time zone in Guatemala |publisher=Time and |accessdate=2007-09-24] )
** Aguascalientes*
** Campeche*
** Coahuila*
** Colima*
** Chiapas*
** Distrito Federal*
** Durango*
** Guanajuato*
** Guerrero*
** Hidalgo*
** Jalisco*
** State of México*
** Michoacán*
** Morelos*
** Nuevo León*
** Oaxaca*
** Puebla*
** Querétaro*
** Quintana Roo*
** San Luis Potosí*
** Tabasco*
** Tamaulipas*
** Tlaxcala*
** Veracruz*
** Yucatán*
** Zacatecas*
*United States (CTCentral Time Zone)
** Alabama*,
** Arkansas*,
** Florida
*** west of the Apalachicola River, except for the portions of Franklin County and Gulf County south of the Intracoastal Waterway*,
** Illinois*,
** Indiana*
*** northwestern
**** Jasper County,
**** Lake County,
**** LaPorte County,
**** Newton County,
**** Porter County, and
**** Starke County,
*** southwestern
**** Gibson County,
**** Perry County,
**** Posey County,
**** Spencer County,
**** Vanderburgh County, and
**** Warrick County,
** Iowa*,
** Kansas (most of state)*,
** Kentucky (western)*,
** Louisiana*,
** Michigan (the counties bordering Wisconsin)*
*** Dickinson County,
*** Gogebic County,
*** Iron County, and
*** Menominee County,
** Minnesota*,
** Mississippi*,
** Missouri*,
** Nebraska (central and eastern)*,
** North Dakota (most of state)*,
** Oklahoma (most of state)*,
** South Dakota (eastern)*,
** Tennessee*
***Middle Tennessee,
***West Tennessee,
***Bledsoe County,
***Cumberland County,
***Marion County, and
***Sequatchie County
** Texas (most of state)*,
** Wisconsin*

UTC-5, R

*Canada (ETNorth American Eastern Time Zone)
** Nunavut*, (rest of territory is on Mountain Time and Central Time)
*** Qikiqtaaluk Region*, (except Resolute which is on Central Time)
** Ontario
*** east of 90° West (except Big Trout Lake area)*, plus
*** Atikokan area ("no" DST),
*** New Osnaburgh and Pickle Lake area ("no" DST), and
*** Upsala area* west of 90° West,
*** Greater Toronto Area ; Ottawa.
** Quebec (most of province)*
*Cayman Islands
*Navassa Island
*Turks and Caicos Islands*
*United States (ETEastern Time Zone)
** Connecticut*,
** Delaware*,
** District of Columbia*,
** Florida
*** east of the Apalachicola River, plus the portions of Franklin County and Gulf County south of the Intracoastal Waterway, west of the Apalachicola River*,
** Georgia*,
** Indiana (most of state)*,
** Kentucky (eastern)*,
** Maine*,
** Maryland*,
** Massachusetts*,
** Michigan (most of state)*,
** New Hampshire*,
** New Jersey*,
** New York*,
** North Carolina*,
** Ohio*,
** Pennsylvania*,
** Rhode Island*,
** South Carolina*,
** Tennessee*
***East Tennessee, except Bledsoe, Cumberland, Marion, and Sequatchie Counties
** Vermont*,
** Virginia*,
** West Virginia*

, Q

*Venezuela (since 9 December 2007 02:30:00 UTC-4:30) [cite web |url= |title=Venezuela creates own time zone |accessdate=2007-12-10 |date=2007-12-09 |work=BBC News |quote=Venezuela creates its own unique time zone on Sunday, putting the clock back half-an-hour on a permanent basis.]

UTC-4, Q

**Antarctic Peninsula**, Chilean research bases, unofficial
*Antigua and Barbuda
** Acre, [ [ Brazil changes time zone in SW Amazon region] ]
** Amazonas,
** Mato Grosso**,
** Mato Grosso do Sul**,
** Rondônia,
** Roraima
*Canada (ATAtlantic Time Zone)
** Labrador (all but southeastern tip)*,
** New Brunswick*,
** Nova Scotia*,
** Prince Edward Island*,
** Quebec (east of the Natashquan River) (NAO)
** Quebec (east of the 63°W longitude) (CIA)
*Dominican Republic
*Falkland Islands**
** northwestern
*** Qaanaaq* (observes United States DST rules)
*Netherlands Antilles
*Puerto Rico (ATAtlantic Time Zone)
*Saint Kitts and Nevis
*Saint Lucia
*Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
*Trinidad and Tobago
*Virgin Islands
** British Virgin Islands and
** U.S. Virgin Islands (ATAtlantic Time Zone)

, P

*Canada (NSTNewfoundland Standard Time Zone)
** Labrador (southeastern)*,
** Newfoundland*

UTC-3, P

**Antarctic Peninsula, most research bases except Chilean, unofficial
*Brazil - official time
** Alagoas,
** Amapá,
** Bahia (no DST since 2003),
** Ceará,
** Distrito Federal**,
** Espírito Santo**,
** Goiás**,
** Maranhão,
** Minas Gerais**,
** Pará (all state is in UTC -3 since June 24, 2008), [ [ Brazil changes time zone in SW Amazon region] ]
** Paraíba,
** Paraná**,
** Pernambuco,
** Piauí,
** Rio de Janeiro**,
** Rio Grande do Norte,
** Rio Grande do Sul**,
** Santa Catarina**,
** São Paulo**,
** Sergipe,
** Tocantins
*French Guiana
** south coast and southwest coast* (observes European Union DST rules)
*Saint-Pierre and Miquelon*

UTC-2, O

*Brazil - Ocean Islands
** Fernando de Noronha, Trindade and Martim Vaz, etc.
*South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands

UTC-1, N

"Principal cities: Praia, Mindelo, Ponta Delgada, Angra do Heroísmo";Territories observing European Union DST rules:(DST begins 1 a.m. UTC on the last Sunday in March and ends 1 a.m. UTC on the last Sunday in October)
*Greenland "(Denmark)":
** Tunu:
*** Ittoqqortoormiit and surrounding area
** Azores;Territories not observing DST
*Cape Verde

=UTC, Z=

"Principal cities: London, Dublin, Abidjan, Casablanca, Accra, Lisbon"

The crew of the International Space Station observes this timezone in their daily routine.

;Territories observing European Union DST rules:(DST begins 1 a.m. UTC on the last Sunday in March and ends 1 a.m. UTC on the last Sunday in October)
*Faroe Islands "(Denmark)"
*Guernsey "(United Kingdom)"
*Isle of Man "(United Kingdom)"
*Jersey "(United Kingdom)"
*Portugal, except Azores (see UTC-1, N)
** Canary Islands
*United Kingdom;Territories not observing DST
*Burkina Faso
*Greenland "(Denmark)":
** Tunu:
*** Danmarkshavn weather station and surrounding area
*Ivory Coast
*Sahrawi Republic "(partial international recognition)"
*Saint Helena "(United Kingdom)"
*São Tomé and Príncipe
*Sierra Leone

UTC+1, A

"Principal cities: Amsterdam, Berlin, Vienna, Brussels, Kinshasa, Lagos, Madrid, Paris, Rome";Territories observing European Union DST rules:(DST begins 1 a.m. UTC on the last Sunday in March and ends 1 a.m. UTC on the last Sunday in October)
*Bosnia and Herzegovina
*Czech Republic
*Gibraltar "(United Kingdom)"
*San Marino
*Spain, except Canary Islands (see UTC, Z)
*Svalbard and Jan Mayen "(Norway)"
*Vatican City;Territories observing their own DST rules
*Namibia;Territories not observing DST
*Bouvet Island, uninhabited "(Norway)"
*Central African Republic
*Democratic Republic of the Congo:
*Equatorial Guinea
*Republic of the Congo

UTC+2, B

"Principal cities: Cairo, Istanbul, Helsinki, Kiev, Jerusalem, Johannesburg, Bucharest, Athens";Territories observing European Union DST rules:(DST begins 01:00 UTC on the last Sunday in March and ends 1 a.m. UTC on the last Sunday in October)
*Åland "(Finland)"
*Akrotiri and Dhekelia "(United Kingdom)"
*Transnistria "(no international recognition: recognized as part of Moldova)"
*Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus "(only recognized by Turkey)"
*Ukraine;Territories observing DST rules for Russia, Belarus and Armenia:(DST begins 02:00. "local standard time" on the last Sunday in March and ends 3 a.m. "local daylight saving time" on the last Sunday in October, "in each time zone")
**Kaliningrad Oblast;Territories observing their own DST rules
*Palestine "(partial international recognition)"
*Syria;Territories not observing DST
*Congo, Democratic Republic of the
*South Africa (SASTSouth Africa Standard Time)

UTC+3, C

"Principal cities: Moscow, Baghdad, Khartoum, Saint Petersburg"
*Russia* (most of European portion, including Moscow, St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don, Novaya Zemlya, Franz Josef Land, and all railroads throughout Russia)
**Astrakhan Oblast* (NAO)
**Saratov Oblast* (NAO)
**Ulyanovsk Oblast* (NAO)
**Volgograd Oblast* (NAO)
*Saudi Arabia
*Scattered islands in the Indian Ocean
**Bassas da India
**Europa Island
**Juan de Nova Island

, C

"Principal cities: Tehran, Mashhad, Esfahan, Tabriz"

UTC+4, D

"Principal cities: Baku, Samara, Tbilisi, Yerevan"
*Georgia (Georgia moved from zone UTC+4 to UTC+3 on June 27 2004, then back to UTC+4 on March 27 2005 [cite news |url= |title=Times are a' changing in Georgia |publisher=BBC News |date=27 June 2004 |accessdate=2007-09-24] [cite web |url= |title=Time zone in Tbilisi |publisher=Time and |accessdate=2007-09-24] )
**Samara Oblast*
**Udmurt Republic*
*Scattered islands in the Indian Ocean
**Glorioso Islands (technically in UTC+3 but follows the same time zone as Réunion)
**Tromelin Island
*United Arab Emirates

, D

"Principal cities: Kabul, Herat, Kandahar, Mazar-i Sharif"

UTC+5, E

"Principal cities: Karachi, Lahore, Faisalabad, Rawalpindi
*French Southern Territories
**Île Amsterdam
**Île Saint-Paul
**Îles Kerguelen
**Îles Crozet
*Heard Island and McDonald Islands
*Kazakhstan (Western)
*Pakistan (PSTPakistan Standard Time)
**Astrakhan Oblast* (CIA)
**Republic of Bashkortostan*
**Chelyabinsk Oblast*
**Kurgan Oblast*
**Orenburg Oblast*
**Perm Krai*
**Saratov Oblast* (CIA)
**Sverdlovsk Oblast* (incl. Yekaterinburg)
**Tyumen Oblast*
**Ulyanovsk Oblast* (CIA)
**Volgograd Oblast* (CIA)

, E

"Principal cities: Bangalore, Chennai, Colombo, Delhi, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Mumbai, Thiruvananthapuram"
*India (ISTIndian Standard Time)
*Sri Lanka (Sri Lanka moved from zone UTC+6 to on April 15, 2006 [cite web |url= |title=Time zone in Colombo |publisher=Time and |accessdate=2007-09-24] )

, E

"Principal cities: Kathmandu, Biratnagar, Patan, Pokhara"
*:Nepal's time zone of was adopted in 1986. [cite news |url= |title=To Every Times, There Is A Purpose |publisher=St. Petersburg Times |first=Mike |last=Chadwick |date=December 28, 1997 |accessdate=2007-09-24] This is the nearest quarter-hour from Greenwich to the local mean time of Nepal's capital Kathmandu, which is at 85°19E or 5:41:16. Old CIA maps, 1995 and earlier, have Nepal at , which may be their approximation of Kathmandu's local mean time.

UTC+6, F

"Principal cities: Dhaka, Chittagong, Novosibirsk, Khulna"
*British Indian Ocean Territory (including Chagos Archipelago and Diego Garcia)
*Kazakhstan (Eastern)
*Kyrgyzstan (Kyrgyzstan abolished DST on August 12 2005 and moved from zone UTC+5 to UTC+6 [cite web |url= |title=Time zone in Bishkek |publisher=Time and |accessdate=2007-09-24] )
**Altai Krai*
**Altai Republic*
**Novosibirsk Oblast*
**Omsk Oblast*
**Tomsk Oblast* (NAO)

, F

*Cocos Islands

UTC+7, G

*Christmas Island (Australia)
*Indonesia (Western/WIB)
**West and Central Kalimantan
*Mongolia (Khovd, Uvs, and Bayan-Ölgii)
**Kemerovo Oblast*
**Republic of Khakassia*
**Krasnoyarsk Krai* (incl. Severnaya Zemlya)
**Tomsk Oblast* (CIA),
**Tuva Republic*

UTC+8, H

*Australia (AWSTAustralian Western Standard Time)
** Western Australia (most of state)**
**:Western Australia began a three-year experiment with usage of summer (daylight saving) time on 3 December, 2006. Daylight saving time will be used from October through March, with the late start in 2006 due to late passage of the relevant legislation. A referendum will be held in the autumn or winter of 2009 to determine whether daylight saving time usage will be permanent.
*People's Republic of China
*:Note that the whole of the People's Republic of China has the same time, which makes this time zone exceptionally wide. In the extreme west of China the sun is at its highest at 15:00, in the extreme east at 11:00. It also means that on the short (76 km) frontier with Afghanistan, the official time change is 3 hours and 30 minutes. The two western autonomous regions of China, Xinjiang and Tibet, were in UTC+6 during the Republic era (19121949), but were moved to UTC+8 after the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949. Today, residents of the two autonomous regions do everything 2 hours late. For example, lunch is at 14:00 and business hour ends around 19:00.Fact|date=February 2007
*Hong Kong and Macau SAR
*Republic of China (Taiwan)
*:In 1895, when Japan took over Taiwan Island, Taiwan was placed within Japan's Western Standard Time (UTC+8) along with the Yaeyama Islands and Miyako Island (now the southwestern part of Okinawa Prefecture, Japan). However, in 1937, Japan abolished its Western Standard Time so Taiwan then observed Japan Standard Time (UTC+9). Taiwan reverted back to UTC+8 after World War II with intermittent usage of daylight saving time until 1979.
*Indonesia (Central/WITA)
**East and South Kalimantan
**Lesser Sunda Islands
*:The more populous Peninsular Malaysia is geographically in UTC+7, but changed to UTC+8 in 1982 to follow that of Malaysian Borneo (which makes up only 20% of total population), so that the whole country lies in the same time zone.cite web |url= |title=Why is Singapore in the "Wrong" Time Zone? |first=Helmer |last=Aslaksen |publisher=NUS: Department of Mathematics |accessdate=2007-09-24]
*Mongolia (most of country)
**Buryat Republic*
**Irkutsk Oblast*
*:Geographically in UTC+7, but changed to UTC+8 in 1982 to follow that of Malaysia.

, H

**Western Australia
***CaigunaEuclaBorder Village (far southeastern part of state)**

UTC+9, I

*Indonesia (Eastern/WIT)
**Papua and West Irian Jaya (Indonesian New Guinea)
*Japan (JSTJapan Standard Time)
*North Korea
*South Korea (KSTKorea Standard Time)
**Amur Oblast*
**Chita Oblast*
**Sakha Republic* (western portion, incl. Yakutsk)

, I

*Australia (ACSTAustralian Central Standard Time)
** New South Wales
*** Broken Hill**,
** Northern Territory,
** South Australia**

UTC+10, K

*Australia (AESTEastern Standard Time)
** Australian Capital Territory**,
** New South Wales** (except Broken Hill, which observes South Australia time),
** Queensland,
** Tasmania** (which observes DST starting on the first weekend of October instead of the last),
** Victoria**
*Guam (ChSTChamorro Standard Time)
*Federated States of Micronesia
** Chuuk State,
** Yap State,
*Northern Mariana Islands (ChSTChamorro Standard Time)
*Papua New Guinea
**Primorsky Krai (incl. Vladivostok)*
**Khabarovsk Krai*
**Sakha Republic* (central portion, incl. New Siberian Islands)
**Sakhalin Oblast* (excluding Kurile Islands)

, K

** New South Wales
*** Lord Howe Island** (DST only 0:30)

UTC+11, L

*Federated States of Micronesia
** Kosrae State,
** Pohnpei State,
*New Caledonia
**Kuril Islands*
**Magadan Oblast*
**Sakha Republic* (eastern portion)
*Solomon Islands

, L

*Norfolk Island

UTC+12, M

**McMurdo Station**, Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station**, unofficial
** Gilbert Islands
*Marshall Islands
*:Kwajalein, Eniwetok, and Bikini atolls in the Marshall Islands used to be on UTC−12. Kwajalein advanced 24 hours to the eastern hemisphere side of the International Date Line by skipping 21 August 1993. Eniwetok and Bikini probably advanced even earlier, when the U.S. military relinquished its control of them. [cite news |url= |title=In Marshall Islands, Friday Is Followed by Sunday |publisher=New York Times |date=August 22, 1993 |accessdate=2007-09-24]
*New Zealand** (Daylight saving time from the last Sunday in September until the first Sunday in April.)
**Chukotka Autonomous Okrug*
**Kamchatka Krai*
*Wake Island
*Wallis and Futuna

, M

*New Zealand
** Chatham Islands** (daylight saving time from the last Sunday in September until the first Sunday in April.)

UTC+13, M

**Phoenix Islands (formerly UTC−11, advanced by skipping 31 December 1994)

UTC+14, M

** Line Islands (formerly UTC−10, advanced by skipping 31 December 1994)

ee also

* Time zone
* List of military time zones
* List of zoneinfo timezones


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