List of battleships

List of battleships

The list of battleships includes all battleships since 1859, listed alphabetically. The list also contains battlecruisers which share most of the characteristics of a battleship or have otherwise been referred to as battleships. Not complete

See other related lists:
* List of battleship classes
* List of battleships by country


* "Abyssinia" (United Kingdom, 1870): Unique
* "Affondatore" (Italy, 1865): Unique
* "Africa" (United Kingdom, 1904): "King Edward VII" class
* "Agamemnon" (United Kingdom, 1879): "Ajax" class
* "Agamemnon" (United Kingdom, 1906): "Lord Nelson" class
* "Agincourt" (United Kingdom, 1914): Seized Turkish "Sultan Osman I"
* "Ajax" (United Kingdom, 1880): "Ajax" class
* "Ajax" (United Kingdom, 1912): "King George V" class
* "Aki" (Japan, 1905): "Satsuma" class
* "Alabama" (United States, 1900 to 1920): "Illinois" class
* "Alabama" (United States, 1942): "South Dakota" class
* "Albemarle" (United Kingdom, 1901): "Duncan" class
* "Albion" (United Kingdom, 1898): "Canopus" class
* "Alexandra" (United Kingdom, 1877): Unique
* "Alexandria" (United Kingdom, 1875): Unique
* "Alfonso XIII" (Spain 1912): España class battleship
* "Almirante Latorre" (Chile, 1920): Former HMS "Canada"
* "Amiral Baudin" (France, 1885): "Amiral Baudin" class
* "Amiral Duperre" (France, 1879): Unique
* "Ammiraglio di Saint Bon" (Italy, 1897): "Emanuele Filiberto" class
* "Ancona" (Italy, 1864): "Regina Maria Pia" class
* "Andrea Doria" (Italy, 1885): "Ruggiero di Lauria" class
* "Andrea Doria" (Italy, 1913): "Andrea Doria" class
* "Anson" (United Kingdom, 1886): "Admiral" class
* "Anson" (United Kingdom, 1940): "King George V"-class
* "Arpad" (Austria-Hungary, 1901): "Habsburg" class
* "Arizona" (United States, 1916): "Pennsylvania"-class
* "Arkansas" (United States, 1912): "Wyoming" class
* "Asahi" (Japan, 1896): Unique
* "Audacious" (United Kingdom, 1869): "Audacious" class
* "Audacious" (United Kingdom, 1912): "King George V" class
* "Australia" (Australia, 1911): "Indefatigable" class


* "Babenburg" (Austria-Hungary, 1902): "Habsburg" class
* "Baden" (Germany, 1916): "Bayern" class
* "Barfleur" (United Kingdom, 1892): "Centurion" class
* "Barham" (United Kingdom, 1914): "Queen Elizabeth" class
* "Bayern" (Germany, 1916): "Bayern" class
* "Béarn" (France, 1920): "Normandie" class
* "Belleisle" (United Kingdom, 1876): Seized Turkish "Peki-Shereef"
* "Bellerophon" (United Kingdom, 1908): "Bellerophon" class
* "Benbow" (United Kingdom, 1885): "Admiral" class
* "Benbow" (United Kingdom, 1914): "Iron Duke" class
* "Benedetto Brin" (Italy, 1901): "Regina Margherita" class
* "Boordhi-Zaffer" (Turkey, 1879): "Belleisle" class, seized as HMS "Orion"
*"Borodino" (Russia, 1901): "Borodino" class battleship
* "Bouvet" (France, 1896): Unique
* "Brandenburg" (Germany, 1893): "Brandenburg" class
* "Braunschweig" (Germany, 1904): "Braunschweig" class
* "Brennius" (France, 1891): Unique
* "Bretagne" (France, 1913): "Bretagne" class
* "Britannia" (United Kingdom, 1904): "King Edward VII" class
* "Budapest" (Austria-Hungary, 1896): "Monarch" class
* "Bulwark" (United Kingdom, 1899): "Formidable" class


* "Caïman" (France, 1885): "Terrible" class
* "California" (United States, 1915): "Tennessee" class
* "Camperdown" (United Kingdom, 1885): "Admiral" class
* "Canada" (United Kingdom, 1915): Seized Chilean "Almirante Latorre"
* "Canopus" (United Kingdom, 1897): "Canopus" class
* "Captain" (United Kingdom, 1869): Unique
* "Carnot" (France, 1890s): Unique
* "Castelfidardo" (Italy, 1863): "Regina Maria Pia" class
* "Centurion" (United Kingdom, 1892): "Centurion" class
* "Centurion" (United Kingdom, 1912): "King George V" class
* "Cerberus" (United Kingdom/Victoria, 1868): "Cerberus" class
* "Charlemagne" (France, 1895): "Charlemagne" class
* "Charles Martel" (France, 1893): Unique
* "Ciao Duilio" (Italy, 1913): "Andrea Doria" class
* "Clémenceau" (France, 1943): "Richelieu" class not completed
* "Colbert" (France, 1875): "Colbert" class
* "Collingwood" (United Kingdom, 1882): "Admiral" class
* "Collingwood" (United Kingdom, 1910): "St. Vincent" class
* "Colorado" (United States, 1921): "Colorado" class
* "Colossus" (United Kingdom, 1882): "Colossus" class
* "Colossus" (United Kingdom, 1910): "Colossus" class
* "Commonwealth" (United Kingdom, 1903): "King Edward VII" class
* "Condorcet" (France, 1909): "Danton" class
* "Connecticut" (United States, 1906): "Connecticut" class
* "Conqueror" (United Kingdom, 1912): "Orion" class
* "Conte di Cavour" (Italy, 1911): "Conte di Cavour" class
* "Conte Verde" (Italy, 1867): "Principe di Carignano" class
* "Cornwallis" (United Kingdom, 1901): "Duncan" class
* "Courbet" (France, 1882): "Courbet" class pre-dreadnought
* "Courbet" (France, 1911): "Courbet" class dreadnought
* "Couronne" (France, 1861): Unique
* "Cristoforo Colombo" (Italy, 1920): "Francesco Caracciolo" class never completed


* "Dandolo" (Italy, 1878): "Duilio" class
* "Dante Alighieri" (Italy, 1910): Unique
* "Danton" (France, 1909): "Danton" class
* "Derfflinger" (Germany, 1914): "Derfflinger" class)
* "De Ruyter" (Netherlands, 1901): "Koningen Regentes" class
* "De Zeven Provincien" (Netherlands, 1906): Unique
* "Delaware" (United States, 1910): "Delaware" class
* "Démocratie" (France, 1904): "Liberté" class
* "Deutschland" (Germany, 1906): "Deutschland" class
* "Dévastation" (France, 1879): "Courbet" class
* "Devastation" (United Kingdom, 1871): "Devastation" class
* "Diderot" (France, 1909): "Danton" class
* "Dominion" (United Kingdom, 1903): "King Edward VII" class
* "Dreadnought" (United Kingdom, 1875 to 1905): Unique
* "Dreadnought" (United Kingdom, 1906 to 1923): Unique
* "Duilio" (Italy, 1876): "Duilio" class
* "Duquesne" (France, 1910s): "Lyon" class cancelled project
* "Duncan" (United Kingdom, 1901): "Duncan" class
* "Dunkerque" (France, 1935): "Dunkerque" class


* "Edinburgh" (United Kingdom, 1882): "Colossus" class
* "Elsaß" (Germany, 1904): "Braunschweig" class
* "Emanuele Filiberto" (Italy, 1897): "Emanuele Filiberto" class
* "Emperor of India" (United Kingdom, 1914): "Iron Duke" class
* "Empress of India" (United Kingdom, 1891): "Royal Sovereign" class
* "Erin" (United Kingdom, 1914): Seized Turkish "Resadiye"
* "Erzherzog Ferdinand Max" (Austria-Hungary, 1905): "Erzherzog Karl" class
* "Erzherzog Franz Ferdinand" (Austria-Hungary, 1908): "Radetzky" class
* "Erzherzog Friedrich" (Austria-Hungary, 1904): "Erzherzog Karl" class
* "Erzherzog Karl" (Austria-Hungary, 1903): "Erzherzog Karl" class
*"España" (Spain 1912):España class battleship
* "Evertsen" (Netherlands, 1894): "Evertsen" class
* "Exmouth" (United Kingdom, 1901): "Duncan" class


* "Flandre" (France, 1864): "Provence" class
* "Flandre" (France, 1914): "Normandie" class
* "Florida" (United States, 1911): "Florida" class
* "Formidabile" (Italy, 1861): "Terribile" class
* "Formidable" (France, 1885): "Amiral Baudin" class
* "Formidable" (United Kingdom, 1898): "Formidable" class
* "France" (France, 1912): "Courbet" class dreadnought
* "Francesco Caracciolo" (Italy, 1920): "Francesco Caracciolo" class never completed
* "Francesco Morosini" (Italy, 1885): "Ruggiero di Lauria" class
* "Francesco Morosini" (Italy, 1920): "Francesco Caracciolo" class never completed
* "Friedland" (France, 1873): Unique
* "Friedrich der Große" (Germany, 1911): "Kaiser" class
* "Fuji" (Japan, 1896): "Fuji" battleship
* "Fürst Bismarck" (Germany):"Mackensen" class not completed
* "Fusō" (Japan, 1914): "Fusō" class


* "Gascogne" (France, 1940s): "Richelieu" class not completed
* "Gascoigne" (France, 1914): "Normandie" class
* "Gauloise" (France, 1865): "Provence" class
* "Gauloise" (France, 1896): "Charlemagne" class
* "Georgia" (United States, 1902): "Virginia" class
* "Giulio Cesare" (Italy, 1911): "Conte di Cavour" class
* "Glatton" (United Kingdom, 1871): Unique
* "Glory" (United Kingdom, 1899): "Canopus" class
* "Goeben" (Germany, 1912): "Moltke" class
* "Goliath" (United Kingdom, 1898): "Canopus" class
* "Gorm" (Denmark, 1870): Unique
* "Graf Spee" (Germany): "Mackensen" class not completed
* "Großer Kurfürst" (Germany, 1914): "König" class
* "Guyenne" (France, 1865): "Provence" class


* "Habsburg" (Austria-Hungary, 1900): "Habsburg" class
* "Hamidieh" (Turkey, 1875): "Superb" class, seized by the United Kingdom as HMS "Superb"
* "Hannover" (Germany, 1906): "Deutschland" class
* "Haruna" (Japan, 1913): "Kongo" class battleship
* "Hatsuse" (Japan, 1899): "Fuji" battleship
* "Hector" (United Kingdom, 1862): "Hector" class
* "Helgoland" (Denmark, 1878): Unique
* "Helgoland" (Germany, 1911): "Helgoland" class
* "Henri" (France, 1899): Unique
* "Hercules" (United Kingdom, 1910): "Colossus" class
* "Herluf Trolle" (Denmark, 1899): "Herluf Trolle" class
* "Hero" (United Kingdom, 1885): "Conqueror" class
* "Héroine" (France, 1863): "Provence" class
* "Hertog Hendrik" (Netherlands, 1902): "Koningen Regentes" class
* "Hessen" (Germany, 1904): "Braunschweig" class
* "Hibernia" (United Kingdom, 1905): "King Edward VII" class
* "Hindenburg" (Germany, 1917): "Derfflinger" class
* "Hindustan" (United Kingdom, 1903): "King Edward VII" class
* "Hizen" (Japan, 1905): Captured Russian "Retvizan"
* "Hoche" (France, 1886): Unique
* "Hood" (United Kingdom, 1893): Modified "Royal Sovereign" class
* "Hood" (United Kingdom, 1920): "Admiral" class battlecruiser
* "Hotspur" (United Kingdom, 1870): Unique
* "Howe" (United Kingdom, 1885): "Admiral" class
* "Howe" (United Kingdom, 1940): "King George V" class
* "Hyūga" (Japan, 1917): "Ise" class


* "Idaho" (United States, 1908): "Mississippi" class
* "Idaho" (United States, 1917): "New Mexico" class
* "Iéna" (France, 1898): Unique
* "Iki" (Japan, 1905): Captured Russian "Imperator Nikolai I"
* "Illinois" (United States, 1901 to 1919): "Illinois" class
* "Impero" (Italy, 1939): "Littorio" class never completed
* "Implacable" (United Kingdom, 1899): "Formidable" class
* "Indefatigable" (United Kingdom, 1911): "Indefatigable" class
* "Indiana" (United States, 1895 to 1919): "Indiana" class
* "Indiana" (United States, 1942): "South Dakota" class
* "Indomitable" (United Kingdom, 1908): "Invincible" class
* "Indomptable" (France, 1883): "Terrible" class
* "Inflexible" (United Kingdom, 1908): "Invincible" class
* "Invincible" (France, 1861): "Gloire" class
* "Invincible" (United Kingdom, 1907): "Invincible" class
* "Iowa" (United States, 1897 to 1919): Unique
* "Iowa" (United States, 1943): "Iowa" class
* "Iron Duke" (United Kingdom, 1914): "Iron Duke" class
* "Irresistible" (United Kingdom, 1899): "Formidable" class
* "Ise" (Japan, 1916): "Ise" class
* "Italia" (Italy, 1880): "Italia" class
* "Iver Hvitfeldt" (Denmark, 1886): Unique
* "Iwami" (Japan, 1905): Captured Russian "Orel"


* "Jacob Van Heemskerck" (Netherlands, 1906): Unique
* "Jaime I" (Spain, 1919):España class battleship
* "Jaureguiberry" (France, 1893): Unique
* "Jean Bart" (France, 1911): "Courbet" class dreadnought
* "Jean Bart" (France, 1940): "Richelieu" class
* "Justice" (France, 1904): "Liberté" class


* "Kaga" (Japan, 1921): "Tosa" class completed as an aircraft carrier
* "Kaiser" (Germany, 1911): "Kaiser" class
* "Kaiser Barbarossa" (Germany, 1898): "Kaiser Friedrich III" class
* "Kaiser Franz Joseph I." (Austria-Hungary, 1889): battleship
* "Kaiser Friedrich III" (Germany, 1898): "Kaiser Friedrich III" class
* "Kaiser Karl der Große" (Germany, 1898): "Kaiser Friedrich III" class
* "Kaiser Wilhelm II" (Germany, 1898): "Kaiser Friedrich III" class
* "Kaiser Wilhelm der Große" (Germany, 1898): "Kaiser Friedrich III" class
* "Kaiserin" (Germany, 1911): "Kaiser" class
* "Kansas" (United States, 1906): "Connecticut" class
* "Kashima" (Japan, 1905): "Katori" class
* "Katori" (Japan, 1905): "Katori" class
* "Kawachi" (Japan, 1904): "Kawachi" class
* "Kearsarge" (United States, 1900 to 1920): "Kearsarge" class
* "Kentucky" (United States, 1900 to 1920): "Kearsarge" class
* "Kii" (Japan, 1920s): "Kii" class not completed
* "King Edward VII" (United Kingdom, 1903): "King Edward VII" class
* "King George V" (United Kingdom, 1911): "King George V" class (1911)
* "King George V" (United Kingdom, 1939): "King George V" class (1939)
* "König" (Germany, 1914): "König" class
* "König Albert" (Germany, 1911): "Kaiser" class
* "Koning der Nederlanden" (Netherlands, 1874): Unique
* "Koningen Regentes" (Netherlands, 1900): "Koningen Regentes" class
* "Kortenaer" (Netherlands, 1894): "Evertsen" class
* "Kronprinz Wilhelm" (Germany, 1914): "König" class
* "Kurfürst Friedrich Wilhelm" (Germany, 1893): "Brandenburg" class


* "La Gloire" (France, 1859): "Gloire" class
* "Languedoc" (France, 1914): "Normandie" class
* "Leonardo da Vinci" (Italy, 1911): "Conte di Cavour" class
* "Lepanto" (Italy, 1883): "Italia" class
* "Liberté" (France, 190): "Liberté" class
* "Lille" (France, 1910s): "Lyon" class cancelled project
* "Lindormen" (Denmark, 1868): Unique
* "Lion" (United Kingdom, 1910): "Lion" class
* "Littorio" (Italy, 1937): "Littorio" class
* "London" (United Kingdom, 1899): "Formidable" class
* "Lorraine" (France, 1913): "Bretagne" class
* "Lothringen" (Germany, 1904): "Braunschweig" class
* "Louisiana" (United States, 1906): "Connecticut" class
* "Lützow" (Germany, 1915): "Derfflinger" class
* "Lyon" (France, 1910s): "Lyon" class cancelled project


* "Mackensen" (Germany): "Mackensen" class not completed
* "Magdala" (United Kingdom/India, 1870): "Cerberus" class
* "Magenta" (France, 1861): "Magenta" class
* "Magenta" (France, 189): "Marceau" class
* "Magnanime" (France, 1864): "Provence" class
* "Maine" (United States, 1895 to 1898): Unique
* "Maine" (United States, 1902 to 1920): "Maine" class
* "Malaya" (United Kingdom, 1915): "Queen Elizabeth" class
* "Marcantonio Colonna" (Italy, 1920): "Francesco Caracciolo" class never completed
* "Marceau" (France, 1887): "Marceau" class
* "Marengo" (France, 1869): "Océan" class
* "Markgraf" (Germany, 1914): "König" class
* "Marlborough" (United Kingdom, 1914): "Iron Duke" class
* "Marechal Deodoro" (Brazil, 1897): "Marechal Deodoro" class
* "Marechal Floriano" (Brazil, 1899): "Marechal Deodoro" class
* "Martin Harpertzoon Tromp" (Netherlands, 1904): Unique
* "Maryland" (United States, 1921): "Colorado" class
* "Massachusetts" (United States, 1896 to 1919): "Indiana" class
* "Massachusetts" (United States, 1942): "South Dakota" class
* "Massena" (France, 1895): Unique
* "Mecklenberg" (Germany, 1902): "Wittelsbach" class
* "Messina" (Italy, 1864): "Principe di Carignano" class
* "Messudieh" (Turkey, 1875): "Superb" class
* "Michigan" (United States, 1908): "South Carolina" class
* "Mikasa" (Japan, 1900): Unique
* "Minas Gerais" (Brazil, 1910): "Minas Gerais" class
* "Minnesota" (United States, 1906): "Connecticut" class
* "Mirabeau" (France, 1909): "Danton" class
* "Mishima" (Japan, 1905): Captured Russian "Admiral Senyavin"
* "Mississippi" (United States, 1908): "Mississippi" class
* "Mississippi" (United States, 1917) "New Mexico" class
* "Missouri" (United States, 1901 to 1919): "Maine" class
* "Missouri" (United States, 1944): "Iowa" class
* "Moltke" (Germany, 1911) "Moltke" class
* "Monarch" (Austria-Hungary, 1895): "Monarch" class
* "Monarch" (United Kingdom, 1868): Unique
* "Monarch" (United Kingdom, 1912): "Orion" class
* "Montagu" (United Kingdom, 1901): "Duncan" class
* "Musashi" (Japan, 1940): "Yamato" class
* "Mutsu" (Japan, 1920): "Nagato" class


* "Nagato" (Japan, 1919): "Nagato" class
* "Napoli" (Italy, 1905): "Vittorio Emanuele" class
* "Nassau" (Germany, 1908): "Nassau" class
* "Nebraska" (United States, 1902): "Virginia" class
* "Neptune" (France, 1887): "Marceau" class
* "Neptune" (United Kingdom, 1911)
* "Nevada" (United States, 1914): "Nevada" class
* "New Jersey" (United States, 1902): "Virginia" class
* "New Jersey" (United States, 1943): "Iowa" class
* "New Mexico" (United States, 1917): "New Mexico" class
* "New York" (United States, 1914): "New York" class
* "New Zealand" (United Kingdom, 1903): "King Edward VII" class
* "New Zealand" (United Kingdom, 1911): "Indefatigable" class
* "Niels Juel" (Denmark, 1915): Unique
* "Nile" (United Kingdom, 1888): "Trafalgar" class
* "Normandie" (France, 1860): "Gloire" class
* "Normandie" (France, 1914): "Normandie" class
* "North Carolina" (United States, 1941): "North Carolina" class
* "North Dakota" (United States, 1910): "Delaware" class
* "Novorossiysk" (Soviet Union, 1945): Former Italian RN "Giulio Cesare"


* "Océan" (France, 1868): "Océan" class
* "Océan" (France, 1936): Renaming of "Courbet" class "Jean Bart"
* "Ocean" (United Kingdom, 1898): "Canopus" class
* "Odin" (Denmark, 1872): Unique
* "Offenpest" (Austria-Hungary, 1896): Second name for SMS "Budapest"
* "Ohio" (United States, 1904 to 1922): "Maine" class
* "Okinoshima" (Japan, 1905): Former Russian "General-Admiral Graf Apraxin"
* "Oklahoma" (United States, 1914): "Nevada" class
* "Oldenburg" (Germany, 1911): "Helgoland" class
* "Olfert Fischer" (Denmark, 1903): "Herluf Trolle" class
* "Oregon" (United States, 1896 to 1919): "Indiana" class
* "Orion" (United Kingdom, 1872): Seized Turkish "Boordhi-Zaffer"
* "Orion" (United Kingdom, 1912): "Orion" class
* "Ostfriesland" (Germany, 1911): "Helgoland" class
* "Owari" (Japan, 1920s): "Kii" class not completed


* "Palestro" (Italy, 1871): "Principe Amadeo" class
* "Paris" (France, 1912): "Courbet" class dreadnought
* "Patrie" (France, 1903): "République" class
* "Peder Skram" (Denmark, 1908): "Herluf Trolle" class
* "Peki-Shereef" (Turkey, 1876): "Belleisle" class, seized by the United Kingdom as HMS "Belleisle"
*Pelayo (Spain, 1887): Unique
* "Pennsylvania" (United States, 1915): "Pennsylvania" class
* "Piet Hein" (Netherlands, 1894): "Evertsen" class
* "Pommern" (Germany, 1906): "Deutschland" class
* "Posen" (Germany, 1908): "Nassau" class
* "Preußen" (Germany, 1904): "Braunschweig" class
* "Prince of Wales" (United Kingdom, 1902): "Formidable" class
* "Prince of Wales" (United Kingdom, 1941): "King George V" class
* "Princess Royal" (United Kingdom, 1910): "Lion" class
* "Principe Amadeo" (Italy, 1872): "Principe Amadeo" class
* "Principe di Carignano" (Italy, 1863): "Principe di Carignano" class
* "Prinz Eitel Friedrich" (Germany): "Mackensen" class not completed
* "Prinz Eugen" (Austria-Hungary, 1913 to 1919): "Tegetthoff" class
* "Prinzregent Luitpold" (Germany, 1911): "Kaiser" class
* "Provence" (France, 1863): "Provence" class
* "Provence" (France, 1913): "Bretagne" class


* "Queen" (United Kingdom, 1902): "Formidable" class
* "Queen Elizabeth" (United Kingdom, 1913): "Queen Elizabeth" class
* "Queen Mary" (United Kingdom, 1910): "Lion" class


* "Radetzky" (Austria-Hungary, 1908): "Radetzky" class
* "Ramillies" (United Kingdom, 1892): "Royal Sovereign" class
* "Ramillies" (United Kingdom, 1916): "Revenge" class
* "Re d'Italia" (Italy, 1863): "Re d'Italia" class
* "Re di Portogallo" (Italy, 1863): "Re d'Italia" class
* "Re Umberto" (Italy, 1888): "Re Umberto" class
* "Redoutable" (France, 1876 to 1910): Unique
* "Regina Elena" (Italy, 1904): "Vittorio Emanuele" class
* "Regina Margherita" (Italy, 1901): "Regina Margherita" class
* "Regina Maria Pia" (Italy, 1863): "Regina Maria Pia" class
* "Renown" (United Kingdom, 1895): "Centurion" class
* "Renown" (United Kingdom, 1916): "Renown" class
* "République" (France, 1902): "République" class
* "Repulse" (United Kingdom, 1892): "Royal Sovereign" class
* "Repulse" (United Kingdom, 1916): "Renown" class
* "Requin" (France, 1885): "Terrible" class
* "Resolution" (United Kingdom, 1892): "Royal Sovereign" class
* "Resolution" (United Kingdom, 1915): "Revenge" class
* "Revance" (France, 1865): "Provence" class
* "Revenge" (United Kingdom, 1892): "Royal Sovereign" class
* "Revenge" (United Kingdom, 1915): "Revenge" class
* "Rheinland" (Germany, 1908): "Nassau" class
* "Rhode Island" (United States, 1902): "Virginia" class
* "Richelieu" (France, 1873): Unique
* "Richelieu" (France, 1939): "Richelieu" class
* "Rodney" (United Kingdom, 1884): "Admiral" class
* "Rodney" (United Kingdon, 1925): "Nelson" class
* "Roma" (Italy, 1865): "Roma" class
* "Roma" (Italy, 1909): "Vittorio Emanuele" class
* "Roma" (Italy, 1940): "Littorio" class
* "Royal Oak" (United Kingdom, 1892): "Royal Sovereign" class
* "Royal Oak" (United Kingdom, 1914): "Revenge" class
* "Royal Sovereign" (United Kingdom, 1891): "Royal Sovereign" class
* "Royal Sovereign" (United Kingdom, 1915): "Revenge" class
* "Ruggiero di Lauria" (Italy, 1884): "Ruggiero di Lauria" class
* "Russell" (United Kingdom, 1901): "Duncan" class

* "Sachsen" (Germany, 1916): "Bayern" class not completed
* "Sagami" (Japan, 1905): Former Russian "Peresviet"
* "Salamis" (Greece 1914) built in Germany, never completed
* "San Martino" (Italy, 1863): "Regina Maria Pia" class
* "Sans Pareil" (United Kingdom, 1887): "Victoria" class
* "São Paulo" (Brazil, 1910): "Minas Gerais" class
* "Sardegna" (Italy, 1890): "Re Umberto" class
* "Satsuma" (Japan, 1904): "Satsuma" class
* "Savoie" (France, 1863): "Provence" class
* "Schlesien" (Germany, 1906): "Deutschland" class
* "Schleswig-Holstein" (Germany, 1906): "Deutschland" class
* "Schwaben" (Germany, 1902): "Wittelsbach" class
* "Settsu" (Japan, 1905): "Kawachi" class
* "Seydlitz" {Germany, 1913): Unique
* "Shikishima" (Japan, 1898): "Shikishima" battleship
* "Shinano" (Japan, 1940): "Yamato" class completed as an aircraft carrier
* "Sicilia" (Italy, 1891): "Re Umberto" class
* "Skjold" (Denmark, 1896): Unique
* "Solferino" (France, 1861): "Magenta" class
* "South Carolina" (United States, 1908): "South Carolina" class
* "South Dakota" (United States, 1942): "South Dakota" class
* "St. Louis" (France, 1896): "Charlemagne" class
* "St. Vincent" (United Kingdom, 1910): "St. Vincent" class
* "Strasbourg" (France, 1936): "Dunkerque" class
* "Suffren" (France, 1870): "Océan" class
* "Suffren" (France, 1899): Unique
* "Superb" (United Kingdom, 1875): Seized Turkish "Hamidieh"
* "Superb" (United Kingdom, 1908): "Bellerophon" class
* "Sultan" (United Kingdom, 1870): Unique
* "Surveillante" (France, 1864): "Provence" class
* "Suwo" (Japan, 1905): Former Russian "Pobieda"
* "Swiftsure" (United Kingdom, 1870): "Swiftsure" class
* "Szent István" (Austria-Hungary, 1915 to 1918): "Tegetthoff" class


* "Tango" (Japan, 1905): Former Russian "Poltava"
* "Tegetthoff" (Austria-Hungary, 1914 to 1919): "Tegetthoff" class
* "Temeraire" (United Kingdom, 1876): Unique
* "Temeraire" (United Kingdom, 1907): "Bellerophon" class
* "Tennessee" (United States, 1919): "Tennessee" class
* "Terribile" (Italy, 1861): "Terribile" class
* "Terrible" (France, 1881): "Terrible" class
* "Texas" (United States, 1895 to 1911)
* "Texas" (United States, 1914): "New York" class
* "Thunderer" (United Kingdom, 1871): "Devastator" class
* "Thunderer" (United Kingdom, 1912): "Orion" class
* "Thüringen" (Germany, 1911): "Helgoland" class
* "Tirpitz" (Germany, 1941): "Bismarck" class
* "Tosa" (Japan, 1921): "Tosa" class not completed
* "Tourville" (France, 1910s): "Lyon" class cancelled project
* "Trafalgar" (United Kingdom, 1887 to 1911): "Trafalgar" class
* "Trident" (France, 1876): "Colbert" class
* "Triumph" (United Kingdom, 1870): "Swiftsure" class


* "Utah" (United States, 1911): "Florida" class


* "Valeureuse" (France, 1864): "Provence" class
* "Valiant" (United Kingdom, 1863): "Hector" class
* "Valiant" (United Kingdom, 1914): "Queen Elizabeth" class
* "Vanguard" (United Kingdom, 1910): "St. Vincent" class
* "Vanguard" (United Kingdom, 1946): Unique
* "Venerable" (United Kingdom, 1899): "Formidable" class
* "Vengeance" (United Kingdom, 1899): "Canopus" class
* "Venezia" (Italy, 1869): "Roma" class
* "Vérité" (France, 190): "Liberté" class
* "Vermont" (United States, 1906): "Connecticut" class
* "Victoria" (United Kingdom, 1887): "Victoria" class
* "Virginia" (United States, 1902): "Virginia" class
* "Virgniaud" (France, 1910): "Danton" class
* "Viribus Unitis" (Austria-Hungary, 1912 to 1918): "Tegetthoff" class
* "Vittorio Emanuele" (Italy, 1904): "Vittorio Emanuele" class
* "Vittorio Veneto" (Italy, 193): "Littorio" class
* "Voltaire" (France, 1909): "Danton" class
* "Von der Tann" {Germany, 1911): Unique


* "Warspite" (United Kingdom, 1913)L "Queen Elizabeth" class battleship
* "Washington" (United States, 1921): "Colorado" class (not completed)
* "Washington" (United States, 1941): "North Carolina" class
* "Wein" (Austria-Hungary, 1895): "Monarch" class
* "Weißenburg" (Germany, 1893): "Brandenburg" class
* "West Virginia" (United States, 1921): "Colorado" class
* "Westfallen" (Germany, 1908): "Nassau" class
* "Wettin" (Germany, 1900): "Wittelsbach" class
* "Wisconsin" (United States, 1901 to 1920): "Illinois" class
* "Wisconsin" (United States, 1943): "Iowa" class
* "Wittelsbach" (Germany, 1902): "Wittelsbach" class
* "Wörth" (Germany, 1893): "Brandenburg" class
* "Württemberg" (Germany, 1916): "Bayern" class not completed
* "Wyoming" (United States, 1912): "Wyoming" class


* "Yamashiro" (Japan, 1915): "Fusō" class
* "Yamato" (Japan, 1940): "Yamato" class
* "Yashima" (Japan, 1896): "Fuji" class


* "Zähringen" (Germany, 1902): "Wittelsbach" class
* "Zrinyi" (Austria-Hungary, 1908): "Radetzky" class

External links

* [ Maritimequest Battleships & Battlecruisers of the 20th century]

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