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The Hebrew noun maisit (Hebrew: מסית‎, enticer) is a Jew one who attempts -either in public or privately- to draw his fellow Jews by way of enticement to the worship of foreign Gods from their exclusive service of the God of Israel.

The Law of Moses forbids a Jew from becoming an enticer and this prohibition is listed[where?] as a negative commandment. The Law of Moses likewise takes a strong and non-compassionate approach to the enticer due to the offensive service of idolatry to which the enticer seeks to draw worshipers.


Hebrew Bible

The source of the commandment as stated in Deuteronomy:

If your brother..or your friend.. entice you secretly, saying: 'Let us go and serve other gods,' shall not consent..neither shall your eye pity him, neither shall you be mercifull, neither shall you conceal him (his wrongdoing); but you should execute him; your hand shall be first upon him to put him to death, and afterwards the hand of all the people. And thou shalt stone him.. that he die; because he sought to draw you away from the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage
—Deuteronomy 13:7-12

Rabbinic interpretation

Considering the extreme (in terms of all types of sins listed in the Torah) verbal stance the Torah takes regarding to the Maisit, Chazal[who?] list numerous detail that project the unique methods required to deal with the Maisit;

  1. Even if the enticee did not worship idoltary in action the Maisit is still liable to death
  2. The Maisit is liable to death even without the normal process of warning (Hathra'ah)
  3. It is legal for the witnesses to conceal themselves when visualizing the Maisit in action
  4. It is legal to withhold witness material that could potentially save the Maisit
  5. The enticee himself is obligated to bring the Maisit to the stoning area
  6. Public announcement of an impending execution of the Maisit is required

See also


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