List of rabbis

List of rabbis

This is a list of prominent rabbis. Rabbis are Judaism's spiritual and religious leaders.

"See also": List of Jews.

Rabbis: Pre-Mishnaic ("Tannaim")

:"See Mishnah, Tannaim".

* Shimon Hatzadik
* Antigonus of Sokho

Rabbis: Pre-Mishnaic ("Tannaim") ("Zugot")

:"See: Mishnah, Tannaim, Zugot".

* Jose ben Joezer, Nasi of the Sanhedrin during the Maccabean wars of independence.
* Jose ben Johanan, Av Beit Din of the Sanhedrin during the Maccabean wars of independence.
* Joshua ben Perachyah, Nasi of the Sanhedrin during the reign of John Hyrcanus.
* Nittai of Arbela, Av Beit Din of the Sanhedrin during the reign of John Hyrcanus.
* Judah ben Tabbai, Nasi of the Sanhedrin during the reign of Alexander Jannæus and Queen Salome.
* Simeon ben Shetach, Av Beit Din of the Sanhedrin during the reign of Alexander Jannæus and Queen Salome.
* Shemaya, Nasi of the Sanhedrin during the reign of Hyrcanus II.
* Avtalyon, Av Beit Din of the Sanhedrin during the reign of Hyrcanus II. A convert to Judaism.
* Hillel the Elder, Nasi of the Sanhedrin during the reign of King Herod the Great.
* Shammai, Av Beit Din of the Sanhedrin during the reign of King Herod the Great.

Rabbis: Mishnaic ("Tannaim")

:"See Mishnah, Tannaim".

* Akiva, 1st century Judea, central scholar in Mishnah
* Judah haNasi, 2nd century, Judah the Prince, in Judea, redactor (editor) of the Mishnah
* Shimon bar Yochai, 1st century mystic, reputed author of the "Zohar"
* Yohanan ben Zakkai, 1st century sage in Judea, key to the development of the Mishnah
* Eliezer son of Jose the Galilean (?-c.160), famous for Baraita of Thirty-Two mitzvoth. The father of Rabbi Hananiah. See the fifth chapter of Hulin, and Moed Katan 28.

Rabbis: Talmudic ("Amoraim")

:"See Talmud" and Amora.

* Abaye, 3rd century Talmudist
* Abba Arika, known as "Rav", last "Tanna", first "Amora". Moved from Israel to Babylon, 3rd century.
* Abbahu, 4th century Talmudist
* Eleazar Kalir, early Talmudic liturgist and poet
* Hamnuna - Several rabbis in the Talmud had this name.
* Hillel, son of Gamaliel III, 3rd century, in Judea, grandson of Judah ha-Nasi, and younger brother of Judah Nesiah
* Hillel II, 4th century creator of the Hebrew calendar, in Judea, son of Judah Nesiah, grandson of Gamaliel IV
* Judah II, 3rd century sage, sometimes called "Judah Nesi'ah" and "Rebbi" like his grandfather
* Judah III, 4th century scholar, son of Gamaliel IV, and grandson of Judah II
* Rabbah bar Nahmani
* Rav Ashi, 5th century Babylonian Talmudic sage - primary redactor of the Babylonian Talmud
* Rav Nachman
* Rav Papa
* Rava, important "Amora"
* Ravina, primary aide to Rav Ashi in the redaction of the Babylonian Talmud
* Resh Lakish
* Shmuel (Talmud), rabbi of Nehardea, physician
* Yochanan, primary author of the Jerusalem Talmud
* Rav Jonah

Rabbis: Middle Ages

:"See: Geonim and Rishonim".

* Abba Mari, ("Minhat Kenaot"), 13th century French Talmudist
* Don Isaac Abravanel, ("Abarbanel"), 15th century philosopher and Torah commentator
* Jacob Berab, 15th-16th century proponent of Semichah (Ordination)
* Abraham ibn Daud, ("Sefer HaKabbalah"), 12th century Spanish philosopher
* Obadiah ben Abraham of Bertinoro, ("Bartenura") 15th century commentator on the Mishnah
* Abraham ben David of Posquières, 1100s, France.
* Abraham ibn Ezra, ("Even Ezra"), 12th century Spanish-North African Biblical commentator
* Amram Gaon, 9th century organizer of the "siddur"
* Asher ben Jehiel, ("Rosh"), 13th century German-Spanish Talmudist
* Bahya ibn Paquda, ("Hovot ha-Levavot"), 11th century Spanish philosopher and moralist
* Chananel Ben Chushiel ("Rabbeinu Chananel"), 10th century Tunisian Talmudist
* Dunash ben Labrat, 10th century grammarian and poet
* Eliezer ben Nathan, 12th century poet and pietist
* Hasdai Crescas, ("Or Hashem"), 14th century Talmudist and philosopher
* Rabbenu Gershom, 11th century German Talmudist and legalist
* Gersonides, Levi ben Gershom, ("Ralbag"), 14th century French Talmudist and philosopher
* Hillel ben Eliakim, ("Rabbeinu Hillel"), 12th century Talmudist and disciple of "Rashi"
* Ibn Tibbon, a family of 12th and 13th century Spanish and French scholars, translators, and leaders
* Isaac Alfasi, (the "Rif"), 12th century North African and Spanish Talmudist and Halakhist; author of "Sefer Ha-halachot".
* Jacob ben Asher, ("Baal ha-Turim" ; "Arbaah Turim"), 14th century German-Spanish Halakhist
* Joseph Albo, ("Sefer Ikkarim"), 15th century Spain
* Joseph ibn Migash 12th century Spanish Talmudist and Rosh Yeshiva; teacher of Maimon, father of Maimonides
* Maimonides, Moshe Ben Maimon, ("Rambam"), 13th century Spanish-North African Talmudist, philosopher, and law codifier
* Mordecai ben Hillel, ("The Mordechai"), 13th century German Halakhist
* Nahmanides, Moshe ben Nahman, ("Ramban"), 13th century Spanish and Holy Land mystic and Talmudist
* Nissim Ben Jacob ("Rav Nissim Gaon") 10th century Tunisian Talmudist
* Nissim of Gerona, ("RaN"), 14th century Halakhist and Talmudist
* Rashi, (Solomon ben Yitzchak), 11th century Talmudist, the primary commentator of Talmud
* Elazar Rokeach, ("Sefer HaRokeach") 12th century German rabbinic scholar
* Saadia Gaon, ("Emunoth ve-Deoth" ; "Siddur") 10th century Exilarch and leader of Babylonian Jewry
* Samuel ben Judah ibn Tibbon, 12th-13th century French Maimonidean philosopher and translator
* Tosafists, ("Tosfot") 11th, 12th and 13th century Talmudic scholars in France and Germany
* Yehuda Halevi, ("Kuzari"), 12th century Spanish philosopher and poet devoted to Zion

Rabbis: 16th - 18th centuries

:"See: Acharonim".

Rabbis: 16th - 17th centuries

* Isaac Abendana, 17th century Sephardic scholar in England
* Jacob Abendana, 17th century Sephardic rabbi in England
* Isaac Aboab da Fonseca, 17th century Dutch scholar and Kabbalist, first Rabbi in the Americas
* Bezalel Ashkenazi, (" Shittah Mekubetzet"), 16th century Talmudist
* Yair Bacharach, ("Havvot Yair"), 17th century German Talmudist
* Moses ben Jacob Cordovero (RaMaK) 16th century Holy Land Kabbalistic scholar
* Hillel ben Naphtali Zevi, ("Bet Hillel"), 17th century Lithuanian scholar
* Samuel Edels, ("Mahrsha"), 16th century Talmudist
* Kalonymus Haberkasten 16th century Polish rabbi; Rosh Yeshiva of many great Rishonim
* David HaLevi Segal,("Taz")16th century Halakhist, major commentatry on the Shulchan Aruch
* Abraham Cohen de Herrera(RabACH), 16th Century Kabbalist and Philosopher Spanish and Portuguese Jews
* Isaiah Horowitz ("Shlah") 16th century Kabbalist and Author - Eastern Europe and Israel
* Moshe Isserles, ("Rema"), 16th century Polish legal scholar, author of "Ha-mappah" (component of the Shulchan Aruch)
* Yosef Karo, ("Mechaber"), 16th century Spanish and Land of Israel legal codifier of the Shulchan Aruch - code of Torah Law
* Meir ben Isaac and his son Samuel Judah Katzenellenbogen of Padua.
* Meir of Lublin, ("Maharam"), 16th century Posek and Talmudist
* Isaac Luria, ("Ari"), 16th century Holy Land mystic, founder of Lurianic Kabbalah
* Solomon Luria, ("Maharshal"), 16th century Posek and Talmudist
* Menasseh Ben Israel, 17th century Dutch rabbi and advocate of resettlement in England
* Shalom Shachna, 16th century Polish Talmudist; Rosh Yeshiva of several great Rishonim
* Judah Low ben Bezalel, ("Maharal"), 16th century Prague mystic and Talmudist
* Obadiah ben Jacob Sforno, ("Sforno"), 16th century Italian scholar and rationalist
* Sforno, 15th, 16th, and 17th century family of Italian Torah scholars and philosophers
* Shlomo Ephraim Luntschitz, 16th-17th century Torah commentator
* Hayyim ben Joseph Vital, 16th Kabbalist
* Mordecai Yoffe ("Levush") , 16th-17th century Polish rabbi, codifier of halakha

Rabbis: 18th century

* Chaim Joseph David Azulai ("Hida"), Sephardi rabbi and bibliographer
* Raphael Berdugo, rabbi in Meknes
* Haim Isaac Carigal, rabbi in Newport, Rhode Island in 1773 who became great influence on Reverend Ezra Stiles, and therefore on Yale University
* Dovber of Mezritch, ("Maggid"), 18th century Eastern European mystic, primary disciple of the "Baal Shem Tov"
* Elijah ben Solomon (the Vilna Gaon or "Gra"), 18th century Talmudist and mystic, Lithuanian leader of the "Mitnagdim", opponent of Hasidim
* Jacob Emden, 18th century German Talmudist and mystic
* Israel ben Eliezer, ("Baal Shem Tov"), 18th century mystic, founder of Hasidic Judaism
* Aaron Hart, Chief rabbi of Great Britain
* David Hassine, Moroccan Jewish poet
* Yechezkel Landau, ("Noda Bihudah"), 18th century Posek and Talmudist
* Moshe Chaim Luzzatto, ("Ramchal"), 18th century Italian ethicist, philosopher, and mystic.
* Hart Lyon, Chief rabbi of Great Britain
* David Nieto, English rabbi
* Isaac Nieto, English rabbi
* Shneur Zalman of Liadi, ("Alter Rebbe of Chabad"), 18th century mystic and Talmudist, founder of Chabad Hasidism and first Chabad "Rebbe"
* Akiva Eiger, 18th century Talmudist, and communal leader
* Elimelech of Lizhensk, ("Noam Elimelech") 18th century Polish mystic and Hasid
* Levi Yitzchok of Berditchev, ("Kedushas Leivi") 18th century Polish Hassidic Leader
* Shalom Sharabi, Yemenite rabbi and Kabbalist

Orthodox rabbis

:"See Orthodox Judaism".

Orthodox rabbis: 19th century

* Barnett Abrahams, dayan, Principal of Jews' College, London
* Nathan Marcus Adler, Chief Rabbi of the British Empire
* Yehudah Aryeh Leib Alter "Sfas Emes" Gerrer Rebbe
* Benjamin Artom, Haham of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews
* Salomon Berdugo 19th century Rabbi in Meknes
* Naftali Zvi Yehuda Berlin, ("Netziv" ; "Ha'emek Davar") 19th century head of Volozhin yeshiva in Lithuania
* Avrohom Bornsztain, ("Avnei Nezer"), first Sochatchover Rebbe
* Zvi Hirsch Chajes ("Maharatz Chayes") Galician Talmudic scholar
* Yosef Chayim, the Ben Ish Hai, Iraqi halakhist and preacher
* Yehoshua Leib Diskin, Rabbi in Shklov, Brisk and Jerusalem
* Yechiel Michel Epstein, ("Aruch ha-Shulchan") 19th-20th century halakhist and "posek" (decisor)
* Jacob Ettlinger, 19th century German scholar and opponent of Reform
* Moshe Shmuel Glasner, ("Dor Revi'i") 19th-20th century talmudist, chief rabbi of Klausenburg, a founder of Mizrahi
* Jacob of Lissa Galician Halakhist
* Azriel Hildesheimer, 19th century German rabbi and philosopher
* Samson Raphael Hirsch, 19th century German rabbi, founder of the "Torah im Derech Eretz" movement
* Solomon Herschell, 19th century British Chief Rabbi
* Malbim, Meir Lob ben Jehiel Michael, ("The Malbim"), 19th century Russian preacher and scholar
* "Pele Yoetz", Rabbi Eliezer Papo, Rabbi of the community of Selestria, Bulgaria
* Raphael Meldola, Sephardic rabbi in London
* Frederick de Sola Mendes, Sephardic rabbi in London and America
* Nachman of Breslov, ("Rebbe Nachman"), 19th century Ukrainian Hasidic "Rebbe" and mystic
* Yisrael Lipkin Salanter, 19th century Lithuanian ethicist and moralist
* Dovber Schneuri, second "Rebbe" of Chabad
* Menachem Mendel Schneersohn, ("Tzemach Tzedek"), third "Rebbe" of Lubavitch
* Shmuel Schneersohn, 19th century Russian fourth "Rebbe" of Lubavitch
* Yaakov Chaim Sofer, Baghdadi rabbi, author of "Kaf ha-Chaim"
* Moses Sofer, ("Chatam Sofer") 19th century Hungarian rabbi
* Chaim Soloveitchik ("Brisker Rov" 19th century Eastern European rabbi
* Abraham b. Eliezer Lipman Liechtenstein Rabbi of Plotsk

Orthodox rabbis: 20th century

Chareidi leaders

* Yehezkel Abramsky, author of "Chazon Yehezkel"
* Yisrael Abuhatzeira, 20th century Kabbalist
* Avrohom Blumenkrantz, posek and kashrut authority
* Shmuel Bornsztain, "Shem Mishmuel", Second Sochatchover Rebbe
* Eliyahu Eliezer Dessler, ("Michtav Me'Eliyahu") 20th century religious philosopher and ethicist
* Baruch Epstein, ("Torah Temimah"), 20th century Lithuanian Torah commentator
* Moshe Mordechai Epstein, (" Levush Mordechai"), 20th century Talmudist and co-head of Slabodka Yeshiva
* Moshe Feinstein, ("Igrot Moshe"), 20th century Russian-American legal scholar and Talmudist
* Tzvi Hirsch Ferber, ("Kerem HaTzvi"), 20th century author, leader and renowned scholar
* Nosson Tzvi Finkel, ("Alter" / "Sabba"), early 20th century founder of Slabodka Yeshiva, Lithuania. Disciples opened major yeshivas in US and Israel
* Rogatchover Gaon (Rav Yosef Rosen), Talmudist and Hasidic leader
* Boruch Greenfeld, ("Reb Boruch Hermenshtater"), 20th century Hasidic mystic and scholar, author of "Ohel Boruch"
* Yitzchok Hutner, ("Pachad Yitzchok"), 20th century European-born, American and Israeli Rosh Yeshiva
* Yisrael Meir Kagan, ("Chofetz Chaim"), 20th century Polish legalist and moralist
* Aryeh Kaplan, ("Living Torah") 20th century writer and mystic
* Avraham Yeshayahu Karelitz, ("Chazon Ish") 20th century Haredi leader in Israel
* Aharon Kotler, 20th century Lithuanian scholar, founder of Lakewood Yeshiva in US
* Chaim Kreiswirth, long-time Chief Rabbi of Antwerp (Belgium)
* Isser Zalman Meltzer, renowned Lithuanian Rosh Yeshiva
* Shraga Feivel Mendlowitz, ("Mr. Mendlowitz") 20th century European-born head of Yeshiva Torah Vodaath in the US
* Shulem Moshkovitz, Hasidic rebbe in London
* Chanoch Dov Padwa, ("Cheishev Ho'ephod"), rabbinical head of UOHC, London
* Sholom Dovber Schneersohn, 20th century Russian fifth "Rebbe" of Lubavitch
* Yosef Yitzchok Schneersohn, 20th century sixth "Rebbe" of Lubavitch
* Menachem Mendel Schneerson, ("Lubavitcher Rebbe"), 20th century Hasidic mystic and scholar, seventh Chabad "Rebbe"
* Joseph ben Yehuda Leib Shapotshnick, 20th century British rabbi
* Shimon Shkop, famed Rosh Yeshiva in Telz and Grodno
* Meir Simcha of Dvinsk, ("Ohr Sameiach" ; "Meshech Chochmah") Lithuanian-Latvian Talmudist and communal leader
* Joel Teitelbaum, ("Satmar Rebbe"), 20th century Hasidic Hungarian-American "rebbe" known for anti-Zionism
* Chaim Michael Dov Weissmandl, ("Min HaMeitzar") 20th century European scholar involved in rescue efforts during the Holocaust

Modern rabbis

* Hermann Adler, Chief Rabbi of the British Empire
* Meir Berlin, ("Bar Ilan") 20th century religious Zionist leader
* Eliezer Berkovits Talmudic scholar and philosopher
* Israel Brodie, Chief Rabbi of the United Kingdom and Commonwealth
* Isidore Epstein, Principal of Jews' College, London
* Moses Gaster, "Haham" of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews of Britain
* Sir Hermann Gollancz, British rabbi and professor
* Meir Kahane, American-Israeli rabbi, Jewish leader and Knesset member, assassinated in New York by Egyptian terrorist El Sayyid Nosair. Founder of the American Jewish Defense League and the Israeli Kach party.
* Binyamin Ze'ev Kahane, Israeli leader of Kahane Chai party
* Yisrael Ariel is the founder of the Temple Institute, from the liberators of the Western Wall in the Six-Day War.
* Joseph H. Hertz, Chief Rabbi of the British Empire
* Shmuel Yitzchak Hillman, British rabbi and dayan
* Moses Hyamson, British rabbi
* Abraham Isaac Kook, 20th century philosopher and mystic, first chief rabbi of Palestine
* Immanuel Jakobovits, Chief Rabbi of the United Kingdom and Commonwealth, medical ethicist
* Moses Mescheloff, Miami Beach and Chicago, Modern Orthodox Religious Zionist Rabbi
* Chalom Messas, chief Rabbi of Morocco and Jerusalem
* David Messas, chief Rabbi of Paris.
* Jonathan Sacks, Chief Rabbi of the United Kingdom and Commonwealth
* David Silverman, Outreach Rabbi with the Atlanta Scholars Kollel
* Simeon Singer, editor of the United Synagogue prayer book
* Joseph Soloveitchik, 20th century European-born Talmudist and philosopher
* Selig Starr, Chicago Rabbi

Orthodox rabbis: Contemporary


* Gerrer Rebbes, ("Gerrer"), Polish Hasidic dynasty now in Israel, followers also in the US and UK
* Vizhnitzer Rebbes, ("Vizhnitzer"), Romanian dynasty of Hasidic "rebbes" in Israel and the US
* Shlomo Amar, Sephardic Chief Rabbi of Israel
* Arie Zeev Raskin, Chief Rabbi of Cyprus
* Meir Brandsdorfer, member of the Badatz (rabbinical court) of the Edah HaChareidis
* Yosef Sholom Eliashiv, Israeli rabbi and a rabbinical leader of the chareidi world
* Menachem Genack, OU
* Yitzchak Kadouri, leading 20th century Kabbalist (deceased)
* Yaakov Kamenetsky, rabbinical leader and educationalist
* Nissim Karelitz, respected Israeli chareidi leader
* Yona Metzger, Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel
* Israel Meir Lau, former Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel and current Chief Rabbi of Tel Aviv
* Shlomo Miller, head of the Toronto Kollel and recognized world authority of Jewish law
* Avigdor Nebenzahl, Chief Rabbi of the old city of Jerusalem
* Yissachar Dov Rokeach (II), Belzer Rebbe
* Moshe Sacks, posek.
* Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg, dean of Torah Ohr Yeshiva, Jerusalem
* Bezalel Rudinsky, dean of Yeshivas Ohr Reuven, Wesley Hills, N.Y.
* Adin Steinsaltz, 21st century Israeli Talmud scholar and philosopher
* Moshe Teitelbaum, Satmar Rebbe (deceased)
* Ovadia Yosef, 21st century Iraqi-Israeli former Israel Sephardic Chief Rabbi, legal scholar, "de facto" leader of Sephardic Jewry
* Amnon Yitzhak, leading Yemenite "baal teshuva Rabbi" in Israel


* Mordechai Eliyahu - former Sephardic Chief Rabbi
* Avraham Shapira - former Ashkenazic Chief Rabbi, the head of Mercaz haRav yeshiva
* Dov Lior - rabbi of Hebron
* Moshe Mordechai haCohen Taub -rabbi of Buffalo Jewish community and director of the city Vaad, prolific writer

Modern Orthodox

* Benjamin Blech, author
* Levi Brackman, British-born rabbi
* David Bar Hayim, founder of Machon Ben Yishai, Proponent of Nusach Eretz Yisrael []
* Mordechai Breuer, Israeli rabbi, descendant of Samson Raphael Hirsch
* Barry Freundel, rabbi of Kesher Israel congregation in Washington DC.
* Mark Dratch, Instructor of Jewish Studies at Yeshiva University and founder of JSafe
*James Kennard, British educationalist
* Norman Lamm, 20th century American modern Orthodox thinker, head of Yeshiva University
* Aharon Lichtenstein, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivat Har Etzion, and Rosh Kollel of Yeshiva University's Gruss Kollel.
* Yosef Mendelevitch former Soviet "Refusenik" and Zionist activist
* Shlomo Riskin, Chief Rabbi of Efrat, Israel
* Hershel Schachter, leading posek for the modern orthodox community.
* Andrew Shaw, British rabbi and youth leader
* Zvi Sobolofsky, Rosh Yeshiva at Yeshiva University and rabbi of Ohr Hatorah in Bergenfield, New Jersey
* Joseph Telushkin, author.
* Moshe David Tendler, son-in-law of Moshe Feinstein, and noted bioethist.
* Mordechai Willig, Rosh Yeshiva at Yeshiva University, prominent Posek for the Modern Orthodox community.
* Benjamin Yudin, rabbi of Shomrei Torah in Fair Lawn, New Jersey
* Dov Zakheim, non-practicing modern Orthodox rabbi, economic and political leader in US government

See also article Modern Orthodox for a list of rabbis.

Conservative rabbis

:"See: Conservative Judaism".

Conservative rabbis: 19th century

* Zecharias Frankel, 19th century critical historian, founder of the "Positive Historical" school, the progenitor of Conservative Judaism.
* Yosef Guttmann, 19th century Polish rabbi
* Levi Herzfeld, 19th century German rabbi, proponent of moderate reform
* Nachman Krochmal, 19th century Austrian philosopher and historian

Conservative rabbis: 20th century

* Abraham Joshua Heschel, 20th century Conservative Judaism philosopher and scholar of Hasidism
* Solomon Schechter, 20th century scholar and a founder of Conservative Judaism
* Saul Lieberman, 20th century rabbi and scholar
* Marshall Meyer, 20th century American Conservative rabbi and human rights activist, founded a Rabbinical school and synagogue in Argentina
* Louis Finkelstein, 20th century Conservative Talmud scholar
* Louis Ginzberg, 20th century American Conservative Talmud scholar
* Wolfe Kelman, 20th century Canadian Conservative rabbi
* Robert Gordis, 20th century leader in Conservative Judaism
* Abraham Millgram, 20th century American Conservative rabbi and author
* Isaac Klein, 20th century American Conservative rabbi and scholar
* Samuel Schafler, 20th century American Conservative rabbi and historian

Conservative rabbis: Contemporary

* Bradley Shavit Artson, Conservative rabbi, Dean of the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies at the American Jewish University, author, speaker, and theologian
* Menachem Creditor, Conservative rabbi, activist, and founder of the Shefa Network
* Elliot N. Dorff, Conservative rabbi and bioethicist
* Neil Gillman, Conservative philosopher and theologian
* David Golinkin - Masorti rabbi and halakhist
* Joshua Hammerman, Conservative rabbi of Temple Beth El in Stamford, Connecticut
* Jules Harlow, 20th century Conservative Judaism liturgist
* Louis Jacobs - Founder of the Masorti movement in the United Kingdom, theologian
* William E. Kaufman - Advocate of process theology
* Harold Kushner, 21st century American Conservative rabbi, theologian, and popular writer
* William H. Lebeau, Conservative rabbi and Dean of Rabbinical School at Jewish Theological Seminary
* Aaron L. Mackler, Conservative rabbi and bioethicist
* Jacob Neusner, Conservative trained scholar and prolific writer
* Daniel Nevins, Dean of JTS Rabbinical School and author of inclusive teshuvah on homosexuality in Judaism.
* Paula Reimers
* Joel Roth, Conservative scholar and rabbi
* Ismar Schorsch, Conservative educator and leader
* Harold M. Schulweis, Conservative rabbi of Valley Beth Shalom, Encino, CA and founder of the Jewish World Watch
* Alan Silverstein, Conservative rabbi of [ Congregation Agudath Israel] in Caldwell, New Jersey and former President of the Rabbinical Assembly
* Arnold Stiebel, Conservative rabbi and author
* Gordon Tucker, Conservative rabbi and leader
* Stewart Vogel, Conservative rabbi of Temple Aliyah, Woodland Hills, CA
* David Wolpe, Conservative rabbi of Temple Sinai in Los Angeles, California

Conservative rabbinical organizations

*Rabbinical Assembly
*United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism
*Committee on Jewish Law and Standards

=Union for Traditional Judaism=
* David Weiss Halivni, Hungarian-American Talmudist of Union for Traditional Judaism (UTJ)

Reform rabbis

:"See Reform Judaism".

Reform rabbis: 19th century

* Samuel Adler, 19th century German-American rabbi of Temple Emanu-El
* Emil Hirsch, 19th century American Reform rabbi and scholar
* David Einhorn, 19th century American Reform rabbi
* Samuel Hirsch, 19th century German-American philosopher of the Reform Movement
* Abraham Geiger, 19th century German Reform ideologist
* Samuel Holdheim, 19th century German rabbi and founder of classic German Reform Judaism
* Leopold Zunz, 19th century German scholar, founded "Science of Judaism" school
* Isaac Mayer Wise, American Reform rabbi

Reform rabbis: 20th century

* Paula Ackerman, 20th century Reform rabbi (first woman to perform rabbinical functions in the United States, not ordained)
* Leo Baeck, 20th century Reform rabbi
* Lionel Blue, British rabbi, writer and broadcaster
* Julia Neuberger, British Reform rabbi
* Sally Priesand, 20th century Reform rabbi, first ordained female rabbi in the United States
* Abba Hillel Silver, 20th century Reform rabbi and Zionist leader
* Gabriel Farhi, 20th century French Reform rabbi and broadcaster.
* Stephen S. Wise, 20th century Reform rabbi and Zionist activist
* Arnold Stiebel, 20th century rabbi and author
* Laszlo Berkowitz, 20th century Reform rabbi, Temple Rodef Shalom
* Gunther Plaut, 20th century Reform rabbi and author, Holy Blossom Temple
*Maurice Davis, 20th century Reform rabbi, past Chairman, President's Commission on Equal Opportunity
*Susan Abramson, Reform Rabbi, Shalom Emeth, Burlington, MA, one of the first 50 women rabbis. Author of the Rabbi Rocketpower children book series.

Reform rabbinical organizations

*Union for Reform Judaism
*Central Conference of American Rabbis
* [ Movement for Reform Judaism (UK)]

Reconstructionist rabbis

:"See: Reconstructionist Judaism".

Reconstructionist rabbis: 20th century

* Mordecai Kaplan, 20th century founder of the Reconstructionist movement in America

Reconstructionist rabbis: Contemporary

* Carol Harris-Shapiro, modern author
* Dan Ehrenkrantz, president of Reconstructionist Rabbinical College

Other rabbis

"See Jewish Renewal" ; "Humanistic Judaism"
* Capers C. Funnye Jr. first African-American member of the Chicago Board of Rabbis [" [ Black Rabbi Reaches Out to Mainstream of His Faith] ", Nikko Kopel, "New York Times", March 16, 2008]
* Michael Lerner founder/editor of Tikkun magazine
* Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, leader of the "Jewish Renewal" movement
* Sherwin Wine, US founder of "Society for Humanistic Judaism"
* Itzhak Yehoshua, Chief Rabbi of Bukharian Jewish Community in USA & Canada


External links


* [ List of leaders] , Orthodox Union
* [ Famous Rabbis] ,
* [ Gallery of Our Great] ,
* [ Biographies of Gedolim] ,
* [ Mini-Biographies of Gedolim ] ,
* [ Cross-referenced Notes on Rishonim and Acharonim] (PDF)


* [ Benson Skoff, 20th century Conservative rabbi]


* [ Torah Commentator Biographies] ,
* [ List of Commentators] ,
* [ E-Lectures Glossary]
* [ RavSIG (Genealogy of Rabbinic families)]


* [ List of Black Rabbis in America] affiliated with the Israelite Board of Rabbis

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  • List of British Jews — is a list that includes Jewish people from the United Kingdom and its predecessor states.Although the first Jews may have arrived on the island of Great Britain with the Romans, it wasn t until the Norman Conquest of William the Conqueror in 1066 …   Wikipedia

  • List of Polish rabbis — The rise of Hasidic Judaism within Poland s borders and beyond has had a great influence on the rise of Haredi Judaism all over the world, with a continuous influence that has been felt from the inception of the Hasidic movements and its… …   Wikipedia

  • List of rosh yeshivas — This is a list of current rosh yeshivas : Israel: Rosh yeshivas of yeshivas in Israel : * Aderes Hatorah Rabbi Chaim Zvi Senter *Aish HaTorah Rabbi Noah Weinberg *Ateret Yisrael Rabbi Baruch Ezrachi *Ateret Cohanim Rabbi Shlomo Aviner *Beis… …   Wikipedia

  • List of biblical commentaries —  This article incorporates text from a publication now in the public domain: Herbermann, Charles, ed (1913). Commentaries on the Bible . Catholic Encyclopedia. Robert Appleton Company …   Wikipedia

  • List of Jewish leaders in the Land of Israel — The following is a list of Jewish leaders since the time of Abraham.For thousands of years, Jews have lived in their homeland, sometimes as an independent polity, sometimes not. Although at times the region was ruled by foreign empires Jews in… …   Wikipedia

  • List of Biblical commentaries — This is an outline of exegesis. Discussed are the salient points of Jewish, patristic, medieval, and modern commentaries, starting with the Jewish writers. The topic starts with the Targums, Mishna, and Talmuds. While these are not regarded as… …   Wikipedia

  • List of Israelis — This is a list of prominent Israelis (including Arab citizens of Israel).Historical figuresPoliticians* Chaim Weizmann first President of Israel (1949 52) * David Ben Gurion first Prime Minister of Israel (1948 54, 1955 63) * Moshe Sharett prime… …   Wikipedia

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