List of phobias

List of phobias


The English suffixes -phobia, -phobic, -phobe (of Greek origin: φόβος/φοβία ) occur in technical usage in psychiatry to construct words that describe irrational, disabling fear as a mental disorder (e.g., agoraphobia), in chemistry to describe chemical aversions (e.g., hydrophobic), in biology to describe organisms that dislike certain conditions (e.g., acidophobia), and in medicine to describe hypersensitivity to a stimulus, usually sensory (e.g., photophobia). In common usage they also form words that describe dislike or hatred of a particular thing or subject. The suffix is antonymic to -phil-.

For more information on the psychiatric side, including how psychiatry groups phobias as agoraphobia, social phobia, or simple phobia, see phobia.

The following lists include words ending in -phobia, and include fears that have acquired names. In some cases, the naming of phobias has become a word game, of notable example being a 1998 humorous article published by BBC News.[1]

In some cases a word ending in -phobia may have an antonym with the suffix -phil-, e.g., Germanophobe / [Germanophile].

A large number of-phobia lists circulate on the Internet, with words collected from indiscriminate sources, often copying each other. Also, a number of psychiatric websites exist that at the first glance cover a huge number of phobias, but in fact use a standard text to fit any phobia and reuse it for all unusual phobias by merely changing the name. Sometimes it leads to bizarre results, such as suggestions to cure "prostitute phobia".[2] Such practice is known as content spamming and is used to attract search engines.[original research?]

Psychological conditions

In many cases specialists prefer to avoid the suffix -phobia and use more descriptive terms, see, e.g., personality disorders, anxiety disorders, avoidant personality disorder, love-shyness.

  • Ablutophobia – fear of bathing, washing, or cleaning
  • Acrophobia, – fear of heights
  • Agoraphobia, Agoraphobia Without History of Panic Disorder – fear of places or events where escape is impossible or when help is unavailable
  • Acousticophobia - fear of sound and voice
  • Agraphobia – fear of sexual abuse
  • Aichmophobia – fear of sharp or pointed objects (such as a needle or knife)
  • Agyrophobia – fear of crossing roads
  • Alektorophobia - fear of chickens and poultry
  • Amathophobia - fear of dust
  • Amaxophobia - fear of riding in vehicles
  • Alourophobia - fear of reading aloud
  • Androphobia – fear of men
  • Anthropophobia – fear of people or the company of people, a form of social phobia.
  • Anthophobia – fear of flowers
  • Aquaphobia – fear of water. Distinct from Hydrophobia, a scientific property that makes chemicals averse to interaction with water, as well as an archaic name for rabies
  • Arachibutyrophobia - fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of one's mouth
  • Arachnophobia – fear of spiders
  • Arithmophobia - fear of numbers
  • Astraphobia- fear of thunder and lightning
  • Atychiphobia – fear of failure
  • Autophobia – fear of loneliness
  • Aviophobia, Aviatophobia – fear of flying
  • Bacillophobia - fear of microbes
  • Bacteriophobia - fear of bacteria
  • Ballistophobia - fear of missiles or bullets
  • Barophobia - fear of gravity
  • Basiphobia - inability to stand, or fear of walking
  • Bathophobia - fear of depth
  • Batonophobia - fear of plants
  • Batophobia - fear of heights or being close to high buildings
  • Bibliophobia - fear of books
  • Blennophobia - fear of slime
  • Blood-injection-injury type phobia – a DSM-IV subtype of specific phobias
  • Bogyphobia - fear of bogies or the bogeyman
  • Bromidrophobia or Bromidrosiphobia - fear of body smells
  • Brontophobia or Ceraunophobia - fear of thunder and lightning
  • Cacophobia - fear of ugliness
  • Cainophobia or Cainotophobia - fear of newness, novelty
  • Caligynephobia - fear of beautiful women
  • Cancerophobia or Carcinophobia - fear of cancer
  • Cardiophobia - fear of the heart
  • Carnophobia - fear of meat
  • Catagelophobia - fear of being ridiculed or being embarrassed
  • Catapedaphobia - fear of jumping from high and low places
  • Cathisophobia - fear of sitting
  • Catoptrophobia - fear of mirrors
  • Cenophobia or Centophobia - fear of new things or ideas
  • Chaetophobia - fear of hair
  • Cheimaphobia or Cheimatophobia - fear of cold
  • Chemophobia - fear of chemicals or working with chemicals
  • Cherophobia - fear of gaiety
  • Chiroptophobia - fear of bats
  • Chorophobia - fear of dancing
  • Cibophobia, Sitophobia – aversion to food, synonymous to Anorexia nervosa
  • Claustrophobia – fear of having no escape and being closed in
  • Coprophobia - fear of faeces (bowel waste)
  • Coulrophobia – fear of clowns (not restricted to evil clowns)
  • Decidophobia – fear of making decisions
  • Dentophobia, Odontophobia – fear of dentists and dental procedures
  • Disposophobia, better known as "compulsive hoarding" – the fear of getting rid of or losing things
  • Dysmorphophobia, or body dysmorphic disorder – a phobic obsession with a real or imaginary body defect
  • Ebulliophobia - fear of bubbles
  • Emetophobia – fear of vomiting
  • Epistemophobia - fear of knowledge
  • Ergasiophobia, Ergophobia – fear of work or functioning, or a surgeon's fear of operating
  • Ergophobia – fear of work or functioning
  • Erotophobia – fear of sexual love or sexual questions
  • Erythrophobia – pathological blushing
  • Friggatriskaidekaphobia, Paraskavedekatriaphobia, Paraskevidekatriaphobia - fear of Friday the 13th
  • Gelotophobia – fear of being laughed at
  • Gephyrophobia – fear of bridges
  • Genophobia, Coitophobia – fear of sexual intercourse
  • Genuphobia - fear of knees/kneeling
  • Gerascophobia – fear of growing old or aging
  • Gerontophobia – fear of growing old, or a hatred or fear of the elderly
  • Glossophobia – fear of speaking in public or of trying to speak
  • Gurgephobia - fear of the abyss, particular the ocean floor or outer space
  • Gymnophobia – fear of nudity
  • Gynophobia – fear of women
  • Halitophobia - fear of bad breath
  • Haptephobia – fear of being touched
  • Heliophobia – fear of sunlight
  • Hemophobia, Haemophobia – fear of blood
  • Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia – fear of the number 666
  • Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia - fear of long words
  • Hoplophobia – fear of weapons, specifically firearms (Generally a political term but the clinical phobia is also documented)
  • Hyalophobia - fear of glass
  • Hydrophobia - fear of water, frequently noted as a common symptom of rabies
  • Hylophobia - fear of trees, forests or wood
  • Lachanophobia - fear of vegetables
  • Ligyrophobia – fear of loud noises
  • Lipophobia – fear/avoidance of fats in food
  • Medication phobia – fear of medications
  • Megalaphobia - fear of large objects
  • Mysophobia – fear of germs, contamination or dirt
  • Necrophobia – fear of death and/or the dead
  • Negrophobia - fear of black people
  • Neophobia, Cainophobia, Cainotophobia, Cenophobia, Centophobia, Kainolophobia, Kainophobia – fear of newness, novelty
  • Nomophobia – fear of being out of mobile phone contact
  • Nosophobia – fear of contracting a disease
  • Novercaphobia - fear of one's stepmother
  • Nosocomephobia – fear of hospitals
  • Nyctophobia, Achluophobia, Lygophobia, Scotophobia – fear of darkness
  • Oikophobia – fear of home surroundings and household appliances
  • Ommetophobia - fear of eyes
  • Omphalophobia - fear of bellybuttons
  • Ophidiophobia - fear of snakes
  • Orinthophobia - fear of birds
  • Osmophobia, Olfactophobia – fear of smells
  • Ovophobia - fear of eggs
  • Ordacleaphobia fear of imperfection
  • '''Oxygenophobia''' fear of oxygen
  • Panphobia – fear of everything or constant fear of an unknown cause
  • Pedophobia - fear of pedophiles
  • Piccophobia - Fear of the colours green and purple
  • Phagophobia – fear of swallowing
  • Pharmacophobia – same as medication phobia
  • Philophobia - fear of love
  • Phobophobia – fear of having a phobia
  • Phonophobia – fear of loud sounds
  • Photophobia - the fear of light
  • Pogonophobia - fear of beards
  • Poinephobia - fear of punishment
  • Porphyrophobia - fear of the color purple
  • Postphobia - fear of Postmannen
  • Pyrophobia – fear of fire
  • Radiophobia – fear of radioactivity or X-rays
  • Sichuaphobia - fear of Chinese food
  • Siderodromophobia - fear of traveling by train
  • Sociophobia – fear of people or social situations
  • Scolionophobia - fear of school
  • Scopophobia – fear of being looked at or stared at
  • Somniphobia – fear of sleep
  • Spasmenagaliaphobia (neologism; no official name) - fear of broken glass[3]
  • Spectrophobia – fear of ghost and phantoms
  • Taphophobia – fear of the grave, or fear of being placed in a grave while still alive
  • Technophobia – fear of technology (see also Luddite)
  • Telephone phobia – fear or reluctance of making or taking phone calls
  • Tetraphobia – fear of the number 4
  • Thanatophobia – fear of death
  • Tokophobia – fear of childbirth or pregnancy
  • Traumatophobia – a synonym for injury phobia: fear of having an injury
  • Trichophobia - a morbid disgust caused by the sight of loose hairs
  • Triskaidekaphobia, Terdekaphobia – fear of the number 13
  • Trypanophobia, Belonephobia, Enetophobia – fear of needles or injections
  • Turophobia - fear of cheese
  • Workplace phobia – fear of the workplace
  • Xenophobia – fear of strangers, foreigners, or aliens
  • Xylophobia, Hylophobia, Ylophobia - fear of trees, forests or wood

Animal phobias

Non-psychological conditions

  • Aquaphobia – fear of water
  • Photophobia – hypersensitivity to light causing aversion to light
  • Phonophobia – hypersensitivity to sound causing aversion to sounds.
  • Osmophobia – hypersensitivity to smells causing aversion to odors.

Biology, chemistry

Biologists use a number of -phobia/-phobic terms to describe predispositions by plants and animals against certain conditions. For antonyms, see here.

Prejudices and discrimination

The suffix -phobia is used to coin terms that denote a particular anti-ethnic or anti-demographic sentiment, such as Americanophobia, Europhobia, Francophobia, Hispanophobia, and Indophobia. Often a synonym with the prefix "anti-" already exists (e.g., Polonophobia vs. anti-Polonism). Anti-religious sentiments are expressed in terms such as Christianophobia and Islamophobia. Sometimes the terms themselves could even be considered racist, as with "Negrophobia."

Other prejudices include:

Jocular and fictional phobias

  • Aibohphobia – a joke term for the fear of palindromes, which is a palindrome itself. The term is a piece of computer humor entered into the 1981 The Devil's DP Dictionary[5]
  • Anachrophobia – fear of temporal displacement, from a Doctor Who novel by Jonathan Morris.[6]
  • Anatidaephobia - the fictional fear that somewhere, somehow, a duck is watching you. From Gary Larson's The Far Side.
  • Anoraknophobia – a portmanteau of "anorak" and "arachnophobia". Used in the Wallace and Gromit comic book Anoraknophobia. Also the title of an album by Marillion.
  • Arachibutyrophobia – fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth. The word is used by Charles M. Schulz in a 1982 installment of his "Peanuts" comic strip[7] and by Peter O'Donnell in his 1985 Modesty Blaise adventure novel Dead Man's Handle.[8]
  • Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia – fear of long words.[9] Hippopoto- "big" due to its allusion to the Greek-derived word hippopotamus (though this is derived as hippo- "horse" compounded with potam-os "river", so originally meaning "river horse"; according to the Oxford English, "hippopotamine" has been construed as large since 1847, so this coinage is reasonable); -monstr- is from Latin words meaning "monstrous", -o- is a noun-compounding vowel; -sesquipedali- comes from "sesquipedalian" meaning a long word (literally "a foot and a half long" in Latin), -o- is a noun-compounding vowel, and -phobia means "fear". Note: This was mentioned on the first episode of Brainiac Series Five as one of Tickle's Teasers.
  • Keanuphobia - fear of Keanu Reeves, portrayed in the Dean Koontz book, False Memory, where a woman has an irrational fear of Keanu Reeves and has to see her psychiatrist, Mark Ahriman, each week. He calls her the "Keanuphobe" in his head.
  • Luposlipaphobia - fear of being pursued by timber wolves around a kitchen table while wearing socks on a newly waxed floor, also from Gary Larson's The Far Side.
  • Nihilophobia - fear of nothingness (comes from the combination of the Latin word nihil which means nothing, none, and the suffix -phobia), as described by the Doctor in the Star Trek: Voyager episode Night. Voyager's morale officer and chef Neelix suffers from this condition, having panic attacks while the ship was traversing a dark expanse of space known as the Void. It is also the title of a 2008 album by Neuronium. Also, the animated version of George of the Jungle (2007 TV series) is seen suffering in one episode of the cartoon, where they are telling scary stories.
  • Venustraphobia – fear of beautiful women, according to a 1998 humorous article published by BBC News.[1] The word is a portmanteau of "Venus trap" and "phobia". Venustraphobia is the title of a 2006 album by Casbah Club.
  • Monkeyphobia - fear of monkeys, as named by Lord Monkey Fist in the animated series Kim Possible. Due to spending a summer in a cabin with a crazy chimp mascot, Ron Stoppable has a fear of monkeys, which he gets over several times, usually during battles with Monkey Fist, who is essentially Ron's arch-nemesis.
  • Semaphobia - fear of average Web developers to use Semantic Web technologies. [10]
  • Tickcapucapitiphobia - fear of having a tick head stuck in your body. Half rational, since tick heads do carry diseases.



  1. ^ a b The A- Z of Fear, an October 30, 1998 BBC News unsigned article in the "Entertainment" section
  2. ^ Content Spammers Help You Overcome Prostitute Phobia
  3. ^ M.T. Haslam (1964). The treatment of an obsessional patient by reciprocal inhibition. 2. pp. 213-216. doi:10.1016/0005-7967(64)90018-X. Retrieved 28 September 2011. 
  4. ^ The encyclopedia of phobias, fears, and anxieties. 2001.^+The+encyclopedia+of+phobias,+fears,+and+anxieties&hl=en&src=bmrr&ei=rEd2TsaOD4KriAeb2-2jDQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&sqi=2&ved=0CCwQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=ombrophobia&f=false. 
  5. ^ The Computer Contradictionary by Stan Kelly-Bootle, "Aibohphobia", p. 7
  6. ^ {{cite news|url= hate to burst Poway Unified's balloon|date=2006-06-10|work=The San Diego Union-Tribune}}
  7. ^[dead link]
  8. ^ The word appears in Chapter 10 when Modesty Blaise and her companion Willie Garvin play a word game in which Garvin challenges Blaise to decipher the meaning of words
  9. ^ Ben Farmer (10 January 2008). "Phobia catalogue reveals bizarre list of fears". "A catalogue of unusual phobias reveals that the fear of long words is known as hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia." 
  10. ^ A Semantic Description Language for RESTful Data Services to Combat Semaphobia, M. Lanthaler and C. Gütl in Proceedings of the 2011 5th IEEE International Conference on Digital Ecosystems and Technologies (DEST), 2011, pp. 47-53.
  • Chris Aldrich (2002-12-02). The Aldrich Dictionary of Phobias and Other Word Families. Trafford Publishing. ISBN 1-55369-886-X. 
  • [1]

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