

Nosocomephobia is defined as the excessive fear of hospitals.[1][2][3] Marc Siegel a doctor and associate professor at the New York University Medical Center says, "It's perfectly understandable why many people feel the way they do about a hospital stay," and continues, "You have control of your life ... up until you're admitted to a hospital."[4] U.S. President Richard Nixon was known to have a fear of hospitals after refusing to get a treatment for a blood clot in 1974 saying, "if I go into the hospital, I'll never come out alive.".[5][6]


Nosocomephobia comes from the Greek language, nosokemeion- meaning hospital and phobos being irrational fear.[7]


  1. ^ Semple, David; Roger Smyth, Jonathan Burns, Rajan Darjee, Andrew McIntosh (2005). Oxford handbook of psychiatry. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780198527831. 
  2. ^ Glenn, Harrold. "The Ultimate Self-Hypnosis Cure for the Phobia of Hospitals (Nosocomephobia)". Diviniti Publishing Ltd.. Retrieved 29 November 2009. 
  3. ^ "Nosocomephobia". The Personal Genome. Retrieved 29 November 2009. 
  4. ^ Kirchheimer, Sid. "How to Survive a Stay in the Hospital". Web MD ( Retrieved 29 November 2009. 
  5. ^ "Nixon Rejecting Care in Hospital". UPI (Spokane Daily Chronicle). September 16, 1974.,241547&dq=fear+of+hospital&hl=en. Retrieved 28 November 2009. [dead link]
  6. ^ "Doctor Tells Nixon's Fear of Hospital". Associated Press (AP) (Toledo Blade). September 15, 1974.,441196&dq=fear+of+hospital&hl=en. Retrieved 28 November 2009. [dead link]
  7. ^ Thomas, Charles (2001). The words of medicine: sources, meanings, and delights. University of Michigan: Charles C. Thomas. ISBN 0398071322.