

Lipophobia refers to avoidance of fats in food. [ Fischler, C. "From lipophilia to lipophobia. Changing attitudes and behaviors towards fat: a socio-historical approach", in: "Dietary fats determinants of preference, selection, and consumption" / edited by DJ Mela. London : New York : Elsevier Applied Science, c1992. p. 103-115. ] [ Askegaard, S. Ostberg, J. "Consumers' Experience of Lipophobia: A Swedish Study", "Advances in Consume Research", 2003, vol. 30, p. 161] [Askegaard, Søren, Holt, Douglas B. Jensen, Anne F. "Lipophobia: A Transatlantic Concept?" "Advances in Consume Research", 1999, vol. 26, issue 1 p. 331-336. ]

In the United States the onset of the "national eating disorder" of lipophobia dates to 1977 when the nutritional guidelines titled "Dietary Goals for the United States" were announced and the red meat scare started. [Michael Polan, "Our National Eating Disorder", "New York Times Magazine", October 17, 2004]


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