ombrophobia — Morbid fear of rain. [G. ombros, rainstorm, + phobos, fear] … Medical dictionary
ombrophobia — fear of rain Phobias … Phrontistery dictionary
ombrophobia — A fear of rain … Grandiloquent dictionary
Ombrophobia — An intense fear of rain … The writer's dictionary of science fiction, fantasy, horror and mythology
омброфобия — (ombrophobia; греч. ombros дождь + фобия) навязчивый страх боязнь попасть под дождь … Большой медицинский словарь
Омброфоби́я — (ombrophobia; греч. ombros дождь Фобия) навязчивый страх боязнь попасть под дождь … Медицинская энциклопедия
List of phobias — This article is about the suffix phobia. For the class of psychological disorders, see Phobia. Contents 1 Psychological conditions 1.1 Animal phobias … Wikipedia
List of diseases (O) — A list of diseases in the English wikipedia.O Ob* O Doherty syndrome * O Donnell Pappas syndrome * Obesity * Obesophobia * Obsessive compulsive disorder * Obstructive asymmetric septal hypertrophy * Obstructive sleep apneaOcOcc Och* Occipital… … Wikipedia
Phobia — An unreasonable sort of fear that can cause avoidance and panic. Phobias are a relatively common type of anxiety disorder. For example, extreme fear of spiders is called arachnophobia, and fear of being outside is known as agoraphobia. Phobias… … Medical dictionary
Phobias — This is a list that has been stewing on my hard drive for several years, defining 136 phobias, irrational or pathological fears of various things. The reason I ve resisted is that someone else has done a far more thorough job than I could ever do … Phrontistery dictionary