

Oshō is the Japanese reading of the Chinese he shang (和尚), meaning a high-ranking Buddhist monk or highly virtuous Buddhist monk. It is also a respectful designation for Buddhist monks in general and may be used with the suffix -san. According to the Kōjien Japanese dictionary and the Kanjigen dictionary of Chinese character source meanings, it is originally derived from the Sanskrit upadhyaya, meaning "master" in the sense of "teacher".[1][2]

According to the Kōjien, the two characters making up the word are actually pronounced oshō only in the Zen and Pure Land sects. For example, they are read kashō in the Tendai sect and wajō in the Shingon sect.[2]


  1. ^ Tōdō Akiyasu Ed., "Kanjigen," Revised Fourth Edition. Tokyo: Gakushu Kenkyusha, 2007.
  2. ^ a b Shinmura Izuru Ed., "Kōjien," Fifth Edition. Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 1998.

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