
Author(s) Garry Trudeau
Current status / schedule Daily
Launch date October 26, 1970
Syndicate(s) Universal Press Syndicate
Genre(s) Humor, Politics, Satire
Preceded by Bull Tales

Doonesbury is a comic strip by American cartoonist Garry Trudeau, that chronicles the adventures and lives of an array of characters of various ages, professions, and backgrounds, from the President of the United States to the title character, Michael Doonesbury, who has progressed from a college student to a youthful senior citizen in the 40+ years of the strip's daily existence.

Frequently political in nature, Doonesbury features characters representing a range of affiliations, but the cartoon is noted for a liberal bias. The name "Doonesbury" is a combination of the word doone (prep school slang for "someone who is out to lunch") and the surname of Charles Pillsbury, Trudeau's roommate at Yale University.[1]

Doonesbury is written and pencilled by Garry Trudeau, then inked and lettered by his assistant Don Carlton.[2]



The first Doonesbury cartoon, from October 26, 1970.

Doonesbury began as a continuation of Bull Tales, which appeared in the Yale University student newspaper, the Yale Daily News, beginning September 1968. It focused on local campus events at Yale. The executive editor of the paper in the late 1960s, Reed Hundt, who later served as chair of the FCC, noted that the Daily News had a flexible policy about publishing cartoons:We publish[ed] pretty much anything.”

As Doonesbury, the strip debuted as a daily strip in about two dozen newspapers on October 26, 1970the first strip from Universal Press Syndicate. A Sunday strip began on March 21, 1971. Many of the early strips were reprints of the Bull Tales cartoons, with some changes to the drawings and plots. BDs helmet changed from having aY” (for Yale) to a star (for the fictional Walden College). Mike and BD started Doonesbury as roommates; they were not roommates in the Bull Tales.

Doonesbury became well known for its social and political commentary, always timely, and peppered with wry and ironic humor. It is currently syndicated in approximately 1,400 newspapers worldwide.

Like Lil Abner and Pogo before it, Doonesbury blurred the distinction between editorial cartoon and the funny pages. In May 1975, the strip won Trudeau a Pulitzer Prize for Editorial Cartooning, the first strip cartoon to be so honored. That month, Holt, Rinehart, & Winston, the publishers of collections of Doonesbury until the mid-1980s, took out an ad in the New York Times Book Review, marking the occasion by saying: Its nice for Trudeau and Doonesbury to be so honored, “but its quite another thing when the Establishment clutches all of Walden Commune to its bosom.” That same year, then-U.S. President Gerald Ford acknowledged the stature of the comic strip, telling the Radio and Television CorrespondentsAssociation at their annual dinner, “There are only three major vehicles to keep us informed as to what is going on in Washington: the electronic media, the print media, and Doonesbury, not necessarily in that order.”[3]

A panel from the famous DoonesburyStonewallstrip, referring to the Watergate scandal, from August 12, 1974; awarded the Pulitzer Prize.

In 1977, Trudeau wrote a script for a 26-minute animated special. A Doonesbury Special was produced and directed by Trudeau, along with John Hubley (who died during the storyboarding stage)[4] and Faith Hubley. The Special was first broadcast by NBC on November 27, 1977. It won a Special Jury Award at the Cannes International Film Festival for best short film, and received an Academy Award nomination (for best animated short film), both in 1978.[4] Voice actors for the special included Barbara Harris, William Sloane Coffin, Jr., Jack Gilford and Will Jordan. Also included were two songssungby the character Jimmy Thudpucker (actually actor/singer/songwriter/producer James Allen "Jimmy" Brewer), entitledStop in the MiddleandI Do Believe,” also part of the "Special." While the compositions and performances were credited toJimmy Thudpucker,” they were in fact co-written and sung by Brewer, who also co-wrote and provided the vocals for "Ginny's Song," a 1976 single on the Warner Bros. Label, and Jimmy Thudpucker's Greatest Hits, an LP released by Windsong Records, John Denver's subsidiary of RCA Records).

The strip underwent a significant change after Trudeau returned to it from a 22-month hiatus (from January 1983 to October 1984). Before the break in the strip, the characters were eternal college students, living in a commune together nearWalden College”, which was modelled after Trudeaus alma mater. During the break, Trudeau helped create a Broadway musical of the strip, showing the graduation of the main characters. The Broadway adaptation opened at the Biltmore Theatre on November 21, 1983, and played 104 performances. Elizabeth Swados composed the music for Trudeaus book and lyrics.

After the hiatus

The strip resumed some time after the events in the musical, with further changes having taken place after the end of the musicals plot. While Mike, Mark, Zonker, BD, and Boopsie were all now graduates, BD and Boopsie were living in Malibu, where BD was a third-string quarterback for the Los Angeles Rams, and Boopsie was making a living from walk-on and cameo roles. Mark was living in Washington, DC, working for National Public Radio. Michael and JJ had gotten married, and Mike had dropped out of business school to start work in an advertising agency in New York City. Zonker, still not ready for thereal world”, was living with Mike and JJ until he was accepted as a medical student at his Uncle DukesBaby Doc Collegein Haiti.

Prior to the hiatus, the strips characters had aged at the tectonically slow rate standard for comic strips. But when Trudeau returned to Doonesbury, the characters began to age in something close to real time, as in Gasoline Alley and For Better or for Worse. Since then, the main charactersages and career developments have tracked that of standard media portrayals of baby boomers, with jobs in advertising, law enforcement, and the dot-com boom. Current events are mirrored through the original characters, their offspring (thesecond generation”), and occasional new characters.

Garry Trudeau received the National Cartoonist Society Newspaper Comic Strip Award for 1994, and their Reuben Award for 1995 for his work on the strip.


With the exception of Walden College, Trudeau has frequently used real-life settings, based on real scenarios, but with fictional results. Due to deadlines, some real-world events have rendered some of Trudeaus comics unusable, such as a 1973 series featuring John Ehrlichman, a 1989 series set in Tiananmen Square in Beijing, China, a 1993 series involving Zoë Baird, and a 2005 series involving Harriet Miers. Trudeau has also displayed fluency in various forms of jargon, including those of real estate agents, flight attendants, computer scientists, journalists, presidential aides, and soldiers in Iraq.

Walden College

The unnamed college attended by the main characters was later given the nameWalden College,” revealed to be in Connecticut (the same state as Yale), and depicted as devolving into a third-rate institution under the weight of grade inflation, slipping academic standards, and the end of tenureissues that Trudeau has consistently revisited since the original characters graduated. Many of the second generation of Doonesbury characters are attending Walden, a venue Trudeau uses to advance his concerns about academic standards in America.

President King, the leader of Walden College, was originally intended as a parody of Kingman Brewster, President of Yale, but all that remains of that is a certain physical resemblance.

Use of real-life politicians as characters

Even though Doonesbury frequently features major real-life U.S. politicians, they are rarely depicted with their real faces. Originally, strips featuring the President of the United States would show an external view of the White House, with dialogue emerging from inside. During the Gerald Ford administration, characters would be shown speaking to Ford at press conferences, and fictional dialogue supposedly spoken by Ford would be written as comingoff-panel.” Similarly, while having several characters as students in a class taught by Henry Kissinger, the dialogue made up for Kissinger would also come fromoff-panel” (although Kissinger had earlier appeared as a character with his face shown in a 1972 series of strips in which he met Mark Slackemeyer while the latter was on a trip to Washington). Sometimes hands, or in rare cases, the back of heads would also be seen.

More recently, personal symbols reflecting some aspect of their character have been used. For example, during the 1980s, character 'Ron Headrest' served as a doppelgänger for Ronald Reagan and was depicted as a computer-generated artificial-intelligence, an image based on the television character Max Headroom. Members of the Bush family have been depicted as invisible. During his term as Vice President, George H. W. Bush was first depicted as completely invisible, his words emanating from a littlevoice boxin the air. This was originally a reference to the mans perceived low profile and his denials of knowledge of the Iran-Contra Affair. (In one strip, published March 20, 1988, the vice president almost materialized, but only made it to an outline before reverting to invisibility.[5])

Later, George W. Bush was symbolized by a Stetson hat atop the same invisible point, because he was Governor of Texas prior to his presidency (Trudeau accused him of beingall hat and no cattle”, reiterating the characterization of Bush by columnist Molly Ivins). The point became a giant asterisk (a la Roger Maris) following the 2000 presidential elections and the controversy over vote-counting. Later, President Bushs hat was changed to a Roman military helmet (again, atop an asterisk) representing imperialism. Towards the end of his first term, the helmet became battered, with the gilt work starting to come off and with clumps of bristles missing from the top. By late 2008, the helmet had been dented almost beyond recognition. No symbol for Barack Obama has appeared in the strip; the May 30, 2009 strip showed Obama and an aide wondering what the reason for this might be.[6]

Other symbols include a waffle for the indecisive Bill Clinton (chosen by popular votethe other possibility had been aflipping coin”), an unexploded (but sometimes lit) bomb for the hot-tempered Newt Gingrich, a feather for thelightweightDan Quayle and a giant groping hand for Arnold Schwarzenegger (who is addressed by other characters asHerr Gröpenfuhrer,” a reference to accusations of sexual assault against Schwarzenegger). Many minor politicians have also been represented as icons over the years, like a swastika for David Duke, but only for the purposes of a gag strip or two. Trudeau has made his use of icons something of an in joke to readers, where the first appearance of a new one is often a punchline in itself.

The long career of the series and continual use of real-life political figures, analysts note, have led to some uncanny cases of the cartoon foreshadowing a national shift in the politicianspolitical fortunes. Tina Gianoulis in St. James Encyclopedia of Pop Culture observes:In 1971, well before the conservative Reagan years, a forward-looking BD called Ronald Reagan hishero.’ In 1984, almost ten years before Congressman Newt Gingrich became Speaker of the House, another character worried that he wouldwake up someday in a country run by Newt Gingrich.’ ”[7] In its 2003 seriesJohn Kerry: A Candidate in the Makingon the 2004 presidential race, the Boston Globe reprinted and discussed 1971 Doonesbury cartoons of the young Kerrys Vietnam War protest speeches.[8]


Doonesbury has a large group of recurring characters, with 24 currently listed at the strips website.[9] There, it notes thatreaders new to Doonesbury sometimes experience a temporary bout of character shock,” as the sheer number of charactersand the historical connections among themcan be overwhelming.

The main characters are a group who attended the fictional Walden College during the strips first 12 years, and moved into a commune together in April 1972. Most of the other characters first appeared as family members, friends, or other acquaintances. The originalWalden Communeresidents were Mike Doonesbury, Zonker Harris, Mark Slackmeyer, Nicole, Bernie, and DiDi. In September 1972, Joanie Caucus joined the comic, meeting Mike and Mark in Colorado and eventually moving into the commune. They were later joined by BD and his girlfriend (later wife) Boopsie, upon B.D.'s return from Vietnam. Nicole, DiDi, and Bernie were mostly phased out in subsequent years, and Zonker's Uncle Duke was introduced as the most prominent character outside the Walden group, and the main link to many secondary characters.

The Walden students graduated in 1983, after which the strip began to progress in something closer to real time. Their spouses and developing families became more important after this: Joanie's daughter J.J. Caucus married Mike and they had a daughter, Alex Doonesbury. They divorced, Mike remarried Kim Rosenthal, a Vietnamese refugee (who had appeared in the strip as a baby adopted by a Jewish family just after the fall of Saigon), and J.J. married Zeke Brenner, her former boyfriend and Uncle Duke's former groundskeeper. Joanie married Rick Redfern, and they had a son, Jeff. Uncle Duke and Roland Hedley have also appeared often, frequently in more topical settings unconnected to the main characters. In more recent years the second generation has taken prominence as they have grown to college age: Jeff Redfern, Alex Doonesbury, Zonker's nephew Zipper Harris, and Uncle Duke's son Earl.


Doonesbury delved into a number of political and social issues, causing controversies and breaking new ground on the comics pages. Among the milestones:

  • A November 1972 strip depicting Zonker telling a little boy in a sandbox a fairy tale ending in the protagonist being awardedhis weight in fine, uncut Turkish hashishraised an uproar.[10]
  • During the Watergate scandal, a strip showed Mark on the radio with aWatergate profileof John Mitchell, declaring himGuilty! Guilty, guilty, guilty!!” A number of newspapers removed the strip and one, The Washington Post, even ran an editorial criticizing the cartoon. Following Nixon's death in 1994, the strip was rerun with all the instances of the word "guilty" crossed out and replaced with "flawed", lampooning the media's apparent glossing-over of his image in the wake of his death.[11]
  • In June 1973, the military newspaper Stars and Stripes dropped Doonesbury for being too political.[12] The strip was quickly reinstated after hundreds of protests by military readers in the U.S. Army.
  • September 1973: The Lincoln Journal became the first newspaper to move Doonesbury to its editorial page.[13]
  • In February 1976, Andy Lippincott, a classmate of Joanies, told her that he was gay. Dozens of papers opted not to publish the storyline, with Miami Herald editor Larry Jinks saying, “We just decided we werent ready for homosexuality in a comic strip.”


  • In November 1976, when the storyline included the blossoming romance of Rick Redfern and Joanie Caucus, four days of strips were devoted to a transition from one apartment to another, ending with a view of the two together in bed, marking the first time any nationally run comic strip portrayed premarital sex in this fashion.[15] Again, the strip was removed from the comics pages of a number of newspapers, although some newspapers opted to simply repeat the opening frame of that day's strip.
  • In June 1978, a strip included a coupon listing various politicians and dollar amounts allegedly taken from Korean lobbyists, to be clipped and glued to a postcard to be sent to the Speaker of the House Tip O'Neill, resulting in an overflow of mail to the Speaker's office.[citation needed]
  • In August 1979, Trudeau took a three-week vacation from the strip, uncommon among comic strip writers and artists.
  • From January 1983 through September 1984, the strip was not published so that Trudeau could bring it to Broadway.
  • In June 1989, several dayscomics (which had already been drawn and written) had to be replaced with repeats, due to the humor of the strips being considered in bad taste in light of the violent crackdown on protesters in Tiananmen Square in Beijing. Trudeau himself asked for the recall.[16] despite an interview published with Universal Press Syndicate Editorial Director Lee Salem in the May 28, 1989 San Jose Mercury News, in which Salem stated his hopes the strips could still be used.
  • In November 1991, a series of strips appeared to give credibility to a real-life prison inmate who stated that former Vice-President Dan Quayle had connections with drug dealers; the strip sequence was dropped by some two dozen newspapers, in part because the allegations had been investigated and dispelled previously.[17] (Six years later, the reporter who broke the Quayle story some weeks after the Doonesbury cartoons later published a book saying he no longer believed the story had been true.[18])
  • In December 1992, Working Woman magazine named two characters (Joanie Caucus and Lacey Davenport) as role models for women.
  • In June 1994, the Roman Catholic Church took issue with a series of strips dealing with the book Same-Sex Unions in Premodern Europe by John Boswell. A few newspapers dropped single strips from the series, and the Bloomington, Illinois Pantagraph refused to run the entire series.
  • In March 1995, John McCain denounced Trudeau on the floor of the Senate:Suffice it to say that I hold Trudeau in utter contempt.” This was in response to a strip about Bob Doles strategy of exploiting his war record in his presidential campaign. The quotation was used on the cover of Trudeaus book Doonesbury Nation. (McCain and Trudeau later made peace: McCain wrote the foreword to The Long Road Home, Trudeaus collection of comic strips dealing with BDs leg amputation during the second Iraq war.)
  • Later in 1995 Mark Slackmeyer, a gay character from the strip, was seen in the final days of Berkeley Breatheds comic Outland heading off with a main character from that series, Steve Dallas, to the great amusement of many readers of both strips given the one-time "tensions" between their respective authors.
  • In February 1998, a strip dealing with Bill Clintons sex scandal was removed from the comics pages of a number of newspapers because it included the phrasesoral sexandsemen-streaked dress.”
  • In November 2000, a strip was not run in some newspapers when Duke says of then-presidential candidate George W. Bush:Hes got a history of alcohol abuse and cocaine”.
  • In September 2001, a strip perpetuated the Internet hoax[20] that claimed George W. Bush had the lowest IQ of any president in the last 50 years, half that of Bill Clinton.[21] When caught repeating the hoax, Trudeau apologized "with a trademark barb - he said he deeply apologized for unsettling anyone who thought the president quite intelligent."[22]
  • In 2003 a cartoon that publicized the recent medical research suggesting a connection between masturbation and a reduced risk of prostate cancer, with one character alluding to the practice asself-dating”, was not run in many papers; pre-publication sources indicated that as many as half of the 700 papers to which it was syndicated were planning not to run the strip.[23]
  • February 2004: Trudeau used his strip to make the apparently genuine offer of USD$10,000 (to the USO in the winners name[24]) for anyone who can personally confirm that George W. Bush was actually present during a part of his service in the National Guard. Reuters and CNN reported by the end of that week that despite 1,300 responses, no credible evidence had been offered;[25] as of 2006, the offer remains unclaimed.[citation needed]
  • April 2004: On April 21, after nearly 34 years, readers finally saw BDs head without some sort of helmet. In the same strip, it was revealed that he had lost a leg in the Iraq War. Later that month, after awakening and discovering his situation, BD exclaimsSON OF A BITCH!!!The single strip was removed from many papersincluding the Boston Globe[26]although in others, such as Newsday, the offending word was replaced by a line. The Dallas Morning News ran the cartoon uncensored, with a footnote that the editor believed profanity was appropriate, given the subject matter. An image of BD with amputated leg also appeared on the cover of Rolling Stone that summer (issue 954).
  • May 2004: two Sunday strips were published containing only the names of soldiers killed in the War in Iraq. Further such lists were printed in May 2005, May/June 2006 and 2007.
  • On March 7, 2005, the series began a sequence memorializing the death by suicide of Hunter S. Thompson, the inspiration for the character of Duke. In the sequence, Dukes head explodes upon reading the news; no newspapers are known to have refused to print that days strip. Trudeau indicated in a news story that one reason for this willingness may have been that the character had a history of similar events:Ive been exploding Dukes head as far back as 1985,” he said.[27]
  • In June 2005, Trudeau came out with The Long Road Home, a book devoted to BDs recovery from his loss of a leg in Iraq. Although Trudeau opposed the Iraq War, the foreword was written by Sen. John McCain, a supporter of the war. McCain was impressed by Trudeau's desire to highlight the struggle of seriously wounded veterans, and his desire to assist them. Proceeds from the book, and its sequel The War Within benefit Fisher House, the generic name for homes where families of injured soldiers may stay near where their loved ones are recovering, also known asthe military equivalent of Ronald McDonald House.”[28]
  • July 2005: Several newspapers declined to run two strips in which George W. Bush refers to his adviser Karl Rove asTurd Blossom,” a nickname Bush has been reported to use for Rove.[29]
  • In September 2005 when The Guardian relaunched in a smaller format, Doonesbury was dropped due to space considerations. After a flood of protests, the strip was reinstated with an omnibus covering the issues missed and a full apology.[30]
  • The strips scheduled to run from October 31 to November 5, 2005 and a Sunday strip scheduled for November 13 about the nomination of Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court were withdrawn suddenly after her nomination was withdrawn. The strips have been posted on the official website,[31] and were replaced by re-runs by the syndicate.
  • Trudeau sought input from readers as to where Alex Doonesbury should attend college in a May 15, 2006 straw poll at Voters chose among MIT, Rensselaer, and Cornell. Students from Rensselaer and then MIT hacked the system, which was designed to limit each computer to one vote. In the end, voters logged 175,000 votes, with MIT grabbing 48% of the total. The Doonesbury Town Hall FAQ stated that given that the rules of the poll had not ruled out such methods, “the will, chutzpah, and bodacious craft of the voting public will be respected,” declaring that Alex will be attending MIT.
  • Before the 2008 presidential election, Trudeau sent out strips to run in the days after the election in which Barack Obama was portrayed as the winner. Trudeau explained that poll analysts saw an Obama victory as a near-certainty and "If he loses, there'll be such a national uproar that a blown call in a comic strip won't be much noticed."[32] Newspapers were also provided with old strips as an alternative.[32] In response, McCain spokesman Tucker Bounds said, "We hope the strip proves to be as predictive as it is consistently lame."[33]


Charles M. Schulz of Peanuts called Trudeau "unprofessional" for taking a long sabbatical.[34]

In 1975, the Editorial Cartoonists' Society passed a resolution condemning the Pulitzer Prize committee's decision to award Trudeau the Pulitzer Prize for Editorial Cartooning for Doonesbury. After confirming that the award could not be revoked, Trudeau supported the resolution.[35]

Some conservatives have intensely criticized Doonesbury. Several examples are cited in the Milestones section. The strip has also met criticism from its readers almost since it began syndicated publication. For example, when Lacey Davenports husband Dick, in the last moments before his death, calls on God, several conservative pundits called the strip blasphemous. The sequence of Dick Davenports final bird-watching and fatal heart attack was run in November 1986.[36]

Doonesbury has angered, irritated, or been rebuked by many of the political figures that have appeared or been referred to in the strip over the years. Outspoken critics have included members of every US Presidential administration since Richard Nixons. A 1984 series of strips showing then Vice President George H.W. Bush placing his manhood in a blind trustin parody of Bushs using that financial instrument to fend off concerns that his governmental decisions would be influenced by his investment holdingsbrought the politician to complain, “Doonesburys carrying water for the opposition. Trudeau is coming out of deep left field.”[37] There have also been other politicians who did not view the way that Doonesbury portrayed them very favorably, including former U.S. House Speaker Tip O'Neill and former/current California Governor Jerry Brown.

The strip has also met controversy over every military conflict it has dealt with, including Vietnam, Grenada, Panama and both Gulf Wars. When Doonesbury ran the names of soldiers who had died in Iraq since the 2003 invasion, conservative commentators accused Trudeau of using the American dead to make a profit for himself, and again demanded that the strip be removed from newspapers.

After many letter writing campaigns demanding the removal of the strip were unsuccessful, conservatives changed their tactics, and instead of writing to newspaper editors, they began writing to one of the printers who prints the color Sunday comics. In 2005, Continental Features gave in to their demands, and refused to continue printing the Sunday Doonesbury, causing it to disappear from the 38 Sunday papers that Continental Features printed. Of the 38, only one newspaper The Anniston Star in Anniston, Alabama, continued to carry the Sunday Doonesbury, though of necessity in black and white.

Some newspapers have dealt with the criticism by moving the strip from the comics page to the editorial page, because many people believe that a politically based comic strip like Doonesbury does not belong in a traditionally child-friendly comics section. The Lincoln Journal started the trend in 1973. In some papers (such as the Tulsa World) Doonesbury appears on the opinions page alongside Mallard Fillmore, a politically conservative comic strip.

On the weekend before the November 4, 2008 presidential election, Trudeau submitted a strip that was scheduled to be published on November 5. That the strip depicted soldiers celebrating a win by Barack Obama brought some criticism that led to Trudeau making a replacement strip available to subscribers who requested one.[38] When asked whether he created the original strip with complete confidence in an Obama victory, Trudeau replied: "'Nope, more like rational risk assessment. Nate Silver at is now giving McCain a 3.7% chance of winningpretty comfortable odds. . . . Here's the way I look at it: If Obama wins, I'm in the flow and commenting on a phenomenon. If he loses, it'll be a massive upset, and the goofy misprediction of a comic strip will be pretty much lost in the uproar. I figure I can survive a little egg on my face'."[39]

Awards and honors

  • In 1975, the strip won Trudeau a Pulitzer Prize for Editorial Cartooning, the first strip cartoon to be so honored. It was also a Nominated Finalist in 1990, 2004, and 2005.
  • Trudeau receivedCertificates of Achievementfrom the US Army 4th Battalion 67th Armor Regiment and the Ready First Brigade in 1991 for his comic strips dealing with the first Gulf War. The texts of these citations are quoted on the back of the comic strip collection Welcome to Club Scud!
  • Trudeau won the Reuben Award from the National Cartoonists Society in 1995.[40]
  • Trudeau was awarded the US Armys Commanders Award for Public Service in 2006 for his series of strips about BDs recovery following the loss of his leg in Iraq.[41]
  • In 2008, Trudeau received the Mental Health Research Advocacy Award from the Yale School of Medicine for his depiction of the mental-health issues facing soldiers upon returning home from the Afghanistan and Iraq wars.[42]

Published collections


  1. ^ "DOONESBURY: Drawing and Quartering for Fun and Profit". Time. February 9, 1976.,9171,917981-6,00.html. Retrieved May 1, 2010. 
  2. ^ Tomorrow, Tom (Nov/Dec 2010). "Garry Trudeau, Artist". Yale Alumni Magazine. Retrieved 6 March 2011. 
  3. ^ Blair, Walter and Hamlin Hill (1980). Americas Humor: From Poor Richard to Doonesbury (First paperback edition ed.). Oxford University Press. p511. ISBN 978-0-19-502756-3. 
  4. ^ a b Solomon, Charles (1989), p. 251. Enchanted Drawings: The History of Animation. ISBN 978-0-394-54684-1. Alfred A. Knopf. Retrieved February 17, 2008.
  5. ^ Trudeau, Gary (1988-3-20). "Doonesbury Comic Strip, March 20, 1988". Retrieved 3 September 2011. 
  6. ^ Doonesbury Strip
  7. ^ Tina Gianoulis, Doonesbury, St. James Encyclopedia of Pop Culture, 2002
  8. ^ Michael Kranish, Part 3: With Antiwar Role, High Visibility, Boston Globe, June 17, 2003
  9. ^ The Cast, official list at
  10. ^ Jesse Walker, Doonesburied: The Decline of Garry Trudeauand of Baby Boom Liberalism, Reason Online, July 2002
  11. ^ "The Biggest Events in Comics History". Daryl Cagles Professional Cartoonists Index, MSNBC. Archived from the original on 2005-12-18. Retrieved 3 September 2011. 
  12. ^, Doonesbury's Timeline - June 4, 1973, June 4, 1973
  13. ^ Bode, Ken (2005-08-19). "‘DoonesburyBelongs on the Editorial Page, Declares Prof. Ken Bode". Indianapolis Star. Retrieved 3 September 2011. 
  14. ^ Glazer, Aaron (2000-03-16). "Doonesbury Delivers Satirical Satisfaction". The Johns Hopkins News-Letter. Archived from the original on 2003-07-20. Retrieved 3 September 2011. 
  15. ^ Glazer 2006
  16. ^Trudeau Recalls Doonesbury China Stripsp. 22 in The Comics Journal, no. 130 (July 1989).
  17. ^ Two Dozen Newspapers OmitDoonesburyQuayle Series, The New York Times, November 12, 1991
  18. ^ Anthony Marro, The Art of the Con (book review of Mark Singers Citizen K: The Deeply Weird American Journey of Brett Kimberlin), Columbia Journalism Review, March/April 1997
  19. ^ Astor, David; “Major Southern California Dailies DropDoonesbury,’ ” Editor & Publisher, November 13, 1993
  20. ^ "President Bush Has Lowest IQ of all Presidents of past 50 Years". 2004-07-15. Retrieved 2006-09-11. 
  21. ^ Doonesbury Daily Dose as retrieved via
  22. ^ Doonesbury Creator Falls for Hoax, September 7, 2001
  23. ^ Sheerly Avni, Doonesbury: Jerked Off the Funny Pages, Salon, September 5, 2003
  24. ^ Bush National Guard Offer[dead link] at
  25. ^ No Winner Yet inDoonesburyBush Search, Reuters/, February 27, 2004
  26. ^ Joseph P. Kahn, DoonesburyLanguage Gets Some Edits, Boston Globe, November 2, 2004
  27. ^ Exploding Head Pays Tribute to Hunter S. Thompson[dead link], March 10, 2005
  28. ^ Fisher House - Helping Military Families[dead link]
  29. ^ Papers PullDoonesburyOver Potty Put-Down[dead link], CBC, July 26, 2005
  30. ^ Katz, Ian (2005-10-14). "My Doonesbury hell". London: The guardian.,,1569255,00.html. 
  31. ^ "Doonesbury@Slate MiersStrips". Archived from the original on November 5, 2005. Retrieved November 19, 2005. 
  32. ^ a b[dead link]
  33. ^ Comic strip 'Doonesbury' predicts Obama win -
  34. ^ Soper, Kerry (October 1, 2008). Garry Trudeau: Doonesbury and the Aesthetics of Satire. University Press of Mississippi. 
  35. ^ "Doonesbury@30 - the 70s (5-5-75 entry)". Retrieved 2009-04-26. [dead link]
  36. ^ Doonesbury Comic Strip, November 06, 1986 on
  37. ^ Doonesbury still feisty after 35 years, Associated Press, November 17, 2005
  38. ^ Yvonne Villarreal, "Comic strip 'Doonesbury' predicts Obama winNewspapers split over whether to run the strip" Los Angeles Times, November 1, 2008.
  39. ^ "Obama Wins? Yes, 'Doonesbury' Calls the Election," Washington Post, October 31, 2008.
  40. ^ NCS Awards[dead link]
  41. ^ "U.S. Army Honors 'Doonesbury' Cartoonist". Editor & Publisher. 2006-01-27. Archived from the original on 2006-02-15. Retrieved 3 September 2011. 
  42. ^ "Doonesbury" Cartoonist Garry Trudeau to Receive Yale Award for Raising Awareness about War-Related Mental Health


  • Trudeau, Garry (1984). Doonesbury: A Musical Comedy. Holt, Rinehart and Winston. ISBN 978-0-517-05491-8. 
  • Trudeau, Garry, Doonesbury Flashbacks CD-ROM for Microsoft Windows. Published by Mindscape, 1995.
  • NCS Awards[dead link]

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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  • Doonesbury Icons — In the comic strip Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau, famous politicians are generally represented not as themselves, but as icons that represent some aspect of their personalities.IconsRonald Reagan: Reagan himself was never illustrated in the strip… …   Wikipedia

  • Doonesbury — Doones|bu|ry a humorous US ↑cartoon strip (=a set of drawings that tell a story in a newspaper or magazine) about politics and life in the US …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • List of published collections of Doonesbury — The first collections of Garry Trudeau’s comic strip Doonesbury were published in the early 1970s by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Annual collections of strips continue to the present day. Annual collections # Still a Few Bugs in the System , 1972… …   Wikipedia

  • List of Doonesbury characters — This is a list of characters in the comic strip Doonesbury, by Garry Trudeau. Trudeau has featured many recurring characters since the comic strip began in syndication in 1970. Most have interacted with each other at various times, and with only… …   Wikipedia

  • List of characters in Doonesbury — This is a list of characters in the comic strip Doonesbury , by Garry Trudeau. Trudeau has featured many recurring characters since the comic strip began in syndication in 1970. Most have interacted with each other at various times, and with only …   Wikipedia

  • Mike Doonesbury — Michael James Mike Doonesbury is the main character in Garry Trudeau s comic strip Doonesbury. He started out as a nerdish freshman from Tulsa at the fictional Walden College, and shared a dorm room with B.D. Currently he is married to Kim… …   Wikipedia

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