- List of cities in China
This article is about cities in the areas under the sovereignty of either of the two governments using "China" in their names, the People's Republic of China (commonly known as "China" or "mainland China") and the Republic of China (commonly known as "Taiwan"). For cities under the jurisdiction of the People's Republic of China by province, see List of cities in the People's Republic of China. For cities under the jurisdiction of the Republic of China listed alphabetically, see List of cities of the Republic of China.A region map of the People's Republic of China and the Republic of China. See List of regions of China
Urban Areas
Rank Simplified Traditional Hanyu Pinyin Official City Name Urban Population Image Jurisdiction Region 1 上海 上海 Shànghǎi Shanghai 23,019,148 (2010) PRC
East 2 北京 北京 Běijīng Beijing 19,612,368 (2010) PRC
North 3 香港 香港 Xiānggǎng Hong Kong 7,061,200 (2010) Hong Kong
South Central 6 天津 天津 Tiānjīn Tianjin 12,938,224 (2010) PRC
North 4 武汉 武漢 Wǔhàn Wuhan 9,785,392 (2010) PRC
South Central 7 广州 廣州 Guǎngzhōu Guangzhou 12,700,800 (2010) PRC
South Central 8 深圳 深圳 Shēnzhèn Shenzhen 10,357,938 (2010) PRC
South Central 9 沈阳 瀋陽 Shěnyáng Shenyang 8,106,171 (2010) PRC
Northeast 5 重庆 重慶 Chóngqìng Chongqing 28,846,170 (2010) PRC
Southwest 10 新北 新北 Xīnběi New Taipei 3,893,740 (2010) ROC
East 11 南京 南京 Nánjīng Nanjing 8,004,680 (2010) PRC
East 13 哈尔滨 哈爾濱 Hā'ěrbīn Harbin 10,635,971 (2010) PRC
Northeast 14 台北 臺北 Táiběi Taipei 6,900,273 (2010) ROC
East 15 西安 西安 Xī'ān Xi'an 8,467,837 (2010) PRC
Northwest 17 成都 成都 Chéngdū Chengdu 14,047,625 (2010) PRC
Southwest 18 长春 長春 Chángchūn Changchun 7,459,005 (2010) PRC
Northeast 20 杭州 杭州 Hángzhōu Hangzhou 8,700,400 (2010) PRC
East 21 济南 濟南 Jǐnán Jinan 6,814,000 (2010) PRC
East 19 大连 大連 Dàlián Dalian 6,170,000 (2009) PRC
Northeast 22 太原 太原 Tàiyuán Taiyuan 4,201,591 (2010) PRC
North 24 郑州 鄭州 Zhèngzhōu Zhengzhou 2,280,000 PRC
South Central 23 青岛 青島 Qīngdǎo Qingdao 2,160,000 PRC
East 23 厦门 廈門 Xiàmén Xiamen 1,896,000 PRC
East 55 泉州 泉州 Quánzhōu Quanzhou 948,000 PRC
East 25 石家庄 石家莊 Shíjiāzhuāng Shijiazhuang 2,280,000 PRC
North 26 昆明 昆明 Kūnmíng Kunming 2,971,000 PRC
Southwest 27 兰州 蘭州 Lánzhōu Lanzhou 2,072,000 PRC
Northwest 28 高雄 高雄 Gāoxióng Kaohsiung 1,526,420 ROC
East 30 长沙 長沙 Chángshā Changsha 2,187,000 PRC
South Central 31 南昌 南昌 Nánchāng Nanchang 2,229,000 PRC
East 32 乌鲁木齐 烏魯木齊 Wūlǔmùqí Ürümqi 1,757,000 PRC
Northwest 40 贵阳 貴陽 Guìyáng Guiyang 1,643,000 PRC
Southwest 40 绵阳 綿陽 Miányáng Mianyang 1,189,000 PRC
Southwest 40 南充 南充 Nánchōng Nanchong 1,913,000 PRC
Southwest 40 内江 内江 Nèijiāng Neijiang 1,406,000 PRC
Southwest 40 泸州 瀘州 Lúzhōu Luzhou 961,000 PRC
Southwest 33 鞍山 鞍山 Ānshān Anshan 1,474,000 PRC
Northeast 34 唐山 唐山 Tángshān Tangshan 1,279,226 PRC
North 34 安阳 安陽 Ānyáng Anyang 1,058,000 PRC
North 36 无锡 無錫 Wúxī Wuxi 2,359,000 PRC
East 37 吉林市 吉林市 Jílín Shì Jilin City 1,823,725 PRC
Northeast 38 抚顺 撫順 Fǔshùn Fushun 1,402,000 PRC
Northeast 12 福州 福州 Fúzhōu Fuzhou 1,860,000 PRC
East 39 苏州 蘇州 Sūzhōu Suzhou 2,063,000 PRC
East 41 包头 包頭 Bāotóu Baotou 1,442,000 PRC
North 43 徐州 徐州 Xúzhōu Xuzhou 1,400,000 PRC
East 44 合肥 合肥 Héféi Hefei 1,984,000 PRC
East 45 台中 臺中 Táizhōng Taichung 1,070,145 ROC
East 46 邯郸 邯鄲 Hándān Handan 951,000 PRC
North 47 洛阳 洛陽 Luòyáng Luoyang 1,265,000 PRC
South Central 47 南阳 南陽 Nányáng Nanyang 1,797,000 PRC
South Central 47 荆州 荆州 Jīngzhōu Jingzhou 1,104,000 PRC
South Central 16 南宁 南寧 Nánníng Nanning 2,272,000 PRC
South Central 35 大同 大同 Dàtóng Datong 1,492,000 PRC
North 48 汕头 汕頭 Shàntóu Shantou 1,110,000 PRC
South Central 49 烟台 煙臺 Yāntái Yantai 1,328,000 PRC
East 51 淮南 淮南 Huáinán Huainan 863,135 PRC
East 52 本溪 本溪 Běnxī Benxi 877,000 PRC
Northeast 53 常州 常州 Chángzhōu Changzhou 827,131 PRC
East 54 呼和浩特 呼和浩特 Hūhéhàotè Hohhot 1,144,000 PRC
North 55 柳州 柳州 Liǔzhōu Liuzhou 1,017,000 PRC
South Central 56 宁波 寧波 Níngbō Ningbo 1,594,000 PRC
East 58 商丘 商丘 Shāngqiū Shangqiu 7,362,472 (2010) PRC
South Central 59 台南 臺南 Táinán Tainan 769,892 ROC
East 61 淮安 淮安 Huái'ān Huai'an 725,381 PRC
East 64 潍坊 濰坊 Wéifāng Weifang 1,536,000 PRC
East 67 常德 常德 Chángdé Changde 1,284,000 PRC
South Central 67 衡阳 衡陽 Héngyáng Hengyang 904,000 PRC
South Central 67 益阳 益陽 Yìyáng Yiyang 1,296,000 PRC
South Central 68 西宁 西寧 Xīníng Xining 871,000 PRC
Northwest 68 银川 銀川 Yínchuān Yinchuan 861,000 PRC
Northwest 70 保定 保定 Bǎodìng Baoding 1,060,000 PRC
North 71 宜昌 宜昌 Yíchāng Yichang 634,568 PRC
South Central 72 襄樊 襄樊 Xiāngfán Xiangfan 633,173 PRC
South Central 72 佛山 佛山 Fóshān Foshan 1,739,000 PRC
South Central 澳门 澳門 Àomén Macau 542,400 Macau
South Central 73 新竹 新竹 Xīnzhú Hsinchu 408,466 ROC
East 74 桃园 桃園 Táoyuán Taoyuan 388,703 ROC
East 75 基隆 基隆 Jīlóng Keelung 388,703 ROC
East 76 嘉义 嘉義 Jiāyì Chiayi 274,127 ROC
East See also
- List of cities in the People's Republic of China by population
- List of cities in the People's Republic of China by GDP per capita
- List of cities in the Republic of China (Taiwan)
- List of Taiwanese counties and cities by population
External links
Categories:- Cities in China
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