Meter Point Administration Number

Meter Point Administration Number

A Meter Point Administration Number, also known as MPAN, Supply Number or S-Number, is a 21-digit reference used in Great Britain to uniquely identify electricity supply points such as individual domestic residences. The gas equivalent is the Meter Point Reference Number.[1] The system was introduced in 1998 in order to provide a competitive environment for the electricity companies, and allows consumers to switch their supplier easily as well as simplifying administration. Although the name suggests that an MPAN refers to a particular meter, an MPAN can have several meters associated with it,[2] or indeed none where it is an unmetered supply. A supply receiving power from the network operator (DNO) has an Import MPAN, while generation and microgeneration projects feeding back into the DNO network are given Export MPANs.[2]



An MPAN is commonly separated into two sections: the core and the supplementary data. The core is the final 13 digits and is the unique identifier. The supplementary data gives information about the characteristics of the supply[3] and is the responsibility of the supplier.

The full MPAN is required to be depicted on electricity bills (the boxes on the top and bottom line are generally unaligned):[4]

MPAN Format.jpg

The core data is on the second line, the supplementary data on the first.[3]

Profile Class (PC)

The first two digits of a full MPAN reflect its profile class.[5]

00 Half-hourly supply
01 Domestic Unrestricted
02 Domestic Economy 7
03 Non-Domestic Unrestricted
04 Non-Domestic Economy 7
05 Non-domestic, with MD recording capability and with LF less than or equal to 20%
06 Non-domestic, with MD recording capability and with LF less than or equal to 30% and greater than 20%
07 Non-domestic, with MD recording capability and with LF less than or equal to 40% and greater than 30%
08 Non-domestic, with MD recording capability and with LF greater than 40% (also all NHH export MSIDs)

Profile class 00 supplies are half-hourly (HH) metered, i.e. they record electricity consumption for every half hour of every day, and supplies of the other profile classes are non-half-hourly (NHH) metered. A NHH supply must be upgraded to HH for:[6]

Any Metering System where the average of the maximum monthly electrical demands in the three months of highest demand, either in:
a. the previous twelve months; or
b. the period since the most recent Significant Change of Demand (whichever is the shorter)

exceeds 100kW.

HH data is recorded by the meter and will be collected usually be either an onsite download, or via a GSM, SMS, GPRS or telephone line.[4]

Domestic NHH import MPANs will always have a profile class of 01 or 02. Domestic NHH export MPANs are allocated a profile class of 08.[5]

Meter Time Switch Class (MTC)

The MTC is a 3 digit code that reflects the various registers a meter may have, whether it be a Single Rate, Day Night split, or even a Seasonal Time of Day.[7][8]

MTC Ranges
001 - 399 DNO specific
400 - 499 Reserved
500 - 509 Codes for related Metering Systems - common across the Industry
510 - 799 Codes for related Metering Systems - DNO specific
800 - 999 Codes common across the Industry

Line Loss Factor Class (LLFC)

The Line Loss Factor class is used to calculate the related Distribution Use of System (DUoS) charges for the MPAN. The figure reflects both the amount of distribution infrastructure used to supply the exit point and the amount of energy lost through heating of cables, transformers, etc.[4]


The MPAN core is the final 13 digits of the MPAN, and uniquely identifies an exit point. It consists of the two-digit Distributor ID, followed by an eight-digit unique identifier, then by two digits and a single check digit.[3]

Distributor ID

Map of DNO licence areas

Great Britain is divided into 14 distribution areas. For each area a single company, the distribution network operator, has a licence to distribute electricity.[9] They effectively carry electricity from the National Grid to the exit point (each has a unique MPAN and a possibility of several meters) where the customers are. The owner of the distribution network charges electricity suppliers for carrying the electricity in their network. Their DNO licensed regions are the same geographic areas as the old nationalised electricity boards.[9]

ID Name Operator Phone Number Market Participant Id[10] GSP Group ID[11]
10 Eastern England UK Power Networks 0845 601 5467 EELC _A
11 East Midlands Western Power Distribution 0845 601 5972 EMEB _B
12 London UK Power Networks 0800 0280247 LOND _C
13 Merseyside and Northern Wales ScottishPower 0845 270 9107 MANW _D
14 West Midlands Western Power Distribution 0845 601 5972 MIDE _E
15 North Eastern England CE Electric UK 0845 330 0889 NEEB _F
16 North Western England Electricity North West 0870 751 0093 NORW _G
17 Northern Scotland SSE Power Distribution 0845 744 4555 HYDE _P
18 Southern Scotland ScottishPower 0845 270 9107 SPOW _N
19 South Eastern England UK Power Networks 0845 601 5467 SEEB _J
20 Southern England SSE Power Distribution 0845 744 4555 SOUT _H
21 Southern Wales Western Power Distribution 0845 601 5972 SWAE _K
22 South Western England Western Power Distribution 0845 601 5972 SWEB _L
23 Yorkshire CE Electric UK 0845 330 0889 YELG _M

In addition to the Distribution Network Operators noted above who are licensed for a specific geographic area there are also Independent Distribution Network Operators (IDNO). IDNOs own and operate electricity distribution networks which are mostly network extensions connected to the existing distribution network, e.g. to serve new housing developments. Scottish Hydro Electric Power Distribution also provide distribution services in South Scotland as an IDNO and Southern Electric Power Distribution provide IDNO services in all other England and Wales areas. There are five IDNOs with no "base" area and these are detailed in the table below:[12]

ID Name Licensee Market Participant Id[13]
24 Envoy Independent Power Networks IPNL
25 ESP Electricity ESP Electricity LENG
26 Energetics Global Utilities Connections (Electric) Ltd GUCL
27 GTC The Electricity Network Company Ltd ETCL
28 EDF IDNO UK Power Networks (IDNO) Ltd EDFI

Check Digit

The final digit in the MPAN is the check digit, and validates the previous 12 (the core) using a modulus 11 test. The check digit is calculated thus:

  1. Multiply the first digit by 3
  2. Multiply the second digit by the next prime number (5)
  3. Repeat this for each digit (missing 11 out on the list of prime numbers for the purposes of this algorithm.)
  4. Add up all these products.
  5. The check digit is the sum modulo 11 modulo 10.[3][14]

Sample MPAN numbers located in discussion, under 'Algorithm verification'

The algorithm in Java is:

int checkDigit(String toCheck) {
  int[] primes = {3, 5, 7, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43};
  int sum = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < primes.length; i++) {
    sum += Character.getNumericValue(toCheck.charAt(i)) * primes[i];
  return sum % 11 % 10;

In Pascal / Delphi:

function CheckDigit(MPANCore : array of Byte): Integer;
  Primes : array [0..11] of Byte = (3, 5, 7, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43);
  i : integer;
  Result := 0;
  for i := 0 to 11 do
    Result := Result + (MPANCore[i] * Primes[i]);
  Result := Result mod 11 mod 10;

In Ruby:

# where mpan is a string
def check_digit(mpan)
  primes = [3, 5, 7, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43]
  (0..11).inject(0) { |sum, n| sum + (mpan[n, 1].to_i * primes[n]) } % 11 % 10

In Visual Basic:

Public Function mpancheck(mpan As String) As Boolean
  ' Michael Diarmid (EDF)
  ' Updated 04/08/2010 MD
  ' Returns True / False if MPAN is valid
On Error GoTo inval
   Dim c As Variant, sum As Integer
   c = Array(0, 3, 5, 7, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43)
   For i = 1 To 12
           sum = sum + (Mid(mpan, i, 1) * c(i))
   Next i
   If Right(mpan, 1) = ((sum Mod 11) Mod 10) Then
           mpancheck = True
       mpancheck = False
   End If
End Function

As a formula in Excel:

'MPAN in Cell A1
0),"Correct","Invalid Mpan")

In Python:

def check_digit(mpan):
    return sum(prime * int(digit) for prime, digit 
    in zip([3, 5, 7, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43], mpan)) % 11 % 10


  res INTEGER := 0;
  TYPE prime_tab IS VARRAY(12) OF INTEGER;
  primes prime_tab := prime_tab (3, 5, 7, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43);
  FOR i IN 1..12 LOOP    
    res := res + TO_NUMBER( SUBSTR( mpan, i, 1) ) * primes (i);
  RETURN TO_CHAR(MOD(MOD(res , 11) , 10)) = SUBSTR(mpan,13,1);
END mpan_check;

In Javascript:

//Oliver Grimes
        function checkMPAN(mpan) {
            var primes = [3, 5, 7, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43];
            var sum = 0;
            var m = mpan.toString();
            if ((m.length - 1) == primes.length) {
                for (var i = 0; i < primes.length; i++) {
                    sum += parseInt(m.charAt(i)) * primes[i];
                return (((sum % 11 % 10) == m.charAt(12)) ? true : false);
            else {
                return false;

MPAN state

The supply identified by the MPAN can exist in one of three states: disconnected, de-energised, live.

  • Disconnected: The service cable has been removed and the MPAN will not be reused.
  • De-energised: The service cable is in place, but the fuse has been removed. The meter remains connected to the distribution network, but no electricity can be used.
  • Live: Both the service cable and the fuse are in place. The supply is fully operational.

These terms are by no means standardised. For example, a disconnected supply might be referred to as a 'dead' supply.

Export MPANs

The vast majority of MPANs are import MPANs, used where energy is being consumed. However, if a supply exports to the distribution network, then an export MPAN is issued. If a supply both imports and exports, then both an import MPAN and export MPAN are issued.


Formerly, export MPANs required a half-hourly compliant meter to be installed. Since 2003, it has been possible for microgeneration projects, with a capacity of 50 kVA or below and a non-half-hourly meter, to export back into the distribution network. The uptake was slow with the first microgeneration export MPAN being issued in June 2005. Some suppliers may not bother to register the export MPAN in MPAS as the revenue is so small.

Metered Supply Point

The Metered Supply Point (MSP) is the point at which the meter measuring a customer's consumption is located. It is thus also the point at which the Distribution Network Operator's supply cable terminates, and the customer's equipment begins. In order to firmly establish a supply's MSP, the MPAN needs to be associated with a meter serial number.

Although it is common for an MPAN to be associated with one meter serial number, in some cases there is a many-to-many relationship. For example, one meter could be associated with both an import and an export MPAN, or one MPAN could be measured by three separate meters.

Metering Code of Practice[15]

Code of Practice
Code Range Configuration
COP10 less than 72kW One HH whole current meter installed. Introduced for Feb 2009[16]
COP5 less than 1MW One HH meter installed
COP3 1MW to 10MW Two meters installed, main and check, both recording the same load. The main meter being used for billing.
COP2 10MW to 50MW Two meters installed as in COP3, but higher accuracy class meters.
COP1 > 50MW Very few sites in the UK at this level, generally power stations and connections with the National Grid.

Unmetered supplies[17]

It is possible for small predictable supplies to be Unmetered. Typical Unmetered Supplies are Street Lights, Traffic Signals, Signs & Bollards. But can also include Telephone Kiosks, CCTV & Advertising Displays.

For a piece of equipment to be connected to the Distribution Networks via an Unmetered Connection it should not exceed 500watts and operate in a predictable nature and cannot be manually turned on at the end users request, typically the equipment would either be in operation and taking a supply of electricity 24hrs a day or be controlled by a Photocell. A Photocell is most commonly used with Street Lights and is the small dome unit which can be seen on the very top of the lighting column

It is the customer's responsibility to maintain an accurate and up-to-date inventory of Unmetered Supplies, and to inform the UMSO (UnMetered Supplies Operator) of all changes to the connected equipment.

Larger local authorities tend to trade their Unmetered energy on a Half Hourly basis. To do so, they employ a Meter Administrator[18] who will use daily data from a Pecu Array which is then used to calculate the energy consumptions.

A Pecu Array is a device what holds a representative account of the Photocells that Authority uses on their Street Lights or Traffic Signals they operate, there are many different types of Photocell (Electronic Photocell, Timeswitch & Thermal for example) that can be used. By trading energy as Unmetered Half Hourly the Authority will accurately pay for the energy consumed by their declared Unmetered Equipment, and because the data is downloaded daily the Authorities will see their energy invoices change throughout the year to represent the changes in season and daily lighting levels.

Once the daily calculations have been performed by the Meter Administrator the new revised energy consumption are sent to the appointed Data Collector who will in turn provided them to the appoint Electricity Supplier who invoices the Customer for the electricity used.

If however the Unmetered Supplies are being traded as Non Half Hourly the UMSO undertakes the responsibility to calculate an EAC (Estimated Annual Consumption), this is done using a simple formula which takes into account the Circuit Watts of the Equipment and the Annual Hours of Operations.

For example, a piece of equipment that is in use 24hrs per day will have annual hours of 8766. If we say a CCTV Camera is rated at 24 Circuit Watts and operating 24/7 the EAC would be 210.384kWh, the calculation is Circuit Watts x Annual Hours Divided by 1000 = Kilowatt Hours (kWh).

Example 24 x 8766 / 1000 = 210.384kWh, 1kWh is a Unit of Electricity.

If the equipment if Street Lighting the same process is used however the Annual Hours will change as each Photocell is assigned a set number of Annual Hours which indicate how and when the lights turn on & off. These Annual Hours have been set by Elexon and are not locally agreed with the UMSO by the customer.

Once an EAC calculation has taken place an EAC Certificate is provided to the customer's appointed Electricity Supplier for billing, with an electronic copy of the EAC being sent to the appointed Data Collector.

The UMSO does not make a charge to the Unmetered Customer which is why an appointed Supplier invoices for the electricity consumptions, however the DNO (for whom the UMSO is part of) do levy a charge to the electricity supplier for the delivery of the electricity to the customer's Unmetered equipment. These are known as DUoS charges (Distribution Use of System).

The electricity supplier pays a DUoS Charge based on the information held by the Data Collector for settlement purposes.

Meter Point Administration System

Each DNO operates a Meter Point Administration System (MPAS) which holds the following information for each MPAN:

MPRS is the name of the software package that implements the MPAS system for all DNOs.[19] Since MPRS is used by most DNOs it is often used interchangeably with the term MPAS.


ECOES is a website that allows authorised parties to search for supply details (past and present) using such things as the 13-digit MPAN bottom line number, the meter serial number or the postcode. The user can determine a wide range of data relating to the supply including the full address, meter details, the current energisation status and also the appointed parties (i.e. the supplier, distributor, MOP, DC and DA). The site is populated by MPAS.[20]

See also

External links


  1. ^ Energy Services Online Limited (2006). "Meters, Metering and Meter Numbers!". Retrieved 2007-02-22. 
  2. ^ a b Elexon. "Settlement of Microgeneration Export" (pdf). 
  3. ^ a b c d Elexon (December 2008). "What are Metering System Identifiers (MSIDs) and Metering Point Administration Numbers (MPANs)?" (pdf). Retrieved 2008-12-23. [dead link]
  4. ^ a b c Energy Linx (2007). "MPAN (Meter Point Administration Number)". Retrieved 2007-02-22. 
  5. ^ a b Elexon. "BSCP516" (pdf). Retrieved 2011-07-25. 
  6. ^ Elexon (August 2006). "Guidance Note for Change of Measurement Class and Change of Profile Class" (pdf). Retrieved 2010-04-26. 
  7. ^ MRASCo. [ "The Rough Guide To MTCs"]. Retrieved 2011-02-05. 
  8. ^ Elexon. "Meter Timeswitch Class table". Retrieved 2011-08-23. 
  9. ^ a b EnergyLinx (2007). "MPAN Request (Meter Point Administration Number Request". Retrieved 2007-02-22. 
  10. ^ Elexon. "Market Participant Role" (html). Retrieved 2009-12-20. 
  11. ^ Elexon. "GSP Group" (html). Retrieved 2010-06-22. 
  12. ^ Ofgem. ""Notice under section 11 of the Electricity Act 1989"" (PDF). Archived from the original on December 30, 2005. Retrieved 2007-02-22. 
  13. ^ Elexon. "Market Participant Role" (html). Retrieved 2009-12-20. 
  14. ^ Energy Retail Association. "Data Item Definition v1 final". p. 23. Retrieved 2010-08-21. 
  15. ^ See
  16. ^
  17. ^ See
  18. ^ Power Data Associates Ltd. "Meter Administrator". 
  19. ^ St. Clements Services Ltd. "Metering Point Registration System". Retrieved 2008-05-29. 
  20. ^ MRASCO. "Access to ECOES Data". Retrieved 2009-07-11. 

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