Date format by country

Date format by country

This page gives an overview of date formats by country.



All examples for 22 April 1996.

Basic components of a calendar date for the most common calendar systems:

  • Y – Year
  • M – Month
  • D – Day

Order of the basic components:

  • B – Big-endian (year, month, day), e.g. 1996-04-22
  • L – Little-endian (day, month, year), e.g. 22.04.96
  • M – Middle-endian (month, day, year), e.g. 04/22/96

Specific formats for the basic components

  • yyyy – Four-digit year, e.g. 1996
  • yy – Two-digit year, e.g. 96
  • mm – Two-digit month, e.g. 04
  • m – one-digit month for months below 10, e.g. 4
  • dd – two-digit day, e.g. 22
  • d – one-digit day for days below 10, e.g. 2

Separators of the components

  • "/" – Slash
  • "." – Dots or full stops
  • "-" – Hyphens or dashes
  • " " – Spaces


Colors for one endian form are one of the base colors of the CMYK color model: yellow = Big-endian; cyan = Little-endian; magenta = Middle-endian.
Abbr. B/L/M YMD/DMY/MDY Main regions and countries Approximate population in millions rounded to full 10
B YMD China (1340), Korea, Iran (80), Japan (130), Hungary, Lithuania. Due to ISO 8601 this is known in other countries too. 1500
L DMY India (1190), Latin America (370), Asia (Central, SE, West), most of Europe (ca. 800), North Africa, Australia (20) 3200
M MDY United States (310), Belize 310
B, L YMD, DMY Nepal, South Africa, Austria, Portugal, Sweden, Norway, Denmark 110
L, M DMY, MDY Philippines (90), Saudi Arabia (30) 120
B, L, M YMD, DMY, MDY Canada (30) 30


Country Endianess Details ISO 8601 References
Albania B dd/mm/yyyy [1][clarification needed]
Albania L [2][3] some use[1][clarification needed]
Algeria L [4] (dd/mm/yyyy) [5]
Argentina L [6][7]
Armenia L ([8][9]
Australia L [10][11][12] AS 3802:1997
Austria L (using dots (which denote ordinal numbering) as in “d.m.(yy)yy” or sometimes "d. month (yy)yy")[13][14] OENORM EN 28601
Azerbaijan L ([15]
Bahrain L [16]
Bangladesh L (century digits may be omitted, e.g., dd-mm-yy)[17]
Barbados L BNS 50:2000[18]
Basque Country B (when written in basque) [19]
Belarus L ([20][21]
Belgium L [22][23] NBN EN 28601
Belize M [24]
Bolivia L [25]
Bosnia and Herzegovina L
Brazil L (dd/mm/yyyy)[26][27]
Bulgaria L ([28][29]
Canada B yyyy-mm-dd (government all-numeric standard); all 3 main types are used in Canada, in French and in English [30][31][clarification needed]
Canada L (All 3 main types are used in Canada – in French and in English)[31] CSA Z234.5:1989[clarification needed]
Chile L [32]
China, People's Republic of B yyyy-mm-dd or yyyy年m月d日 (with no leading zeroes) GB/T 7408-2005 [33]
Colombia L [34]
Costa Rica L [35]
Croatia L (d. m. yyyy. or d. month yyyy.; yyyy-mm-dd also used widely)[36][37]
Cyprus L
Czech Republic L (d. m. yyyy or d. month yyyy)[38][39] CSN ISO 8601
Denmark L (The format dd-mm-(yy)yy is the traditional Danish date format.[40] The international format yyyy-mm-dd or yyyymmdd is also accepted. There are no preferences, although the traditional format is the most widely used. The formats d. 'monthname' yyyy and in handwriting d/m-yy or d/m yyyy are also acceptable.[41]) DS/ISO 8601:2005
Dominica L
Dominican Republic L [42]
Ecuador L [43]
Egypt L [44][45]
El Salvador L [46]
Estonia L (d.m.yyyy or d. month yyyy)[47][48]
Federated States of Micronesia M [49]
Finland L (d.m.yyyy or d. month yyyy)[50] SFS-EN 28601
France L (dd-mm-yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy)[51][52] NF EN 28601
Georgia L (
Germany B, L (The format d(d).m(m).(yy)yy (using dots (which denote ordinal numbering)) is the traditional German date format.[53] Since 1996-05-01, the international format yyyy-mm-dd has become the official standard date format, but the handwritten form d. 'monthname' yyyy is also accepted (see DIN 5008). , standardization applies only for a small part of official correspondence. While the international format is meanwhile in use, the majority of the population continue to use the ordinal format d(d).m(m).(yy)yy.)[citation needed] DIN ISO 8601, used in DIN 5008 [54]
Greece L [55][56] ELOT EN 28601
Greenland L ([57][58]
Grenada L
Guatemala L [59]
Guyana L
Hong Kong B yyyy年m月d日 (with no leading zeroes for Chinese) and dd/mm/yyyy for English) [60][61][clarification needed]
Hong Kong L (in English)[61] [clarification needed]
Honduras L [62]
Hungary B[63][64] and traditionally the number of the month is sometimes written in Roman numerals[65]) MSZ ISO 8601:2003
Iceland L ([66][67] IST EN 28601:1992
India L ( in Bengali; dd-mm-yyyy in Kannada, Gujarati, Hindi, Marathi, Punjabi, Tamil; d-m-yyyy in Telugu, no leading zeroes used)[68][69] IS 7900:2001
Indonesia L [70]
Iran B yyyy/mm/dd[71] in Persian Calendar system ("yy/m/d" is a common alternative), yyyy-mm-dd[72] in Gregorian Calendar system)
Iraq L (dd/mm/yyyy)[73]
Ireland L (dd-mm-yyyy). dd/mm/yyyy is also in common use[74][75] IS/EN 28601:1993
Israel L (dd/mm/yyyy)[76][77]
Italy L (dd/mm/yyyy)[78] UNI EN 28601
Jamaica L [79]
Japan B often in the form yyyy年mm月dd日;[80] sometimes Japanese era year is used, e.g. 平成18年12月30日.[81] JIS X 0301-2002
Jordan L [82][83]
Kazakhstan L ([84]
Kenya B (yy/mm/dd)[85] [clarification needed]
Kenya L (dd/mm/yyyy)[86] [clarification needed]
Korea B (yyyy년 mm월 dd일,, yyyy/mm/dd)[87]
Kuwait L [88]
Kyrgyzstan L ([89]
Latvia B [90] (But often is used[citation needed]) [clarification needed]
Latvia L ([90]; is also used[91]) [clarification needed]
Lebanon L [92]
Libya L [93]
Lithuania B (yyyy-mm-dd)[94] LST ISO 8601:1997
Luxembourg L (dd/mm/yyyy in French,[95] d.m.yyyy in German[96]) ITM-EN 28601
Macau B (same as Hong Kong)[97] [clarification needed]
Macau L (in Portuguese & English) [clarification needed]
Macedonia L ([98]
Malaysia L [99]
Malta L
Mexico L [100] NOM-008-SCFI-2002
Mongolia B ([101]
Montenegro L (d.m.yyyy)[102]
Morocco L [103]
Myanmar B, L B in Burmese but L in English
Nepal B [citation needed] (also see Nepal Sambat which is also in use)
Netherlands L (using hyphens as in “dd-mm-(yy) yy”, very often "d month (yy)yy")[104] NEN ISO 8601 & NEN EN 28601 & NEN 2772
New Zealand L [105]
Nicaragua L [106]
Norway L[107] [clarification needed]
Norway L (d.m.y; the fraction form d/m-y is common, but incorrect[108]) NS-ISO 8601[clarification needed]
Oman L [109]
Pakistan L [110][111] (dd/mm/(yy)yy)
Palau M
Panama L [112]
Paraguay L [113]
Peru L [114]
Philippines L (in Filipino) [clarification needed]
Philippines M [115] [clarification needed]
Poland L (,[116] often with dots as separators; more official is d <month in genitive> yyyy, or, less frequently, d <month in Roman numerals> yyyy)[117][118] PN-90/N-01204
Portugal L (dd/mm/yyyy)[119] NP EN 28601
Qatar L [120]
Romania L ([121][122] Also widely used: (d)d-Mmm(3 letters of month NAME with the notable exception of Nov for November)-yyyy and (d)d-XII-yyyy (Month number as a roman numeral with lines above AND below, slowly deprecating)
Russia L (;[123] more official is d <month in genitive> yyyy <г. (= g., short for goda, i.e. year in genitive)> ГОСТ ИСО 8601-2001
Saint Kitts and Nevis L
Saint Lucia L
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines L
Saudi Arabia L (dd/mm/yyyy in Islamic and Gregorian calendar systems,[124][125] except for major companies, which conventionally use the American mm/dd/yyyy format[citation needed])
Serbia L ([126][127][128][129]
Singapore B (Chinese representation: yyyy年m月d日, no leading zeroes)[130] [clarification needed]
Singapore L (English)[131] [clarification needed]
Slovakia L (d.m.yyyy)[132]
Slovenia B [133] [clarification needed]
Slovenia L (d.m.yyyy or d. mmmm yyyy)[134] [clarification needed]
South Africa B (yyyy/mm/dd;[135][136] "d/m/yy" is a common alternative[citation needed]) ARP 010:1989
Spain L (dd/mm/(yy)yy)[137] UNE EN 28601
Sri Lanka L
Sudan L
Suriname L
Sweden B, L National standard format is yyyy-mm-dd[138], casually many people use d/m yyyy or d/m -yy. SS-EN 28601
Switzerland L ([139][140] SN ISO 8601:2005-08
Syria L [141]
Taiwan, Republic of China B (yyyy-mm-dd or yyyy年m月d日 with no leading zeroes,[33] year might be represented using ROC era system: 民國95年12月30日.[142])
Tajikistan L ([143]
Thailand L (with Buddhist Era years instead of Common Era)[144] TIS 1111:2535 in 1992
Trinidad and Tobago L [145]
Tunisia L [146]
Turkey L [147][148]
Turkmenistan L ([149][150]
Ukraine L (;[151][152] some cases of dd/mm/yyyy[153])
United Arab Emirates L [154][155]
United Kingdom L [156] BS ISO 8601:2004
United States of America M (civilian vernacular: mm/dd/yy or mm/dd/yyyy;[157][158] other formats, including dd Month yyyy and yyyy-mm-dd, are common or prescribed—particularly in military, academic, scientific, computing, industrial, or governmental contexts. See Date and time notation in the United States.) ANSI INCITS 30-1997 (R2008) and NIST FIPS PUB 4-2
Uruguay L [159][160]
Uzbekistan L ( Cyrillic, dd/mm yyyy Latin)[161][162][162]
Venezuela L [163][164][165]
Vietnam L [166]
Yemen L [167][168]


  1. ^ a b "NLS information page – Albanian (Albania)". Microsoft. Retrieved 2008-10-21. [dead link]
  2. ^ (Albanian) Municipality of Tirana (Bashkia e Tiranës)
  3. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Albania" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. [dead link]
  4. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Algeria" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. [dead link]
  5. ^ "NLS information page – Arabic (Algeria)". Microsoft. Retrieved 2008-10-21. [dead link]
  6. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Argentina" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. [dead link]
  7. ^ "NLS information page – Spanish (Argentina)". Microsoft. Retrieved 2008-10-21. [dead link]
  8. ^ (Armenian) National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia
  9. ^ "NLS information page – Armenian (Armenia)". Microsoft. Retrieved 2008-10-21. [dead link]
  10. ^ Prime Minister of Australia: News Centre
  11. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Australia" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. [dead link]
  12. ^ "NLS information page – English (Australia)". Microsoft. Retrieved 2008-10-21. [dead link]
  13. ^ (German) Federal Chancellery of Austria (Bundeskanzleramt)
  14. ^ "NLS information page – German (Austria)". Microsoft. Retrieved 2008-10-21. [dead link]
  15. ^ "NLS information page – Azeri (Latin, Azerbaijan)". Microsoft. Retrieved 2008-10-21. [dead link], also NLS information page – Azeri (Cyrillic, Azerbaijan)
  16. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Bahrain" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. [dead link]
  17. ^ "NLS information page – Bengali (Bangladesh)". Microsoft. Retrieved 2008-10-21. [dead link]
  18. ^ null., null. (2000). "The International system of units (SI) and its practical application including the designation of times and dates". Metrication Board. Barbados National Standard Institute (BNSI). Retrieved October 16, 2011. 
  19. ^ [1]
  20. ^ (Belarusian) President of the Republic of Belarus (Прэзідэнта Рэспублікі Беларусь)
  21. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Belarus" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. [dead link]
  22. ^ Belgian Federal Government – Portal
  23. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Belgium (Dutch, English, French)". IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. 
  24. ^ "Government of Belize Press Office". Government of Belize. Archived from the original on August 3, 2008. Retrieved 2008-10-21. 
  25. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Bolivia" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. [dead link]
  26. ^ (Portuguese) Government of Brazil – Notícias (News)
  27. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Brazil" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. [dead link]
  28. ^ (Bulgarian) Parliament of Bulgaria
  29. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Bulgaria" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. [dead link]
  30. ^ "TBITS 36: All-Numeric Representation of Dates and Times – Implementation Criteria". Treasury Board of Canada. 18 December 1997 (ACIM Endorsement date). Retrieved 2011-11-20. 
  31. ^ a b "Cheque Specifications". Canadian Payments Association. Retrieved 2011-11-20. 
  32. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Chile" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. [dead link]
  33. ^ a b "Globalization Library – Locale Data: China (Simplified Chinese)" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. [dead link]
  34. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Colombia" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. [dead link]
  35. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Costa Rica" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. [dead link]
  36. ^ (Croatian) Government of the Republic of Croatia
  37. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Croatia" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. [dead link]
  38. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Czech Republic" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. [dead link]
  39. ^ Radio Praha (Radio Prague)
  40. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Denmark" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. [dead link]
  41. ^ The Danish language advisory committee
  42. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Dominican Republic" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. [dead link]
  43. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Ecuador" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. [dead link]
  44. ^ (Arabic) [Arab Republic of Egypt: Cabinet/Office of the Prime Minister]
  45. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Egypt" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. [dead link]
  46. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: El Salvador" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. [dead link]
  47. ^ (Estonian) Government of the Republic of Estonia
  48. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Estonia" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. [dead link]
  49. ^ "Welcome to the Federated States of Micronesia". Government of the Federated States of Micronesia. Retrieved 2008-10-21. 
  50. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Finland" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. [dead link]
  51. ^ (French) Government of France – Prime Minister
  52. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: France" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. [dead link]
  53. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Germany" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. [dead link]
  54. ^ "Datumsformat – Locale Data: Germany". Retrieved 2010-03-10. 
  55. ^ (Greek) Hellenic Parliament (Greece)
  56. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Greece" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. [dead link]
  57. ^ Oqaasileriffik/Greenlandic Language Secretariat
  58. ^ "NLS information page – Greenlandic (Greenland)". Microsoft. Retrieved 2009-02-08. [dead link]
  59. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Guatemala" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. [dead link]
  60. ^ "Globalization Library – Pacific Region (Hong Kong – Simplified and Traditional Chinese)". IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. 
  61. ^ a b "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Hong Kong (English)" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. [dead link]
  62. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Honduras" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. [dead link]
  63. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Hungary" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. [dead link]
  64. ^ "NLS information page – Hungarian (Hungary)". Microsoft. Retrieved 2009-02-03. [dead link]
  65. ^ A magyar helyesírás szabályai, 2005 (ISBN 963-218-980-9)[dead link]
  66. ^ (Icelandic) Government of Iceland (Stjórnarráðið))
  67. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Iceland" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. [dead link]
  68. ^ President of India
  69. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data (Pacific Region)". IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. 
  70. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Indonesia" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. [dead link]
  71. ^ (Persian) "بانک مرکزی ایران". The Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Retrieved 2009-04-30. 
  72. ^ "The Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran". Retrieved 2009-04-30. 
  73. ^ "NLS information page – Arabic (Iraq)". Microsoft. Retrieved 2008-10-21. [dead link]
  74. ^ Department of the Taoiseach
  75. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Ireland" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. [dead link]
  76. ^ (Hebrew) Israel Government Portal
  77. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Israel" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. [dead link]
  78. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Italy" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. [dead link]
  79. ^ "NLS information page – English (Jamaica)". Microsoft. Retrieved 2008-10-21. [dead link]
  80. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Japan" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. [dead link]
  81. ^ "Prime Minister of Japan and His Cabinet". Retrieved 2008-10-12. 
  82. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Jordan" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. 
  83. ^ "NLS information page – Arabic (Jordan)". Microsoft. Retrieved 2009-02-08. [dead link]
  84. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Kazakhstan" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. [dead link]
  85. ^ "Date Time Local". Retrieved 2009-08-31. [dead link]
  86. ^ [2]
  87. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Korea (Simplified Chinese)" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. [dead link]
  88. ^ {{Cite web| url= | format=pdf | accessdate=2008-10-12 | title=Globalization Library – Locale Data: Kuwait | publisher=IBM }[dead link]}
  89. ^ "NLS information page – Kyrgyz (Kyrgyzstan)". Microsoft. Retrieved 2009-02-08. [dead link]
  90. ^ a b "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Latvia" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. [dead link]
  91. ^ "NLS information page – Latvian (Latvia)". Microsoft. Retrieved 2009-02-08. [dead link]
  92. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Lebanon" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. [dead link]
  93. ^ "NLS information page – Arabic (Libya)". Microsoft. Retrieved 2008-10-29. [dead link]
  94. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Lithuania" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. [dead link]
  95. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Luxembourg (French)" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. [dead link]
  96. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Luxembourg (German)" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. [dead link]
  97. ^ (Chinese) "Government News". Macao SAR Government Portal. Retrieved 2008-10-13. 
  98. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Macedonia" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. [dead link]
  99. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Malaysia" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. [dead link]
  100. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Mexico" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. [dead link]
  101. ^ (Mongolian) "Монгол Улсын Ерөнхийлөгч". President of Mongolia. Retrieved 2008-10-12. 
  102. ^ "Vlada Crne Gore (Government of Montenegro)" (in Montenegrin). Retrieved 2009-02-08. 
  103. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Morocco" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. [dead link]
  104. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Netherlands" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. [dead link]
  105. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: New Zealand" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. [dead link]
  106. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Nicaragua" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. [dead link]
  107. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Norway" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. [dead link][dead link]
  108. ^ "Hvordan skal datoer skrives på norsk?". Retrieved 2011-03-14. 
  109. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Oman" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. [dead link]
  110. ^ "Ministry of Foreign Affairs". Government of Pakistan. Retrieved 2008-10-21. 
  111. ^ "NLS information page – Urdu (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)". Microsoft. Retrieved 2009-02-08. [dead link]
  112. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Panama" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. [dead link]
  113. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Paraguay" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. [dead link]
  114. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Peru" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. [dead link]
  115. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Philippines" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. [dead link]
  116. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Poland" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. [dead link]
  117. ^ (Polish) Kancelaria Prezesa Rady Ministrów (Republic of Poland – The Chancellery of the Prime Minister)
  118. ^ Zagórska Brooks, Maria (1975). Polish Reference Grammar. Walter de Gruyter. p. 35. ISBN 9027933138. 
  119. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Portugal" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. [dead link]
  120. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Qatar" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. [dead link]
  121. ^ (Romanian) Guvernul României (Government of Romania)
  122. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Romania" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. [dead link]
  123. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Russia" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. [dead link]
  124. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Saudi Arabia" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. 
  125. ^ "NLS information page – Arabic (Saudi Arabia)". Microsoft. Retrieved 2008-10-29. [dead link]
  126. ^ Serbian Wikipedia, bottom of the page
  127. ^ (Serbian) Влада Републике Србије (Serbian Government)
  128. ^ "NLS information page – Serbian (Cyrillic)". Microsoft. Retrieved 2008-11-16. [dead link]
  129. ^ "NLS information page – Serbian (Latin)". Microsoft. Retrieved 2008-11-16. [dead link]
  130. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Singapore (Simplified Chinese)" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. [dead link]
  131. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Singapore (English)" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. [dead link]
  132. ^ (Slovak) Úrad vlády Slovenskej republiky (Government Office of the Slovak Republic)
  133. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Slovenia" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. [dead link]
  134. ^ "NLS information page – Slovenian (Slovenia)". Microsoft. Retrieved 2008-10-29. [dead link]
  135. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: South Africa" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. 
  136. ^ "NLS information page – Afrikaans (South Africa)". Microsoft. Retrieved 2008-10-21. [dead link][dead link]
  137. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Spain" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12.  Catalan language locale for Spain also indicates dd/mm/yyyy for Common Date format.[dead link]
  138. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Sweden" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. [dead link]
  139. ^ Switzerland Federal Administration – Press releases and speeches format seen in all languages.
  140. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Switzerland (French, German, Italian)". IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. 
  141. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Syria" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. [dead link]
  142. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Taiwan (Simplified Chinese)" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. [dead link]
  143. ^ "NLS information page – Tajik (Cyrillic, Tajikistan)". Microsoft. Retrieved 2008-10-29. [dead link]
  144. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Thailand" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. [dead link]
  145. ^ "NLS information page – English (Trinidad and Tobago)". Microsoft. Retrieved 2008-10-29. [dead link]
  146. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Tunisia" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. [dead link]
  147. ^ (Turkish) Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Cumhurbaşkanlığı (Presidency of the Republic of Turkey)
  148. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Turkey" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. [dead link]
  149. ^ (Turkmen) Government of Turkmenistan
  150. ^ "NLS information page – Turkmen (Turkmenistan)". Microsoft. Retrieved 2009-02-08. [dead link]
  151. ^ (Ukrainian) Government of the Ukraine
  152. ^ "NLS information page – Ukrainian (Ukraine)". Microsoft. Retrieved 2009-02-08. [dead link]
  153. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Ukraine" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. [dead link]
  154. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: United Arab Emirates" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. 
  155. ^ "NLS information page – Arabic (U.A.E.)". Microsoft. Retrieved 2009-02-08. [dead link]
  156. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: United Kingdom" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. [dead link]
  157. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: United States" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. [dead link]
  158. ^ "NLS information page – English (United States)". Microsoft. Retrieved 2009-02-08. [dead link]
  159. ^ (Spanish) Government of Uruguay: Documentos de Interés (documents of interest)
  160. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Uruguay" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. [dead link]
  161. ^ (Uzbek) Government of Uzbekistan
  162. ^ a b "NLS information page – Uzbek (Cyrillic, Uzbekistan)". Microsoft. Retrieved 2008-10-29. [dead link]
  163. ^ (Spanish) Government of Venezuela: Noticias (News)
  164. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Venezuela" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. [dead link]
  165. ^ "NLS information page – Spanish (Venezuela)". Microsoft. Retrieved 2009-02-08. [dead link]
  166. ^ "NLS information page – Vietnamese (Vietnam)". Microsoft. Retrieved 2008-10-29. [dead link]
  167. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Yemen" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. [dead link]
  168. ^ "NLS information page – Arabic (Yemen)". Microsoft. Retrieved 2008-10-29. [dead link]

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  • Date and time representation by country — See also: Calendar date Different conventions exist around the world for date and time representation, both written and spoken. Contents 1 Differences 2 ISO 8601 3 Most common usage …   Wikipedia

  • Date and time notation — around the world varies. An approach to harmonise the different notations is the ISO 8601. (See also ISO 8601 usage) Since the Internet is a main enabler of communication between people with different date notation background, and software is… …   Wikipedia

  • Date and time notation in Australia — Date The written date format in Australia, as in the UK and New Zealand, is d/m/yyyy (e.g., 31/12/2006). This is the recommended short date format for government publications.[1] The first two digits of the year are often omitted in everyday use… …   Wikipedia

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  • Date and time notation in Colombia — Date In Colombia the standard dd/mm/yyyy is widely used, also roman numbers are commonly used to represent the month as in: 31/XII/2008 Also long date format is used, example: 31 de diciembre de 2008 (31 of December 2008) Time Colombia uses a 12… …   Wikipedia

  • Date and time notation in Poland — Date In Poland the first system for denoting abbreviated dates used roman numerals for months (e.g., 11 XI 1918 for Independence Day). The current year can be replaced by the abbreviation br. and the current month can similarly be replaced by the …   Wikipedia

  • Date and time notation in Belgium — Date According to the BIN standard (NBN Z 01 002), there are three ways to write a date in Belgium:[1] yyyy mm dd ( 2010 10 22 ) is common in an international environment. It is the basic form.[2] yyyymmdd ( 20101022 ) is the form of the date… …   Wikipedia

  • Date and time notation in Japan — Date The most commonly used date format in Japan is year month day (weekday) , with the Japanese characters meaning year , month and day inserted after the numerals. Example: 2008年12月31日 (水) for Wednesday the 31st of December 2008 . The weekday… …   Wikipedia

  • Date and time notation by country — Different style conventions and habits exist around the world for dates and times in writing and speaking. Examples:*The order that a year, month, and day are written. *How weeks are identified. *The 24 hour clock and/or the 12 hour clock. *The… …   Wikipedia

  • Date and time notation in Europe — See also: Date and time representation by country The European Committee for Standardization (CEN) adopted ISO 8601 with EN 28601. CEN member states are required to adopt the standard too. Except for Austria, Germany and Switzerland, see the… …   Wikipedia

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