
A young girl carrying the cross

A crucifer is, in some Christian churches (particularly the Roman Catholic Church, Anglican Communion, and Lutherans), a person appointed to carry the church's processional cross, a cross or crucifix with a long staff, during processions at the beginning and end of the service. However, while it is used in several different denomonations, the term is most common within Anglican churches.

The term "crucifer" comes from the Latin crux (cross) and ferre (to bear, carry). It thus literally means "cross-bearer". Before the Roman Catholic reforms of the Second Vatican Council, the function of the crucifer was carried out by a subdeacon.

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  • crucifer — [kro͞o′sə fər] n. [LL(Ec) < L crux, CROSS + ferre, to BEAR1; CRUCIFER sense 2 < arrangement of flower petals in the form of a cross] 1. a person who carries a cross, as in a church procession 2. Bot. any plant of the crucifer family adj …   English World dictionary

  • crucifer — cru ci*fer ( f?r), n. [See {Cruciferous}.] (Bot.) Any plant of the family {Crucifer[ae]}. [1913 Webster +PJC] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • CRUCIFER — apud Pandulfum in Aclis Gelasii II. qui Crucem ante Papam defert. Papae enim id ius vendicat Anastasius in Leone IV. quod curx ei ubique praeferatur: cum maiores Parriarchae ubique quidem, exceptâ tamen Urbe Româ, vel locô, ubi Ponificis Legatus… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • crucifer — CRUCIFÉR cruciferă (cruciferi, crucifere) Care are petalele şi sepalele dispuse în formă de cruce. /<fr. crucifere Trimis de siveco, 22.08.2004. Sursa: NODEX …   Dicționar Român

  • crucifer — noun Etymology: Late Latin, from Latin cruc , crux + fer Date: 1574 1. one who carries a cross especially at the head of an ecclesiastical procession 2. any of a family (Cruciferae syn. Brassicaceae) of plants including the cabbage, turnip, and… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • crucifer — /krooh seuh feuhr/, n. 1. a person who carries a cross, as in ecclesiastical processions. 2. Bot. a cruciferous plant. [1565 75; < LL, equiv. to L cruci (s. of crux) CROSS + fer FER] * * * …   Universalium

  • crucifer — noun a) (Roman Catholic church) a person who carries a cross in a religious procession Note: It is allowed to use Brassicaceae as an alternative and equivalent name for this family. b) a member of the family Cruciferae, the cabbage family,… …   Wiktionary

  • Crucifer —    From a Latin word meaning cross bearer, a name used to designate one who carries the cross in choir processionals …   American Church Dictionary and Cyclopedia

  • crucifer — [ kru:sɪfə] noun 1》 Botany a cruciferous plant. 2》 a person carrying a cross or crucifix in a procession. Origin C16: from Christian L., from L. crux, cruc cross …   English new terms dictionary

  • crucifer — cru·ci·fer …   English syllables

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