Pro multis

Pro multis

"Pro multis" is a Latin phrase that means "for many" or "for the many". Not having the definite article, Latin does not distinguish between these two meanings.

The phrase is part of the longer phrase "qui pro vobis et pro multis effundetur in remissionem peccatorum" (which will be shed for you and for (the) many for remission of sins) used, with reference to the blood of Christ, in the consecration of the wine in the Roman Rite Mass.

The phrase "shed for you" comes from . "For remission of sins" from , or "ὑπὲρ πολλῶν" in . "For all", it said, is not so much a "translation" as "an "explanation" of the sort that belongs properly to catechesis".

It then directed the Episcopal Conferences to make an effort, in line with the [ Instruction "Liturgiam authenticam",] to translate the words "pro multis" "more faithfully" and to prepare the faithful for the introduction, when the next translation of the Roman Missal has been approved by the Conferences and examined by the Holy See, of a "precise" vernacular translation of the phrase.


External links

* [ Circular Letter 467/05/L of 17 October 2006 from the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments on the translation of "pro multis"]
* [ "Pro multis": Can it mean "for all"?]
* [ Why "For All" in the Words of Consecration?]
* [ Max Zerwick: Pro Vobis et Pro Multis Effundetur]
* [ John F. McCarthy: The Sacramental Validity of "for you and for all"] in "Living Tradition", organ of the Roman Theological Forum
* [ Matt C. Abbott: Schismatic Traditionalists]

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