Deputies of the 12th National Assembly of France by constituency

Deputies of the 12th National Assembly of France by constituency

List by constituency of the 577 deputies of the 12th French National Assembly (2002-2007) elected in 2002.

List of deputies by departments

Department Constituency Name Party
Ain (01) 1 Jean-Michel Bertrand UMP
2 Lucien Guichon UMP
3 Étienne Blanc UMP
4 Michel Voisin UMP
Aisne (02) 1 René Dosière PS
2 Xavier Bertrand UMP
3 Jean-Pierre Balligand PS
4 Jacques Desallangre PRG
5 Renaud Dutreil UMP
Allier (03) 1 Pierre-André Périssol UMP
2 Pierre Goldberg PCF
3 Yves Simon UMP
4 Gérard Charasse PRG
Alpes-de-Haute-Provence (04) 1 Jean-Louis Bianco PS
2 Daniel Spagnou UMP
Hautes-Alpes (05) 1 Henriette Martinez UMP
2 Joël Giraud PRG
Alpes-Maritimes (06) 1 Jérôme Rivière UMP
2 Muriel Marland-Militello UMP
3 Rudy Salles UDF
4 Jean-Claude Guibal UMP
5 Christian Estrosi UMP
6 Lionnel Luca UMP
7 Jean Leonetti UMP
8 Bernard Brochand UMP
9 Michèle Tabarot UMP
Ardèche (07) 1 Pascal Terrasse PS
2 Gérard Weber UMP
3 Jean-Claude Flory UMP
Ardennes (08) 1 Bérengère Poletti UMP
2 Philippe Vuilque PS
3 Jean-Luc Warsmann UMP
Ariège (09) 1 Augustin Bonrepaux PS
2 Henri Nayrou PS
Aube (10) 1 Pierre Micaux UMP
2 Jean-Claude Mathis UMP
3 François Baroin UMP
Aude (11) 1 Jean-Claude Perez PS
2 Jacques Bascou PS
3 Jean-Paul Dupré PS
Aveyron (12) 1 Yves Censi UMP
2 Serge Roques UMP
3 Jacques Godfrain UMP
Bouches-du-Rhône (13) 1 Roland Blum UMP
2 Jean-François Mattéi UMP
3 Jean Roatta UMP
4 Frédéric Dutoit PCF
5 Renaud Muselier UMP
6 Guy Teissier UMP
7 Sylvie Andrieux-Bacquet PS
8 Christophe Masse PS
9 Bernard Deflesselles UMP
10 Richard Mallié UMP
11 Christian Kert UMP
12 Eric Diard UMP
13 Michel Vaxès PCF
14 Maryse Joissains-Masini UMP
15 Léon Vachet UMP
16 Roland Chassain UMP
Calvados (14) 1 Brigitte Le Brethon UMP
2 Rodolphe Thomas UDF
3 Claude Leteurtre UDF
4 Nicole Ameline UMP
5 Jean-Marc Lefranc UMP
6 Jean-Yves Cousin UMP
Cantal (15) 1 Yves Coussain UMP
2 Alain Marleix UMP
Charente (16) 1 Jean-Claude Viollet PS
2 Jacques Bobe UMP
3 Jérôme Lambert PS
4 Jean-Claude Beauchaud PS
Charente-Maritime (17) 1 Maxime Bono PS
2 Jean-Louis Léonard UMP
3 Xavier de Roux UMP
4 Dominique Bussereau UMP
5 Didier Quentin UMP
Cher (18) 1 Yves Fromion UMP
2 Jean-Claude Sandrier PCF
3 Louis Cosyns UMP
Corrèze (19) 1 François Hollande PS
2 Frédéric Soulier UMP
3 Jean-Pierre Dupont UMP
Corse-du-Sud (2A) 1 Simon Renucci DVG
2 Camille de Rocca Serra UMP
Haute-Corse (2B) 1 Emile Zuccarelli PRG
2 Paul Giacobbi PRG
Côte-d'Or (21) 1 Bernard Depierre UMP
2 Jean-Marc Nudant UMP
3 Claude Darciaux PS
4 François Sauvadet UDF
5 Alain Suguenot UMP
Côtes-d'Armor (22) 1 Danielle Bousquet PS
2 Jean Gaubert PS
3 Marc Le Fur UMP
4 Marie-Renée Oget PS
5 Alain Gouriou PS
Creuse (23) 1 Michel Vergnier PS
2 Jean Auclair UMP
Dordogne (24) 1 Michel Dasseux PS
2 Daniel Garrigue UMP
3 Frédéric de Saint-Sernin UMP
4 Germinal Peiro PS
Doubs (25) 1 Claude Girard UMP
2 Paulette Guinchard-Kunstler PS
3 Marcel Bonnot UMP
4 Irène Tharin UMP
5 Jean-Marie Binetruy UMP
Drôme (26) 1 Patrick Labaune UMP
2 Eric Besson PS
3 Hervé Mariton UMP
4 Gabriel Biancheri UMP
Eure (27) 1 Jean-Louis Debré UMP
2 Jean-Pierre Nicolas UMP
3 Hervé Morin UDF
4 François Loncle PS
5 Franck Gilard UMP
Eure-et-Loir (28) 1 Jean-Pierre Gorges UMP
2 Gérard Hamel UMP
3 Patrick Hoguet UMP
4 Alain Venot UMP
Finistère (29) 1 Marcelle Ramonet UMP
2 Patricia Adam PS
3 Marguerite Lamour UMP
4 Marylise Lebranchu PS
5 Jacques Le Guen UMP
6 Christian Ménard UMP
7 Hélène Tanguy UMP
8 Gilbert Le Bris PS
Gard (30) 1 Yvan Lachaud UDF
2 Etienne Mourrut UMP
3 Jean-Marc Roubaud UMP
4 Max Roustan UMP
5 Damien Alary PS
Haute-Garonne (31) 1 Philippe Douste-Blazy UMP
2 Gérard Bapt PS
3 Pierre Cohen PS
4 Jean Diébold UMP
5 Françoise Imbert PS
6 Hélène Mignon PS
7 Patrick Lemasle PS
8 Jean-Louis Idiart PS
Gers (32) 1 Philippe Martin PS
2 Gérard Dubrac UMP
Gironde (33) 1 Chantal Bourragué UMP
2 Alain Juppé UMP
3 Noël Mamère Les Verts
4 Conchita Lacuey PS
5 Jean-François Régère UDF
6 Michel Sainte-Marie PS
7 Pierre Ducout PS
8 Marie-Hélène des Esgaulx UMP
9 Philippe Dubourg UMP
10 Jean-Paul Garraud UMP
11 Bernard Madrelle PS
Hérault (34) 1 Christian Jeanjean UMP
2 Jacques Domergue UMP
3 Jean-Pierre Grand UMP
4 Robert Lecou UMP
5 Kléber Mesquida PS
6 Paul-Henri Cugnenc UMP
7 François Liberti PCF
Ille-et-Vilaine (35) 1 Jean-Michel Boucheron PS
2 Philippe Tourtelier PS
3 Philippe Rouault UMP
4 Alain Madelin PS
5 Pierre Méhaignerie UMP
6 Marie-Thérèse Boisseau UMP
7 René Couanau UMP
Indre (36) 1 Jean-Yves Hugon UMP
2 Nicolas Forissier UMP
3 Jean-Paul Chanteguet PS
Indre-et-Loire (37) 1 Renaud Donnedieu de Vabres UMP
2 Claude Greff UMP
3 Jean-Jacques Descamps UMP
4 Hervé Novelli UMP
5 Philippe Briand UMP
Isère (38) 1 Richard Cazenave UMP
2 Gilbert Biessy PCF
3 Michel Destot PS
4 Didier Migaud PS
5 François Brottes PS
6 Alain Moyne-Bressand UMP
7 Georges Colombier UMP
8 Jacques Remiller UMP
9 André Vallini PS
Jura (39) 1 Jacques Pélissard UMP
2 Jean Charroppin UMP
3 Jean-Marie Sermier UMP
Landes (40) 1 Alain Vidalies PS
2 Jean-Pierre Dufau PS
3 Henri Emmanuelli PS
Loir-et-Cher (41) 1 Nicolas Perruchot UDF
2 Patrice Martin-Lalande UMP
3 Maurice Leroy UDF
Loire (42) 1 Gilles Artigues UDF
2 Christian Cabal UMP
3 François Rochebloine UDF
4 Dino Cinieri UMP
5 Yves Nicolin UMP
6 Pascal Clément UMP
7 Jean-François Chossy UMP
Haute-Loire (43) 1 Jacques Barrot UMP
2 Jean Proriol UMP
Loire-Atlantique (44) 1 François de Rugy Les Verts
2 Marie-Françoise Clergeau PS
3 Jean-Marc Ayrault PS
4 Dominique Raimbourg PS
5 Michel Ménard PS
6 Michel Hunault NC
7 Christophe Priou UMP
8 Marie-Odile Bouillé PS
9 Philippe Boënnec UMP
10 Serge Poignant UMP
Loiret (45) 1 Olivier Carré UMP
2 Serge Grouard UMP
3 Jean-Louis Bernard UMP
4 Jean-Pierre Door UMP
5 Jean-Paul Charié UMP
Lot (46) 1 Dominique Orliac PRG
2 Jean Launay PS
Lot-et-Garonne (47) 1 Jean Dionis du Séjour NC
2 Michel Diefenbacher UMP
3 Jérôme Cahuzac PS
Lozère (48) 1 Francis Saint-Léger UMP
2 Pierre Morel-A-L'Huissier UMP
Maine-et-Loire (49) 1 Roselyne Bachelot-Narquin UMP
2 Marc Goua PS
3 Jean-Charles Taugourdeau UMP
4 Michel Piron UMP
5 Gilles Bourdouleix CNIP
6 Hervé de Charette UMP
7 Marc Laffineur UMP
Manche (50) 1 Philippe Gosselin UMP
2 Guénhaël Huet UMP
3 Alain Cousin UMP
4 Claude Gatignol UMP
5 Bernard Cazeneuve PS
Marne (51) 1 Renaud Dutreil UMP
2 Catherine Vautrin UMP
3 Jean-Claude Thomas UMP
4 Benoist Apparu UMP
5 Charles de Courson NC
6 Philippe-Armand Martin UMP
Haute-Marne (52) 1 Luc Chatel UMP
2 François Cornut-Gentille UMP
Mayenne (53) 1 Guillaume Garot PS
2 Marc Bernier UMP
3 Yannick Favennec UMP
Meurthe-et-Moselle (54) 1 Laurent Hénart UMP
2 Hervé Féron PS
3 Valérie Rosso-Debord UMP
4 Jacques Lamblin UMP
5 Nadine Morano UMP
6 Jean-Yves Le Déaut PS
7 Christian Eckert PS
Meuse (55) 1 Bertrand Pancher UMP
2 Jean-Louis Dumont PS
Morbihan (56) 1 François Goulard UMP
2 Michel Grall UMP
3 Gérard Lorgeoux UMP
4 Loïc Bouvard UMP
5 Françoise Olivier-Coupeau PS
6 Jacques Le Nay UMP
Moselle (57) 1 François Grosdidier UMP
2 Denis Jacquat UMP
3 Marie-Jo Zimmermann UMP
4 Alain Marty UMP
5 Céleste Lett UMP
6 Pierre Lang UMP
7 André Wojciechowski UMP
8 Aurélie Filippetti PS
9 Jean-Marie Demange UMP
10 Michel Liebgott PS
Nièvre (58) 1 Martine Carrillon-Couvreur PS
2 Gaëtan Gorce PS
3 Christian Paul PS
Nord (59) 1 Bernard Roman PS
2 Bernard Derosier PS
3 Alain Cacheux PS
4 Marc-Philippe Daubresse UMP
5 Sébastien Huyghe UMP
6 Thierry Lazaro UMP
7 Francis Vercamer NC
8 Dominique Baert PS
9 Bernard Gérard UMP
10 Christian Vanneste UMP
11 Yves Durand PS
12 Christian Hutin MRC
13 Michel Delebarre PS
14 Jean-Pierre Decool UMP
15 Françoise Hostalier UMP
16 Jean-Jacques Candelier PCF
17 Marc Dolez PS
18 François-Xavier Villain UMP
19 Patrick Roy PS
20 Alain Bocquet PCF
21 Jean-Louis Borloo UMP
22 Christian Bataille PS
23 Christine Marin UMP
24 Jean-Luc Pérat PS
Oise (60) 1 Olivier Dassault UMP
2 Jean-François Mancel UMP
3 Michel Françaix PS
4 Eric Woerth UMP
5 Lucien Degauchy UMP
6 François-Michel Gonnot UMP
7 Edouard Courtial UMP
Orne (61) 1 Yves Deniaud UMP
2 Jean-Claude Lenoir UMP
3 Sylvia Bassot UMP
Pas-de-Calais (62) 1 Jacqueline Maquet PS
2 Catherine Génisson PS
3 Jean-Claude Leroy PS
4 Daniel Fasquelle UMP
5 Frédéric Cuvillier PS
6 Jack Lang PS
7 Gilles Cocquempot PS
8 Michel Lefait PS
9 André Flajolet UMP
10 Serge Janquin PS
11 Odette Duriez PS
12 Jean-Pierre Kucheida PS
13 Guy Delcourt PS
14 Albert Facon PS
Puy-de-Dôme (63) 1 Odile Saugues PS
2 Alain Néri PS
3 Louis Giscard d'Estaing UMP
4 Jean-Paul Bacquet PS
5 André Chassaigne PCF
6 Jean Michel PS
Pyrénées-Atlantiques (64) 1 Martine Lignières-Cassou PS
2 François Bayrou MoDem
3 David Habib PS
4 Jean Lassalle MoDem
5 Jean Grenet UMP
6 Michèle Alliot-Marie UMP
Hautes-Pyrénées (65) 1 Pierre Forgues PS
2 Chantal Robin-Rodrigo PRG
3 Jean Glavany PS
Pyrénées-Orientales (66) 1 Daniel Mach UMP
2 Arlette Franco UMP
3 François Calvet UMP
4 Jacqueline Irles UMP
Bas-Rhin (67) 1 Armand Jung PS
2 Jean-Philippe Maurer UMP
3 André Schneider UMP
4 Yves Bur UMP
5 Antoine Herth UMP
6 Alain Ferry UMP
7 Emile Blessig UMP
8 Frédéric Reiss UMP
9 François Loos UMP
Haut-Rhin (68) 1 Eric Straumann UMP
2 Jean-Louis Christ UMP
3 Jean-Luc Reitzer UMP
4 Jean Ueberschlag UMP
5 Arlette Grosskost UMP
6 Francis Hillmeyer NC
7 Michel Sordi UMP
Rhône (69) 1 Michel Havard UMP
2 Pierre-Alain Muet PS
3 Jean-Louis Touraine PS
4 Dominique Perben UMP
5 Philippe Cochet UMP
6 Pascale Crozon PS
7 Jean-Jack Queyranne PS
8 Patrice Verchère UMP
9 Bernard Perrut UMP
10 Christophe Guilloteau UMP
11 Georges Fenech UMP
12 Michel Terrot UMP
13 Philippe Meunier UMP
14 André Gérin PCF
Haute-Saône (70) 1 Alain Joyandet UMP
2 Jean-Michel Villaumé PS
3 Michel Raison UMP
Saône-et-Loire (71) 1 Gérard Voisin UMP
2 Jean-Marc Nesme UMP
3 Jean-Paul Anciaux UMP
4 Didier Mathus PS
5 Christophe Sirugue PS
6 Arnaud Montebourg PS
Sarthe (72) 1 Fabienne Labrette-Ménager UMP
2 Marietta Karamanli PS
3 Béatrice Pavy UMP
4 François Fillon UMP
5 Dominique Le Mener UMP
Savoie (73) 1 Dominique Dord UMP
2 Hervé Gaymard UMP
3 Michel Bouvard UMP
Haute-Savoie (74) 1 Bernard Accoyer UMP
2 Lionel Tardy UMP
3 Martial Saddier UMP
4 Claude Birraux UMP
5 Marc Francina UMP
Paris (75) 1 Martine Billard Les Verts
2 Jean Tiberi UMP
3 Martine Aurillac UMP
4 Pierre Lellouche UMP
5 Tony Dreyfus PS
6 Danièle Hoffman-Rispal PS
7 Patrick Bloche PS
8 Sandrine Mazetier PS
9 Jean-Marie Le Guen PS
10 Serge Blisko PS
11 Yves Cochet Les Verts
12 Philippe Goujon UMP
13 Jean-François Lamour UMP
14 Claude Goasguen UMP
15 Bernard Debré UMP
16 Françoise de Panafieu UMP
17 Annick Lepetit PS
18 Christophe Caresche PS
19 Daniel Vaillant PS
20 Jean-Christophe Cambadélis PS
21 George Pau-Langevin PS
Seine-Maritime (76) 1 Valérie Fourneyron PS
2 Françoise Guégot UMP
3 Pierre Bourguignon PS
4 Laurent Fabius PS
5 Christophe Bouillon PS
6 Jean-Paul Lecoq PCF
7 Jean-Yves Besselat UMP
8 Daniel Paul PCF
9 Daniel Fidelin UMP
10 Alfred Trassy-Paillogues UMP
11 Sandrine Hurel PS
12 Michel Lejeune UMP
Seine-et-Marne (77) 1 Jean-Claude Mignon UMP
2 Didier Julia UMP
3 Yves Jégo UMP
4 Christian Jacob UMP
5 Franck Riester UMP
6 Jean-François Copé UMP
7 Yves Albarello UMP
8 Chantal Brunel UMP
9 Guy Geoffroy UMP
Yvelines (78) 1 Étienne Pinte UMP
2 Valérie Pécresse UMP
3 Christian Blanc NC
4 Pierre Lequiller UMP
5 Jacques Myard UMP
6 Pierre Morange UMP
7 Pierre Cardo UMP
8 Pierre Bédier UMP
9 Henri Cuq UMP
10 Christine Boutin PCD
11 Jean-Michel Fourgous UMP
12 Jacques Masdeu-Arus UMP
Deux-Sèvres (79) 1 Geneviève Gaillard PS
2 Delphine Batho PS
3 Jean-Marie Morisset UMP
4 Jean Grellier PS
Somme (80) 1 Maxime Gremetz PCF
2 Olivier Jardé NC
3 Jérôme Bignon UMP
4 Gilbert Mathon PS
5 Stéphane Demilly NC
6 Alain Gest UMP
Tarn (81) 1 Jacques Valax PS
2 Thierry Carcenac PS
3 Philippe Folliot UMP
4 Bernard Carayon UMP
Tarn-et-Garonne (82) 1 Brigitte Barèges UMP
2 Sylvia Pinel PRG
Var (83) 1 Geneviève Levy UMP
2 Philippe Vitel UMP
3 Jean-Pierre Giran UMP
4 Jean-Michel Couve UMP
5 Georges Ginesta UMP
6 Josette Pons UMP
7 Jean-Sébastien Vialatte UMP
Vaucluse (84) 1 Marie-Josée Roig UMP
2 Jean-Claude Bouchet UMP
3 Jean-Michel Ferrand UMP
4 Thierry Mariani UMP
Vendée (85) 1 Jean-Luc Préel NC
2 Dominique Caillaud UMP
3 Louis Guédon UMP
4 Véronique Besse MPF
5 Joël Sarlot MPF
Vienne (86) 1 Alain Claeys PS
2 Catherine Coutelle PS
3 Jean-Michel Clément PS
4 Jean-Pierre Abelin NC
Haute-Vienne (87) 1 Monique Boulestin PS
2 Daniel Boisserie PS
3 Marie-Françoise Pérol-Dumont PS
4 Alain Rodet PS
Vosges (88) 1 Michel Heinrich UMP
2 Gérard Cherpion UMP
3 François Vannson UMP
4 Jean-Jacques Gaultier UMP
Yonne (89) 1 Jean-Pierre Soisson UMP
2 Jean-Marie Rolland UMP
3 Marie-Louise Fort UMP
Territoire de Belfort (90) 1 Damien Meslot UMP
2 Michel Zumkeller UMP
Essonne (91) 1 Manuel Valls PS
2 Franck Marlin UMP
3 Geneviève Colot UMP
4 Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet UMP
5 Pierre Lasbordes UMP
6 François Lamy PS
7 Jean Marsaudon UMP
8 Nicolas Dupont-Aignan DLR
9 Georges Tron UMP
10 Julien Dray PS
Hauts-de-Seine (92) 1 Roland Muzeau PCF
2 Manuel Aeschlimann UMP
3 Jacques Kossowski UMP
4 Jacqueline Fraysse PCF
5 Patrick Balkany UMP
6 Joëlle Ceccaldi-Raynaud UMP
7 Patrick Ollier UMP
8 Jean-Jacques Guillet UMP
9 Pierre-Christophe Baguet UMP
10 André Santini NC
11 Marie-Hélène Amiable PCF
12 Philippe Pemezec UMP
13 Patrick Devedjian UMP
Seine-Saint-Denis (93) 1 Bruno Le Roux PS
2 Patrick Braouezec PCF
3 Daniel Goldberg PS
4 Marie-George Buffet PCF
5 Jean-Christophe Lagarde MoDem
6 Claude Bartolone PS
7 Jean-Pierre Brard CAP
8 Patrice Calmejane UMP
9 Élisabeth Guigou PS
10 Gérard Gaudron UMP
11 François Asensi PCF
12 Éric Raoult UMP
13 Michel Pajon PS
Val-de-Marne (94) 1 Henri Plagnol UMP
2 Laurent Cathala PS
3 Didier Gonzales UMP
4 Jacques-Alain Bénisti UMP
5 Gilles Carrez UMP
6 Patrick Beaudouin UMP
7 Marie-Anne Montchamp UMP
8 Michel Herbillon UMP
9 René Rouquet PS
10 Pierre Gosnat PCF
11 Jean-Yves Le Bouillonnec PS
12 Richard Dell'Agnola UMP
Val-d'Oise (95) 1 Philippe Houillon UMP
2 Axel Poniatowski UMP
3 Jean Bardet UMP
4 Claude Bodin UMP
5 Georges Mothron UMP
6 François Scellier UMP
7 Jérôme Chartier UMP
8 Dominique Strauss-Kahn PS
9 Yanick Paternotte UMP
Guadeloupe (971) 1 Eric Jalton PS
2 Gabrielle Louis-Carabin UMP
3 Jeanny Marc PS
4 Victorin Lurel PS
Martinique (972) 1 Louis-Joseph Manscour PS
2 Alfred Almont UMP
3 Serge Letchimy DVG
4 Alfred Marie-Jeanne DVG
Guyane (973) 1 Christiane Taubira PRG
2 Chantal Berthelot PRG
Réunion (974) 1 René-Paul Victoria UMP
2 Huguette Bello PCR
3 Didier Robert UMP
4 Patrick Lebreton PS
5 Jean-Claude Fruteau PS
Saint Pierre and Miquelon (975) 1 Annick Girardin PRG
Mayotte (976) 1 Abdoulatifou Aly MoDem
Wallis and Futuna 1 Albert Likuvalu PS
French Polynesia 1 Michel Buillard UMP
2 Bruno Sandras UMP
New Caledonia 1 Gaël Yanno UMP
2 Pierre Frogier UMP

See also

Deputies of the 13th National Assembly of France

Deputies of the 13th National Assembly of France by constituency

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