

Cryptofiction is s word primarily used today to describe a fiction genre based on cryptozoology. Cryptofiction draws upon its subject matter by combining elements of native legend, historical records and eyewitness accounts concerning a continuing mythical or legendary creature.

Primarily dealing with the likes of Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster, any creature for which there is enough evidence to warrant study by cryptozoologists may serve as the basis for such fiction. Although this fairly recent genre includes a growing list of authors and movie makers, there have been many such tales written over the years. This includes works by Jules Verne (The Mysterious Island), Arthur Conan Doyle (The Lost World), and Edgar Rice Burroughs (The Land That Time Forgot), to modern authors such as Michael Crichton (Jurassic Park) and Steve Alten (the Meg series and The Loch).

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