Akkorokamui — (アッコロカムイ) est un gigantesque poisson ou calamar du folklore de l ethnie des Aïnous. Il est supposé vivre dans la baie de Funka à Hokkaidō. Il est dit que son corps rouge est tellement énorme qu il peut être vu à une très grande distance. Sources… … Wikipédia en Français
Akkorokamui — (アッコロカムイ) es un gigantesco pulpo un monstruo del folclore ainu, que supuestamente se esconde en funka Bay en Hokkaidō. Su cuerpo es de color rojo y es enorme, puede alcanzar tamaños de hasta 120 metros de longitud.[cita requerida] Debido a… … Wikipedia Español
Bigfoot — Sasquatch redirects here. For other uses, see Sasquatch (disambiguation) and Bigfoot (disambiguation). Frame 352 from the Patterson Gimlin film, alleged by Roger Patterson and Robert Gimlin to show a bigfoot … Wikipedia
Cryptozoology — Reconstruction of an alleged Ogopogo sighting Cryptozoology (from Greek κρυπτός, kryptos, hidden + zoology; literally, study of hidden animals ) refers to the search for animals whose existence has not been proven. This includes looking for livin … Wikipedia
Chupacabra — For other uses, see Chupacabra (disambiguation). Chupacabras Creature Grouping Cryptid Data First reported … Wikipedia
Loch Ness Monster — For other uses, see Loch Ness Monster (disambiguation). Nessie redirects here. For other uses, see Nessie (disambiguation). the Loch Ness Monster (Nessie, Niseag[1] … Wikipedia
Mokele-mbembe — Mbembe redirects here. For the Cameroonian political theorist, see Achille Mbembe. Mokèlé mbèmbé, meaning one who stops the flow of rivers in the Lingala language,[1] is the name given to a large water dwelling cryptid found in legends and… … Wikipedia
Thylacine — Tasmanian Tiger redirects here. For the cricket team, see Tasmanian Tigers. Thylacine[1] Temporal range: Early Pliocene to Holocene Thylacines in Washington D.C … Wikipedia
Sea serpent — This article is about sea serpents in mythology and cryptozoology. For actual marine snakes, see Sea snake. For other uses, see Sea serpent (disambiguation). Sea Serpent (Various) A sea serpent from Olaus Magnus s book History of the Northe … Wikipedia
Moa — This article is about the extinct New Zealand birds known as moa. For other uses, see Moa (disambiguation). Moa Temporal range: Miocene Holocene, 17–0 Ma … Wikipedia