- Wolpertinger
The Wolpertinger ("Crisensus bavaricus") (also called "Wolperdinger", "Poontinger" or "Woiperdinger") is a fictional animal said to inhabit the alpine forests of
Bavaria inGermany . It has body parts of variousanimal s — generallywing s,antler s, and fangs, all attached to the body of a smallmammal . The most widespread description is that of a hornedrabbit or a hornedsquirrel . It is similar to the "Rasselbock " of theThuringian Forest , the "Elwedritsche " of the Palatinate region, which is described as a chicken-like creature with antlers, and to the American invention of thejackalope , as well as to the SwedishSkvader .Stuffed Wolpertingers, composed of parts of real stuffed animals, are often displayed in inns or sold to
tourist assouvenir s in the animals' "native regions".The Wolpertinger is not a typical
cryptid , as local people probably never believed in its existence. Rather, it is some kind of traditional joke, as is evident from the many stuffed Wolpertingers displayed in village inns along with real hunting trophies, which have been fabricated deliberately in order to make fun of gullible foreigners who may want to go hunting for this remarkable animal.Like the
jackalope , the Wolpertinger is thought to have been inspired by sightings of wild rabbits infected with the "Shope papilloma virus ", which causes the growth of antler-like tumors in various places on the rabbit's head and body.Fact|date=May 2008In Popular Culture
The wolpertinger is a gameplay aspect in two
MMORPG s. InWorld of Warcraft , it is possible to receive a wolpertinger through a quest as an in-game pet. However, it is only available to collect during Brewfest, an annual in-game event loosely based on, and inspired by, the real world event, the BavarianOktoberfest , during which one must become extremely inebriated in order to see, and thus, "catch" one.In
Runescape wolpertingers are level 92 Summoning familiars which are actually part-rabbit, part-wolf. They have the ability of boosting the Hunter skill by 5, though this boost is invisible. Wolpertingers also double the experience and yield when berries are being harvested, in the Farming skill. These familiars provide 5% defence bonus against Magic.During the Wolf Whistle quest, the player must scare a Giant wolpertinger by summoning a level 1 Spirit wolf.
Wolpertingers play an important role in
Walter Moers ' Zamonia novels, although Moers' version of a Wolpertinger differs from the traditional description - Zamonian "Wolpertings" are part deer, part dog.Fact|date=February 2008The Hunting and Fishing Museum in Munich has a permanent exhibition of wolpertingers. Occasionally, the museum has a special wolpertinger exhibition, mostly around Mardi Gras or April Fools' Day.
ee also
*Jenny Haniver
*Elwedritsche References
* cite book
first = Alfons
last = Schweiggert
title = Und es gibt sie doch! Die Wahrheit über die Wolpertinger
publisher = Pfaffenhofen/Ilm
year = 1988
isbn = 3-778-73325-7
* cite book
first = Paul
last = Schallweg
title = Der Wolpertinger
isbn = ISBN 3-475-52795-2
* cite book
first = Reginald
last = Huber
title = Vom Adler bis zum Wolpertinger - Das bairische Bestiarium
publisher = Bayerland VA
isbn = 3-892-51188-8
* cite book
first = Michael
last = Heim
title = Mit dem Wolpertinger leben
year = 1971
isbn = 3-874-90601-9
* cite book
first = Peter
last = Kirein
title = Der Wolpertinger lebt
publisher = Lipp
year = 1968
isbn = 3-874-90501-2External links
* [http://www.br-online.de/bayern/kult-und-brauch/d-wolpertinger-DID1188597398/index.xml] on the pages of
Bayerischer Rundfunk
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.