List of Chinese language radio stations

List of Chinese language radio stations

This is a list of radio stations that broadcast in the Chinese language.


Mainland China

China Radio International (CRI)

China Radio International is a government controlled media outlet that broadcasts primarily news in various languages such as Mandarin Chinese, English, French, German, Spanish, Arabic, Portuguese, and many other languages.

On the English channel, the typical programs include China Drive, Frontline, Voices from Other Lands, and many other programs. The weather is typically announced only for Beijing and Shanghai in China and New York, Washington, D.C., Seattle, London, Sydney, Toronto, Cairo, and Nairobi.

On the Chinese channel, the typical programs include Tang Ren Jie and others. The weather is typically announced for cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Guilin, Ürümqi, Xi'an, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taipei. International cities weather is usually announced for New York, Washington, Seattle, Sydney, Bangkok, London, Paris, Madrid, Cairo, Nairobi, and others.

In Beijing, China Radio International can be heard at 88.7 MHz FM and 91.5 MHz FM and some other frequencies.

Beijing Radio Stations

Most Beijing radio stations are controlled by the Beijing Broadcasting Network, owner of the website. For most of the stations listed, only internet streaming was available, although some of the stations can be received through radio frequencies such as 97.4 MHz FM, which was the music channel. Other Beijing radio stations include China Radio International's Easy FM on 88.7 MHz FM and 91.5 MHz FM.

Beijing Radio Stations
Frequency/Internet Description
Xinwen - Internet Streaming News
Gudian - Internet Streaming Classical Music
Jingji - Internet Streaming City Management
Tongsu - Internet Streaming Popular Music
Jiaotong - Internet Streaming Traffic
Jiaoxue - Internet Streaming School Radio
Wenyi - Internet Streaming Chinese Literature Broadcast
Wuexueyingshi - Internet Streaming Chinese Movie Broadcast
Tiyu - Internet Streaming Sports Broadcast
Xiquzongyi - Internet Streaming Drama Broadcast
Yinyue - Internet Streaming/97.4 MHz FM Music
Yazhouliuxing - Internet Streaming Asian Broadcast
Shenghuo - Internet Streaming Beijing City Life Broadcast
Qingyinyue - Internet Streaming Light Music Broadcast
Waiyu - Internet Streaming Foreign Broadcast
DAB - Internet Streaming DAB Broadcast
Qingmeng - Internet Streaming Blue Network Broadcast

Guangdong Radio Stations

Guangdong is home to Radio Guangdong and many other radio stations. The following list (incomplete) contains a sampling of what you'll find on the dial when in Guangdong. Live streaming is available if you go to their official website.

Guangdong Radio Stations
Frequency Description
93.9 MHz FM Music FM
103.6 MHz FM Radio Guangdong Voice of the City
914 kHz AM Guangdong Radio

Harbin Radio Stations

Harbin Economy Radio controls two of the radio stations in Harbin. All of the radio stations only broadcast in Mandarin Chinese, although there are some in the area that also broadcast in the Russian language based on the high Russian population of Harbin. As of 2006, live streaming is not yet available.

Harbin Economy Radio Stations
Frequency Description
972 kHz AM Local Harbin News
92.5 MHz FM Financial and Business News

Lhasa Radio Stations

Lhasa's radio stations are controlled by the Lanzhou Radio group. As of 2006, live streaming is not available.

Lanzhou Radio Stations
Frequency Description
954 kHz AM News
97.3 MHz FM News
99.5 MHz FM Music
100.8 MHz FM Live (Talk)

Nanjing Radio Stations

Nanjing's radio stations are primarily controlled by the Nanjing Television Broadcast Group. The channels contain a variety of programming including local news, business, sports, a kids channel, traffic, and music. Live streaming is available if you go to their official website.

Nanjing Radio Stations
Comprehensive News Channel (O1)
Education Channel (O5)
Film/Television Channel (O2)
Literature Channel (O3)
Lifestyle Channel (O4)
Kids Channel (O7)
Nanjing News (Xinwen) Channel (NJXWT)
Nanjing Economy Channel (NJJJT1)
Nanjing Sports Channel (NJJJT2)
Nanjing Music (Yin Yue) Channel (NJYYT)
Nanjing Traffic (Jiao Tong) Channel (NJJTT)

Shanghai Radio Stations

The Shanghai Media Group, part of the Shanghai Media & Entertainment Group conglomerate controls a fair number of radio stations in Shanghai. The radio stations broadcast local news, traffic, music (popular, classical, and light), and a variety of other programs. Live streaming is available if you go to their official website.

Shanghai Media Group Radio Stations
Frequency/Internet Description
990 kHz AM News
648 kHz AM Traffic
1296 kHz AM Eastern China Regional News
792 kHz AM Shanghai Local News
101.7 MHz FM Popular Music
103.7 MHz FM Love Music
94.7 MHz FM Classical Music
97.7 MHz FM Economic/Business News
96.8 MHz FM Comedy Channel
1197 kHz AM Marine Channel
94.0 MHz FM Sports News

Shenzhen Radio Stations

Shenzhen Radio Station controls three of several radio stations in Shenzhen. Live streaming is available if you go to their official website.

Shenzhen Radio Stations
Frequency Description
89.8 MHz FM News
97.1 MHz FM Music
106.2 MHz FM Traffic

Tianjin Radio Stations

Tianjin's radio stations are controlled by the Tianjin People's Broadcasting Station with a variety of programs including news, traffic, music and others. Live streaming is available if you go to their official website.

Tianjin Radio Stations
Frequency Description
97.2 MHz FM News
909 kHz AM News
106.8 MHz FM Traffic
567 kHz AM Traffic
104.6 MHz FM Literature
101.4 MHz FM Economical News
1071 kHz AM Music
99.0 MHz FM Music
1008 kHz AM Music
91.1 MHz FM Life Radio
1386 kHz AM Life Radio
92.0 MHz FM Binhai Radio
747 kHz AM Binhai Radio
87.8 MHz FM Entertainment
666 kHz AM Novel Radio

Urumqi Radio Stations

Ürümqi's radio stations are controlled by the Urumqi People Broadcasting Station group. There is a limited amount of programs available, however, one station broadcasts in Uyghur, while the rest broadcast in Mandarin. Live streaming is available if you go to their official website.

Ürümqi People Radio Stations
Frequency Description
792 kHz AM Ürümqi News
927 kHz AM Health News
1071 kHz AM News in Uyghur
97.4 MHz FM Music
100.7 MHz FM Literature
106.5 MHz FM Travelling and Entertainment News

Xi'an Radio Stations

Xi'an's radio stations are controlled by the Shaanxi Radio group. Programs include news, music, and fashion on at least seven radio stations. Live streaming is available on the official website of the Shaanxi Radio Group.


There is all but one station with full time Chinese radio programming. Most are multicultural stations with Chinese programming at a select time slot during the broadcasting day.

Channel Modulation Frequency Language Features Notes
Fairchild Radio FM 96.1 Vancouver FM 96.1 MHz Cantonese and Mandarin news/traffic, music, information, phone-in programmes, and general programming multicultural station owned by Fairchild Group
Fairchild Radio AM 1470 Vancouver AM 1470 kHz Cantonese and Mandarin news/traffic, music, information, phone-in programmes, and general programming multicultural station owned by Fairchild Group
Fairchild Radio FM 88.9 Toronto FM 88.9 MHz Cantonese and Mandarin news/traffic, music, information, phone-in programmes, and general programming multicultural station owned by Fairchild Group
Fairchild Radio AM 1430 Toronto AM 1430 kHz Cantonese and Mandarin news/traffic, music, information, phone-in programmes, and general programming multicultural station owned by Fairchild Group
Fairchild Radio FM 94.7 Calgary FM 94.7 MHz Cantonese and Mandarin news/traffic, music, information, phone-in programmes, and general programming multicultural station owned by Fairchild Group
AM 1320 Vancouver AM 1320 kHz Cantonese and Mandarin news, information, phone-in programmes, and general programming multicultural broadcasting since 1973 and owned by Mainstream Broadcasting Corporation
FM 102.3 Montreal FM 102.3 MHz Cantonese and Mandarin news, information, phone-in programmes, general programming, independent music A multilingual radio station since 1975, with a Chinese-language programming since the early 1980s.
AM 1280 Montreal AM 1280 kHz Mandarin news, information, general programming Canada's First Multicultural Broadcast and has a Chinese broadcast between 7 p.m.–9 p.m
A1 Chinese Radio - formerly Toronto First Radio AM 770 kHz AM 770 kHz Cantonese and Mandarin news/traffic, music, information, phone-in programmes, and general programming broadcast jointly owned by Sing Tao Daily (Toronto) and Fairchild Radio
A1 Chinese Radio - formerly Toronto First Radio AM 1540 Toronto AM 1540 kHz Cantonese and Mandarin news, information, phone-in programmes, and general programming multicultural station owned by CHIN Radio/TV International; Chinese broadcast jointly owned by Sing Tao Daily (Toronto) and Fairchild Radio
Toronto Canadian (Ontario) Chinese Broadcast North York, Ontario N/A (requires purchasing their special radios/online) N/A Cantonese and Mandarin 24 Hour Chinese programming private broadcaster






United Kingdom

  • Spectrum Radio| [6] The Only Daily Chinese Radio in the United Kingdom since 1990. Broadcasting from London on DAB Spectrum Radio and onlineDaily Cantonese broadcast 18:0019:00, and daily Mandarin broadcast 19:0020:00
  • British Broadcasting Corporation [7]
  • BBC GMR Eastern Horizon [8] The UK's first local Chinese radio service since 1983Every Sunday 19.0021.00
  • BBC Merseyside Orient Express [9] Mondays 21.0022.00
  • London Chinese Radio [10] is an online community radio station in London run by volunteers, and is a registered charity. Most programmes are in Mandarin, and past programmes are available for download.


Hong Kong

Channel Modulation Frequency Language Features
RTHK Radio 1 FM 92.6 MHz
92.9 MHz
93.2 MHz
93.4 MHz
93.5 MHz
93.6 MHz
94.4 MHz
Cantonese news, information, phone-in programmes, and general programming
RTHK Radio 2 FM 94.8 MHz
95.3 MHz
95.6 MHz
96.0 MHz
96.3 MHz
96.4 MHz
96.9 MHz
Cantonese programmes aimed at youth, entertainment and popular music, promotion of community projects, HKEAA's HKALE Chinese language and culture and use of English and HKCEE English listening examinations broadcast through this channel during the examination period of April and May
RTHK Radio 3 AM 567 kHz
1584 kHz
English news, popular music, information, and general programming, similar in genre to BBC Radio 5 Live
RTHK Radio 4 FM 97.6 MHz
97.8 MHz
98.1 MHz
98.2 MHz
98.4 MHz
98.7 MHz
98.9 MHz
English (mainly), Cantonese (some) classical music and fine arts
RTHK Radio 5 AM 783 kHz Cantonese (mainly), Mandarin (some) programming aimed at the elderly, also culture and education
RTHK Radio 6 AM 675 kHz English BBC World Service relay
RTHK Putonghua AM 621 kHz Putonghua (mainly, some Cantonese) general programming, news and finance


See Indonesian Chinese


  • Chakrawala Guangbo Dian Tai, 98.3 MHz FM: All daytime and prime time broadcasting is in Chinese, except for advertising talk shows all in Indonesian and some minor Indonesian and English talk shows. At late night, a show called Cakrawala Dini Hari is broadcast in Indonesian aiming at young Chinese who are not able to speak Chinese.
  • Sunday Mandarin PAS FM, 92.4 MHz FM: PAS FM is a daily business and economic radio station. But some years ago, they decided to use their Sunday slot to broadcast in Chinese. The show is mainly about music, movies and the Chinese world entertainment industry. The whole show is broadcast in Chinese with some Indonesian translation.


  • Mei-Sheng Guangbo Dian Tai, 92.1 MHz FM


  • Mix FM, 90.8 MHz FM
  • City Radio, 95.9 MHz FM - Your Lifestyle and Business Radio Station

Serving Musics: Adult Contemporary, Pop, Slow Rock, Mandarin, Oldies, Classical, Hokkien, etc.
Listen online via or through BlackBerry(r) via


  • Era Baru FM, 106.5 MHz FM Era Baru FM: The format of the station is similar to the above mentioned Chakrawala Guangbo Dian Tai. The government of the People's Republic of China once sent a protest note to the Indonesian government accusing the radio station for promoting Falun Gong in Batam.


  • Global Mandarin, Global FM, 90.75 MHz FM, Global FM: Global FM broadcasts Chinese content eight hours daily from 8 a.m. to 12 a.m. and from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. called Global Mandarin.
  • Strato Hua Yu Guangbo Dian Tai, 101.9 FM

Listen online: Facebook page: Program: 1. Strato de Tian Kong 2. Huan Le Qing Chun 3. Hao Ge Chu Chu Wen 4. Huai Nian Jin Qu 5. Yong Heng Zhi Ge


  • PAS FM (Sunday Mandarin) 106.00 Specially This day.. Broadcast In Indonesian-Chinese


  • El John Radio, 95.9 MHz FM: Broadcasts are 50 percent in Chinese and 50 percent in Indonesian.[1]
  • Sonora, 92.6 MHz FM: There is a one hour Mandarin slot everyday.[1]

Pangkal Pinang

  • El John Radio, 88.5 MHz FM


  • Primadona FM, 99.1 MHz FM: Broadcasts are 30 percent in Chinese and 70 percent in Indonesian.[2]



  • Rádio Macau broadcasts in Cantonese on FM 100.7 MHz (and in Portuguese on FM 98.0 MHz). The Cantonese stream is available online on their website
  • Radio Vilaverde Lda broadcasts in Cantonese at AM 738 kHz. Live streaming is available online on their website


All channels shown below provides online streaming


All channels shown below provides online streaming


  • BCC is the largest radio network company in Taiwan.
  • Radio Taiwan International broadcasts news about Taiwan in Mandarin, Cantonese, English, Spanish, French, and many other languages.
  • KISS Radio plays mostly Chinese popular music and English top 40. Live streaming is available from the official website.
  • Hit Fm in Taiwan also plays Chinese popular music and live streaming is available from the official website.
  • ICRT is Taiwan's only national English-language station.

Wikipedia's Taiwan Radio Station Table (in Chinese)

United States

See also


  1. ^ a b
  2. ^ : Volare FM 103.4 Mhz :
  3. ^
  4. ^ Min Zhou (2009). Contemporary Chinese America: immigration, ethnicity, and community transformation. Temple University Press. p136. ISBN 1592138586. 
  5. ^ [1]

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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