OGAE Second Chance Contest

OGAE Second Chance Contest

The OGAE Second Chance Contest is a video event organised between branches of OGAE, the international fan club of the Eurovision Song Contest.

Each branch can enter one song that failed to win the country's national selection to compete in the annual Eurovision Song Contest. The members of each club choose amongst the songs that did not win and select one to represent the club in the event.



The contest began in 1987, when it was then known as "Europe's Favourite". Four OGAE branches competed in the first contest, coming from Norway, Sweden, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. The contest quickly expanded and now contains over 20 countries competing per contest. Due to the nature of some countries and national finals it is a common occurrence for countries to sporadically compete in the contest.[1]


The contest begins during the summer after the year's Eurovision Song Contest, held in May every year. A video of the branch's entry is handed to each competing club. The votes are then returned to the organising OGAE branch, normally the previous year's winning branch, who then organises the final. The method of voting has developed since the contests interception, from audio-tape in the contest's beginnings to the use of video tape and nowadays by DVD and Youtube.[1]

Previously it had been known for non-televised national final entries to compete in the Second Chance Contest. This occurred from 1989 to 1991 when OGAE Spain entered songs known to have been entered into the country's internal selection process. In 1990, 1991, 1998 and 1999 OGAE Italy competed in the Second Chance Contest, entering the winning songs of the Italian San Remo Festival, known to be the basis for the creation of the Eurovision Song Contest. After 1999 a new rule was introduced allowing only songs from televised national finals to compete in the Second Chance Contest. This has led some branches ineligible to compete for many years due to no national final being held in the country.[2]

In 1993 guest juries have been used in the voting of the contest. These juries comprise of branches that are ineligible to compete in the contest due to no national final being held in their country.[2]

Retrospective Contest

From 2003 it was decided to hold Retrospective Contests each year containing songs from contests prior to 1987. In 2003 the first contest was held, containing songs that failed to compete in the Eurovision Song Contest 1986. This is repeated every year to the same way, for example in 2004 the 1985 Retrospective contest was held, and in 2005 the 1984 Retro contest was held etc. The latest contest to be held was the 1979 contest, held in 2010, with plans for the 1978 contest currently in place for 2011.


Participation in the Second Chance Contest requires competing branches to have had a televised national final held in their country for the year's Eurovision Song Contest. So far 37 countries have been represented at the contest at least once. These are listed here alongside the year in which they made their debut:

Year Country making its debut entry
1987  Netherlands,  Norway,  Sweden,  United Kingdom
1988  Denmark,  Finland,  Germany,  Greece,  Ireland,  Israel
1989  Spain
1990  Austria,  Cyprus,  Italy,  Portugal
1991  Switzerland,  Yugoslavia
1992  Belgium
1993  Croatia,  Estonia,  Hungary,  Iceland,  Malta,  Romania,
 Slovakia,  Slovenia,  Turkey
1994  Russia
1996  Bosnia and Herzegovina,  Macedonia
1999  France
2000  Latvia
2001  Lithuania
2003  Poland
2004  Serbia and Montenegro
2006  Ukraine
2007  Serbia
2009  Andorra,  Moldova,  Slovakia (as Rest of the World)
2010  Armenia,  Azerbaijan,  Bulgaria (as Rest of the World)

OGAE Rest of the World represents countries that do not have an OGAE branch of their own. Their first participation came at the 2009 Contest, where they represented Slovakia.


Carola was the winner of the 1990 Second Chance Contest, before going on to win the Eurovision Song Contest the following year.
Alcazar have won the Second Chance Contest twice for Sweden.
Sanna Nielsen, the winner of the 2008 edition of Second Chance Contest, representing Sweden.
Hera Björk is from Iceland, however, she won the 2009 Second Chance Contest for Denmark.
Timoteij won the 2010 Second Chance Contest for Sweden.

Nine countries have won the contest over its 24-year history. The most successful country in the contest has been Sweden, who have won the contest 13 times in total, over half of the contests held. By the way is the only artist, who had won the contest more than once, the Swedish band, Alcazar, who won in 2003 and again in 2005.

Year Country Song Performer Second place Winner's place in national final
1987  Sweden Högt över havet Arja Saijonmaa  Norway
1988  Sweden Om igen Lena Philipsson  Finland 2nd
1989  Denmark Landet Camelot Lecia Jønsson  Sweden 2nd
1990  Sweden Mitt i ett äventyr Carola  Italy 2nd
1991  Sweden Tvillingsjäl Pernilla Wahlgren  Greece Unplaced
1992  Norway Du skal få din dag i morgen Wenche Myhre  Israel 3rd
1993  Norway Din egen stjerne Merethe Trøan  Netherlands 6th
1994  Sweden Det vackraste jag vet Gladys Del Pilar  United Kingdom 2nd
1995  Sweden Det vackraste Cecilia Vennersten  United Kingdom 2nd
1996  Sweden Juliette & Jonathan Lotta Engberg  Croatia 3rd
1997  Italy Storie Anna Oxa  Ireland 2nd
1998  Netherlands Alsof je bij me bent Nurlaila  Sweden 2nd
1999  Turkey Unuttuğumu Sandığım Anda Feryal Başel  Belgium 2nd
2000  Finland Oot voimani mun Anna Eriksson  United Kingdom 2nd
2001  Sweden Allt som jag ser Barbados  Spain 2nd
2002  Spain Corazón Latino David Bisbal  Sweden 2nd
2003  Sweden Not a Sinner Nor a Saint Alcazar  Slovenia 3rd
2004  Spain Mi obsesión Davinia  Sweden 4th
2005  Sweden Alcastar Alcazar  Serbia and Montenegro 3rd
2006  Slovenia Mandoline Saša Lendero  Norway 2nd
2007  Sweden Cara Mia Måns Zelmerlöw  United Kingdom 3rd
2008  Sweden Empty Room Sanna Nielsen  Spain 2nd
2009  Denmark Someday Hera Björk  Sweden 2nd
2010  Sweden Kom Timoteij  Denmark 5th
2011  Iceland (Rest of the World) Nótt Yohanna  Sweden Unplaced
1986  Netherlands Fata Morgana DeeDee  Iceland 2nd
1985  Denmark Ved du hva' du sku' Trax  United Kingdom 3rd
1984  Belgium Merci à la vie Formule II  Sweden 3rd
1983  Germany Viva La Mamma Ingrid Peters and July Paul  Denmark 2nd
1982  Netherlands Fantasie eiland The Millionaires  United Kingdom 2nd
1981  United Kingdom Don't Panic Liquid Gold  Sweden 2nd
1980  United Kingdom Happy Everything Maggie Moone  Germany 2nd
1979  Germany Vogel der Nacht Paola  Greece 3rd
1978  United Kingdom Lonely Nights Ronnie France  Israel 9th

Winners by country

Wins Country Years
13  Sweden 1987, 1988, 1990, 1991, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2010
3  Netherlands 1982, 1986, 1998
 Denmark 1985, 1989, 2009
 United Kingdom 1978, 1980, 1981
2  Germany 1979, 1983
 Norway 1992, 1993
 Spain 2002, 2004
1  Belgium 1984
 Italy 1997
 Turkey 1999
 Finland 2000
 Slovenia 2006
 Iceland (Rest of the World) 2011

Years in italics indicate Retro winners.

Winners by language

Wins Language Years Countries
9 Swedish 1987, 1988, 1990, 1991, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2001, 2010 Sweden
8 English 1978, 1980, 1981, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009 United Kingdom, Sweden, Denmark
3 Dutch 1982, 1986, 1998 Netherlands
2 German 1979, 1983 Germany
Danish 1985, 1989 Denmark
Norwegian 1992, 1993 Norway
Spanish 2002, 2004 Spain
1 French 1984 Belgium
Italian 1997 Italy
Turkish 1999 Turkey
Finnish 2000 Finland
Slovene 2006 Slovenia
Icelandic 2011 Rest of the World (Iceland)

Years in italics indicate Retro winners

Guest Jury Hits

The Guest Jury Hits contest was introduced in 2004, giving guest juries of the Retro contests the opportunity to compete in their own contest. The contest was formed as a way for OGAE branches to become juries in the Second Chance Retro Contest, with each non-competing branch selecting a hit song from their country in that year.[3]

The first contest was held in 2004, when hit songs from 1985 competed in the contest. So far six contests have been held, with Italy winning four contests, and Ukraine and Belgium winning once.


Year Country Song Performer Second place
1985  Belgium Vergeet Barbara Will Tura  Serbia
1984  Ukraine Oy zelene zhito zelene Oksana Bilozir  Greece
1983  Italy Sarà quel che sarà Tiziana Rivale  Ukraine
1982  Italy Storie di tutti o giorni Riccardo Fogli  France
1981  Italy Sarà perché ti amo Ricchi e Poveri  Spain
1980  Italy Stella stai Umberto Tozzi  Cyprus
1979  Italy Gloria Umberto Tozzi Rest of the World
 United States
1978  Spain Vivir asi es morir de amor Camilo Sesto  Italy


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