Eurovision Song Contest 1985

Eurovision Song Contest 1985
Eurovision Song Contest 1985
ESC 1985 logo.png
Final date 4 May 1985
Presenter(s) Lill Lindfors
Conductor Curt-Eric Holmquist
Director Steen Priwin
Host broadcaster Sweden SVT
Venue Scandinavium
Gothenburg, Sweden
Winning song  Norway
"La det swinge"
Voting system
Each country awarded 12, 10, 8-1 points to their 10 favourite songs
Number of entries 19
Debuting countries None
Returning countries  Greece
Withdrawing countries  Netherlands
Nul points None
Opening act
Lill Lindfors singing "My Joy is Building Bricks of Music"
Interval act
Guitars Unlimited with Swedish Evergreens
Eurovision Song Contest
◄1984    Wiki Eurovision Heart (Infobox).svg    1986►

The Eurovision Song Contest 1985 was the 30th Eurovision Song Contest and was held on 4 May 1985 in Gothenburg, Sweden. The presenter was Lill Lindfors, and Norwegian duo Bobbysocks! was the winner of this Eurovision with the song "La det swinge".

Bobbysocks!' win for Norway was the country's first. Host Lill Lindfors, upon Norway's win, congratulated Hanne Krogh and Elisabeth Andreassen of Bobbysocks! by saying, "I must say I am honestly very happy that this happened because Norway has been last on so many times that you really deserve it!" Krogh replied, "You're happy? What do you think we are?!" After an energetic reprise, the two women embraced to a standing ovation from the audience.

During the voting, it was not immediately evident that Norway would win the Contest. Germany took a commanding lead in the first half, with Norway fifth place behind Germany, Sweden, Italy and the United Kingdom around the end of the first half of voting. Finally, with five juries left, Germany, Sweden and Norway were tightly wrapped around the pole positions with 87, 86, and 85 points respectively.

At that point, Sweden briefly took the lead away from Germany (who received no points from Switzerland). Sweden was the fourth-to-last jury, conceding their brief lead by awarding Germany eight points and Norway the full twelve. With only three countries left to vote, Norway kept the lead, in one of the shortest winning stretches during voting in the Contest's history.

The Netherlands and Yugoslavia did not participate in this Contest, due to the national Remembrance of the Dead in the Netherlands, and the anniversary of the death of Josip Broz Tito in Yugoslavia.The song from Spain was the big favorite for the juries but finally came 14 in a fiel of 19.

Also is this year known to be the year in the History of the Eurovision Song Contest, where most of artists, 13 at all, made a comeback. This also applied to the winners, Bobbysocks! who had attended once before alone, Hanne Krogh as solo performer for Norway in 1971, Elisabeth Andreassen for her second country, Sweden, in 1982, in a duet with Kikki Danielsson, which this year also made a comeback, for Sweden, and was thus competing with Elisabeth Andreassen & Bobbysocks!.


Individual Entries


Draw Country Language Artist Song English translation Place Points
01  Ireland English Maria Christian "Wait Until the Weekend Comes" 6 91
02  Finland Finnish Sonja Lumme "Eläköön elämä" Long live life 9 58
03  Cyprus Greek Lia Vissi "To Katalava Arga" (Το κατάλαβα αργά) I realised it too late 16 15
04  Denmark Danish Hot Eyes "Sku' du spørg' fra no'en?" "What business is it of yours?" 11 41
05  Spain Spanish Paloma San Basilio "La fiesta terminó" The party's over 14 36
06  France French Roger Bens "Femme dans ses rêves aussi" Woman in her dreams too 10 56
07  Turkey Turkish MFÖ "Didai didai dai" 14 36
08  Belgium Dutch Linda Lepomme "Laat me nu gaan" Let me go now 19 7
09  Portugal Portuguese Adelaide "Penso em ti, eu sei" Thinking of you, I know 18 9
10  Germany German Wind "Für alle" For everyone 2 105
11  Israel Hebrew Izhar Cohen "Olé, Olé" (עולה, עולה) Going up and up 5 93
12  Italy Italian Al Bano & Romina Power "Magic Oh Magic" 7 78
13  Norway Norwegian Bobbysocks! "La det swinge" Let it swing 1 123
14  United Kingdom English Vikki "Love Is" 4 100
15  Switzerland German Mariella Farré & Pino Gasparini "Piano, Piano" Slowly, slowly 12 39
16  Sweden Swedish Kikki Danielsson "Bra vibrationer" Good vibrations 3 103
17  Austria German Gary Lux "Kinder dieser Welt" Children of this world 8 60
18  Luxembourg French Margo, Franck Olivier,
Diane Solomon, Ireen Sheer,
Chris & Malcolm Roberts
"Children, Kinder, Enfants" Children 13 37
19  Greece Greek Takis Biniaris "Miazoume" (Μοιάζουμε) We are alike 17 15

Voting structure

Each country had a jury who awarded 12, 10, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 points for their top ten songs.

The voting itself was exciting, the German favourites looked to be cruising to an early victory. However both Sweden and Norway did their best to keep up and by the time the UK jury delivered their votes (only 1 point for Germany and 12 for Norway), Germany had seen its lead smashed.

It is interesting to note that Norway scored the maximum 12 points from eight countries, just one short of Germany's record of nine in 1982. However, the Norwegian duo scored a total of just 27 points from the other ten juries (with no country awarding them 8 or 10 points). The winning score of 123 points is the lowest since the current scoring system was implemented in 1975. However, the winning score was broken at the Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2009 with a Netherlands win with 121 points and broken again in the Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2010 with a Armenia win with 120 points. With increasing number of participating nations it is very unlikely to win any future Eurovision Song Contest with lower result.

Score sheet

Total Score Ireland Finland Cyprus Denmark Spain France Turkey Belgium Portugal Germany Israel Italy Norway United Kingdom Switzerland Sweden Austria Luxembourg Greece
Contestants Ireland 91 1 7 3 4 3 5 8 8 4 8 12 3 3 5 7 10
Finland 58 6 6 6 3 1 7 7 2 10 10
Cyprus 15 1 3 3 8
Denmark 41 3 10 3 1 6 2 6 5 5
Spain 36 2 8 1 12 2 4 1 6
France 56 5 4 1 3 3 10 2 4 6 3 3 12
Turkey 36 7 2 3 1 2 1 8 12
Belgium 7 7
Portugal 9 2 7
Germany 105 4 10 12 10 10 8 10 7 7 8 1 8 10
Israel 93 8 5 4 8 12 5 7 5 10 5 7 2 7 6 2
Italy 78 6 10 1 12 5 8 2 12 4 6 12
Norway 123 12 4 12 1 2 12 12 12 6 12 6 12 12 7 1
United Kingdom 100 5 7 5 5 6 10 6 6 5 2 8 7 10 4 2 8 4
Switzerland 39 3 2 6 6 5 4 1 5 1 1 2 3
Sweden 103 10 12 8 2 7 4 7 8 6 4 12 6 8 4 5
Austria 60 3 7 1 4 10 10 2 10 1 3 4 5
Luxembourg 37 2 4 10 3 5 1 4 8
Greece 15 8 7

12 points

Below is a summary of all 12 points in the final:

N. Recipient nation Voting nation
8 Norway Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Israel, Sweden, United Kingdom
3 Italy Luxembourg, Portugal, Spain
2 Sweden Finland, Norway
1 France Greece
Germany Cyprus
Ireland Italy
Israel France
Spain Turkey
Turkey Switzerland

Returning artists

Artist Country Previous year(s)
Gary Lux  Austria 1983 (member of Westend)
Lia Vissi  Cyprus 1980 (member of Epikouri, for Greece)
Hot Eyes  Denmark 1984
Izhar Cohen  Israel 1978 (winner)
Al Bano & Romina Power  Italy 1976
Ireen Sheer  Luxembourg 1974, 1978 (for Germany)
Hanne Krogh (part of Bobbysocks!)  Norway 1971
Elisabeth Andreassen (part of Bobbysocks!)  Norway 1982 (for Sweden, part of Chips)
Kikki Danielsson  Sweden 1982 (part of Chips)
Pino Gasparini  Switzerland 1977 (part of Pepe Lienhard Band)
Mariella Farré  Switzerland 1983



National jury members

  •  SpainMaría Asquerino (actress), Eloy Román (industrialist), María Dolores Ortiz (teacher), Jesús María Landín (student), Adriana Ferrer (actress), Agustín Trialasos (journalist), Cristina Peña-Marín (lecturer), Francisco Umbral (writer), Ágatha Ruiz de la Prada (fashion designer), César Alonso (jockey), Pilar de la Huerta (tourism management technician)[25]


  • For a few seconds just before the voting, it looked like a scandal had happened, when Lill Lindfors "lost" her skirt. Immediately, she looked bewildered and seemed to desperately hide her lower body. After a few seconds however, it turned out to be a joke. Lindfors quickly rearranged some of her clothing and suddenly she wore a dress.[26]
  • This was Norway's first victory, since first participating in the contest since 1960, and coming in last place at the 1963, 1969, 1974, 1976, 1978, and 1981 contests. The presenter Lill Lindfors commented with "Norway has come last so many times, so I really think you deserve this".
  • The original choice of Belgian entry was "Vannacht" performed by Mireille Capelle. A dispute concerning the lyric of the song was responsible for its withdrawal.
  • UK backing vocals were provided by Sue and Sunny. They had previously done the same job for Lulu in 1969 and Joy Fleming in 1975.
  • UK commentator Terry Wogan was too ill to attend the contest in Sweden and instead provided commentary from London.


  • A ^ However the Eurovision Song Contest wasn't broadcast on Dutch television due to the Remembrance of the Dead, it was broadcast the next morning via satellite project Olympus.


  1. ^
  2. ^ Savvidis, Christos (OGAE Cyprus)
  3. ^
  4. ^
  5. ^
  6. ^ Adriaens, Manu & Loeckx-Van Cauwenberge, Joken. Blijven kiken!. Lannoo, Belgium. 2003 ISBN 90-209-5274-9
  7. ^
  8. ^
  9. ^
  10. ^
  11. ^
  12. ^
  13. ^
  14. ^
  15. ^ "recai: Mededeling abonnees "stadscai Assen"" (in Dutch). De Leeuwarder Courant. May 4, 1985. 
  16. ^ "Pioniersgeest NOS door project Olympus" (in Dutch). De Leeuwarder Courant. May 6, 1985. 
  17. ^
  18. ^ Savvidis, Christos (OGAE Cyprus)
  19. ^
  20. ^
  21. ^ Dyrseth, Seppo (OGAE Norway)
  22. ^ Baumann, Peter Ramón (OGAE Switzerland)
  23. ^
  24. ^
  25. ^
  26. ^

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